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Crystal Palace.—Arrange-. ments for week ending SaturdayMay 5th.
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Mosday , open at 9 . Tuesday to Thursday , open ¦ ¦ atio .. . ¦' . ¦ ¦ ¦• ¦'¦ ¦ •• - ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . . Admission One Shilling ; Children under 12 , Sixpence . . Fsiday , May 4 th , open at 12 .. Opening Festival of the New Season . Great Performance of . Mendelssohn ' s ELIJAH by 3003 performers . To commence at 3 . Unveiling of Statue at 6 . Grand Torchlight Procession at dusk ., i'or Terms of Admission , see special advertisement . " . . SatcrdAy , open at 10 . Entertainmentr—particulars will be announced . Admission by the new Season . Tickets , or on payment of Half-a-Crown ; Children Under 12 , One Shilling . Sunday . Open at I 30 to Shareholders , gratuitously , . by tickets . '
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Crystal Palace . —On Friday , MAY 4 , 1860 , a GREAT FESTIVAL PERFORMANCE of Mendelssohn ' s ELIJAH , on the occasion of the Inauguration of the Bronze Memorial Statue of the composer . Cby _ Mr . Charles Bacon ) , proT vided by public subscription . Principal Vocalists-Miss Parepa , Miss F . Rowland , Miss Palmer , and Madame Saintoh-Dolby ; Mr . Sims Iteevos , Mr . Evans , Mr . L . W . Thonias , and Signor Hellettj . The band will include the instrumentalists of the Sacred Harmonic Society , with numerous additions thereto ; selected from the principal orchestras , the Crystal Palace Band , and the lnrge Organ built expressly for the Handel Festival ; Organist , Mr . Browrismith . The chorus will consist of the London division of the Handel Festival Choir ( comprising the Ohor « a of the 8 acred Harmoni ; Society , with selections from the other metropolitan choral societies ) , the leading professional , choristers , and deputations from the principal provincial choral societies , the Cathedral choirs , and various continental choral bodies . The entire orchestra will number Three Thousand Performers . Conductor ; Mr . Costa , The musical arrangements under the direction of the Committee of I f ho Sacred Harmonic Society- The Oratorio will commence at Three © 'block . The Statue , which will be plaqed for the ocension on onq of the Upper Terraces , will bo unveiled at Six o'clock . A great Torchlight Procession , at Dusk . ^ Prices of Tickets—Admission Tickets , ( if purchased on or before the ard of May ) , Five ShllUnga ; by payment at the doora on the day of the Festival , . Seven Shillings nnd Sixpence ; Keservcd Stalls , arranged in blocks as at the Haritfol Festival , in the area . Five Shillings extra j or in the Corner Galleries , HnU-a-Guinen extra . TIckptH at the Crystal Palace , and at No . 2 , Exeter Hall , where also plans of the seats mny bo inspected , or by order of the usual agents . The New Season Tickets will admit on this occasion , subject to theusunl regulations .
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Crystal Palace— -Season 1 S 0 O .-1 . Tickets for the Now Season , commencing Tuesday , 1 st Mny , and terminating on the 30 th April , 1801 , are now reudy for issuo , They arc of two classes , viz ., Two Guineas , admitting ireo on all occasions ; One Guinea , « drnittinc free on all oconsiona when tho j > rlco of admission to tho Palace on tho day la under Flvo Shillings but ( vdmlttiriK- on those days on whioh tho price of ndmis-Bion la Flvo Shillings or upwards on payment of Ilalia-Grown . Tho davs on which tho prloo of admission la flxod at Flvo Shll ' llngs and upwards nlrondy docided upon arc—Tho RJondelsaohn TTostlval and Groat Portprmanoo of JCMjAH , nn « i Torchlight i ' rooesalon , on Friday , 4 th Tho Six Opera Concerts on Fridays , May llth , Juno 1 st . IBM , aaiicl . July Otli nnd 18 th , The Groat Flower Show on Saturday , 20 th May . The Muslcml FeatlvtU of tho Orph « ionlstoB o ( bronco on , Monday 25 th , Tuesday 20 th , and Thuradiiy 39 th Other appointments nt a rate of ndjmlesjon of Five Shillings or upwards may bo made a » tho SoaBon profir § co ° aon Tlokota for Children under Twelve yoara of ago win bo Issued at tho uniform rato ol Hiin-a-GuinoUi Tiokots and the published Programme of thofleaBqn may bo had at . tho uauid agents , at tho Crystal P « n \ oo , or at 8 , Exotcr Hall . J * yOrdo ^ auov ^ soorotary .
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TUae Kent Guarantee X BOaiFSTY , 3 , 0 HAKL 0 TT 12 KOW , MANSION H 0 USJU 1 . Ji ] STAJ 3 LI 3 Uii ) 1800 .
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Tli e Standard -Life Assurance ¦ ,. '¦ ' ¦ COMPANY ' . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦• - : SPECIAL NOTICE— BONUS TEAR . SIXTH DIVISION OF PROFITS . ¦ All Policies now effected . will participate in the Division to be made as at 15 t . li November next . THE STANDARI . J was Established in 1825 . The first Division of Profits took place in 1835 ; and subsequent Divisions have been made in 1840 , 1845 , 1850 , arid 185 ft . The Profits to . be divided in 1860 will be those which have arisen since 1855 . ' Accumulated Fund ... .. £ 1 , 684 , 598 . 2 10 Annual Revenue . . ; ... .... 289 , 231 13 5 Annual , average of new Assurances effected during the last Ten years , upwards of Half ai . Million sterling . AVII / L . THOS . THOMSON , Manager . H . JONES WXF-. t , IAMS , Resident Secretary . The Company ' s Medical Officer attends at the Office , daily , at HaltVpast One . LONDON .,.. 82 , KING Wl 1 , 1 , 1 AM STREET . EDINBURGH 3 , &EORGE STREErT ( Head Office ) . DUBLIN ...-66 ; UPPER SACKyiIiX . E STREET .
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Wai * wick College for YOLTNG LADIES , 7 !) , \\ arwick Square , Belgrave Upad , S . W . Patroiu The Right Hon . the Lord Ebury . . Vice-Patrons . ¦ The Lord Charles Russell , Ecclestpri Square . Sir J . Emerson Tennent , K . H ., &c ,, ( J 6 , Warwick Square . ¦ L <*< t y Princijial . ¦ . . ' Mrs , Blanchard , assisted by competent Governesses . Visiting Minister . The Rev . R . Malone , M . A ., Incumbent of St . Mutthew's . Professors . . Scripture History—The Kev . R . Maloije , M . A . ; Ancient ¦ and Modern History—The Rev . Prof . Christmas , M A ., F . ll . S . ; Kii (? lish LanRuage nnd Lit . —The Uev . H . A . Dixon , M . A ., P . R . S . Ij . ; Nut . and App . Sciepcos—The Rev . P . P . Stathnm . M . A ., P . G . S . ; Lutiri Lnoguage and -jUit .-i—J . J . Barton , Esq ., M . A ., X'h . D , ; French ditto , ditto—^ Mons . Tourier ; Italian ditto , ditto—Signor IJiiipgi i German ditto , ditto — Herr . Mast ; Music , ( l'lnno ) - ^ W . H . Holmes , Esq . j ditto ( Hurp ) . —J . 13 . Chutterton , Esq . » ditto ( Singing ) { Jlgfior P . Litbloche . ¦ ' ¦ Hours of Attendance , from Nine till Four , This Establishment is intended to supply u want long felt in this neighbourhood l > y Parents tlesiro «» s of obtulnlng for their DiiuKhteru the urlviintntres of a sound und nuoomplUhed Education , at a moderiite expense , The course of Study Inc'ndes the Holy Scriptures , English Gnimmnr . CoinppsUlonaiid lilteruture , riiy&iuul nnd Political Gop (} ra ]) hy , History ( AncJent and Modern ? , NtttunU Hlatoi ' y and Philosophy , Eli'mentary and Model Drawing , mid tho LiitUi , French , German ; ftud Itnllaii IduignagcB . The vnrinua Classes are midor the direction of ablo nnd eminent Professors . The Foe Is X' 2 '_ ' s , per Term , euvli Claan . Iixllvldiial Instriu'tlon In Instrumental Music , , £ 5 ftfl ., nnd £ 3 3 s . per Term . Hinging , X'fl fis ,, ii \ 4 a ., mid £ ' » 39 . per Term . Danuing nnd Callstlicnlcs , X ' i 4 s . t nnd & ' Z 2 s . Drawing and fainting , in various atyloa , for advanced Pupils , *! l ! J » . \ wr Torm-i A ( . Unas un (| er the direction of Mrs , Hlnnuhnrd and the resident Governesses la open for Junior I ' upila ;*— Ahu ' vo 12 years of uge , . lid ( Is . per Term ; under 12 , .- £ •> fa , do , A l | mU « d number of Resident 1 ' upils reculvod : — Above 12 years of nge , /) 0 guineas per aiuuiin ; under 12 , f ) U uulnens , do . ThcDci foes include nil hrnnvhoa of Kngllsh , Truuuh , and Mualc , by the resident Governeiiai's , IOxtrnn . — tnunflress , < l guineas pur itmiiimj Seat nt Clinrch , I do , ; Use of Miuio , ' i do . Sinking la tuuglit by Slpnor and Miuluino IT . Liil ) luche i DhiioIiib by Mttdiune Mioljuiu Dnvla nnd W . A , Uolfen-ler , JRsq . ; Dniwing by Mndmno Van I ' owlnlfol j Riding by Mr . lilaclcinan . If preferred , Resident Puplla received nt 100 Guineas per annum , which fco would Inohido tho oxtrnH and loaaoim from all tho Profonaqra , with tho oxueptlou of t % nor and lUudame Jjivblnclie , , 1 . li . Oliutterton , Esq ., Madume Miahnu Davis , und Mr , Dlnckmiin i lcnaorm by olthwr qf tlH'HO might , however , lie ttubntltutod for those of W . H . HolmeB , Esq .
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ESTABLISHED 1841 . . Medical , Invalid , and Gene-EAL LIFE OFFICE , 25 , PALL MALL , LONDON . —Empowered by special Act of Parlii « ment . At the Eighteentli Annual Meeting , held on theSlth Nov ., 1859 i it was shown that on the 30 tIi June last—The number of policieain force waa . .. 0 , 110 The amount insured was . . £ 2 , 601 , 925 10 a . 8 d . The Annual Income was . . . . t 1 ^ 1 , 2 ( 53 7 s- 7 d . The new business transacted during the last live years . amounts to ^ 2 , 482 , 798 IGs . lid ., showing an average yearly amount 6 t new businei-s of nearly . HALE A MILLION STERLING . The Society has paid for claims by death , since its establishment in 1841 , no lees a sum than i'fj () 3 , G 19 . HEALTHY LIVES . ^—Assurances are eflected at home or abroad at . as . moderate rates as the most recent data , will allow . ' ' ''¦¦ .. - .. INDIA . —Officers in the Armyand Civilians proceeding to India may insure tlieir lives on the most favour- . able terms , and every possible facility is adorded for the transaction of business in India . . ' ¦ NAVAL MEN AND MASTER MARINERS are assured at equitable rates for life , or for a voyage . V 0 LUNTEEJ ! tS . — No extra charge for persons serving in any Volunteer or Kifle Corps within the United Kingdbm . . . RESIDENCE ABROAD . —Greater facilities given for residence in the Colonies , & ., than by moat other Companies . ' ¦ INVALID LIVES assured on scientifically constructed tables basod . on extensive data , and a reduction in the premium is niude when the causes for an increiised rate of premium have censed . STAMP DUTY . —Policies issued free of every charge but the premiums . Every information may be obtained at the chief office , or oh application to any bt '^ hc Society ' a agents ^ C . DOUGLAS SINGEIt , Secretary .
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r phe Liverpool and London X J , riRE and LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY . d Kstablished 1 H 30 . Oinces—No . 1 , Dalo atroot , Liverpool ; and 20 and 21 , i Poultry , London . Annual IlovemW - - - £ 450 , 000 Invested Funds . - ¦ -. - 41 , 800 , 00 . 0 Tho , Twenty-fourth AnnuiU Meeting of the Proprietors in tills Company wti'a hold on the Kith mot . Tho lcepurt ' of t . hi ! Hoard of Directors was adopted unuuimourtly and hImmvou—That tliu I'M re Premiums for the Year amounted to £ 2 t ) 5 , < Al-t Hh . I Oil , „ ,,, „ , - Tlnvt tho Lil ' o l ' reiiiiumd were JUIJ 7 , H . ) 1 M . l ) d . And thu Wuw Ll ' l ' o iiurtinorirt , 815 1 ' olicioH , Inwurlng jC ' IW . mOH ( U , (>< l , i on wliluJi tho Premiums wore 'l'liiT liuuibur ' of Proprietors exceeds 000 ; which , tvllh unlhniied liability , rcndoiH tho » uourlty oi tho L'otupany altoKuther boyohU nuerttlon . ProHpootHHUH , copicH of thu Uoports . nnd ' anyiurthejj infornmlion may bu hud on njipliotitlon . SWINTON MOULT , SocroUiy to ( ho Coniimny . . JOHN ATKINS , Kuriklent fciuoiutnry , l . ondon ,
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B ritish Empire Mutual Life »» , NEW ^ KfflMVSA ^^ SW . E . C . liioorporittud 1 W . A 7 . ( jlOVlOK , . IOI 1 N , -KHn .. Chiiirmaii . Amount of AHHiinniooH now In ioroo .. A 1 , 7 S . J , I l » Annual Jncouiu .. .. ¦¦ ,, w . cjju Acuilinulatml Kuiid . coiiHlHtinK of HioProO ' mluiiiH roiiiiiiniiiK » J ' < '' pnyniuiit ol nil oIiiIiuh on ixilluloH mill throo Doiiiimuh , y lfl 5 lilr ) and bohiK uourly «» pur uont , of Uiu wJiplo prcialiiniH roeolvod on all oxlw | . -J . iii / -c polluhtti •• •• , , .. Tho IjuhIiiiihhoI ' . tho jircHoiit Vimr to UHU April ox-BuaclH that of thu corruapoiulInK porloil 01 ' la « L y «« r by , Voruinw UHHurlng during tho iiivhoiiVjouv will bo / , .-, ' antitSud to Hliuro In thu buuiiri to bu « luwhitodwf ) « 0 Jlflt ' / ' - " Dcoombur , liiflii . No uxtru iimniluriirjfl ywffljf * t 0 moinbttrit ol' Klilo Oorj . i Hurvfntf In Ui 6 tJiiltiMfKlnfl- ¦ " A 0 Aivll , IBW . JAMJSS INULi ^ H ^ etury .. -.. ' ,-W , ' ¦ , . • ¦ t : ¦ i » i ¦ -, ¦ ¦ . i ^ ' . ' / . ;^«
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¦¦ HPJW" !! " *^ . -- ^^^ . '' ^ . ^ . ^^^ ^ - . ' : ¦ . ¦ ¦•;• .. ¦ ¦; : ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ¦ - . '• ' - ¦ ¦ . : ¦ ¦ ¦ - : ' : > - ¦¦ : ¦ : ¦ •¦ ¦¦¦ ? - - ¦¦ "' : ¦ ,-. '¦ :- ¦ . ¦ - ¦ - ¦ -t ¦> ¦ -: ¦¦»¦ ¦ :.. ^^^ ^^^ - - » " ^ ' ~ qy ^^ Sy = ggfflTS
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;„ £ & » . } ¦ : ~ April 28 th , I 860 . . { sS ^ U
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THE LEADER " ' ¦ . ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ¦¦ '¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' AND- , ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ' ¦ . ' ' ¦ ' ¦ •¦ ' . . ¦ ¦¦ - ¦ / ' BATURDAY ANAL YST ; A REVIEW AND KECOBD OF POLITICAL , LITERARY . ARTISTIC , AND SOCIAL EVENTS .
Crystal Palace.—Arrange-. Ments For Week Ending Saturdaymay 5th.
Crystal Palace . —Arrangements for week endin < r Satnrtlav . Mav 5 th .
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Prolonged Debate on the Second Reading . France and the Rhine . Amendment of the Bank ¦ . ¦ . Act . The Sicilian Revolt . The Scottish Universities .
The Duties of Country The Oeological Survey of Landlords . India . The Post Office . George Villiers Duke of Pillars of Infamy . Buckingham . Midnight Meetings . The Church Histoiy of Shall Tom Savers have a Scotland . Statue ? The Province of Reason .
State of the West Indies . Foreign Correspondence- — -Rome ; Turin ; Hanover . Record of the Week . Entertainments . Parliament .
Leader (1850-1860), April 28, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2345/page/1/