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Untitled Article
J.^U Ji 1 , CATIONS.
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Untitled Ad
TfenderSj Stoves , Fire-irons , JL and CHIMNEY PIECES . —Buyers of the above are requested before finally deciding-, to visit WI-LUAM S . BUKTQN'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such W assortment of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES , CH 1 MN 15 V PIECES , FIRE IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGERY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , eitherfor variety , novelty , beauty of design , or exqiiisiteness of workmanship .: Bright stoves , with ormolu ornaments and two sets of bars , £ Z I 5 s . to £ 33 16 s . ; ' bronzed Fenders , with standards , 7 s . to £ 5 12 s . ; steel fenders , £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from ± ' 2 15 s . to iG 18 ; chimney pieces , from £ 1 8 s . to £ 80 ¦ fire-irons , from 2 s . 3 d . the set to £ 4 is . The BURTON and all other PATENT STOVES , with radiating hearth plates . . Disli Covers and Hot Water Pishes , in every material , in great variety , and of the '¦ -newest and most recherche patterns , are ON SHOW , at WIIVLIAM S . BtTltTON'S . Tin dish covers , 7 s . 6 d . the set of six ; block tin , 12 s . 3 d . to ' 27 s . the set of six ; elegant modern patterns , 35 s . 6 d . to 62 s . fld . the set ; Britannia metal , with Or without silver plated handled , £ 3 lls . to . £ 6 8 s ; the set ; Sheffield plated , Jt ' i'O to £ 16 10 s . the set ; block tin hot water dishes , with- wells for gravy , 12 s .. to 30 s . ; Britannia metal , 223 . to 77 s- ; electro-pirtted on nickel , full size £ 11 lls-William S . Burton ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had ' gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of ion- "Illustrations of his illimi ted Stock of Electro and Sheffield l'lote , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods , Dish Covers and . Hot-Water -Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , ' Marble Chimneypieces , Kitchen Ranges ; JL , amps , Gaseliers , Tea Urns and Kettles , Tea Trays . Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths and Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bedsteads , Uedding , Bedroom Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices ; . and lUans of the Sixteen large Show Kooms , at 39 , Oxford : street YV . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , and 3 , Newman-street ; anil -1 , 5 , and G , Perry ' s-place ,. London . —Established . 1 S 20 ; .
Untitled Ad
TRADE A / Sl MARK . BKOWiV AND POISON'S Patent Corn Flour . ^—The Lancet states : — . " This-is superior to anything of the 7 iind Jcnoion . ™ The most wholesome part of the best Indian Corn , prepared ' by a process Patented for the Three Kingdoms and France , and wherever it becomes known obtains great favour for Puddings , Custards * -Blanc * mange ; all the uses of the finest arrow root , and especially suited , to-tho delicacy of Children and InviniUht . BitowN and Polson , Manufacturers to 1-Ie . r" Majesty the Queen—Paisley , Manchester , Dublin , and London . '
Untitled Ad
British College of Health , EUSTON ROAD , LONDON , F O RE I G N G E N ERA L AGENT S , DOIT APPOINTED FO& TUB SALE OP . MORISONS VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL , MEDI erNES : — Australia .. .... .... Mr . Chart wood . Bavaria ... .. ; . .. .. - .. Mr . Gayrhos : Baltimore .. -..- J . C . Frewoh and Son Barbadoes . ' . .. ...... Cqljyfnore and Gill . Barcelona .. .. .-. .. .. Miret and C ' tiyas . IJroily . ' .-. ... .. " ... .. .. Mr . Korrifield . Carthagena ' ... .. .. .. Mr . Cautp . Calcutta .. .. .. .. .. ... M . IS . Child . Cape Breton ........ Mr . \ Var < 1 . ¦ Constantinople .. ...... M . Stainj > a . Copenhagen .. .. .. .. Michaeisen and Holm , Cracow .. .. im' .. .. .. Mr . Mukliier . Elsinbre , .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Steenberg . France .. .... .. .. .. Mr . Moulin . Gpi many and Austria .. .. Mr . Berck . Gibraltar .. .. .. .. .. Mr . " Roberts ; Guernsey .. .. .. Mr . Cochrane . . Halifax CN . S . ) .. .. .. .. Mri M'lvinhiy ; Hamburg .. .. Mr . K raudkopf . . ¦ ? Ilondunis .. .. Mr . Henderson . Jamaica .. .. Miss Kiugton . Madras .... .. R . L . Pereira , Esq . Mexico .. .. Mr . Tog . no . Montreal ' .. .. ... .. .. Mr . TriiiK'au . New ' Zealand .. .. .... Mr . P : irris . NewYbrk .. .. .. .. .. Kirth , VotiA , pnd Co . Odessa .. .... .. .. Wrri . W « cnei \ Esq .
Untitled Ad
KEEP YOUR PKEMISIiS FItEE FUOM MICE _ AND SPARROWS . ~~ aider ' s Poisoned Wheat Bkills Mice and Sparrows on the spot . In Id ., 2 d . ; 4 d ., and Sd . packets , with directions and testimonials . No risk or damage in laying this Wheat about . From ; a single pac-ket hundreds of-mice and sparrows arc found Aenxl .. — . < l « en / s : Barclay and Sons , 95 , Farrinpdoii-street ; W-. Sutton and Co ., Bow . Churehyard ; B . Yates . andCo ., 25 , Budge-row , Lnnd ' oii ; and sold by all Druggists . Grocers , Sec ; , throughout the United Kingdom . —Baiber's Poisoned -Wheat Works , Ipswich . Removed from live , Suffolk . . '¦ ¦ . ¦¦' . • ' .
Untitled Ad
Toilette Requisite for the A SPUING . —Among the many luxuries of the present use , nono can be obtained possessiiif ; the manifold virtues ot OLDKID ' GK'S . BALM OF COLUMBIA . It liduribhes'the roots and body of the hair , imparts the most -delightful , coolness , vvith an agreeable fragrance of perfum . cv and , at this period of the year , prevents th& lnvir from falling orT , or , if already too thin or t-unvinj ? grey , will prevent its further progress , and soon -restore it again . Those who really desire to have beauVilul hair , either with wave or ' curl , should use it "flatly . It is also celebrated for strengthening : tire hair , froc-iiig it from scurf , and producing new hair . > rliinkc « , find moustaches . Established upwards of 30 vears . No imitative wash can equal it . Price 3 s 6 d . ro * ., and lls . only- : Vq :. and A . OLDiilDGE , 22 , \ yelIingtonTStreet , Strana , VTiC . ' , .
Untitled Ad
l ^ lectrical iiinixenco . ' . iii I J Health and Disease . Just puUisIu-fl , pricG Is ., free by post for . 13 stamps , SECOX 1 ) LIF 1 C ; or , Electrical Nervous Force : a Medical M ' ork intended tbr tlie special perusal of all Who are suiU'rinfr from , the various modes of nervous and physicivl debility , and the distressing Ulterior coiiseqtienci'H to which they lead ; with practical observations on the great curative power of electro-galvanism in -the treatthent of these disorders , by iiifusing tone ainl vigour in constitutions relaxed or debilitated from various eiierva-tmpr causes . Hlustnited with enses compiled from the Note- book of a Registered aiedical Practitioner of twenty years ' standing . Unlike many vaunted restoratives , electricity is oite which commends , itself to the medical niau as being accordant with the soundest teachjngs of . pliy .- ; iolopy . By tho most obvious indication it ' . admits of beiJig shown that " - the electrical and nervous energies are identical ; hence , that when the latter fails , the former can take its place ; and that when , from irregularities of any kind , the -nervous system lias become debilitated , paralysed , or exhausted , anrl the patient brought to acoiufitioiilittlxjshprt of total prostration , then , by the act ' on of electricity ,-. imparting certainty and ellicacy to medical treatment , h < i can be , reinvigorated , and his health re-established to a degree almost wauranting the designation of-Suconcl Life . Published by the author , and may be . had of Jlann 39 , Cornhill , and all Booksellers .
Untitled Ad
Opiceel Breakfast Tongvies , W- ? 7 ^ d . each , or 3 a . 6 d . per : lialf dozen . .. Cheddar Liohif ' ClUiese , 7 id . and S ^ d . per lb ., Osbbrno ' d-Peatsmoked lireakfast Bacon , sHd ; per lb . by the . half side . Butters iii perfection at reasonable rates . A saying oi 15 p .-r cent , is elK-ctcd by the purclHiser at this establishment on all lirst-class provisions . "Packages g-rsitis OSBOKNKS C 1 IKESE WaRKHOLTSE ; O . SliOIiNE ¦ HOl'SR , 30 , Ludaate-hill , Hear St . Ptiul'S , E . C .
Untitled Ad
r rceth . — Mr . Esliell , Sur--i- ireon-Dentist , 311 , Regent-street ( facing the Polytechnic ) , supplies hia PATENTED INCORRODIBLE TEETH , which can l > i > matched bo closely iii shape and colour to those left in the mouth , and are formed so txactiy to nature , that the closest observer cannot detect tho , . difference , and ill all cases they restore perfect articulation and mastication . These teeth are fbced from one to a complete set upon Air . -EakelPs uever-failing and painless principle of sejf-uuhesion , iciihout txtracttMj : ( my teeth Or . stumps , or giving am / jinin whatever ; and boing incorrodible they possess the superior advantage of never chniigiiig colour nor decaying . Mr . Eskell ' s celebrated OSTKOPLASTIC ENAMEL , Post free for thirty stamps , for stopping :, decayed Teeth , is a preparation whicli nt-ver changes colour nor affects . the colour of the tooth , and is free from imy injurious properties either as regards the tveili or general health . Its iix > uMOution is easily performed , and without giving theI "¦ slightest pain , DefickMicies of palate -effectually remedied . Loose teeth fastened . Teeth reiiuluted . Discoloured teeth restored , &c . Hours , Ten to Six . Consultation , free . Charges strictly moderate . —Jl 1-1 , Kem ' iu-street , London ( opposite the . Volyttchiiii-O , ISstitbllshed . 1 H-17 . ¦
Untitled Ad
Prize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous , Indelible , Harmless and Seen lies .- ; . In csises , post free , 3 . s . 3 d . anU « s .. direct froin E . F . I > AN ( iDALE'S laboratory , 72 , Tlatton Oarden , I-ohcloii , E . <' . " Jlr . Laugdale ' s prepnrations are , to our ini . ncl , the most oxtraordiniiryproduciionsof Modern Chemistry . " —Illustrated London Xown , July 10 , ia : > l . A long and interesting- report on the products ot E . V . hungdale ' s Laboratory , by a Spuciiil 8 cientillc Commission , from the Editor of the '¦ Litnc . r . l , will be found in that journal of Saturday ,. Ianuiiry 10 th , 18 f > 7 . A copy wilt ' be forwarded for two Ktamps .. AOKNTS WANTKD . THE NKWlilSCOVKHY .- ^ -For tlic UcHtoration . and Reproduction < ii' the . Hair . — Air . JLnngdiilo piiiinmtccshis ( i VIXTKSrtEN . CIi .-fOA NTTIA J { II > t : S most siiccos .-ful us it rostpnitfvo , nisi ) in cJicckjng-Ki'vynuss , strengthening weak hair , Jiud prevontiiigits liijlinjroil '; most ( . ' / ructual in I lit ) growth ofwhitikurs . nmustnehloa , X-c . The inonoy imuiedinU-Iy returned if not . effectual . Tont froo ( br 2 . s . ( k \ . in Stamps .- ? I ^ abortitory , 7 'i , lltitlon QixnXon . IC . K . I . aNUDALK'S KAfcil'BIOaWYiiiuiCMKKHr TOOTH I'A . STl 1 ; . —Tho inotit ilellcious preparation over prodiiood for the Tooth , Gumn , uiul Brpatli . l ' o , 4 livp from tho JMihorutory , 72 . Uultoii Qurdon , lor 1 h , Dd . in stuiniiK .
Untitled Ad
lioon to Nervous bui-FKK'KRS . A — The Now Medical Giiidu for Uratullous 1 , 'ircuhition . A Nervous Sufpkuku having been etl ' ectuftlly curort of Nervous Debility , Lo ? s of Memory , PiVniiess of Bight , Lasbituile , and Iiidiffwtioii , by following t | iit instructions given in the MKDIOaLi GUIPK , he conaidors it his duty , > n gratitudo to thq nutlibr , and for the benuflt of othurs , to publish the menus used . IIo will , therofore . send post lreo ,-on rccoit / t -of a directed envelope ,- and two nUmps , a copy of the book , containing every inCormnlion required . Address , Jamus Wam . acb , F , sq ., VVillord Moiimu . fJUrton ( Jrc « ceiit . Tivylfiltock fSq , Ivondon , WO ,
Untitled Ad
THE BEST AND CHEM'EST Teas and Coffees in . England are to be obtained of I'HILLITS & Co ., Tea jrerchants , a , King William Street , City . Good strong . useful Tea , 2 s . 8 d ., 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 a . ; rich Souchong , 3 d . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., and 4 s . 1 ' ure Coffees , Is ., Is . 2 il ., ls . 3 d ., -la .-Id-., Is . Gd .,-and Is . S ( J . Tea and Coffee to the value of 40 s . sent carriage-free . to any railway station or market town in England . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods carriage-free within eight miles of the City .
Untitled Ad
HUE , THIEVES , FIRE . S . c c o n d-h an cl F i r e p r o o f Safes , the most extensive assortuiont by Miiner and other eminent Makers , nt liylf tho price of new . JDimon * ions , 21 in . high . It * in . wide , and 1 ( 1 in . deep , JJ 3 10 s . At . C . CiKlirFri'llH ' , 33 , Old Change , St . Paul ' s , E , C . Wanteil , tiecond-htuul tsafes by Milncr Chubb , Mnrr , or Mordan . N 0 T . ICK . —Ucntlemen possessed of Taun ' s Safes need not ' apply .
Untitled Ad
Sl > r in g O v e rc o at s . —TJie Volunteer Wrapper , 30 s . ; the Victor , a 5 a . ; the Inverness , 2 . " js . ; the relissler , 21 s . j reu ( Iy-iurtdo or rnndo to order . Tho Forty-seven Shilling Suits mndo to order from Scotch lleather and Cheviot Tweeds and Angoltvw , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , Merchant , nnd Family Tailor , 7-A , KoKunt-btrcct , IV . Putterns , designs , and dirootionH for st'lf- »» i !( isuron > e-nL . sunt freo , JN . 13 . A pcribct lit guaranteed .
Untitled Ad
New K ( llt | dn—1800 , post free , Threo btamps , ThoTro » l . lso ( . "GA . IJItiKri - ' ON Tllli LOri . S AND BKST MJCANH 01- ' HlCSTOItlNG THid T 10 I 0 TH" ) OKplulnn their Now System , and niny ho lin . il gnitid on up | illcntlon lit Mwisrs , Gabriul's l ^ rtdiblishinents—110 , Kuril :, vt . S-niuin' Wi ? mt , next Mi > oh ( 'B . 33 and 34 , I . upoATf , IIili ., ( Jlty—pni'tlo . ulurly oUiorvo the naini ' , und tlmt the entrance | h up thu privnto paaaitKO butweon tl » o tttnto Flre-olHco and ltonaou ' ri , the SllycrHMiltli . Kraublished 1801—See Diploma . And ut 131 , Duke Stivisist , Llvurpool . rpocth , iSelf-Adhesive , witli-X OUT Hl'RINUS . —A NEW DISCOVERY . I ' roteolml by Jtoynl I ^ ottorfl J- ' nlcMit . MwHVd , UAUKUCL cull uttenthm to u nciw mid invnlunblo Imiimivcnionl , lu'lng tho upiilluntipn ol ' IWTKIN'T t UlJAblTE < JUM-COI-OlHtl <; i > JN 1 ) IA > BUHItn Kumu biiHo fDiGAnittKI / SCKLKUKATKI ) MJNUUAI ^ TKKTU und KlVKXIUMO UUJIS , Tho cxlrn <» rdlniii'y iidvMnlngc ' . i iittuliii ' d nro wyll worthy of nuto . Multher flliiinin nnr tuvth aro extrnotuit i uhni'p odj (« 8 nro nvoidfd i nn minmnt oi' « uolion , with a du / fi ou ol' llghtntiHfl ( iilmo . tt fubulouiO , iiru obtulntiil i logutlu'i with much gicati .-r uiihu and coinfort , urlnliiK I'ronltho uttor ub . i «< nco of inoinl , while lVpm tho ik'xlblllty >> r ( Ho agfliit , oinpluyud , promjuru In ontiruly ohvintmli It in punuanoiit ; ,- wlu » lo « omo , mid moro ooiigoiilul to tho inpulh than Ixniu or gold , and la wiii'iMiniuil to rcMiiciMt Iruu from ulthur UihIu oi ' tiiucll , inamtluailoii mid iirtloulnllonholug guarnntoOd own In oartoa whuiu othot- niutliodn huvo i ' ulloil . Tho hunt , mulorlulri , with llrnt'Olniia workmnnalilp only vinployijil , ami aro aujipllud at loutt thu , n half tho ordinary oohI , - \ niorjcwii Mineral Tooth llrom £ >) , is , tho act .
Untitled Ad
Dr . Ksihn continues to DKUVHIt , OAII . Y , « t Tliroo and Eight , o ' clock , hid rojiular Lfuturw on tho I'hllo .-iophy ol . Ararrlugc , at IiIh Anutoiniual Museum , 'lop ot tho Iliiyniuilvot ,. 'I'lio MuHfiini la opou ( for Uuutloniun only ) from Twelve to Plvo . and from Woven to Tun . Acluilsaldii Quo Shilling . Dr . Kahu ' w TiuatlHu on tho above Hiiljoct nan I , po « t . | Voy ( for twolvo HtiunpH , dlruot from thu uallinr , 17 , ilnrloy-Htrcet , Cavi'iidlrth-stnuiro .
Untitled Ad
1 ' ost , li ; o « lorTwo btivnipa . jj ^ xtraordinary Pisco very of JilJ nn entirely NEW TIIKOKY OF CUHTNO D'ESKAHK , bolng tho recorded expirienco ol thirty yuar » ' sia-oiul pnictloe in Oruiit JUritnlii , l >' rnn ( , o , and America—with evidence of the actual eD'eolti ot- the latntit i > cientillo Ulnwvork ' a ,. dcnoinlnatod NKAV l . UOAL | M <; . M 1 £ DIKS , with tho ndjuiiutH ol ' ConsMtu * tionnl Troatmont , not yet gunvnllly known , oven ' by tho Medical Kaoalty of the Kriiisli Km-pirv . but wliloh lmve been recently Introduced into l-lligland . > ent lroq on receipt ol two stumiiH to defray postago , . Vcc , by W , J'ULL , Ki * q .. M . A ., No . 27 , Alfnid-phioe , Bedford-nqunro , London , W . U .
Untitled Ad
A Muw JCillllou ol ' ^ plie Philosopliy oi Marriage X Ity . ipttlsll'II KAIIN , Qraduato of Meciliiuo , Hurgery , and . MldwJIi'ry In tliu Uoyul and linpi'i'liil L ' nlvoi'Hlty of Vlvnna , Krlangen , Sto ^ o , Thin impii liirworli ( which Iiuh liven tnuirtlnlod IntofourdllK'nnil laiigiuiK (^) has now W tjni ' tl ' . i'ouKh Forty-ono Kdil . liniH ol' JO , DUO each , uiul Irt ilcrtl ^ inud to Impni ' l i'U ( , 'iinUu luiiiwlurlgo ( in fliibJcotH whloh involve 1 I ho nutaiiri < , il HOonrliiu inoral ami phycluid Inipjdiu ^ H , 1 ' rhn . i Ono iShlllliitfi tir ptittl-l ' KM ) for twulvo t > itiiiipa , 11 iroct rnuii tho author , 17 , Ilarloy-tti'out , ( JuvuinlUli-fnuiiru , London , \ V .
Untitled Ad
G . ovorninont upon lurst l » U I NOI I'l-KH . llliirttrntod Analntfloiillr , ¦ . StailMloally . imd . Murully . l « y . JOHN UKOSHMirii . TliU work eniliodlort u wiifti flold for liifbtiiintloii , not only upon Motlnl md Moml Huhji'dtn , hut upon a uviiui viirinty of <| iiontlunrt wliloh . uro osminthilly'inoorporutvd wltli Ihu polllleul ( UhoiihhIoiihof Hut day , in I'liniiiMilloii with tliu ( Johiiuvi'oc , 'I'radii , iiimI lasiiiluu ol tliu ooiiutry . Hlniuhi'n « n imd lovv' * ° V . »! ' »<•) li // -tMjt pr »« ni « rt will / Iml in II . n oonipllallon ol laetH well woriliy tliolr attontlou , London i I ' ivbh nnd Oo ., l ' ntomoutor ilow .
Untitled Article
Blair ' s Gout and Rheum-AXIC IMLLS . Piicu Is . ) id , nnd 3 * . Od . per box . Thla preparation is ono of tlio bom-Ill * which tlie ftck-nno of modern chemistry ha * conferred upon mankind ( for ( luring tho l \ rat twenty yearn ol the present coiilury to speak of a cum fur tho Gout \ viih considered a romance j hut now tho ulliouuy and mil ' oty of tlilri mudiuimi in ho fully douionatnitud , by unaoliyitoilU ^ tlnioiila )* from per-Kuns In every rtdik of Mi Is that public opinion proclainiH thlH nH onu of the- moat import mi t ¦ cJI .- * c . » rorlc . of Ihu pri-Huiit iitfc , „ , TIkwo 1 'illH roeiulro no roalruhit of diotor esonfliiQineni . during tlii'lr une , and iiru certain to-prevent the dlsoa . io attacking any vital part . rtdlel liy all nit-illolno vuiicloro . Observe " I homiiB Trout , 'M » , Htriwd . London , " on tho Government Stamp .
Untitled Article
April 28 , 1860 . | The L , eadef and Saturday Analyst . 411
J.^U Ji 1 , Cations.
J'U JJ 1 , 1 CATIONS .
Leader (1850-1860), April 28, 1860, page 411, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2345/page/23/