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Untitled Ad
MAPPIN BROTHERS , L O N D O N SRID C E , Have the largest stock of ELECTRO-SILVER , PLATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the WORLD , which 18 transmitted direct from their manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield . Mappis BitoruEHs guarantee on all their manufactures in Electro Silver Plate a strong deposit of real silver , according to price charged . SPOONS AND PORKS . ' " ~ " Fiddle ; " Double ' Kings ' s Lilly Pattern I Thread . Patttern Pntteru . ! T ~ s . d . £ s . d . £ b . d . " £ s . d . 12 Table Forks ..... M « 0 2 14 0 « 0 0 3 12 0 12 Table Spoong .. 110 0 2 11 0 3 0 0 3 12 0 12 Dessert ForUs .. I 7 fl ' 2 0 O 2 4 Q 2 1-4 0 12 Dessertspoons .. 1 7 0 ' 2 0 0 2 1 0 2 14 0 12 Tea Spoons .. 0 10 0 14 0 1 / 0 . 1 10 0 " ~ ' SIDE DISHES , ELECTftO-PLATKD OX HAltD NICKEL SILVER suitable for Vegetables , Curries , and Entrees . Per set of 4 Dishes . . „ , No . X . s . d . k 3 G 7 S Gadroon Oblong Pattern , Liyht Pl : it ngr 8 8 0 & 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , similar to E 4 oi 3 i .... „ :. io is o b 1786 Ditto ditto stronger ditto 13 0 0 E 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern , Melon-shaped Dish 12 0 . ° E 4013 J Beaded Pattern Dish ..... ... 13 4 0 By removing the Handles from the Covers , the set of four can be made to form a set of eight Dishes . B 1792 Norfolk Pattern , a very elaborate Design , ¦¦ with rich Scroll Border all-round 17 10 0 Hot Water Dishes for above extra 13 0 0 E 1797 Threaded Pattern , equatly good as the Norfolk Pattern .. , ... 16 12 0 Hot Water Dishes for above .... extra 15 10 0 DISH COVERS / ELECTRO-PLATED ON HARD NICKEL SILVER . Each set contains one Cover 20 inches ; one of 18 Inches ; and two of 11 inches each . No . , Complete set of 4 Covers . E 2750 Plain Pattern ^ with Scroll . Handle .... 10 10 0 B 2751 Melon Pattern , -French . Scroll Handle , either PJaro or Gaaroon . edge , very handsome .......... .............. 1312 0 K 3812 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Beaded Edgeand Handles .......... 15 r 2 0 E-40 S 5 Greek Ornament Pattern , matches E 4375 Side Dishes 25 . 0 0 s 4854 Warwick Pattern , matthes-s 4853 Si < ie Dishes , ; .......,..... ... ~ 23 00 A Costly Book of Engraving ? , with Prices -attached , may be had oii application . Estimates furnished for Services of Plate for Hotels , Steam Ships . aiid Regimental Messes . . _ ¦ , MAPPIN BROTHEllS , 07 and 68 , King William Street . London 3 ridge ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
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THEATRE ROYAL , HA . YMARKET . ( Under the Management of Mr . Buckstone . ) ; aionchiy , Tuesday ! Wednesday , Thursday , and Friday , last Five Nights of Miss Amy Setfgwtck and THE FAMILY SECRET . FITZSM \ THE , OF FIXZiMYTHE HALL every evening . Mr . Buckstone and Mrs . WilkiKS . With - THE . ODDITIES OF THE OHIO . Saturday , June 23 , the Benefit of Miss Amy Sedgwiek , and her last appearance , on which occasion , lir . st time , a new Comedy , in three acts , entitled DOES HE LOVE MB , in which Miss Sedgwick will appear . THE OVERLAND ROUTE will be resumed on Monday , Jutie 25 th .
Untitled Ad
Mr . and Mrs . GERMA 2 T HEED AND MR . JOHN PARRY . The combination of these Artistes having proved a . great attraction , the Public arc respectfully informed that Mr . JOHN PARRY will aopear in conjunction with Mr . and Mrs . GERMAN UEED , in their POPULAR ENTERTAINMENT , at tho Royal Gallery of Illustration . 1-1 . Resent Street , for a limited number of Performances , every evening ( except Saturday ) at Eight . Thursday and Saturday uiternoons at Three . Admission , Is ., 2 s . ; stalls , 3 s . ; stall chairs , 5 s . ; secured at the Gallery , and at Cramer , lieale , and Co . ' s .
Untitled Ad
¦ WASHINGTON FRIEND'S Musical anil Pictorial Entertainment , illustrating 5 , 000 miles of the most interesting IS aturalbcenery in Canada and the United States * entitled ! WO HOURS IN AMERICA , with his SONGS , ANECDOTES , and MELODIES , at St . James ' s Hull . Exhibitions daily at 3 and 8 o ' clock . Stalls , 33 ; Area , 2 s . ; Gallery , Is . Ticket Office open from Ten till Five . Secretary , W . II . EDWARD& .
Untitled Ad
T awrenee Hyam announces I i that his NEW STOCK of CLOTHING for the Season of 1800 , consisting of the largest and choicest .. variety of SPRING and SUMMER attire ever designed ; is now reftdy ^ cnrtiispectionT--an < l-to--Avliich-lxe ^ . solicits public attention and patronnge . The greatest confidence may be placed in the durability and style of nil garments , combined with the utmost economy in price . LAWRENCE HYAM invites attention Jto his SURTOUT and DRESS COATS , varying from 25 s . to 303 . The MATERIAL , STYLE , FIT , and MAKE are PERFECT , and cannot fail to give general satisfaction . ; LAWRENCE HYAM'S SPRING and SUMMER OVERCOAT and UNDRESS JACKETS are Brat in FASHION , serviceable in wear , and beautiful in design . Price , 10 s ., 21 s ., 30 s . 42 s . and 50 s . LAWRENCE HYAM'S GUINEA COATS , 38 s . SUITS . 16 s . and 17 s . TROUSERS , and 6 a . VESTS , are Household Words" in every family . An Immense variety of the newest patterns to select from , specially mado for the SPRING and SUMMER Season of 18 i > 0 . LAWRENCE HYAM'S ORDERED DEPARTMENT is complete in all its nrrungoxnenta . Tho moat talented Cutters and best Workmen only are employed , whereby perfection In FII , ELEGANCE , and STYLE , are always secured at moderate prices . I ibbserve . — Tho only Establishments of LAWRENOR HYAM are—City , 3 fl , Grucecliurch . street , West-End , 180 and 190 , Tottenham . court-rond .
Untitled Ad
FIRE , THIEVES , FIRE . Oecond-hand Fireproof k ^ 5 Safes , tho most extensive assortment by Milner and other eminent , Makers , at half tho price of now . J > imonHions , 21 In . lirglf . 18 In ; wkloi nnd 10 lnvd « e >> , 423 108 . At 0 . ttRLFFITHa ' . , Old Change St . Paul ' s , E . C . Wanted , Second-hand SaAw by iliJner Chubb , Murr . orMordan . NOTICE . —Gentlemen possessed of Tann ' a Safes nood not apply .
Untitled Ad
Absolute Perfection in Quality is obtained by using BAKKR'S NON- ' PAKEIL BLACKING and PUUK BLACK L 1-A 1 > . Observe on every packet tho signature oi tho pronrietors , KDWAltD BAKER AND SONB , and lliclr Motto . It recommends itself . 10 , Camomilo Streot—Manufactory , Birmlnghnm .
Untitled Ad
"William S . Burton ' s Uene-Y T rnl Furnishing Ironrnpncpry Catalogue may be had gratis , and tiree by post . It contains upwards of 400 llluatrutionsof hia llumitcd Stock of sterling Silver and iileotro Plato , Nlokol Silver , and Britannia Metal Uoods , Dlsli Covers , 1 lot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimm-ypieccs , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Onscllera , Tea Trays , Urns , and Kettles , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Hntlis . Toilet Ware , Turnery , Iron and lirnss Bedsteads , nodding , Bedroom , Cabinet Furniture , &c , with Liats of I ' ricua , and 1 'lans of tho Twenty largo Show Rooms , at ' M , Oxford-street W . ; ) , 1 a , ' . ' , S , and 4 , Ncwmnn-atrect ; 4 , A , nnd 0 , rcrry ' A-iilnce { and 1 , Newman-inowB , London ,
Untitled Ad
" Scotland ' s LaAvs . " New O SONG . Words and Music by WILLIAM UIUJDG KW . l ' rlco 3 s . ( Id . London : QBonau Emery , 108 , Oxford Street , W .
Untitled Ad
Just published . In cloth , 2 s . 0 d ., post irve , photogz'aphic Poems . By JL C . C . SIMLLHH . " A collection of short poems , bronthlng much of tho jjoiislvemid jploua suJitl' Mf Cpy ^ per . 1 ' iuily of wciitl-Jiiont , slinplloity ol expression , ' g ' riiplilti ' . ' iluUii'Ontloii ; and inulodious rJiyihm , constitute jiuuLiu uicriis of ti high order , and those will bo found combined in -Ur . SplUei ' s pages . Tlit-y bear the Jinprciw of mi t-unicst thinker , a serious observer , and a benevolent labourt > r tor tho a < l-vui ) conic'i > t oi' religion nyd ponce . —JS ' iititmuJ Standard . London : 0 . C . Simlleu , 102 , Holboin-hlll , K . O .
Untitled Ad
NEW WORKS , la a few days , in Demy tivo , Vola . I . and II ., fThe History of Italy . JL ( From the Abdication of Nupoleon r . ) With Introductory References to that of L ' urliur * Times . By ISAAC BUTT , formerly l ' rofessor of Tolitical Economy in tho University of Dublin . II . Mr . WALTER WHITE'S New Work , in One Vol . post « vo . ALL R 0 UN 3 ) THE WEEK IN , By WALTER WHITE , Author of " A Month in Yorkshire , " " A Londoner ' s AV alk to the Laud ' s Kml , " &c . I ' At the end of June . III . New Work by tho Author of " Our Farm of Four Acres . " In One Vol ., small post 8 vo , FROM HAYTIME TO UOVPISG . A Tale . [ Shortly . Second Edition , po . st 8 vo , Cs . THE HUMAN BODY , ANJ > ITS CONNEXION WITH MAN . lJy JAMES JOIIX UARTH WILKINSON . Chapman and Hall , 103 , l'lctadilly .
Untitled Ad
Sterling Silver . — William S . BURTON has added to his extensive stock of General FURNISHING IRONMONGERY and HOUSE-FURNISHING REQUISITES , a selection of sterling SILVER SERV 1 CKS for the table or for presentation . His prices will be found considerably below those usually charged . -. Fiddle Pattern-. ' . . oz . s . d . £ s . d . " 12 Table Spoons ... 30-at 7 4 II 0 0 12 Table Forks ... 30 „ 7 4 11 0 0 13 Dessert Spoons ... ~ 20 „ 7 4 7 6 8 12 Dessert Forks ... 20 „ 7 4 7 68 2 Gravy Spoons ... 10 „ 7 1 3 13 4 ISbupXadle . I ... 9 ,, 7 4 3 60 - ¦ 4 '' Sauce'Ladles . „ 10 „ 7 10 3 18 4 1 Fish Slice .- ... .. 2 10 0 - 4 Salt Spoons , gilt bowls . .... 100 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto .. 0 70 12 Tea Spobus ... 10 at 7 10 3 18 4 1 -Pair Sugar Tongs .. 0 13 0 1 Moist Sugar Spoon .. -. 0 . . 8 6 T - I Sugar Sitter 0 1 . ) 0 1 Butter Knife .. .. .. 0 12 6 £ 57 15 10 King ' s Pattern . oz . s . d . £ s . d . 12 Table Spoons ... -1 O at 7 0 15 0 0 12 Table Forks ... 40 „ 7 6 15 0 0 12 Dessert Spoons ... 2-1 „ 7 C 9 00 12 OessertForks ... 23 „ 7 I ) S 12 G 2 Oiravy Spoons ... 11 „ 7 6 4 26 ^— l ^ l&ailJLv __ _ "L « lU i 2 2 ¦ I Sauce Laclles ,.. ' II - . ' . - bt ^ o——*~ 8-o 4 S » It Spoons , gilt bowls .. 119 0 , 1 Mustard Spoon , ditto .- 0 10 0 1 Fish Slice .. ... .- S O 0 12 Tea Spoons .. 11 at 8 0 5 12 0 ri ' nir Sugar Tongs .. - 150 1 Moiat Sugar Spoon .. ... 0 15 0 1 Sugar Sifter 130 1 Jiutter Knife .. .. .. 110 £ 75 10 0 Cottage Pattern Tea and Coffee Service . oz . s . rt . & s . d . Teapot .. .. 22 at 10 0 11 0 0 Sugar Basin .. 14 „ H 0 7 14 0 MitkEwer .. <• 7 „ 11 0 3 17 0 Co / Iee-pot .. .. 25 „ 10 0 12 10 0 £ 35 1 0 King ' s Pattern , Richly Chased . oi . s . d . & s . d . Toapot .. .. 23 at 10 « 12 IB Sugar Basin ,. 13 „ II 0 7 9 6 CroamEwer .. 7 „ 11 C 4 0 tf Oo / ree-pot .. .. 20 , ^ 10 0 13 13 0 £ 37 3 0 Bedsteads , Baths , and LAMPS . —WILLIAM S . BURTON has SIX LAUGE SHOW-ROOMS devoted exclusively to the SEPARATE DISPLAY of LAMPS , . BATHS , and METALLIC BEDSTEADS . The stock of each fs at once tho largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended to make his establishment the most distinguished in this country . Bedsteads , from iau . Od . to £ 20 o each . Shower Jlaths , from 8 s . Od . to £ 00 each . Lamps ( ftloderateur ) from fls . Od , to £ 7 7 each . ( All other kinds at tho snmo rate . ) Pure CoW Oil .......... „„ ,,,,,,,. . *? ,. P «? r gallon .
Untitled Ad
Now ready , the Third Edition , revised and enlarged . in . 8 vo , price 5 s . cloth , nphe Education of the 1 FEELINGS or AFFECTIONS . By CHARLES BRAY . ' . ' . . . . '• ' ¦ ¦ " If we would understand the purpose for wliich we have been formed , we must study tlie nature ot _ the faculties with which we have been endowed : and . in order to fulfil that purpose , we must mnke use of eacii faculty in the direction for which it -was evidently intended . "—Preiwcb . London : Loncmait , Gkeen , Longstan , and Roberts .
Untitled Ad
Fr as er' s Mag . azine , for JULY , beginning a Half-yearly Volume , will contain the First l ' art , to be continned monthly , ot a CHRONICLE OF CURRENT H 1 STOR 1 . It is proposed in this Chronicle to give a Summary of all Important Political Events jit Home and Abroad , to comment- on their general tenor in u moderate and liberal spirit , and thus to furnish a short but complete History of English and Foreign Affairs . 1 he Chromque of the " Revue des Deux Mpn'des , " which is one of tlie most characteristic features of that periodical , will supply the best example of what is intended , although ho direct attempt at imitation will be made , and the Chronicle in FKaSBR'S MAGAZINE will necessarily be shorter and mow immediately adapted to the wants of English readers . London : John W . Pakkek & Son , West Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
New and Cheaper Edition , in large 8 vo , price 10 s . ( id . elegantly gilt . "pictures from Sicily . By JL W . II . BARTLETT , Author of " Forty Days in the Desert , " " Walks about Jerusalem , " Kc . Illustrated with steel Map , 32 line Engravings , and 10 Wood Cuts . AitTiiPB Hall , Virtue & Co ., 25 , Paternoster How .
Untitled Ad
Just published , ' Br . Wright on Headaches . Third Edition . HEADACHES , THEIR CAUSES AND THEIR CURE . By HKNRY G . WUIGHT , M . D ., M . H . C . r ., Physician to the Samaritan Hospital . &c . Third Edition . London : Joux Chcuciui-i ., New Burlington Street .
Untitled Ad
- PKNTATEUCHISM ANALYdED . r Now Ready , in postSvo , price Cs ., clotli , History of the Greation A and the PATRIARCHS ; or , Pentateuchism Analytically Treated . Volume First—The Book ot Get-esis . London : George Manwaring , Successor to John Chapman , 8 , King William Street , Strand .
Untitled Ad
This -day is published in bvo , price Cd ., ome Real Wants and some SLKGITIMATE CLAIMS OF THE WORKING CLASSES . By W , THACKERAY MAKR 1 OTT , B . A ., St . John ' s College , Ciiinbiidge . London : George Manvvaiu . v " Succossor to John Chapman . 8 , King William Street , Strund . Manchester : John IIeywood .
Theatres And Amusements.
Untitled Article
558 . The Leader and Saturday Analyst . R ™ e , I 860 .
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 558, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2352/page/2/