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Untitled Ad
B ank of Deposit . Established a . d . 1841 . 3 , Pall Mall East , London . Capital Stock , £ 100 , 000 . Parties desirous of investing Money are requested to examine the Plan-of the Bank of Deposit , by . which a lug \ i rate of Interest muy be obtained with ample security . ' Deposits made by Special Agreement may be . witlidfawn vvitliput notice ... . The Interest is payable in January and July . PETEK MORRISON , Managing Director . Forms for opening accounts sent free on application .
Untitled Ad
The District Savings Bank ( Limited ) . 67 , FLEET STREET , LONDON , E . C . —The experience which has attended the operations of savings banks and loan societies is such us to make it evident that an extension of their principles , upon a liberal yet sound basi ? , will prove highly advantageous both to the proprietary and the public . The District Savings Bank receives deposits ( paid In at one time ) from One Penny to Ten Pounds , the aggregate amount to be unlimited , and subject to the usual arrangements , on withdrawal , of ordinary savings banks . JOHN SHE III DAN , Actuary .
Untitled Ad
Loa n , Discount , and Deposit BANK . Estab . ii .-hed 1 S 19 . DEPOSITS received , bearing interest at from 5 to 10 percent ., withdrawable as per agreement . LOAN'S granted . . l ' rctspect . u ^ es , and every . Information * rnay be obtained by letter or personal application . EDWARD LEWIS , Manager . 145 . Blackfriars-road , S .
Untitled Ad
M ono }' . —All persons requiring ADVANCES should apply to Messrs . JOHNSON ; ind Co ., 2 , Surrey-street , Strand , who obtain cash to any amount upon all kiuds of securities , making no charge unless business is transacted .
Untitled Ad
Ma ppin ' . s Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABI . E CUTLEItY . MAP PIN BROTHERS , Manufacturers l > y Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheftield makers tvho supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , ( 17 . and . 63 , King William Street . London JBrid ^ p , contain by far the largest stock of EL . ECTRORIJ . VER . PLATE , and TAHLK CUTLERY in tho WOULD , which is transmitted direct from tlie . tr mariuinctory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , . Sheffield . ¦ ^ Fid-die " ; Double Kings'sj Lilly Pattern Ttirenu " . I ' attternl Puttern . £ s . d . £ a . d £ s , d . £ * ' : d . 12 Table Forks 1 1 ( 5 0 2 14 0 . ' < 0 0 312 0 12 Table Spoons .. 1 M 0 Ml 0 J-0-0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 U 0 12 MpssertSpoyns .. I 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 . 2 U 0 12 Tea Spoons ... U 10 0 I 4 0 1 7 0 1 10 0 SIDE DISHES , ELECTRO-PLvriiU ON HARD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vi'get'ibles , Curries , and Entrees . Pt-r set of 4 Pishes . . No . . £ . f ,, d . K 3079 Gndroon Oblong Palter i . Light Platng 8 8 0 k 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , similar to K-ioiaj io 15 o k 17 * 0 Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 K 401 * 4 Antkiue Scroll Puttern , Meloii-sluiped Duii ; j . a o o ¦ R 4013 J ( tended Pnttern Dish ; l . 't 4 0 By removing the Hnudles from the ( . lovers , the set of four dui be nuulo to form u set of cluht Dishes . B 17 ' J ' J Norfolk I ' uf . torn , n very elaborate Deelftn , with rich Scroll liorder nil round 17 10 0 Hot ' Wntur Dishes for above extra 15 0 0 ¦ b 17 !) 7 Tlirendeil Pattern , equally good ns the Norfolk Pntto . ru ' .. 10 13 0 Hot WattT Dishes foiwibovy .... extra Hr 10 0 DTSH COVEKS , ELECTRO-PLATI 5 D ON HARD NICKRL SILVBH . JEuch Bet contains one Cover SO Inches ; one of 18 Inches ; nnd two of 11 iuclu'u ouch . No . Complete set of 4 Covers . B 27 . 10 Pl . dn Pattern , with Scroll Ilnhtllo 10 10 0 k 2 / Vil Melon I ' uttorn , Frown Scroll Handle , either Pmln or ( Jiulroon edye ; very hondaome .......,., ID 12 0 as JI 812 ShreWHhury Pn'ttorn , wltli hold Headed Edge nnd Handles , 15 12 0 K 4085 Greek Ornament ' ' Pultvvu , mutches f . 41 ) 7 & Sldo Disht'B 2 . > 0 0 s 4851 Warwick Pattern , mnuhen s . 1803 Side Dishes 23 0 0 Mai > rin tliioviiunst guarantee on nil ihol ' r mannl ' uoturos in Kluctro Silver Pinto a n ( rong deposit of real silver , according Io pi-loo charged . A Costly H 09 U of Ifngmvlnufl , with I ' rlces ntinoliud , may be hud on iipplluntioti . Kulmute * furniMhud for Services of Platg for liotulA , Steam Shlpa , iuul Itoalme . ntnj IUesflen . MAPIMN DltOTHICIlS , ( 17 nnd CIS , King WMUnm Street , City , London , li-. U . ; Mimufuctory , Quoon ' a Cutcry Works : 8 he | llolil .
Untitled Ad
NOTIOIC— "niflWAUM OUT IMITATtONS . " Lea and Perrins' " YF " oi > C \ WVm \ H % U \ m 8 AUGK" U iirduonnood l » y . (' oiiuoIhkumi'h to bo a moat ixgrcoublo ndiUtlon to ovory vnrtuiy ui'illrih . *» " Hou Miy iiiviiloa 00 Takk and Vijhuins upon cvqry XiiiVoi , ISoltlo , mill rtlopiuiv . Solil by MonHi'a . CnosHR asp ¦ Plackwhu ,, T-ondon 1 and l > y J . ) oalorti In Hinmo * ^ onernlly . fiolv . " Mmvuliioturwrij—J . K . V AND iUCUUIJS'fl , VVPUOBSTBH ,
Untitled Ad
Ju 11 i e 11 Fun d , —CoininittcQ Koom-flO , New Upnd Street , Tho Oonutillloo ol' tho Jiillliiii Kniifl , Icarlnpc that Iho ijubacriptiouri liuvo been uuiturlully ohuukud by the milbrtunaiu death of Monn . . Iulll «; ii , duc < irv to explain that a Widow , and othera , nionilxTH of his fiunlly , cun bo protected from want only by ihu klitd old or tliuso who uppivolato thu grunt Hcrvlue . s run ( lured by tho hi to Innniiitoft iimvutro Io llio euiido ot tlio tiuiriloal oilucullon ol ' tlnj lOn ^ lloh ponjilu , Tho Comm ttt ' o confhluiiily npyoul to t'lint bonovqIoiico lor \ vliluh thvlr coiiiitryinvii uru w > distiiit gitMicd , lor Mich proiniil , nnd 11 burn 1 uililllUiiirt to Iho subnonption list tut ehall u ' nnblo thi-m to do somo Justice to t . l 10 memory oi'M . Julllcn , utul at tho nanio time ullbrd adequate rollol ' to IiIh burunvud fiunlly . OOMAiriTKIQ for tho DISIUIIIUTION of tho JUU-IliN FUND , Mr . John MltoUoll Mr . \ V . Dunonn Dftvlson Mi \ W . H , fcl « mH Mr . JuIoh nftnodlot Wi . XliomuM ( Jliappoll Mr , . \ . liliuaci » tlial IJllNOllAllY TimAHDUIillH . Arr . . ? . Mitchell , ;);> . Olil ^ hood Street Mr . T . Uliunpt . JI , fiO , Now IJoiul Hti't-pt Mv , W . U . Biiinu , J , rtt . . Jnmos ' H Street Hankkka , M ' os ^ s . CoutlAn ' md Co . i ^ imnd Ilwywood , Kounnrfln . aim < . V > ,, Lomhnnl Stroot I , ( uti ( l ( , ii » and Conniy Jllanlc , Midiuvui * ^( junro ,. ^ > ho , on well iih the Inniiipiiry irutiourura , Imvo Jtlndly ooi « ontoil u » ri'iioh'o Sul"iurliiilv » n «> , ' A \ H < ti - ' . Mil , laJO ,
Untitled Ad
CHRISTY'S WINSTJIELS , POLYOiUPHli ] U A L U , , 'Kiva Wn . r . iA . UiSTHEET , Stiiand . F A U K W K li T , S K A S O N , in London , livery Evening , at Jji ^ lit ; and i-vory SATUUPAY Morning' , 'Ht Three o ' clock . TickelH and Places niny'bq aecurod nt tho Hull , from l'llevt-n till Three , nnd at ilr . A'lrttiu ' s WoHt-oud l $ o . \ -ol » lc , St . ' James ' s Hull , PleondMiy * S «! o Proprietor nn < l Manager , Air . J . VV . UAVNOH ; Secretory , 11 . MOJSTAGU 10 .
Untitled Ad
Miss JULIA ST . GE 0 RG-E Will prive SKVE . N FAHBAVELL . . RBPR'KSEJTTATIONS of lior Musical lintertsXinment , " liomo and Foreign Lyrics , " embracing twenty songs and changes of character , NEXT \ VEKK , at thq St . James ' s Hull , Piccadilly , every . evening ( Saturday exceptetl ) , and On Tuesday and Saturday MQ ~ n . . ga tit Three , stalls , 3 . h . ; area , 2 s . ; Gallery , la . Co : ninenoe at Eight . Mr . and Mrs , 'Howard Paul will resume their . Entertainment on Monday , May-7 . for u brief farewell season of four weeks , which will most positively bo their last appearance m London .
Untitled Ad
Mr . and EErs . GERSEAiT REED . ? . fondny , and -Every Kycning '(^ x cept 'Saturday ) , at Kiylit ; Tfmrsday and ' Saturday ' . Al ' ternooiis , ¦ at 'J'hree , in their Popular Illustrations , " Our Home Circuit , " and " Sea-Side Studies , " introducing a variety of jnnu .-iitg and interesting Sketches , with Characterisf io Son . grf , at the Koyal Gallery of Illustration , M , rti'gent Street . . Admission , Is ., £ s . ; stalls , $ ., secured at the Gallery , and at Cramer . Ucale , and Co . ' s , 201 , Iti-gent Street . —Last Nighte of Sally Skoggs . .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL ST . JAMES'S THEATRE . King stbeet , St . . Iames-s . . Sole Lessee , Mr . F . H . Ciiattkrto > -. Directress , Mass Wsndiiam . - Nearest theatre to Chelsea and Hmlico , the Park being open to carriages and foot-passengers all hours of the night . . " '' „ ¦" ¦ , Keduc .-d Prices—Pit , Is . ; Crallery , Gd . _ On Monday and Tuesday the Nrw and Original Comedy , entitled A FRIEND IN NKED . Messrs . F . Robinson , Charles Young , Belford , fi-oorge Spencer RbWiis ; Mesclames Murray , Nelly Jlooro , Cecilia E Af ? fer which , A LADY AND GENTW « rAX -TN ^ ' PECULIA It PEllPLKXIWG PllEOICA-UIiNT . Uliss YVyndham and Mr . Charles Young . . ¦ ' _ To conclude with the gorireoiit ? Bnrle .-que of I . UCR'E ' ZIA- BQK-O . IA AT HOMK , AND ALL A liKO A D . Mcsftarnes Wyndhani , Cecilia . . Raude , Clara Morgan , Eliza Evans , Mnskcll ,. a numerous Corps de Ballet , and Mr . Charles Young . Kox-office open from 11 to o daily . Commence at 7 . Acting Manager and Treasurer , Me , William ' Willett . . ¦ On "Wednesday , M ! ay 2 , for . the Benefit of Miss Wyndham , a variety of Entertainments .
Untitled Ad
RQTAIi OLYBIPIC THEATRE . lessees . » rcssr 3 . F . Robson and W . S . Emden . On Monday , and'during the " week , the new Comedietta , by Toin Taylor , 15 sq ., from "Je Uiiie chez maJrere " to he called A Gil U 1 STMAS DINNER . Characters by Messrs . H . Wigan , W . Gordon . F . . ning , H . Ilivers , Mrs . Stirli . ngi and Mrs . \ V . S . Emden , After which , the - 'new- serio-comic drama , UNCLiE Z 4 CHARY . Character ?! by Messrs . F . Robson , G . Vining . W . Gordon , G . Cooke , F . Vini ' ng ,. H . Rivers , and Franks ; Messrs . Leigh Mui my , and Miss Herbert . To conclude witli Vli . Ik" Characters by Messrs . F . Hobson , il . Wigan , G . Cooke ; Mias Stephens and Mrs . W . S . Emden . . . ' . ' Doors open at 7 . Commence at half-past 7 .
Untitled Ad
THEATRE ROYAL , HATMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . 1 On Monday next , and on . Tuesdayi Wednesday , Tbnrsday , and Friday , positively for these five nights only . Miss Amy Sedgwick will re-appear inner popular character of Hester Grazebrook , in AN UNEQUAL MATCH ; and on Saturday . May 5 th , will appear m a new Coinedy . by Edmund Falconer , Esq ., entitled THE FAMILY SECRET . After the Comedies , every evening , THE RIFLE , AND HOW TO USK IT . Mr . Buckstone , Mr . Conipton : Mrs . Wilkins , &c . Concluding with THE PTLGlllM OF LOVE .
Untitled Ad
French Exhibition , 120 , PALL , MALL . —The Seventh Annual Exhibition of 1 'ictures" . the Contributions of ARTISTS OP THE FRENCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS is NOW OPEN . Admission , One Shilling ; Catalogues Sixpence . Open from Nine till Six , daily . '
Untitled Ad
pramer , Beale , and Go / s Vy NEW PUBLICATIONS . ¦ ¦ •' ... ' ' . '•'¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ . . 8 . d-. FAVARGER'S Fantaisie from Guillaume Tell .. ! 0 FAVAUGER'S Le Depart du Conscrit .. .. .. 3 6 FAVARGER'S Promenade surl'Eau .. .. .. 3 0 FAVARGER'S Lydia Csans Octaves ) .. .. .. 3 0 ¦ New Editions of OBERON and IL BARBIERE FANTAISIES BY THIS POPULAR COMPOSER . CRAMER'S INTRODUCTORY PRACTICE and EXERCISES for the PIANOFORTE , Jii Parts , 5 s . and 6 s . each . These Exercises ibrrri the . Standard Studies in all Musical Academies of Europe . M . Thalberg , Sterndale Bennett , C . Halle , Ruben stein , Mmes * . Goddard ,. Pleyel , and other Pianistes . hhye employed them in their general course of practice . NEW SONGS . . The , Subjects from Ponui-ar Novels . MURIEL .. . ; From " lolm Halifax . " DINAH .... „ " Adatu Bede . " HETTY .... „ Do . LITTLE S <> PH Y . „ " What will he do with it ? " Written and Composed by G . LINLE 1 . 2 s . each . W . MAYNARD'S ART OP SINGING , AFTER THE METHOD OF THE I JEST ITALIAN MASTEKS . FonrtliEdition . Price 7 s . OliD ENGLISH DITTIKS , From W . Ch'appell's " Po ularMusic of the Olden Tithe , " With Symphonies and Accompaniments by G . A .. Macfahben . In Parts , coiitaining Twelve Songs , 4 s . each ; or in Single Songs , Is . each . CRAMKR , BEALE . -AND CO ., 201 . ItF . fiKNT STREET , an * 07 , CONDUIT STREET .
Untitled Ad
¥ 3 i a 116 f o rte s . —Cramer , ¦ - £ " IJEALIi , AND CO . Every description for Sale or Hire . Cramer , lieale , and Co . arc thu Proprietors of the NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAjSD PIANOFORTE . : . , HARMONIUMS . CRAMER , BEALE , AND . CO . ^ are-thc chiof age nts for AleNandre and So :, ' s NEW MODEL 11 A 1 JMONIUM . Every variety . . ORA 3 JKR , 1 JEALE , AND CO ., 201 , liEGENT STiiEET , and 67 . CONDUIT STREET .
Untitled Ad
NOTICE . r riie Genuine and , Original X BOND'S PERMANENT MARKING INK bears the Address on the Label , 28 . LONG LANE WEST ' SMITH FIELD . CITY .
Untitled Ad
rj ^ he Surplice Shirt ( ac-J- knowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt ever ' yet produced ) , inade ' to mea . siiru . 0 s . Oil ,, 7 s . 6 d ., 8 s . ( l » l .. and 10 a . « d . Cards for soH ' . ineasuremeiit . SAMPSON , Hosier , 133 , Ox ( ord-st . W .
Untitled Ad
Bennett ' s Watches , 65 and 01 , Chcnpsido , in gold and sjilvi'V . in Rreat variety ,-of every construction and price , from 3 to U 0 guineas . Kvcry watoh skilfully examined , and ita correct performance guaranteed . Free , anil sufo per P MoneyOrders to JOHN BKNXKTT , Watch Mauuf ' aciory , « r > and ( SI , Oh : a | isidc .
Untitled Ad
i'eenhall , nxakcr of the G SIXTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford-street , London , \ V . ( Two doors west of tlw Circus . ) Overcoats , HZ 2 s , Frock Coats , XZ 10 a ., Drusrt Cools JJ 2 lO . s ., Jlornlng Cotita £ 2 2 * ., W ' ui , itooatB 12 s ., IJIiick Dre . " 3 Trousers , £ 1 Is , : ) Vfl , Oxford-nt .. W
Untitled Ad
When you ask for Glcniielcl PATENT STAUOII , see- that you got It , nfl Inferior klixlrt uro oi'tcn substituted . . Sold liy all C'lmndlera , diiweiu &o ., &o . WOTHEUSl'UON «» tl Co ., GIiihuow and London .
Untitled Ad
Breckneirs Skin Soap , the host for producing n clour nnd hetvltliy akin ; In Is . puckutrt of i'uuv titblota ov elgUt squaiod . —Urocknoil , Turnor , and Sona , by appolntiiieut to tier jAfu . je » ty , niiuiufiiclurors of wax , spermaooll , atcnrlnc , ooiupimite , and tallow candk'ti , agonls to Prloc ' s l ' ntunt , Cu'ullo C ' onipiuiy , ( loitlero in » U other pntciil otuullos , all kltidd ol iioiisuliold and toilul . n < Jiipn , and In ( tolzn , HptTiu , vcgoliiblo , and other lamp oils . &o . lleohivo , 31 , lluyinarltet , London . Sold by all ri'tipfc - tubly ditalurrt in twwM aiui country . Js ' . Ii . — Kncli tnblut and nquaro ia Btainped Avlth tho niuiio ol •' Brookuoll . "
Untitled Ad
HAliVJSY'S FISH KAUCB . otice of Injunction . — N Tho admirers of this oolob . raf . od Flail Snuco nro partloulnrly rormopted to observe that iioiio ih gvniunin l-iul tlmt whluli biiiirn llio buck I it bt « I wlUi wio imino of Wim . iam Lazhinht , hb well hh tlio ( Vo » t Innc-l Hlgnod " HUxftlwth / . nxhibi / , " and Unit ibr lui'ihor HuciirHy , on Clio iioak ' of-qvury botllo ol' tlio flunuliui auuoo will honcororwiiid nppcnr nn ndilllional UUh'I , printvq In green and rod , uh follows s— "Tliln nolilco will bo alllxbtl to Lnzonby ' a Harvoy ' s Sauou , prvpurca at tho original wnroliounO , In nddltlon to thu wonknown labels , which uro uroiooiod agalnnli liuluitlon by a norjiotunt InJiiiiotUni In ' Clmnoury ul ' -Oih / niiy , lflM . "~ -0 , Kawnvil'Btroel ) , L ' orhiuni- flauurc , l . onuuu .
Untitled Article
¦ 390 ' The Trader and Saturdayi Analysts [ April 28 , 1860 ,
Theatres Aisd Aliusements.
Leader (1850-1860), April 28, 1860, page 390, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2345/page/2/