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ME . BENTLEY ' S HEW PtTBLICATIOm JUST B BABY . ¦ i . ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . ' . tHE LIFE AND CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM FIRST LORD AUCKLAND . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ - . ¦ , . . ¦ ; . . - ¦ , ; With Introduction and Preface , bythe Right Hon . LORD ADCKLANi ) , Bishop of Bath and "Wells . Two Vols . II . - . ' . . ' " ' ART IMPRESSIONS IN DRESDEN , BERLIN AND ANTWERP . I * By NOY WII-KINS , Author of " Letters on Connoiaseurship . " Post 8 vo . . ¦ ' ¦ ¦' III . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' . ' ¦ ¦ ! THE CORSAIR AND HIS CONQUEROR . : ; By HENRY POPE . Post 8 vo * ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ IV .. ¦ . ¦ ¦ . ¦ - ¦ ¦/¦ THE OLDEST OF THE OLD WORLD . By SOPHIA M . ECKLEY . Post 8 vo ., with an Illustration 9 s . ' ¦ ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ v . : ¦ .. . ' : . A NEW WORK ON NATURAL HIS-. TORY . ' . - ' ¦ ¦ ' - - ¦ : ¦ ¦ ... ¦ ¦ : ' , •;• By FRANCIS BUCKLAND , Author of " Curiosities of Natural History . " Small 8 vo ., with Illustrations . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : " vi . ¦ , ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ .. ¦ ¦ : CHAPTERS ON WIVES ; OR , SKETCHES OF MARRIED LIFE . By MRS . ELLIS , Author of "Mothers of Great Men . " . Qne Vol * 5 s . VII . THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A SEAMAN . ¦ ¦ . ; : ¦ ¦ ; By THOMAS Earl of VUNDOKAUD . The Second arid Concluding Volume . VIII . LIVES OF THE ITALIAN POETS . By Dr . STEBBING . A new Edition , entirely Rewritten . . Post 8 vo . ¦ ' ' . ¦ ' ix . '¦ ¦ ; ' ¦ HUNTING IN THE HIMALAYAS , with Notices of Customs and Countries , from the Elephant Haunts of the Dehra Doon to the Bunchour Tracts in Eternal Snow . By R . H . W . DUNLOP , B . C . S ., F . R . G . S ., Late Superintendent of the Dehra Doon , One Vol ., with Illnstrations . X . . MEMOIRS OF MY OWN TIME . By M . GUIZOT , Vol . 3 . 8 vo . Us . XI . THE FAMILY AND SCHOOL GEO G-RAPHY . By T . H . STAUNTON , Esq . Ono Vol ., with Maps . . XII . MEMOIRS OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF THE RIGHT REV . RICHARD HURD , D . D ., BISHOP OF WORCESTER . By the ttov . IT . KTLVERT , M . A . 8 vo . ; , XIII . TIIE TIPPERARY BALLADS . By the MEMBERS OF TIPPMRARY HALL ,. Uniform with tho " Ingojdaby Legends , " Ono Vol . London : RionAUD Bentley , Wow Burlington Street .
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Mr . Bentley V Periodicals FOR MAY . . ' " 1 . . ¦ •¦ ••¦ ¦ ¦ .... . ¦ . DICTIONA RY OF CHRISTIAN CHURCHES AND SECTS from the Earliest Ages of Christianity . By the Rev . J . B . MARSDfcN , Author of "The Early and Later Puritans . " Part III . 8 vo . One Shilling . To be completed in Twelve Shilling Monthly Parts . " Our Very : favourable opinion of this work was expressed when it first appeared . It deserves the more extensive circulation , which the spirit of the publisher is likely to secure lor it . "—Daily News . WALPOLE'S ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE . Edited , and now Brit Chronologically a « -aneed . by l'ETER CUNNINGHAM . Part III , 8 vo with Plates , 5 s . To be completed in Eighteen Five Shilling Monthly Parts . ' ¦¦ ., .. ¦¦ . " No other nation can boast of a work written with such matchless vivacity and wit which gives a history , political , social , and literary , such as VValpole has furnished of his own times . "—Manchester Itevieio . ' . ' ¦' ¦ Hi . ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ' ¦' . THIERS' HISTORY of the FRENCH REVOLUTION . Part 22 ( to be completed in 40 sixpenny fortnightly parts ) with a beautiful engraving , ' '" ' ' incomparably the best ' history of the French Revolution . " . —Sun . TALES FROM BENTLEY . Part XI . PJrice-6 d . . . ¦' . " Mr . Bentley has reproduced these Tales in a most convenient form for reading by rail or on river , at the cheerful fire side of the winter evening , or by the seashore , or in the deep , silent , shady woods Of the sweet summer time . *'— Paisley Herald . London : Richabd Bentiet , New Burlington btreet .
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. . Just published , in post 8 vo . price , la . 6 d . ' . ' ... "physiology for Common JL SCHOOLS , in 27 Easy Lessons . By Mrs CHARLKS " BFtAY . J "The particular topics included in these early Lessons are judiciously chosen , and they are simply , clearly and correctly explained . "—Dr . Southwood '/ Smith . " Mrs . Bray seems to have brought the subject quite within the range of ordinary juvenile comprehension . " — -Spectator . " Airs . Bray has supplied all the information necessary for youth toknow about the laws of their physical wellbeing . "—Xeac / er . . . "Mrs . Bray has laid firm hold of the right thing to do , and has done it in the right way , The questions are answered in the most simple and graceful manner , without the least pedantry or obscurity , and also to a surprising degree in accordance with the most profound and exact doctrines of modern science . " — 'Scotsman . . London : Longman , Green . Longman , and Robebts .
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Now ready , at all the Booksellers ' , in Two Vdls ., 2 la . The Englishwoman in Italy . Impressions of Life in the Roman States and Sardinia during a Teh Years' Residence . By Mm . Gr . GRETTON . " Mrs . Gretton ' s book is ; timely , life-like , and for every reason to be recommended . " - ; -A . thenceiim . ¦ : ;¦ ^ Also , now ready , In Three vols , with Portrait , 31 s . 6 d . ^ phe Life and Times of JL GEORGE VILLTERS , DUKE OF BUCKINGHAJI . By Mrs . THOMSON . "A very valuable and charming Work . "—Post . Oraiidniother ' s Moiiey . A VX Novel . By the Authorof " Wildflower . " Three Vols . ¦ . -.. ¦¦ ¦ .. .- ¦ . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ "The best work of a popular writer . " - -Advertiser . Mar y Bertraiid . A . Novel .. By FRANCIS MEREpiTlI . ?' . A really excellent novel . "— Chronicle . Hdrst and Blackett , 13 , Great . Marl . borouch Street .
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Sampson Low , Son , & Co . s . : . NEWBOOKS . The Present Gondi . tionof Switzerland . THE COTTAG-ES OF THE ALPS ; or , Life and Manners in Switzerland . Bya . LADY . Two Vols . Post 8 vo , cloth , 21 s . [ On Msty 10 . Rieilt AT LAST ; and other Tales . By Sirs . GASKELL , Author of " Mary Barton . " One Vol . Post Syo , 10 s . 6 d . EL FUREIDIS ; the Happy Valley . By the Author of •* The Lamplighter . " Two Vols . small 8 v . o , 10 s . 6 d . [ On May 10 . THE CRUISE OF THE FROLIC ; or . The Yachting Adventures of Bnrnaby Brine , Esq ., R . N . B / W . if . G . KINGSTON , Author of " Peter the Whaler . " Two Vols . Post 8 vo , 21 s . [ Ready at the Libraries this day . THE WOMAN TN WRITE . By WILKTB COLLINS , Author of ' « The Dead Secret . " Three Vols . Post 8 vo . [ Shortly . A NEW WORK BY MRS , STQWE , Author of- " Uncle Tom ' s Cabin . " [ Shortly . THE MINISTER'S WOOING . A Tale of New England Life , By the Author of " Uncle Tom ' s Cabin . New Edition , illustrated , 7 s . 6 d . Cheap Edition , 2 s . Cd . WHEN THE SNOW FALLS : a Book for Christmas and the Fireside . A Collection of Tales by W . MOY THOMAS . Two Vols . Post . Byo . 21 a . THE " DEVONSHIRE HAMLETS ;" Hamlet 1603 * Hamlet 1601 . Being exact Reprints of the First and Second Editions of Shnkspearo ' s frrcat Drama , from the very rare Originals in the poasossion of his Grace tjio 1 ) uke of Devonshire . Ono Vol . 8 vo , price 12 < i . 6 d . PO ] EMS AND PICTURES : a Collection of Poems , Sons ;* , and Ballads . Illustrated with 00 Kngravincrson Wood , from Drawings by Eminent Artists , and Border Decorations on every page . A New Edition . Crown 4 to : handsomely bound in morocco antique , price 3 la . ( 3 d . RIFLE , AXE , and SADDLE-BAGS . Edited by the Rev . T , BINNEY , Author of " How to Make tho » eit of Botli Worlds . " Cheap Edition , illustrated boards , is . Cd . LIEUT . MAUUY'S PHYSICAL GEOGRAPIIY OF THE SEA . Eighth Edition , with important Additions by tho Author , and revised Charts , Post 8 vo , cloth , 5 a . Specify Author ' s Edition . THE QUARTERLY INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE ; indexing undor its Subjeot every Book published in the English Langunco-oaolu'oforonco ffivinpc sizo , price , and pliioe . of jjublioatlon ; aluo Art . iolos in Lituraturo , Solciicc , and ' Art in tho loading Literary Journals , including the Time * Newspaper ; shovrintf nt ono rofurcnoo wliat lias boon wrlttjon and publiKhwd during the Quarter upon any prlvon Subject . iHsued Quarterly , to 3 ub-Boribora only . Subaqription da . 4 d , por annum , post free , [ Number J 5 , May 1 . Tho First Yonr ' a Subscription entitles SubsoiiborH to Numbors 1 to 4 , for tho whole of 1851 ) , in ono Alphabet . Samphon Low , Son & Co , 47 » Ludgnto Hill , London .
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The Quarterly Jxevie w , No . CCXIV ; , is published this day . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ¦ . - ¦; CONTENTS . '¦ ¦ ' . ¦ ¦' - . - 1 . Labourers'Cottages . 2 . Britisli and Continental Nobility . , , a . JMadame K ^ camier . I . ' The Bar of Philadelphia . , ; , i 5 . Notes on Nursing . . 6 . Fox Hunting . 7 . Recollections of C . R . Leslie , R . A . 8 . The Budget and the Reform Bill . John Mojuiay , Albemarle Street .
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Blaekwood ' s Magazine , for MAY , 18 fi 0 . No . DXXXV . Trice 2 s . 6 d . . CONTENTS . War and Progress in China . Munich and its School of Cliriattan Art . Captain Speke ' s Adventures in Somali Land . . Judicial Puzzles . —Elizabeth Canning . Wellington ' s Career .: —Part II ; The Mill on . the Floss . . Narcissus . The Snowdrops . A Feuilletoii . Switzerland and Frericli Annexation . William' Ulackwood and Sons , Edinburgh and London , .
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Fras-er' -s . Magazine , for MAY , 18 G 0 , 2 i . ( id .,. contiiiuti , Compromise : the Tern > 8 on whicli EverybQdy &ur . renders . J 3 y G . J . Why to Melville . Gryll Grange BV tho Author of ' Headlong Hall . Chapters VI . to XI , Covlon , By T . Harlin . ¦ TT ¦ Tlio ' Finding of CUrist In tho Temple , ' by Mr . Ilolman Concerning tlie Dignity of Dulncss . By A . K . H . B . Oh Certain Aspects of Tolcmtlon . By Shirley . Tho Latest Translator of Horace . Wheat and Tares . A Tale . Chapter XIII .-Very Successful . Chapter XIV . —Tho Woathorough BHchelors Chapter XV . —Apria . Phrenology nnd Psychology . JJy Alexander IJam . The Late Prlze-Fight . The Life and Writings of Madame . Swotchino . Mr . Oollior ' ri Reply . ' „ , . . „ FRASER'S MAGAZINE for Juno will contain I ' utIwoal Tiikoiues op the PhbNomena w MVBi By William Hopkins JMt . H . London : Jo / in W , I ' arkrk . & Son , West Strn »( l , Vnv-
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FIFTH YfllAlt OF PUBLICATION . " HPhe Man of Eoss . ;> — J- Wvory Thursday—Ono Penny . An Indopondont Family Pupur , hnvhiff ( with ono cxooptl ' on only ) tho Inrpcoat olroulatlon In tho County of Hurorord , Within a radlun often mlllQa , of ' Roua it exoeoda that of all tho other local papora put together . Onlcru , Ad-Vorfclflompnts , nni \ Hooka for ltavJp » K , to bo « onfc to tho Publlrihor , J . vV . F , CpuNHKi , r ,, Murkot-nluoo , itoaa .
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r Cornhill Magazine , X No . V . ( Cor MAY ) , will bo pubjiahud ou Saturday , tho 28 th instant , i ' rloe Oho Shilling , with I wo IlluHtrattons , CONTKNTS . 3 . Fram loy Parsonage . Chapter XIII . —Dolioato Illnta . „ XIV . —Mr . Crawloyof HoggloHtoclc M XV , —Lady Luftou ' a AinbaaanUor . 2 , Campaigning In China . 3 , Little Scholars . 4 , Tho Onrvur ' o LoflRon . , „ ,,, ]„ . 0 , William Hogarth i Painter , Engraver , ft '" J '" A " eophor . J ? aanya «« tho Man , the Work , and tho IV . —The Painter ' s Progroas . 0 , Written in tho Deopdono Album . —By WiiflUlnflton 7 . Novell " lfo Widower . ( With an ^"""'^^"' i ^ nont Chapter V . —In wl » loh I am Stung by a Serpont . 6 . StudluH in Animal Lll'o . ' „ nni . iii V . I ' literfrtmlUna to tho Editor of the " OornhlU MtujaKliie . " .. 10 . Tho Oiitoiiat Mother , ny B . . T . ' ? ' «>" # : 1 tMtttm \ H . Tho 1 ' qrlunt . —I . Its LoRend . ( VTIth IlluBtraUon ) . IH . Roundabout Papora . Wo . 3 . On «<»> l >' "" v London i smith , l'ltonn , and Co ., <»« , ConihUl ^^
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This day , Part XI ,, price Od . HPales from Bentley . X QONTEBTTS . , The Father , a Qtpry iVoni Renl LJfo . By tho Author of " Real Mountain Deoamcron , " Richelieu | or , the Conspiracy . Faddy Flynn t or , Tho Mjeorloa of Dicing Out , By J , Slioohan . The Duel . Tho Phantom Funeral . London i RioiiAnn Bbntlby , Now Burlington Struct .
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Condom Prjnted , V > y William . Stevcna , 87 . Boll Yard . Tomnlo Bur / in tho liberty of the l \ o » o , in tho County of Middlesex j and published W Chnrloa Nultall TomUna , wt No . 18 > Catherine Street , Wtrand , in the County of Jmadlouox . —AjprU aa . isoy .
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412 5 TA 6 Leader and ' Saturday Analyst . [ April 28 ^ i 860 .
Leader (1850-1860), April 28, 1860, page 412, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2345/page/24/