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THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England' are to be obtained of PHILLIPS & Co , Tea Merchants , 8 , King William Street , City . Good strong useful Tea . 2 s . 8 d .. 2 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 s . ; rjch Souchong , 3 s . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., and 4 s . Pure Coffees , Is ., Jsv 2 d ., Is . " 3 d ., Is . 4 d ., Ms . " 6 d . T and ls . < 9 d . Tea' and Coffee to the value of 40 s . sent carriage-free to any railway station or market town in England . A price current free . Sugars at market prices . All goods carriaec-free within eight miles of tile City .
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KEEP YOUR PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . arber ' s Poisoned Wheat B kills Mice and Sparrows on the spot . In Id ., 2 d ., 4 A ., ar . d 8 d . packets , with directions and testimonials . No risk or damage in laying this Wheat about . From a singte packet hundreds of mice and sparrows arc found dead . Bnrclayand Sons , W . Sutton and Co ., W . Edwaixls , F . Newbery and Sons , B . Yates and Co ., London Agents . Sold retail by all Medicine Vendors , Druggists . Grocers , fcc , throughout the world . —Meware of dangerous find fraudulent imitations , offered for the sake of obtaining larger profits . Observe the Name—Baiber's Poisoned Wheat Works , Ipswich .
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Toilette Requisite for the A SPRING . —Among the many luxuries of the present ace , none can he obtained possessinjrthe manifold V , irtue ¥ of OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA . It nourishes the roots and body of the hair , imparts the most delightful coolness , with ari agreeable fragrance of perfume , and , at this period of the year , prevents the hair from falling off , or > if already too thin or turning grey , will prevent its further progress , and soon restore it again . Those who really desire to have beautiful hair , either with wave or curl , should use it daily . It is also celebrated for strengtheningthe hair , freeing it from scurf , and producing r , ew hdir , whiskers , and moustaches . Established upwards of 30 years . No imitative > vash cart equal it ; Price 3 s . 6 d ., 6 s . j and Us . only . C . and A . OLDRIDGE , 22 , Wellington-street Strand , W . C .
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IIARV-EY'S FISH SAFCE . '_/ - JVPotice of Injunction .---jl * The admirers of . this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested , to observe that none is germine Itiit that winch bears the buck" label with the rarrie of"Wir . i . iAM Lasjenbv , rtsTvcll as the front laligl signed 'MilIsabelh ¦ Lazenhy , " and' that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of . thf . Genuine Sauce will henceforward appear an additional" label , printed in green and red , as follows : — "This notice will bo affixed to Lnzcnby ' s Harvey ' s Sauce ; prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well-Jcnown labels , which are protected against imitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of 9 th July , 1853 . ''—c , Edward-street , Portman-Houare , London .
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"New Edition—1 SG 0 , post free , Three Stamps . Tim Treatise ( " GABRIEL ON -THK LOSS AND I 3 B . STMKANS OF RKSTORIXGTHE TEETH" ) ^ XpJaiHS tlu'ir Ninv ^ Sy-StP-n > Jr -aii d-Jiiay ~ be-had—gi'Htiapn application nt Messrs . Gabriel's Establishments—110 , Regent Stbket West , next Mfchi ' s . 33 and 34 , Lur > oA . TE Hili ,, City—particularly observe the name , and that the ¦ . entrance is up the private passage between the State Eirc-officc and Benson ' s , the Silversmith . Established 1801—See Diploma . And at 134 , Duke Street , Liverpool . rpeeth , Self-Adhesive , with-X OUT SPRINGS . —A NKW DISCOVERY . Protected by IJoynl Letters Patent . Messrs . GAURIEI .. call attention to a new ami invaluable improvement , being the application of PATENT CORALITE GUMCOLOITRKD INDIA- ' ORUnni'TU nsa huso for GAHHIEL'S CELEBRATED -MINERAL" TEETH and FLKXIHLE GUMS . The extraordinary advantages nttitined are well worthy of note . Neither stumps nor teeth arc extracted ; almrp edpert ore avoided ; nn amount of suction , with n degree of Hghtncsa ( nlmost fabulous ; , me obtained ; together with much greater case and comfovt , nvislug from tho utter absence of metal , while from the flexibility of the ngent employed , pressure is entirely obviated . It is permanent , wholesome , and more congenial ( o the mouth than bone or gold , and ia warranted to remain lroe from cither taste orsmcll , mastication nnd articulation being guaranteed even in cases where other inethodH havo fulled . The beat materials , with first-class workmanship only employed , and arc supplied nt loss tlmn half tho ordinary cost . American Mineral Teeth from £ 1 As . the act .
Untitled Ad
THE REST REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION . TVTor ton ' s Camomile Pills - * - ' are CQnfldej ) Uy recQjnmcmled ns , ft elinplo but certain remedy for Iudiaoation , winch is tho cause o ( nearly till the diaeimen to which wo nro subject , being n nrccilclno so uniformly firatorui and benotlelal , that it in with jUHtlco culled tho "Nnturnl Strongtncncr of the Human Stomach . " NORTON'S PILLS act i \ h jv , powerful lonjennd general aperient ; are mild in their operation ; eafo unuer any clraimHtimees \ and tlinn * Banda of persona enn now bear testimony to tho be . ncflts to bo derived from their uhc—Sold In Iiottles nt Is . lid ,, Ua . Oil ., nnd 11 b . each in every town In thekmg-• lorn , , ¦ ' CAUTION 1—Ito sure to wk for " Norton ' s IMIIb , and do not be persuaded to purcluiso the various Imitations .
Untitled Ad
Dr . Kalm continues . to DEL 1 VUH , DAILY , at Threo and Eight o'clock , his Popular Lecture on tho Philosophy of Marriage , at his Anatomical Museum , Top of tho llaymarkct . Tho MiiHOiim iu open ( for Gentlemen only ) from Twelve to Five , and lVom Sovun to Ion ; Admission One Shilling . Dr . Kfthn ' H Trunth ' e on the nbovo Buhjcct aont post-free for twelve aliunpa , direct from the author , 17 , Ilnrley-Btreet . CavenUIah-snuure .
Untitled Ad
A New Edition of I ^ he Philosophy of Marriage . - By . JOHEPII KAIFN , Gradunto of Medicine . . Surgery , and Midwifery in the Royal and Imperial University of Vienna , Kilungon , &c . &e . This j > opu lar work ( which has been translated Into four different language *) him now gone through Forty-one Editions of 10 . 0 ( 10 eneh , nnd la designed to Import nconrato knowledge on subjects which involve the means ol eeeurlng moral nnd physical happiness . Price One Shilling , or post-free for twelve stamps , direct irom th « Riitliwi ' i 17 , Hiirloy . etreet * OftYetullttU-Btjiuare , London , \ V .
Untitled Ad
Prize M ^ dal Liquid Hair 1 ) ye . Only one .. application ,. Instantaneous ... ' Jitd ' eiibK " , llarinless ' and' Scent less . Jji cases , post free , 3 s . 3 d . nnd . . ' Cs ., direct from E . 1 <\ LANGDALE'S . Labonvtory , 7 ' - ' , Hattou Garden , London , B . C . ! " 3 rr . Langdnle ' s preparations are , to our mind , tho . ' most extraortUnaryproductionsofM ^ odcniCheiniatry . ! —lllantraicd LondonXews , . 7 uly 19 , 1851 . i A loiignnd interesting : report on tlie products of E . F . Langdnle ' a Laboratory , by a Special Scientific Commission , from the Editor of the Lancet , will be found in that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1857 . A copy will be forwarded ibr two stainiis . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY : —For the Restoration and Reproduction' of the lloir . — Mr , Lnnpdnle guaianteeshisQUlNTKSSENCEofCAMTMAI { fl ) E . S ! most successful as a restorative , also in checking i groyncss , strengthening weak hair , and preventing I its falling oil "; most effectual in the growth of whiskers , ; moustachios , Kb . The money immediately returned if not ellectiinl . Post freo fbr 2 s . Od . in Stamps . — 1 Laboratory , 72 , Hntton Garden . JE .-K . LANG DALE'S RASPBERRY and CHERRY TOOTH PASTE . —The most delicious jirepnration over produced for the Teeth , Gums , ami Drouth . Post free from tho Laboratory , 72 , llnttou Garden , lor Is . 3 d . in stamps .
Untitled Ad
TRADE . ^ A ~ 3 IARK . IiitOWX _ AND POLSON'S TM : ent Q pvii Flour . — -flie JL Lancet statcsT— . ' ^ Tliisi . t superior lo unytkingoj' the lind J .-noicn . " The most ¦\ vhblesonie part of th ^ best Indian Corn , prepared by a process Patented for the Three Kingdoms and France , and wherever it -becomes known obtains great favour for Pudding ? , Custards , Jilancmatff / er all the uses Of the finest arrowroot , and especially suited to the delicacy of Children and Invalid * .. Hbown and Potsos , Manufacturers to Her -Majesty the Queen—Paisley , ^ fanchester , Dublin , and London .
Untitled Ad
Blair ' s Gout and Rheum-ATIC PILLS . Price Is . l £ d . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the -first twenty years ot the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a , romanec ; but now the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated , by unsolicited testimonials from persons in every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age . : These Pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use , and are certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . Sold by . all medicine vendors . Observe " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on the Government Stamp ; * ' . --
Untitled Ad
British College of Health , EUSTON ROAD , LONDON , FOREIGN GENERAL AGENTS , DULY ArPOINTED FOB TUB SALE OF SrORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDI-¦ - ¦ CINES : — . . .. Australian . ' .. .. .. .. '• ., Mi . Char ! wood . tJuvaria .. .. ..- . ' .. .. .. Mr . Gayrhps . Baltimore .. , 7 . C French ' and Son . Barbadoes .. .. .. .. .. Cqllymore and Gill . Barcelona .. .. .. ..- * .. Miret and Cuyas . Brody .. .. .. Mr . Kornficld . Carthagena -.. .... .. Mr . Gauto . Calcutta M . R . Child . Cape Breton Mr . \ Vard . Constantinople .. .... .. M . Stampa . Copenhagen .. Michaelsen and Holm . Cracow .. .. .. Mr . Muldner . Elainore .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Steenberg . France .. .. . Mr . Moulin . Germany and Austria .. .. Mr . Berck . Gibraltar .. Mr . Roberts . Guernsey .. ¦ ' .. .. .. .. Mr . Oochrane . Halifax ; N . S . ) - .. Mr . M'Kinlay . Hamburg .. .. Sir . Krauskopf-Honduras .. .. Mr . Henderson . Jamaica .. 3 Iiss Kington . Madras .. .. .. .. .. .. R . L . Pereira , Esq . Mexico .. .. ,. Mr . Togno . Montreal Mr . Trudeau . New Zealand Mr . I ' arris . New York .. .. .. .. .. Firth , Pond , and Co . Odessa Win . Wagner , Esq .
Untitled Ad
¦\ ll 7 heii you ask for Gleiifield . ;? PATENT STARCII , see thatyou get it , as inferior kinds are often substituted . Sold by all Chandlers , Grocers , &c , &c . AVOTHERSrOON and Gd . ^ Glasgowaftd London .
Untitled Ad
nPeeth . — ^ Mr . Eskcll , Sur-A Reon-Dentist , 314 , Tl « prent-strcet ( facing the f ' olytechhlc ) , supplies his I'ATKNTED INCORRODIBLE TEETH , which can bo matched so closely in shape and eolour to those left in the mouth , and are formed so exactly to nature , that the closest observer cannot detect the difference , and in all cases they restore perfect articulation and mastication . These teeth are fixed from one to a complete set upon Mr . Eskell ' s never-failing and painless principle of self-adhesion , icitJiout extracting any trictk or stumps , or giving any pain wlialever ; and being incorrodible they possess the superior ad van tarre of never ch ; ingiiirj colour nor decaying :. Mr . EskeU ' s celebrated OTEOVLASTIC ENAMEL , Post free for thirty stamps * for stopping decayed Teeth , is a preparation which never changes colour nor affects the colour of the tooth , nnd is free from any injurious properties either as regards the teeth or peneral health . Its application is easily performed , and without giving th « slightest pain . Deficiencies of palate effectually remedied . Loose teeth fastened . Teeth regulated . Discoloured teeth restored , &e . Hours , Ten to Six . Consultation , free . Charges strictly moderate . —314 , Uefcont-street , London ( opposite the Polytechnic ) , Established 181 " .
Untitled Ad
^ eeth . —By Her Majesty ' s Royal Letters Patent . Newly Invented ana Patented Application Of Chemically prepared INDIA RUBBER in the construction of Artificial Teeth , Gums , and Palates . Mr . EPHKAIM MOSKLY , SURGF . ON DE NTIST , !) , G UOS"VEHQR STKKBT , GKOSVEXOR SQUA RE , sole Inventor and Patentee . A new ,, original , and invaluable invention , consisting in the adaptation , with the most absolute perfection aud success , of chemically prepared India Rubber in lieu . of the ordinary gold or bone franie . All sharp edges are avoided ; no springs , wires , or . fastenings ure required ; a greatly-inereased freedom of . suction , is' supplied ; a natural elasticity hitherto ' wholly unattaVi )! ible , antl a . Bt perfected with the most unerring accuracy , are . secured ; the greatest support is given to the adjoining teeth when loose , or i-eiltlered tender by the absorption of the gains . The acids of ^ the mouth exert no agency on the prepared India Rubber ; and , as a uon-coii < luc : tor , fluids of any temperature may with thorough comfort be imbibed and retained in the indulh ,. all unwleasa-iitness of smell or taste being at the same time wholly provided against b y the-peculiar nature of its preparation . Teeth filled with gold and •^ r . Ephraim-Moseiy ' s"White Enamel , the ' only stopping tij-at will not ht'eome discoloured , and particiuarly recommended for the front ' teeth ..- 0 , Giosveivor-stveet , Grosvenqi--square , iJondou '; - li , Gay-street , IJath ; and 10 , Kltiori-square , Neweastle-on-Tyne . ~ .-.. ¦ ¦
Untitled Ad
Boon to - Nervous buf-A . " f ' erERS . — The New Medical Guide , for Gratuitous Circulation . A NervoI's . Skkfeiiek having been eft'ectually cured of Nervous Debility , Loss of Memorj ' , Dirini ess of Sigli t , Lassitudf , and Indigestion , by ' following the instruciions given in the MEDICAL GUIDE , he considers it his duty , in ' gratitude to the author , and tor the benefit of others , to publish the means used . He will , ' tUfirefore , send post-irecj pa receipt of si directed envelope , and two stamps , a copy of the book , containing every in formation required . Andres ' s ; , Jamks Wallace , Esq ., Wilfbrd H < nwev-Buvton-eresccntr l ir \ 'j « toclc-t 3 tjrlT « "itrlOTrrWer
Untitled Ad
Breeknell , Turner , & Sons ' HAND ' -. CANDLESTICKS with Registered Glass . Shades entirely prevent-the guttering of candles when carried nbout . —UKIiCKNELL , TUKNEIf , and SONS , wax and tallow clmudlcrs aud soap . and . oil merchants , at the lice Hive , 31 and U 2 , 11 ay market , K . AV .
Untitled Ad
THE IXVALTP'S GUIDK TO HKALTIf , LONG LIFE , AND . IIAI'PIXKS . S . \ eing an Essay on Diet , B Regimen , Bathlhff . nnrt Exerciso , aaconnected With the rreservntion of Health mid the Prolongation , of Life . l ! ya I'liyslclnn of thirty yeni-. s' stiinding . Sent free on receipt of six stamps , by Wm . HILL , Esq ., M . A ., 27 , Alfred-lihicc , "JJedfovtI-i ?< iuoro , London .
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XTlastic Stockings and Knee - I-iT CAPS for VARICOSE . VEINS and WKAKNKSS , o ( a very superior quality , yioldiiig an unvarying support without tho trouble olbundiiglnp ; . Instructions for Measurement and Trices on applicatlon , and the nrtkUi sent by po « t from tho Manufacturers , —I'OIMC and l'LANTE , A , Wulerloo placo , London , S . W .
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. TiiHt published , Third Edition , price la . ( Id . ealth and Long Life . By H IS . El » l \ S . "This little book contains some Hcnt » ll > lo and practical hints on physiology , nnd on tho pn-s «> rvation 01 health by attention to physical and mental Ini \\ XQ \ icaa ^ . -r-Lilerucu da ^ Mti . l ' libllBlicd by 1 ' iPRii , ' Stsi'iiknson , ami Sit-n ^ e , 23 , PutcrhosU'r Row .
Untitled Ad
FIFTH YEAR OF . PUBLICATION . " The Man of Jloss . " — X Every Thursdny— One l ' onny . An Independent Family Paper , having ( Witli 0110 / J ^ ptJon only ) the larircat clrontatlon in U » o County ot Ilcrolord . Within a radius of Un mllosof ltoss It oxec-o . « th . it of all tho other local lepers put . toRctlior . Orders AdvortlHcmonts , nmlCooka K . r I « . v ] e « vto iwHont to tho PuUlluher , J . > V . F . Covwnu .. M « irket-i > laco . Robs .
Untitled Article
June 16 , 1 S 6 G . J The Leader and Saturday Analyst . 579
Leader (1850-1860), June 16, 1860, page 579, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2352/page/23/