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Untitled Ad
Messrs . Collard and Collard beg leave to announce that their NEW ES 1 > ABIvI 3 HMENT , No .. l 6 ,. Gr 1 osv . enor Street , Bond Street , being completed , the Premises are NOW OPEN for the transaction ¦•' of Business , with an ample Stock of PIANOFORTES of all classes , both for SALE and HIRE . "Messrs . C . & C . trust that the arrangements they have made will be found to conduce very materially to theconvenience of their customers , more especinlly of those residing in the Western Districts of the Metropolis . Accounts and Correspondence will be carried on at 16 , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street . 16 , Grosvenor Street , Bond Street ,
Untitled Ad
' . v . TfiBATRS . KOYAL , HAYItlAKKET . ( Under 4 he Management of Mr . Buc&slone . i ^^•^ r S ^^^ & M ^ F ^ K Seifee * & < $ ^ £ ^^ tess ^ i HAjl A New Ballet , THE ODDITIES OF THE OHIO , by the Leclerqs . Concluding with A KISS IN THE DARK .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessees , Messrs . F . Robson and W . S . Emden . On Monday , and during the week , will be performed a new Comedietta , in one act , »« l « Vt S d T-S' ° I o ^ J * 45 l Belie Mdre et le Geiidre , " to be called DiARKS 1 MAMMA . Characters by Messrs . Addison , W . Gordon , and George Vining ; Mrs . Leigh Murray , Misses Cottrell and Herbert . After which , the new serio-comic drama , UNCLE Z 4 . CHARY . Characters by Messrs . F . Ilobson , G . vining . W . Gordon , G . Cooke , F . Vining , II . Rivers , and Franks ; Mrs . Leigh Murray , and 3 Iiss Herbert . To conclude with "B . B" Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , H . AVigan , G . Cooke ; Miss Stephens and Mrs . YV . S . Emden . Doors open at 7 . Commence at half-past 7 .
Untitled Ad
Mapp in' s Electro-Silver PLATE AND TABLET CUTLERY . MAPPIN BROTH BRS ; Manufacturers by Special Appointment to the Queen , are the only Sheffield milkers who supply the consumer in London . Their London Show Rooms , 67 ai . a 68 , King William Street . London Bridsre , contain by far the lnrvest stock of ELECTltO-8 ILVEU PLATE and TABLK CUTLERY in the ¦ WORLD , which 13 'transmitted direct from their manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . " ~~ Fiddle DoubV Kings ' s Lilly Pattern Thread Patttero Pattern £ s . ( I . £ s . d £ s . A . £ a . d . 12 Table Forks 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 l'iibie SpnOns .. 1 1 G 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert Forks .. I 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 2 14 0 12 l ^ essertSpoons .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 . 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons ..- « 16 0 14 0 1 7 0 ' 1 16 0 SIDE DISHES , ELECTRO-PLATED ON HARD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetables , Curries ; and Entrees . Per set of 4 Dishes . No . £ . s . d . K 3678 Giidroor ) Oblong Pattern , Light Plnfng 8 8 0 E 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , similar to e-IOWJ ... ....- 10 IT ) 0 E . 1786 Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 b 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped Dish .................... .:... 12 0 0 e 4013 VBeaded Pattern Dishr ; ..,... 1 ; i 4 ° By removintr : the Hanclles fronci- the Covers , the set of four carTbe made to form-a _ se * : qf eight" Dishes . b 1792 Norfolk Pattern , b very elaborate Design , with rich Screll Border all round 17 10 0-Hot Water I > ishe 3 for above extra 15 0 0 E 1707 Threaded Pattern , equally good as the Norfolk Pattern .. .................. 16 12 0 Hot Witter Dishes for above .... extra 15 10 0 - DISH COVERS , - ELECTRq-PLATEm 5 N HARD NICKEL SILVER . Each . ' set .-contains ' oil ? Cover 20 Inches ; ene of 18 Inches ; and two of 14 inches each . No . , Complete set of 4 Covers . E 27 S 0 Plain Pattern , with Scroll Handle .... 10 10 0 k 27 « t 1 Melon Pattern , French Scroll Handle , either Plain or Gudroon edge , very handsome .: 1312 0 3 3812 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Beaded Edge and -Handles ................ 15 12 0 E 4085 Greek Orniiment Pattern , matches e 4375 Side Dishes .... ' 25 0 0 . 8-485 . 1 . Wqrwli . k Pattern , notches s 48 . 53 Side Dishes ,. " .. 7 ,............ .. .. 23 0 0 Mappin Brotiieks guarantee on all their maiiufactirres in Electro Silver Plate a strong deposit of real silver , according to price charged . A Costly Hook of KhgraviiitfB , with Prices attached , maybe had on applic ' ntion * ' Estimates furnished for Services of Plato for Hotels , Steam Ships , and Regimental Messes . MAPPIN BROTHERS , < 57 and 6 S , King "William Street . City , London , E . C .: Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , She / Held . .
Untitled Ad
Mr and Mrs ' . -GERMAN SEED'S FIRST BENEFIT will take place on MONDAY evening , June 4 th , at the Royal Gallery of Illustration , 14 . Regent Street , introducing several novelties . Admission , Is ., 2 s . ; stalls , 3 s . ; numbered stalls , 5 s . ; secured at the Gallery , and at Cramer . Beale , and Go . ' s , 201 , Regent Street . Commence at Eight o ' clock .
Untitled Ad
MR . JOHN PARRY Will make his re-appearance before a London audience at'Mr . and Mrs . GermanReed ' s . Benefit , on Monday evening next , June 4 th , at the Royal Gallery of Illustration ' , 1 . 4 , Regent Street .
Untitled Ad
CHRISTY'S ¦ METSTREES . POLYGRAPIIIC ITALL , King Wh . wam-S'BEei , Strand . -. .
Untitled Ad
FAREWELL SEASON , in London . Every Evening , at Eight ; and every SATURDAY Morningi at Three o ' clock . Tickets and Places may be secured at the Hall , fromJSleyeh till Three , and at Mr . Austin ' s "West-end Box-office , St . JamWs HaIT 7 Piccadilly . Sole Proprietor . and Manager , Mr . J . W . RAYNOR ; Secretary , II . MONTAGUE . - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . ¦ : ' _ . .:. ' - . ' .- ¦•¦ " - .
Untitled Ad
WASHINGTOIT FRIEND'S Musical and Pictorial Entertainment ; illustrating his Grand Tour of 5 , 000 miles in Canada and the United States , entitled TWO HOURS IN AMERICA , with h ' s SONGS and MELODIHS , will open at St . James ' s Hall , Piccadilly , on Monday , June 4 th . Exhibitions daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . Ticket Office open from Ten till Five .
Untitled Ad
SOUTH KENSINGTON MUSEUM . D ' ntil "further Notice tins " Museum will be open to the Public on Mondays , Tuesdays , and Wednesdays from 10 a . m . till 10 p . m . On Thursdays , Fridays , and Saturdays from 10 a . m . to 6 p . m . Admission according to the usual Rules . By Order of the Committee of Council on Education .
Untitled Ad
Greeiihall , maker of the SIXTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford-street , London , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) Overcoats , J > 2 2 s ., Froqk Coats , £ 2 10 a , Dress Coats ' .-62 10 s , Morning Coats £ 2 2 s ., Waistcoats J 2 a ., Black Dress Trousers £ I la . 325 , Oxford-st ., W .
Untitled Ad
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Second-liand Fir eproof Safes , the mo st , extensive assortment by Milner nnd other eminent Makers , at half tho ptlce of now . Dimensions , 21 in . hiffb . 18 in . wide , and 10 In . deep , £ 3 10 s . At . C . GRIFFITHS , 33 , Old Change , St . Paul's , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand ., Snfea by Milner Chubb , Marr , or Mordan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tiun'a Safes need not apply .
Untitled Ad
Q piced Breakfast Tongues , rO 72 d . each , or 3 h , Od . per half dozen . Cheddar Jjoaf Clieea : ' , 7 jd . nud 8 Jd . per lb . Oahornc'H Peatsmoked Broakfnst 13 a on . Hjd . per lb . by the half side . JJuttora in perfection nt rcaponablo rates . A saving of 15 percent . In effected by tho purohnaer at this o « tahUahmcnton nil Hrst clni »« iprovlBlon 8 , PnckngcoKrnUf . OSBOKNE'S CUKESK WARRHOUSR , Oaborno House , 30 , Liulguto Hill , near St . l ' aul ' e , 12 . 0 ..
Untitled Ad
NOTICE .. — " UJJW AUK OF IMITATIONS . " Lea and Perrins' • " Wot-C 1 SSTRR 8 ITIUE SAUCE" Jo pronounced by Conn . olsHCtir » to bo u most ngrcuablo addition to every vnrktly of dlBli . ,, * * Hee tho nnmesof Lka and PcnniNs upon every fEabol , Bottle , and Htoppor . Sold'JWr MoHHrs . Ckoshi ; and Blackwhix , London i Aiul by DonltTHin HuucoHgonornlly . ' - - Solu Mimudiotururs' L ^ A AND rKlUtlNS , WOKCR 8 TEK . ' I-. - .. ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ . .
Untitled Ad
Brecknell , Turner ) & Sons ' HAND CANDLBSTICKS with 'ItoglHtor ' ed GIahb ShiulcH entirely urovont tliogutteringo » candloB when ourrlod about , —HUECKNKLL , TUHNKIt , and SONS , wax and tallow chandlers and sonp and oil morohants , at tho Jica Ilivo . 31 and 32 , Maymnrket , I H . A > . ¦ ' - ¦ ¦
Untitled Ad
Spring Overcoats , —The Volunteer Wrapper , 30 s . j tho Victor , afia . ; tho Invornfiss , 2 na . $ - tho rollsslor , ale ;; roaijy-mado or made to order . , The Forty-seven Shilling Suits made to ordor from Scotch Heutlicr mid Cheviot 'J ' wccrls and AngoliiH , all wool and thormiuhly Hhriinlf , bv « . BENJAMIN , Merchant unrt Family Tallorf 71 , Rcfjvnt-stroot , W , 1 ' iiitorntt . doalgnH , and dlrootlontt for nelr-inonauromont Bunt freo . N , M . A pei'fuot fit Guaranteed . . >
Untitled Ad
THIS BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England nro to bo obtained of PHILLIPS & Co ., Tea MercUanta , 8 , King William Street , City . Good strong useful Tea , 2 s . Sd ., 2 u . 10 d ., 3 h . and -Is . ; rich Souchong , 3 h . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., and 4 m . 1 'iire CofTceu , 1 m ., la . 2 ( 1 ., Is . 3 d ., la . Id ., la . Od ., and la . Hd . Tea and Cofl'ee to tho value of -10 s , sent cnrrltigu-freti to any railway station or market town in Kngland . A price current free . Sugars at mnrket . prices . All goods curringe-Crco within eight mile * of the City .
Untitled Ad
nphe Surplice Shirt ( ac-J- knowledged as the most comfortable and durable Shirt , over yet produced ) , made to monsuro , fla . 0 d ., 7 s . ( id ,, 8 s . ( Id ., und 10 a . 0 d , Cnrda for self-measurement , SAMPSON , Hosier , 123 , Oxford-at . W .
Untitled Ad
r ^ hambers to Let , close to V ^ LINCOLN'S INN and tho TEMPLE . Three excellent Rooms , First Floor , en suite , suitable either for OfUces or Residence . Rent moderate ; no Taxes or Inn Dues . Apply at 17 , New Boswell Court , Lincoln's Inn .
Untitled Ad
Teeth . —Mr . Eskell , Surgcon-Dcntlat , nil , Hegunt-atroet ( fuvlria tli « 1 ' olytechnltO , suiinllcs hla I'ATRNTKI ) INC 0 RI 5 ODIJJLIi TEKTH , \ v !» lch can be tnntchvil so closely la shape nnd colour to those left in the mouth , an'l are formed so exactly to nature , that the cloncst observer cannot detect tho dill ' cience , nnd in all ciiscb they rewtore perfect urilculutloa - ai id - miiatloutiou . TUvutt .. teeth arc lixed from one to n oomplotu set upon l \! r . Knlct'U ' t » never-fulllnif and juilnltBa nrlnclplu of HC'li ' -adliewlon , wit / tout bxtrac . tivfi any teeth or ndiwjw , orf / fvfH U « i >' J pain whatever ; nnd being incorrodible they posaesa the superior lulvnntano of nevor chungliifr culoiir nor decaying . Mr . Kfkell ' s celebrated OfsT . KOPIiASTIO ENAMEL , Post free for thirty stumpa , for slopping ( Icciiyod Teeth , Is a preparation which never chniiKCB colour nor nfl ' ecta tlio colour of the tooth , uixl is free from any InjurlouH proiiertios either us repaidh the teeth or genernl huiilthi Its opnllcution \ m cuslly iierformcd , and without giving tho alt u hteit pain . Oif / lclciuifs of palate eirectuully reiimdled . Loose teeth fiiMieiit'd . Teuth regulated . Discoloured teeth rentnred , . "'<• . Hours , Ten to Six . Consultation , free . Chur ^ ou * lolly ino > dernte , —ai-l , UeKont-atreet , London ( oppewi . e tho Polytechnic ) , Eatnbliahed 1847 .
Untitled Ad
I Qterling Silver . — William I O S . BURTON has added to his extensive ^ stock I of General FUBCTftHIKG JBOHMONGbW and ! IIOUSE-FURKIStHNG REQUISITES ; a selection of sterling SILVEIi SERV 1 CKS for the table or for presentation . His prices will be found considerably below those usually charged . Fiddle Pattern . oz . s . d . £ a . a . 12 Table Spoons ... 30 at 7 4 11 00 12 Table Forks ... 30 „ 7 4 11 0 0 12 Dessert Spoons ... 20 „ 7 4 7 6 8 . 12 Dessert Forks ... 20 „ 7 4 7 6 8 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 „ 7 4 3 13 4 I Soup Ladle .. ... 9 „ 7 4 3 GO 4 Sauce Ladles ... 10 „ 7 10 3 18 4 1 Fish Slice .. ? 10 0 4 Salt Spoon ** , gilt bowls .. . 1 ou 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 7 O 12 Tea Spoons ..: 10 at 7 10 - * 1 » 1-1 Pair Sugar Tongs 0 13 < J 1 Moist Sugar Spoon .. ° , ? *? 1 Sugar Sifter .. .., « }\ » 1 Butter Knife 0 12 G £ 57 15 10 King ' s Pattern . oz . p . d . £ s . d . . 12 Table Spoons ... 40 at 7 6 15 0 0 12 Table Forks ... 40 „ 7 6 15 0 0 12 Dessert Spoons ... 24 „ 7 6 9 0 0 12 Dessert Forks ... 23 , 7 G 8 12 6 2 Gravy Spoons ... 11 „ 7 G 4 26 1 Soup Ladle ... 11 ,, 7 6 4 26 4 Sauce Ladles ... 11 ,, 8 0 4 80 4 S ? lt Spoons , gilt bowls .. , 1 19 0 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 10 O 1 Fish Slice X 0 <> 12 Tea Spoons .. 14 at 8 0 5 12 0 1 Pair Sugar Tongs .. .- 150 1 Moist Sugar Spoon .. ... 0 15 0 1 Sugar Sifter .. .. :. 13 0 1 Butter Knife .. .. .. 1 . 1 Q . £ 75 10 6 Cottage Pattern Tea and Coffee Service . oz . s . d . di s . d . Teapot .. .. 22 at 10 0 11 0 0 Sugar Basin .. 11 „ 11 0 . 7 14 0 . Milk Ewer .. .. 7 „ 11 0 3 17 0 Coffee-pot .. ,. 25 „ 10 0 12 100 ¦ £ -35 0 0 King ' s Pattern , Richly Chased . - oz . " s . d . £ s . d . Teapot-. .. .. 23 atto G __ 12 16 Sugar Basin .. . 13 „ ll G 7 9 6 Cream Ewer ' ... 7 „ 11 6 4 0 t ! Coffee-pot .. .. 20 „ 10 6 13 13 0 , £ 37 3 0 ' Xreriders , "StpTes , Fire-iroiisr A and CHIMNEY PIECiSS . —Buyers of the above ace requested before finally : d « cif'iiritr , to visit WILJrfAM S .-BURTON'S SHOW-ROOMS . They contain such an assortment , of FENDERS , STOVES , RANGES . CHIMNEY PI-ECE . S , FIRE-IRONS , and GENERAL IRONMONGKRY , as cannot be approached elsewhere , either for vuriety , novelty , beauty of design , or pxqiiisifvness of workmanship .. Bright stoves , with ormolu ornnments < ind two . sets of bars , £ 3 I 5 s . to £ 315 10 s . ; bronzed Fenders ^ with standards , 7 s . to £ 5 12 s . ; steel fenders , £ 2 15 s . to £ 11 ; ditto , with rich ormolu ornaments , from £ 2 15 s . to . £ 18 ; chimney pieces , from . Cl 8 s . to £ 80 ; lire-irons , from 2 s ; ad . the ieti to £ 4 4 s . The H UltTON and all other fATK NT STOVES , with riulnUjng hearthplutes . "" Bec Lsteads , Baths , and LAMI' » i—WILLIAM S . UUU TON" has STX LARGE SHOW-ROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of LAMPS , BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock nf each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to thu public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to mnko his establishment the moat distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from . 12 m . 6 d . to £ ' 20 0 each . Hhower Baths , from 8 s . Od . to £ 00 each . Lamps ( Moderateur ) from Cs . 0 d . to £ 7 7 each . ( All other kinds n $ the same rate . ) Pure Col 7 . n Oil .. 4 s . per gallon . William S . Burton ' s Gene-Val Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had gratis , and free by post . It contains upwards of 400 IllustrationHOlliia illimited Stock of sterling silver and Electro I'latc , Nickel Silver , and Untniinia Metal Goods , Dish Covers , Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimneypieccs , Kitchen Kangcs , ' Lamps , Gnweliora , Tea Trays , Urns , and Kettle * , Clock ;" , Table Cutlery , Baths , Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and Brass Bcdhteads , Bedding , Bedroom , Cabinet Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , and l'liuis of tho Twenty largo Show Rooms , at 3 D , Ox lord street W . ; 1 , 1 a , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Newman-street ; 4 , 5 , and 0 , Perry ' B-placo ; and I , Newman-mewa , Lomion .
Untitled Article
¦¦ 5 x 6 " Thd Leader and Saturday Analyst . [ June 2 , 1860 .
Theatbes And Amusements.
Leader (1850-1860), June 2, 1860, page 510, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2350/page/2/