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MAPPIN , BROTHERS , LONDON BRIDGE . Have the largest stock of ELECTRO-SILVER PI-ATE and TABLE CUTLERY in the WORLD , which is transmitted direct' from their manufactory , Queen's Cutlery Works , Sheffield . ' , MA » pisi Brothers guarantee on ' all their , manufactures in Electro Silver Plate a strong deposit of real silver , according to price fcharged-SPOONS AND FORKS . ' Fiddle Double ( King ' s Lilly Pattern . Thread . I Pattern . Pattern . £ s . d . £ b . d . \ £ s . A . £ s . A . 12 Table Forks .... 1 16 0 2 14 0 | 3 0 0 3 12 O 12 Table Spoons .. . 1 16 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 3 13 0 12 Dessert Forks .. 1 7 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 J 14 O 12 Dessert Spoons .. 1 7 0 2 0 02 4 0 2 14 O 12 Teaspoons i f > 16 0 , ' 1 4 Oj 1 7 Oj 1 l ( i O SIDE DISHES , KtECTBO-PtATED on Hard Xickel Silver . suitable for Vcgetablo , Curries , and Entrrfes . Per set of 4 Dishes . No . £ s . tls , 3678 Gadroon Oblong : Pattern , Light Platiny 8 8 0 b 5137 Beaded Edge and Handle , similar to ¦ jb 4013 * 1 ° 1 ° ° ¦ e 1786 Ditto ditto stronger ditto .. 13 0 0 e 4012 Antique Scroll Pattern . Melon-shaped Dish ... . ^ - ° O e 4013 * Beaded Pattern Dish 13 4 O By removing the Handles from the Covers , the set of fottr can be made to form a set of eight Dishes . b 1792 Norfolk Pattern , a very elaborate Design , with rich Scroll Border all round .. 17 10 O Hot Water Wishes for above .. extra 16 0 0 e 1797 Threaded Pattern , equally good as the Norfolk Pattern ........ 16 12 0 Hot" Water Dishes for above extra ...... 15 10 0 DISH COVERS , EiacTRO-PiATED on Hatcd Nickel Silver . Each set contains one Cover of 20 inches ; one of 1 S inches ; and two bl 14 inches each . No . Complete set of 4 Covers . e 2750 Plain . Pattern , with Scroll Handle ...... 1010 0 z 3751 Melon Pattern . French Scroll Handle , either Plain or Gadroon edge , very handsome .............. 13 12 0 * 3812 Shrewsbury Pattern , with bold Beaded EdgearidHandles .................. 15 12 0 e 4085 Greek Ornament Pattern , matches E 4375 SideDishes ............ 25 0 0 s 4854 Warwick Pattern , matches s 4853 Side Dishes ......... ? 3 0 0 A Costly Book of Engravings , with Prices attached ; may be had on application . rEstiraates furnished-for Sort-ices of Plate for Hotels , Steam Ships , and Regimental Messes . MAPPIir BEQTHEBS , 67 and 68 , King William Street , London Bridge ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Sheffield .
Untitled Ad
THEATRES AND AMUSEMENTS . THEATRE E 0 TAL , HAYMARKET . Monday , July IGthv and during the woek , to commence at 7 , with the OVERLAND ROUTE . Mr . C Matthews , Mr . Buckstone , Mr . Conipton , Mr . Chippendale ; Mrs . C . Matthews , Mrs . Wilkin 9 , &c . , ' , . After which * the new Comedietta , entitled , HIS EXCELLENCY . Mr . and Mrs . (' . Matthews . Concluding with the Farce of the BOARDING SCHOOL ,.
Untitled Ad
Benson ' s Watches . — - " Perfection of Mechanism . "—Morning Post . Gold AVHtthes .. .. .. 4 . to 100 Guineas . Silver Watches .. .. . 2 to 50 Guineas . Send Two Stamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pam'¦¦ Watches sent to any part of the United-Kingdom on receipt of Post-office Orders . . 33 and 34 , Ludgate-hiU , London , EC . Established 1743 .
Untitled Ad
ROYAL OLYMPIC THEATHE . Lessees ,- Messrs . F . Robson . and W . S . Emdcn . Monday and during the week , a new Comedietta , adapted : from the French of "La Marquise tie Carabas , " entitled , DUCH-ESS OR NOTHING . Characters by Messrs . Addison , G . Cooke , W . Gordon , F . Charles , and Rivers ; Miss Stephens , and Mrs . Stirling . After which , Francis Talfourd , Ksq . ' s Extravaganza of SHYLOCK . Characters by Messrs . F . Robson , G . Cooke , II . Wigan , F . Vining , F . Charles , IT . Cooper , If . Kiveris ; Misses Hughes , Herbert , Cottrell . and Mrs . W . S . Emdcn . To conclude with DEAREST MAMMA . Characters by Messrs . Addisou , G . Vining , AW Gordon , H . Cooper ; Misses Herbert , Cottroll , and Mrs . Leigh Murray . Doors open at 7 . Commence at half-past 7 .
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, , , KEEP YOUR PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . B arter ' s Poisoned Wheat kills Mice and Sparrows on the spot . In Id ., 2 d .. 46 ., and 8 d . packets , with directions and testimonials , No risk or damage in laying this Wheat about . From a single packet hundreds of mice and eparrows are found Barclav and Sons , W . Sutton and Co ., W . Edward . i . F . New ' bery and Sons , B . Votes and Co ., London Agents . „ . _ Sold retail by all Medicine Vendors , Druggists , Grocers . &c , throughout the world . —Beware of dangerous and fraudulent imitations , offered for the sake of obtaining larger profits . ¦ _ Observe the Name—Barber ' s Poisoned « heat Works . Ipswich .
Untitled Ad
Baths and Toilette Ware . — WILLLAM S . BURTOX hasON"E LARGE SHOW ROOM devoted exclusively to the DISPLAY of BATHS and TOILETTE WARE . The stock of each is at once the largest , newest , and most varied ever submitted to the public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that have tended fo maka this establishment the most distinguished in the country . Portable Showers , 7 s . 6 d . ; Pillar Showers , £ Z to £ 5 12 s . ; Nursery , 15 s . to 32 s . ; Sponging , 9 s . 6 d . to 32 s . ; Hip , 13 s . 3 d . to 31 s . 6 ( 1 . A large assprtmentof ( ins . Furnace , Hot and Cold Plunge , Vapour , and Camp Shower Baths . Toflette Ware in great variety , from 15 s . 6 d . to 45 s . the set of three .
Untitled Ad
HAKVEY'S FISH SAUCE . Notice of Injunction . — The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce are particularly requested to observe that none is genuine but that which bears the bacli label with the name of William Lazenby , as well as the front label signed " Elizabeth . Lazenby , " and that for further security , on the neck of every bottle of the Genuine Sauce will henceforth appenr an additional label , printed in green and red , as follows;—" This notice will be affixed to Lazeriby's Harvey's Sauce , prepared at the original warehouse , in addition to the well-known labels , which are protected against imitation by a perpetual injunction in Chancery of ^ th July , 1858 . ' " —6 , Edward-street , Portman-square , London .
Untitled Ad
Pianofortes . — -Cranier 7 Beale , and Co . —NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GRAND PIANO , and . every description warranted . List of Prices and Terms for Hire post-free . 201 , REGENT STREET .
Untitled Ad
Har moniums ;—Cramer , Beale , and Co . Description and List of Prices , post-free . Also , Second-hand H AR MONIUMS in great variety . 201 , REGENT STREET .
Untitled Ad
Tea Urns of London Make only . ... The largest assortment of London-made TEAURNS in the World ( including all the recent novelties , many of which ore registered ; is' on sale at WILLIAM S . BURTON'S , from 30 s . to £ 6 .
Untitled Ad
Pap ier Mache and Iron Teatrays . An assortment of TEA-TRAYS and WAITERS " wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . New ; Oval Papier Mache Trays , per set of three . ,... from 20 s , Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto iron ditto > .,.......... from 10 s . to 4 guineas . Convex shape , ditto ' ... — ... ; from 7 s ; 6 d . Round ani Gothic Waiters , Cake and Bread-baskets ¦¦ ¦ . ' , eauallv low- " . .-.. ' .
Untitled Ad
Elastic Stockings and Knee Caps for VARICOSE VEINS and WEAKNESS , of a very superior quality , yielding an unvarying support without the trouble of bandaging . . ¦ Instructions for Measurement and Prices on application , and the article sent by post from the Mamifacturera , — POPE and PLANTE , 4 , Waterloo-place , London , S . W .
Untitled Ad
"Oritisli College of Health , JE > EtTSTON ROAD , LONDON . FOREIGN GENERAL AGENTS . . Dl-LT APPOINTfiB FOR THE SALE OV -MORISON'S VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL MEDI-. . ' ¦ .. .. '¦ CINES :-i- . - . .-. ; . ¦ ' . . Australia .. .... .. .. Mr . Cliarlwood . Bavaria .... .. Mr Gayrhos . Baltimore . » - . J . C . French and Son . Barbadoes .. .... .. .. Collymore and GUI . Bacelbna ' ... .. .. - Mil et and Cuyas . Brody .. .. .. . • • Mr . Kornfiold .. Cathasjena .. .... .. ¦" .. Mr . Canto . Calcutta .. .. ¦ ' .. .. .... Mr . R . Child . Cape Breton .. .. . ' . .. Mr . Ward . Constantinople .. .. .. M . Stampa . Copenhagen .... .. ... ' Michaelseu and Holm . Cracow .. ' ¦ '?• .. Mr . Muldnor . Elsiriore . ^ Mr . Steenborg . France .. .. .. .. .. .. Mr . Meulin . Germany and Austria .. .. . Mr . Berck . Gibrnlter .... Mr , Roberts . Guernsey Mr . Coclirane , Halifax- ( -X-S , ) ... .. .. f ¦ Mr . M'Klnlay . Hamburg Mr . KrauskdpfT " Honduras .. .. •• .. Mr . Henderson . Jamaica . i .. .. .. Mlas Klngton . Mudras .... .. .. .... R . L . Perelm , Esq . Mexico .. •• Mr . Togno . Montreal .. Mr . Trudeau . Now Zealand ...... .. Mr . Parris . New-York •• •• Firth , Pond , and Co . Odessa .. .... .. -. ¦ Wm . Wagner , Esq . ,
Untitled Ad
Wi lliam S . Burton ' s General Furnishing Ironmongery Catalogue may be had gratis , and free by post . It . contains upwards of 500 Hlustratians of his unlimited Stock of sterling Silver and Electroplate , Nickel Silver , and Britannia Metal Goods . Dish Covers , Hot-water Dishes , Stoves , Fenders , Marble Chimneypioces , Kitchen Ranges , Lamps , Gase ] iersv Tea Trays , Urqs , Kettles , Clocks , Table Cutlery , Baths , Toilet Ware . Tijrnerv . Iron and Brass Bedstcads . Beddlng . Bedroom and Cabinet Furniture , &c , with Lists of Prices , and Plans of the Twenty large ShowRooms ^ , at 39 , Oxford-street , W . ; 1 , 1 A , 2 , 3 , and 4 , Newinan-street ; 4 , 5 , 6 , Perry ' s-place ; > and 1 , Newnmn-mews , London .
Untitled Ad
Ctrainer , Beale , and Co . ' s List of /¦ ^ fwland popular music . — - lTtrxtne : — " — ' « - >—¦—WALLACE'S New Grand Opera . The Vocal Music cowplcte . Also Arrangements of Airs in LX / RLINE as Solos and Duets for the Pianoforte , by Callcott , Osborne , Brinley Richards , Favarger , Rhue , and Benedict . ¦ LURLINE , by WALLACE , s . d . D'Albert ' s Polka .... from Lurlino ... , 3 0 „ Quadrilles .. from Lurline ... 4 0 Waltzes ........... from Lurlino ... 4 0 cWe's Troubadour Waltz ...... fromLurUn © ... 4 0 Quadrilles from Lurlino ... 4 0 " > - ,. ¦¦ WALTZES . WOODLAND WHISPERS WALTZES . By Gerald Stanley . First and Second Sets , 3 s . each _ XL BACIO Value Brlllante . Dedicated to Mdllo . ^^^^ VAtoFdRTEDUE ^ S ^ VERDI'S New Opera , " Un Ballo Masohera . " . ,, " Macbeth . " ' "IlTrovatore . " ' " La Traviata . " FLOTOW'S " Martha . " . ROSSINI'S ¦ " Btabat Mater . " « tl Barblere . " ! "MoadinEgltto . " „ "Som iramlde . " WEBER'S " Ob « ron . " MOZART'S " Don Giovanni . " "Figaro . " MEYERBEER'S n Lo Prophbte . " W . V . WALLACE'S " Luillno . " The whole ot the above as Duet * , By W . H . CALLCOTT , SB , and ( Is . each . THE BEATING OF MY OWN HEART , flung by Mdlle . Clara Novello . Compoeod by Macfarren . THE OPEN WINDOW . Sung by Miss Poole . Composed by W . Maynard , UNDER TUB GREENWOOD TREE . Sung by Mr . Sims Reeves . Composed by J . L . Hntton . THEY SAY THAT ALL THINGS CHANGE . Sung by Mr ; 81 MB Jloeveirr Composed by W . V . WaUaoe . THE COMING OF THE FLOWERS . Simat fcy Madame Lenrmema Bherriogton . Composed bjr W . V . Wallace 2 s . each , aei , BEQENT 8 TBEET .
Untitled Ad
Qtrasbourgli Tongues . — J ^ Thes e superior delicacies have now become the " standing dish BlhEbTTOcaKrfistPtabltnrntt-household- ^ v ^ rd of the domestic circles , being delicately cured , nicely spiced and a beautiful colour . Sold in packages , containing six , at 3 s . 66 .. per package . Cheddar Loaf Cheese , 7 Ad . nnd 8 * d . per lb . Spanish and Westphalia Hams in abundance ; from 7 d . to 9 d . per lb . Osborne's Peatsmoked Bacon is now in excellent euro , 9 id . per lb . by the half-side . Butters in perfection at reasonable rates . A saving of 15 per cent , is effected by the purchaser at this establishment on all first-class provisions . Puckages gratis OSBORNE'S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , Osborne-Howbe , 30 , Ludgate-hlll , near St . Paul ' s ,. E . C .
Untitled Ad
Blair ' s Gout and Rheumatic PILLS . Price , Is . IJd . and 2 s . 9 d . per box . This preparation is one of the benefits which the science of modern chemistry has conferred upon mankind ; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for the Gout was considered a romance ; but now the efflcacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated , by unsolicited testimonials from personBin every rank of life , that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries of the present age . Tlieso Pills require no restraint of diet or , confinement during their use , mid aro certain to prevent the disease attacking any vital part . . _ . Sold by all medicine vendors . Observe " Thomas Prout , 229 , Strand , London , " on tho Government Stamp .
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/ ireerthull , maker of the VJC SIXTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS , 325 , Oxford street Lo « don , W . ( Two doors west of the Circus . ) o " ercoatBr * 2 28 . V Frock Coats , £ ' 2 10 s . ; Dress Coats , dEilOs ; Morning Coats , £ 2 2 *; Waistcoats , 12 s . ; Black Dress Trousers , JBl Is . 325 , Oxford-street , W .
Untitled Ad
A Toilette Requisite for the SPRING . —Amon g the many luxuries of tho present age , none can be obtained p ^ ssessinK the raanifold virtues of OLDRIDGE'S BALM OF COLUMBIA . It ntmrlshes the roots arid body of the hair , i m p arts t he mos t delightful coolness , with an agreeable fragrance of perfameland . atthls period of the year , prevents the hair fromfalllnitoff . or , if already too thin or turning groy , wi " prev « t its further progress , and soon restore Jt 3 n ThoM who really desire to have beautiful hair , cfther wKave or curU , « houW use it dally . It Is also celebrated for strengthening the hair , freeing it from scm * , and preduolng new lmlr , whiflkora . and moustaches . Established upwarSs of 30 years . No lmltativo wash can eaual It . Price 3 s . Gd ,, 6 s ., and 1 . 1 b . only . ¦ S / and A . OLDRIDGE , 22 , Wolllnffton Street , Stran d , w . c . ¦ ;
Untitled Ad
Prize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . Only one application . Instantaneous , Indelible , H arm l ess , and Scentless . In eases , post free , 3 s . 3 d . ana Oh ., direct from E . F . LA NGDALE'S Laboratory , 12 , Hntton Garden , London , E . C . "Mr . Longdale ' a preparations are , to our mind , the moat extraordinary productions of Modern Chemistry . — Mustrated London Netcs . July 16- 1851 . A long and Interesting report on the products or E . F . Lungdale ' s Laboratory , by a Special Sclentlllc Commission , from tho Editor of the / . anctl , will b « found In that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 188 < . A copy will ba forwarded for two stamps . ¦• - AGENTS WAN . TEP .: " ; * " T " THE NEW DISCOVERY , —For the Rcptora U > n and RoDroductiou of tho Hair . —Mr , Langdale puaraoUM Ws OUINTE 8 SENCE of CANTHARIDES most sucocssffiSares toratlve , al 8 o in checking firoyncs , » tren « tl » - eninB Weak hair , and prevon , tinff Its falling off ; moat Affe . tnTi irt the growth of whUkere , rnoustacbios , &c . The Sey immedia tely rbturned if not effectual . Port freo for 2 s . 6 d . tn Stamps . —Laboratory , 72 , Hattou G de F LANGD ALE ' S RASPBERRY and CHERRY TonTif PASTH . —Tho most delicious preparation « yer Suced for the Teeth , Ounts , and Breath .-Poit / rw from the Laboratory , 72 , Hatrin Gsrden , for U . 3 d . in ¦ tnmps .
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BROWN AND POLSOX'S y@ < Patent Corn Flour . —The Lancet states : — ' * . ¦' , " " TM * i * superior to anything of the kind knoun , " The mo » t wholesome part of the beat Indian Corn , preparoj by a process Patented , for tho Three Kingdoms and France , an * wherever it becomes known obtains great favour for Puddings , Custards , Blancmange ; all the uses ot the fln « st arrow root , and especially eulUd to the delicac y of Children <* nd Invalid * . Brown and Pomoit , Manufacturers to Her Majosty the Queen —Paisley , Manchester , Du b lin , and London ,
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TH ? J BES T AITO CHEAPEST _ Teas and Coffees in England are to be obtained of ralLLIPS & Co ., Tea Merchan t a 8 , Kin g Wllllain Street , City . Good strong uselul ^ Ta .. 8 d ., M . lOd ., 8 s . and 4 « . ; rlch 8 ouohong , 8 « . 8 d ., ailM ., and 4 s . PureCoffeea . !» ., Ib . 3 d ., Is . 8 d ., U . * J ., it fld ndl " 8 d . T « a and Coffee to the value of 40 s . ientoiKe-free to any railway station or market town TnEnglina . A price current free . Sugars » t jnartet prices ; All goods cnrrUgcfrec wttnln Smiles of tt * C « y .
Untitled Article
# 50 The Saturday Analyst and Leader . [ July 14 , 1860 .
Leader (1850-1860), July 14, 1860, page 650, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2356/page/2/