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SPECIAL NOTICE. ! The Queen's Hotel Company, ' UpperNorwood (Limited), -registered pursuant to j hich tin
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the Joiut-titock Companies Act . 18 « * > fir " " . by which ; f Uabiiitv ni Khari-holdcrs is strictly limited t <> tlieirsulj- j seriptions . Capital , . £ 50 , 000 , in 5 , 000 " . shares of 4 : 10 each . , Deposit £ l |> ei- share on ' application ami £ 1 !(>> . on allot- ( ment . The remaining £ 7 10 s . will Uc paynMi- Jn three j Quarterly instalments of £ 2 10 . s . each , j CLOSING OK 1 'llR SHAKE M-ST . i DlKlX-TOIIS . j « T . S . Holt , i ; . vi ., Deputy . St . l'aul > Olnm-hvia-t . | Charles Kitchie , Kso . ., Vppcr Tulsc-hi ! l _ John Hurmaii Watson . Esq .. Anerley , l ' enge . . < James I'raiiks , Esq ., Upper Norwood , and 11 , Little-Towcr-strect , City . , "¦¦ ¦ ¦• ¦ . j Bankers . —Messrs . Hankoy , Feiiohnnhstreet . j , Solicitous , — -Messrs . Johnston , Farquhnr , and Leech . . ¦ 'ArD . ixoits . —M <» ssri » .. QuiUei \ Bull ,. Jay . and Co . The attention of the pnbliois invited to t lie following exclusive aiivantiiwsoft ' erefHjy this CompaJiy . lsti The liabilities of the e-Iiavelioklcrs are . strictly limited tq'the amount ofth <> h-Shares . ' - » d . The Directors-. lire gentlemen who posst s , » a practical knowledge and experience of the working of . Metropolitan Hdtcls , and whose connections are of the most , extensive and reliable character . . 3 d . Tho possession of a property , from NHli . May "ist , of the highest remunerative , capabilities , and . which has inn establish "' I ; m . i roi ^ ttnitlv increasintf reputation . 4 th . That the results , during : the past six years , have proved its security . it- » ymnnnenee , liicrativencs . s audits undoubted claim to rank as a -first-class 'investment . Applications for prospectuses and forms for the fow vcmulniiiKimnlldttcdJShiirc ? must be made immediately ill Messrs . 1 ' rlce nu . l Brown ' s , Brokers , Chantfe-alley , Cornhlll ; -iinrt to the Secretary , No . 14 , Little Tower-.-trcet , City .
Untitled Ad
r StiincUird Life As ^ urance « I- - . ' ¦ COMPANY . SPKCIAI , iNOTiCK . —UONUii YKAIl . SIXTH DIVISION QF PROFITS . . Al 1 Policies now effected will participate . in thoDlvihIoii of Profits to be made us at 15 th November next . TUE STANDARD wiis cstublishcd In ta ' _ > 0 . The first Division of protltK took place in 1835 ; and subsequent dirlsions liave been miido in 1840 . 1815 , 1800 , and 1855 . The Protitsto ho divided in 1 SC 0 will ho those which have arisen sinco 18 e 5 <" . Accumulated Fivntl ; ... dCt , ( W 4 , W « . 2 10 Annual Revenue ^!> , ' ^ 1 HI f > Annual avornges of now Assurances offectnd ( luring Hie lust ten yours , npwnrds of Hnlf a Million Htoilln ^ r . , AVILL * T 1 IOS . THOMSON , Wiiuajrer . H . JONKS WILLIAMS , Kesldont Secrctivvy . The Company ' s Medical Ollleer attentls at the Olllce , daily , at Ilalf-pnst One . LONDON , Ha , KINO - WILLIAM RTREHT , KD 1 NBUKO 1 I , !) , Uoort'O STUKKT ( H « -nd Ofllce ) . DuiJux , ( i ^ i , urruii haokvili . k stkkkt .
Untitled Ad
Ban k of Deposit . Established a . p . 1844 . 3 , 1 ' ull Mall Kast , London . Capital Stock , £ 100 , 000 . Parties desirous of Investing Money are reiiuested to examine tlio I'lan of tho Hank of Deposit , by which a high rate of IiiteroNt niny [ io obtnlnud wllh aiyi'l ? "pgiirlty . pe ' jiKwur lijallo liy "& ^ lilirt "Atfro ' oWoTit "" iniiy "' l ) o ' wIJlidnvwn without notice . Tim Interest , is payable In JnnrinTv nnd July . PKTKl ' t MOUIUSON . MannffliiK Director . Forms for oponiiiK nceoimtH sent IVeo on application .
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Loan , Discount , and Deposit HANK . KhtubllHhod 1 R 4 !> . DEPOSITS rofolvod , honrln ^ liiioreHt at from 6 to 10 per cent ,, withdrawable m per nifroomciit , LOANS ftrautoil . . Prospoctupos , nnd ovcry luformutlon , muy bo obtained oy lettw or personal applluu Ion . ,. _ KDWAHD LF ^ VIB , Managre .
Untitled Ad
Batlis and Toilette Ware .- — - WILLIAM S . BURTON has ONKLAUGK SHOW liOOM devoted exclusively to tho DISPLAY of BATHS nnd TOir-KTTE WARK . The stock of each is ' nt once the largost , newest , nnd most varied evor submitted to tho public , and marked at prices proportionate with those that havo tended to inako this ostnbllshment the most dlRtlnffnlehcd in the country . Portable Showers , 7 s . ( id . ; Pillar Showers ,. £ 3 to j 65 12 s . ; Nursery , 15 s . to iVJa . ; Sponging , 9 » . C « l . to 32 s . ; Hip , lUs . 3 d . tp 31 r . ( Id . A largo nssortnn'litof Oan , Knrhaco , Hot and Oold Plunge , Vapour , and Cnmp Shower Ruths . Toilette Ware In great variety , from lfis . Oil . to 45 s . the not of three . Ten Urns of London Make only . THo lar ^ enl ; assortment of London-mado TKAURNS in the World ( Including all the recent novelties , many of whlili are registered ; Is on salo at WILLIAM H . UURTON'S , from Ms . to £ U , Pap ier . Macho and Iron Teaimys . An iiHsortmont of TKA-TRAYS nnd WAITEKS wholly unprecedented , whether as to extent , variety , or novelty . Wow Ovitl Paplei' Mncliu Trays , per not of throe .... from 20 s . Od . to 10 guineas . Ditto Iron ditto from 10 s . to 1 gulnoiw . Convox ahapo ditto from 7 h . Ud . lRo « iid ; : fliva Goturo ¦ Wiiitors ; Crtko Ana BrQoaibasiketfl ,. . . . .., ctiuaUy low . William S . Burton ' s General Furnish hip Ironmongery Catalogue may bo had gratis , and freo hy posf . It contulns upwanls of 600 Illustrations of his unlimited Stock of Sterling Silver and Kloctro Pluto , Nickel silver , nnd Urltunula Metal Oootl » . Dlsli Covers , Hot-water Dishes , Stoyos , Konders , Marhlo ClilmnovplaceH , Kltchuu ltniiK's , Lainpn , On suitors , Tea Tra . vH , Urns , Kottles , Clooks , Tahlo Outlory , Hatlm , Toilet Waro . Turnery . Iron and Brass Bcd 8 tctulfl , « eddli > tr , Hodroom and Cabinet Furniture , &o ., wltliLlHti of Prlcen , nnd Plain * of tho Twenty targe Show Rooms , at 89 , Oxfora- street , W . ; 1 , U , 2 , 8 , ftnd 4 , Nowman-Btrectj 4 , « , t » , Pcny ' S'PlaCO ; una 1 . Kc ^ roittu-nJOWdi London . '
Untitled Ad
Thr ^ Wti ^ W - * - This Day , contains a Letter to the Editor of tho " Times , " l > y " Jnriius , " oiv . the Paper Question ; a Word with Mr . Thackeray , on his Trumpeting In" the " Cornhill Matfiizino ; " a Reply to 31 r . Ledger ' s Attack in the "Era , " on the Fancy Fair nt the-Crystal Palace , in ; aid of the Dramatic College at JIaybury ; Mr . Thomas' II . Bnylis ' s Latest Insurance Break ; all the Banking , Mining , Insurance , and Commercial Intelligence of the Week . Prieo 4 d . —Office , 0 , Urydges-strect , Strand , W . C .
Untitled Ad
T Haehette arid Go . ' s Popular JL / iT SCHOOL . BOOKS . " *? - ¦ Teleniariiie , Is . 3 d . ; Charles XIL , Is . 6 M . ; LaFontaiiie , Is . Od . ; Mpn ' tesqui . eu . Grandeur et . ' caderice deRomainSi Is . 3 d . ; Koche's Frchcli Exercises , la . 3 d . ; Noel and Chnpsal's Frewdi Graiinnar and Exercises , Is . Gd . each ; Louis XIV ., 2 s , Cd . ; Chapsal ' s Models of French Literature , Prose , 3 s . ; Poetry , 3 s . ; Ciesar , with . Latin Notes , Is . 6 d . ; Horace , with Latin Notes , 1 * . 6 d . ; Virgil , with' JjM-in . Notes , 2 s . ; Homer ' s Iliad , 3 s ., &c , Ac ; AH 12 mo size , und strongly bound in bo * rds , . L . HACHETTE & CO ., 'Publishers , 18 , King Willinrastreet Straikl .
Untitled Ad
The Quarterly . 'Review * No . CCXV ., is published THIS DA \* . cdxxKSTs : ; ; I . THE LOXUQ 5 T I'OOI ? . . II . . IOKK 1 MI SOAl-IOKi :. III . AYpHKMISX ' . S 8 AV 1 NOS AX 1 > liAUXlUSO ^ IV . THE CAI'E ANI > SOUTH A 1- "RI « . "A . , ; V . MUS . GUpTE ' s SIKMOilt Ol" AllY SCHEFlJilt . VI . STOXIillKXCK . . ' — '¦ ¦ VII . UAHWIS OX SPKCIJCS . Mil . TIIK COX . SKK \ : ATIVK KfiACTIO >' . JOHN MURltAY , Albcniarlc-strpet .
Untitled Ad
Pelican Life Insurance COMPANY . Established in 1797 . 70 , ' BOMBARD-STREET , CITY , and 57 , CHARINGCROSS , WESTMINSTER . DIRECTORS . Octavius K . Coope , Esq . Henry Lancelot Holland ^ William Cotton , D . C . L . r Esq . _ F . K . S . ¦ . ¦ : ' ¦ ¦ --Wm ; Jas . Lancaster , E * 'i-John Davis , ES ( f . John Lubbock , T 5 sq ., F . lt . S . Jas . A . G 6 rdon , lI . D ., F . R . S . Benjamin Shaw , Bsq , Edward Hawkins , Jun ., Esq . Matthew Whitinffi Esqr _ Kirkinan D . Hodgson , Esa-, ST . Wyvill , Jun ., Esq ., M . r . JI . P . ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦"¦ . "'¦ ¦¦ . : .. : ¦ This Company ofters COMPLETE SfECURlTY . MODERATJE RATES of Preminm with Participatfou in Four-Fifths , or 80 per cent ., of the Profits . LOW RATES without participatioB in Profit * . LOANS in connection with Life Assurance , on approved Security , in sums of tiot loss than i 55 OO . BONUS OF 180 X . A . LL POLICIES effosted prior to the lrtJuly ^ 1861 , on the Bonus Scal » of Premiums , will participate in the next division ol Profits . ROBERT TUCKER , Secretary and Actuary .
Untitled Ad
The Rent Guarantee Society . " 3 , CHARLOTTE ROW , MANSION HOUSE , — ¦ j- ^~ Estat > li 3 lig ( t ~ t 8 tiO .
Untitled Ad
FIFTH YEAR OF PUBLICATION . The Man of Ross . " — Every Thursday—One Penny . An Independent Family Paper , havlns ( with one exception ^ only ) the largest circulation in the connty of Hereford . Within a radius of ten miles of Ross it exceeds that of all the other local papers put together . Orders , Advertisements , and Books for Review to bo Bent to tho Publisher , J . W . F . Counskix , Market-placo , Ross .
Untitled Ad
As Coachman and Groom , a SiiiRlo Younp Man , aged U 5 , wishes an Engagement as above ; good rider or driver ; 3 years character . -SUs . Henry Burden , 17 , Carlton-h , ouso Terrace , Pall Mull East , S . W .
Untitled Ad
C olman Burroughs will be glad of an EiitfiUfoment to deliver , in the Autumn , hlH new Lecture on ART AND ARTISTS . An . early application is respectfully requoHted . Tonnj vrin bo forwirdcdon appllcutlon . —Address , 3 , Truro-Btreot , Haverstack-hill , London , N . " \ V ,
Untitled Ad
M essrs . Collar *! and Collard . bog leivve to nnnounuo that tholv NRW ESTABLISHMENT , No . 10 , 9 ' » avenor . strwt . Bo ^ -stroo . being completed , tho premises are NOW OPEN _ for the transaction of Business , with nu ample stock ofPIANOFORTKS of ail clasBCB , both for SALE nnd unih , Mobsib . C . and 0 . trust that tho arranRcmenta they lla ^ e made will bo found to conduce very materially to thei con-. vonionco of tholr cuetoinors , moro « "IM » » » y ™ " ^ MaWiiiftiiUtUQjtortfirLiJ ^ . Wotol . y LV K ^ 'rin-CTOSw- ' -- - counts and . Correspondence will bo carried on at 10 , Grosvonor Klrevt , Bowl Street . ¦ ( . - 10 , Orosvcuor Streot , Bond street .
Untitled Ad
Qauces . ^—Conn oiseia ^ have pijoj- ' . ) / Pi k > nonnaca LEA AND 1 'KlUtINS « WOncKHTOJ * - .-.. . i ¦ SIIIK 12 RiiJTCE " oii ( t «> f tlio iiont ndcUtloim to Soup , WUfi , , ,-a ^ a 3 SASss ^ w : ' : v- ^ £ u 7 ^?^™^ n& % ^ " <' ' - " W " ¦ i ^ ' re » poctablo Oilmen and Grocers . ' ¦• L ' v . ^ Sole Manufucturera-LKA 1 «« rsuww , Worctoter , - ^ »• ¦ , . _ '^ S
Untitled Article
. . . ~ ' ; . - ,,. ' , A- . - . ¦ -: ¦ < - - ^ y - ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦ ¦ v ¦ ¦ - ' : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ : ¦ • •¦¦ - '• . ¦ - ^ fc . ' ' - ' ¦ ' •• ¦ . ¦" ' ' ¦ ' ' - ; -: : ¦ , ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " : - ¦ ¦ - ;¦ ; : ¦¦ ¦ - " ¦ ¦ . ' ¦ ' ' :. ' ¦'' ¦ - '¦' ¦ :: ¦ '¦ - ¦ ' \ '' ¦ ' ¦''' . ¦ ¦ . ¦ . ' - '¦ ' . . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ , - . - . ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ ' ; -THE ., ' ; ' ¦ ¦ " . . ^ ¦" ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦ "' ¦ '; ~ SATURDAY ANALYST - -. ' , ¦ ' . ¦ ' " ' ¦ ' AND ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ " . ¦ .. ¦ : . ¦ ' ¦ LEADER ; ^ '&t \ sk [\ i m ^ $ ttox ^ af § aUM , fxitmv , % ttmh , ra * . SW ( Stoats .
Untitled Article
. »» &w « , - xo . m . \ AUGUST 4 , 1860 . { Prke 3 d ... Nv . 5-1-1 . > . . ¦ ¦¦' . -
Untitled Article
The Lazy-bones Parliament Literary Pension List . Sir Arthur H . Elton ' s New ] Foreign Correspondence : The Government of India . Italy in Transition . Novel . . -Hanover . The Emperor ' s Letter . M . Dumas' Garibaldi . Parliamentary Lceentricity . ¦ State Document . Free and Slave Labour . Curiosities of Natural His- Miscellaneous Books . i Eecord of the Week . Bribery torv . The Magazines . j Entertainments . . ¦} ¦¦ ¦ * i Parliament .
Special Notice. ! The Queen's Hotel Company, ' Uppernorwood (Limited), -Registered Pursuant To J Hich Tin
tin Sl'ECIAL NOTICE . ! The Queen ' s Hotel Company , ' . ' Upper . ' ' Norwood ( Limited ) , ¦ . registered pursuant to
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 4, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2359/page/1/