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Untitled Ad
BENSON'S niATCHES . "Perfection of Mechanism . "—Morning Post . Gold Watches ... .. * .. 4 to 100 Guineas . Silver Watches .. , .. ... * 2 to 50 Guineas . Send Two Stamps for Benson ' s Illustrated Watch Pamphlet . . Watches sent to any part of tha United Kingdom on receipt of Post-office-Orders . ' 33 and 34 , "Ludgate-hill . London . E . C . Established 1749 .
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Pianofortes . —Cramer , Beale , and Co . —NEW MODEL OBLIQUE GKAND PIANO , and every description warranted . List of Prices and Terms for Hire post-free . 201 , REGENT STREET .
Untitled Ad
Harmoniums . —Cramer , Beale , and Co . Description and List of Prices , post-free . Also Second-hand HAKMONIUMS in srreat variety . ' 201 , REGENT STREET .
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Cramer , Beale , and Co . 's List of NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC . LURLINE . WALLACE'S New Grand Opera . The Vocal Music complete . Also Arrangements of Airs m LURLINE as Solos and Duets for the Pianoforte , by Callcott , Osborne , Brinley ^^^ ava ^ er ^ R ^ and Benedict . ^ ^ D'Albert ' s Polka .... from Lurline ... a 0 Quadrilles from Lurlina ... 4 0 " Waltzes from Liffline ... 4 0 Coote ' s Troubadour Waltz ...... from Lurline ... 4 0 Quadrilles ..... . from Lurline ... 4 0 " WALTZES . WOODLAND WHISPERS WALTZES . By Gerald Stanley . First and Second Sets , 3 s . each . IL BAG 1 O . Valse Brillante . Dedicated to Mdtle , Picpoiominiby I . A ^^^ ^ -or Duets . VERDI'S New Opera , "Un Ballo Maschera . " ,, " Macbeth . " "II Trovatore . " ; , ' La Traviata . " FLOTOW'S '' Martha . " . ¦ ROSSINI'S « : Stabat Mater . " „ "II Barbiere . " " * - . „ ¦ . " Mose in Egitto . " ,, " Semirainide . " WEBER'S " Oberon . " MOZART'S " Don Giovanni . " ; , - ¦ " Figaro , " . _ MEYERBEER'S "Lc Prophete . " W . V . WALLACE'S " Lurline . " The whole of the above as Duets , By W .-H . CALL ~ COTT , 5 s . and 6 s . each . THE BEATING OF MY OWN HEART . Sung by Mdlle . Clara-Noyeiio . Composed by Macfarren . THE OPEN WINDOW . Sung by Miss Ppolc . Composed by W . Mayriard . UNDER THE GREENWOOD TREE . Sung by Mr . Sims Reeves . Composed by J . B . Hatton . THEY SAY THAT ALL THINGS CHANGE . Sung by Mr . Sims Reeves . Composed by W . V . Wallace . * THE COMING OF THE FLOWERS . Sung by Madame Lcmniens Sherrington . Composed by W . V . Wallace 2 s , each . - . 201 , REGENT STREET .
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Strasbourg Tongues . — -V ^ -The 8 er-gni > erior—delicacies- liavc noaiEUfrccomcLjJifi , standing dish of the brcakfast-tablo ami household word of the domestic circles , being dolicutcly cured , nicely spiced , and a beautiful colour . Sold in packages , containing nix , at 3 s . ( id . per package . Cheddar Lont Cheese , 7 £ d . arid 8 £ d . per lb . Spanish nnd Westphalia Hams in abundance , from 7 d . to Od . per lb . Osborne ' s Peatsmoked Bacon is now in excellent cure , 9 | d . per lb . by tho half-side . Butters hi perfection at reasonable ratos . A saving of 15 per cent , is effected by the purchaser at this establishment on all flrst-class provisions . Packages gratis . OSBORNE'S CHEESE WAREHOUSE , OsnonNEHoube , 30 , Ludgate-hill , noar St . Paul ' s , E . C .
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THE BEST AND CHEAPEST Teas and Coffees in England are to be obtained of PHILLIPS & Co ., Ten Merchants , 8 , King William Street , City . Good strong useful Tea , SB . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., 3 s . and 4 s . ; rich Souchong , 3 s . 8 d ., 3 s . 10 d ., ana 4 « . Pure Coffees , Is ., Is . 2 d ., 1 b . 8 d ., Is . 4 a ., lB . 6 d ., andlB . 8 d . Tea and Cofte » to tho value of 40 s . s « nt carriage-free to any railway station or market town in England . A price current free . Sugars at market prices ; All goods carriage-free within 8 miles of the City .
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BROWN AND FOLSOX'S Patent Corn Flour . - — The Lancet atateB ' : •—" This is superior to anything of t / i « hind known . " ¦ The most wholosomo part of tho best Indian Corn , prepared by a process Patented tor tho Throe Kingdoms nnd Franco , an * wherever It bocomea known obtains grout favour for Puddings , Custards , llhtneinnnge ; all tho uboh of tho finest arrow root , nnd especially suited to tho dollctu > yotOMMf « nandJnealids . ^ . _ _ __ _ BnowN and PotsoN , Mnnufaoturorn to Her Majesty tlio Quean ~ Pai « loy . Manchester , Dubllnriuul London .
Untitled Ad
Green hall , mnkor of tho sixteen shilling thouskuh , , nar > , oxumi street , London , W . ( Two doors wuxt «! ' tho Clioim . ) OvercoutH , . £ a " J * . : Frock CouIh , . C ' - » 10 h . ( Drum Contu , « 2 10 h . ; Moriilii ( rC «> nl « , £ 'i 2 h . j WulHtvoiO-H , 12 s . ( Jlluvlc n ™* ' P o . wors . £ 1 1 h . W > , Oxfonl-Mtroul , W .
Untitled Ad
When you ask for Glen field PATENT 8 TAKOII , hco that you got , it , \\ h Inferior kindrt uro ottou oubfllltivtod . Wold lty til ChlSuU , Jrocers , ^ o . W . VoTHERSPOOw' nud Co ,, ' Ql « Bgow ' nnd Condom s
Untitled Ad
Koating '« Persian Insect-Dohtroylng I ' owdor , unrlvnlloil In DcHtroylnir VIqiih , liugH , 1 'MluK , McotlQH , Mot tin . nnd cvory rjiwIoh o ( IiihocIh nnd harmless to uulinut Ufo . Sola in PuokotH . 1 h . Inrul lio . 6 ( 1 . onch ( 1 h . Paukotu tient frog by post for Fourteen BIwnpH ) , by Tnojus Kbatiko , Chomlst , 70 , St . PiuiI ' b Churchynra , E . C .
Untitled Ad
Eli sti « fiSiofikings and" Kiiee Caps " t for VAHCCOSK ViBIXfl and WKAKNESS , of n ypryi Hiipe ' rlor ( jiiulity , yluldiug an unvarying support without tho troublo of biiudngliiK . TiiHiriictloiiH for MonHiircmont uiul I'rictm on application , nnd tho nrtlcli ) punt by post from tho MnntifuulurorM , — I'Ol'K mid J'liANTK , 4 , Watorloii-jiliuK ! , London , H . W .
Untitled Ad
KUl'TURKS . —IIV UOVAL KKTT 1 ? 1 { S rATMNT . White ' s Moc-Main Lever Trass irt lillowoJ by m » w « ml «» . f ^ O Mcdl . wlContl ^ no " ^ bo tho most elVoctlvo invention lu th < u ; . umt vot' -oiu m . »»< JloriiU . Tho « rto <> I rttocl npriiw ( w > luirtlul In « ' -ITm w lit hero avoliloil , a mtt ImmliW I » chW won ' body , wlillo th « miulHlto roHlstlUB power Ik wipi '' ¦ tlio koo-Mnlii awl I ' ulcnt Lever , «» •»« Y'V ,,, ! muvlw onno nnd aloHenoMri Unit It ?•«»««»• »»« «»«<•«««•'' ; m ' . ™ ( m ,. worn . lurliiR h 1 i >« P . A « Uwrl |» lIvn «• reu 1 , 1 r n > \« Jn ' and tho TniHH ( which ounnot . jfu 1 tt » lit ) forvw ^ > l oil tli « « lcoumf « reiieo of the hmly , ««• "l ^ J * s willTK . hl | i | . being ¦ iS oTit " . "t « rn (« S " TnnnMfB « ttrw «; , -JOUX ^ Ui . LL ^ . _ 321 , i'inci id Illy , Li )> nU > n . , ... ,, |^_ Prlcii of n Htimto tm « , ™*>> f > * -i ? ° * . ™ ' ' . } m * - roHtnKo in . ix . ui . io timim , « ih . «« i ., «*• . « •;*;• flli _ I ' ONtafru In . 8 . 1 . lTinbill . nl ' 1 ' 1 'hhh , 4- - » n . imrt - " ¦ I ' OHtllffU iH . lOll . . , i , lull V AVlllTKi l > ont-nfll < : n ordoi'H to ho mndo pnynhloto . MUlN ™ "" 1 ' OMt-oUloe , I'U'i'mlllly . Elastic Stockings , Knee . Capri , &c , for VAIIICOHK VKINH mul iillc « wv . of -N i-s ¦ NIWIlllll HWKM . IN « of th »^ I . WW , SpralMH , K . I » S ; , poroiiH , llKhl . In loxtiirc . uml liic . \ poiiH | vi > , nnd uu nun on HKo an orillnary uioukliiK . rrlwo 4 s . 0 d ., 7 « . fld . 10 h . mill 1 « h . onch . rontn ge on . JOHX WHITE , Jliuuuacturer , « 28 , Plotwlllly , J-owron .
Untitled Ad
T > rize Medal Liquid Hair Dye . - ^ - Only one application . Instantaneous , Indolllilo , Harmless , and Scentless . In enwos , post freo , as . 3 d . aud 6 s ., direct from E . F . LANGBAI ^ 'S laboratory , 72 , Hatton Garden , London , E . C . " Mr . Langdalo ' s preparations are , to our inlnil , the most extraordinary productions of Modern Chemistry . " - — Illustrated London News . July 1 C . 1851 . A long and interesting report on the products of E . F . Langdalo ' s Laboratory , by a Special Scientific Commission , from the Editor of the Lancet , will bo found In that journal of Saturday , January 10 th , 1807 . , A copy avI 11 be forwarded for two stamps . AGENTS WANTED . THE NEW DISCOVERY . — Vor tho ncstoratlon and Reproduction of tfce Hair . —Mr . Langdalo gunruntooa his QUINTESSENCK of CANTHAKIDES mont suoccSafnl uh a restorative , also In checking tfreytious , stronRthonlng -weak hair , and proventlnir . Its falling off ) most effectual in tho growth of whiskers , moiiHtacliloei , & «• T ho money immediately returnad If not effect mil . Post fmo lor 2 « . ( id . in Stamps . —Laboratory , 72 , JIatton Givrdon , 13 . F . LANGDALE'S HASPBERUY and CI 1 EURY TOOTH l'ASTR . —Tho most dolIclouH preparation over prcidticod for tho Tooth , OmnH , and I > roath I'ottt freo from tho Laboratory , 72 , Huttnn Gardnu , for In . ltd . in ulaiupH .
Untitled Ad
THE SATOKDAY ANALYST LEAPEK , A ¦ " itliVIEW AND UKCOKD OF POLITICAL , L 1 TE-31 A 11 V , AUTIST 1 C , AND SOCIAL ; EVENTS . ' Price 3 d . COXTENTS of Xo . 0 G 0 ;( Xew Series , Xo . aO . ) ¦ ' ¦ .. JULY 21 , 1800 . Irritation and Fortification ! . ' France Italy , and Syria , ¦ ' .. The French Expedition to Syria , haughtiness in High I ? laccs . The llankruptcy Bill . Greenwich Hospititl . Kecent i ' rencli Historlcai ^ Vorks . Nothing like Homo . -The Horse and its . Master . 1 ' . — —¦ TiitrM 1 dtllxrA-gC ! f . " ' ¦ ¦• " The Khetoric of Conversation , Autumn on . the Hudson . Civilization in Hungary . The Metropolitan Board of Works , Foreign Correspondence : Hanover . Miscellaneous Works . Record of the Week . Entertainments . . Parliament . ; . LONDOX : PUIILISIIKD AT 18 , CATHERINESTREKT , STUAXD , W . C .
Untitled Ad
nPlie Forty - Seven Shilling - " =- SUITS arc made to order from Scotch ( 'heviotj Tweed , and Angolas , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BEXJAMIX . mercliaut and family tailoiV 7 ' 1 ,-Ecgent-strcet . W . The Two Guinea press and Frock Coa . fjs the Guinea Dress "Troiisers , and the ll-. ilf-Guinca Waitcoats . X . U . —A . perfect ; fit siiarantpeil . .
Untitled Ad
Lynn and Gougii , Printers , 310 , "Strand , W . G ., invite frcntlcmen preparing works for the press to send to them for an estimate prior to engagtng with a rrinter .
Untitled Ad
ROYAIi OLYMPIC THEATRE , WYCH STREET , " STKAND . On JMondat , and during the week , will be ' performed the Faree of THE SCAPEGOAT . To be followed by the Comedietta of SOMEBODY ELSE ! In which Miss Louisa Keeley and Mr . Frederick Robinson will perform . To conclude with SHYLOOK . Shylock , Mr . F . Rpbson , supported by Messrs . F . Viniiig , Franks , ft . ( Jooke , H . Wigan , F . Charles , H . Cooper , H . Rivers . Mesdames Herbert , C'ottrell , Seymoiir , JIughcs . and Mrs . W . S . Emden , Stage Manager , Mr . W . S . Emden . Stage TMrbct&r , Mr . Horace Wigan . The Scenic department under title Superintendence of Mr . William Telbin , assisted by Mr . H . Saunders , &c . Fh-st Price : —Stalls , 5 s ., Upper Box Stalls , 4 s ,, Dress Circle , 4 s ., Pit , is ., Gallery , Is . Second Price :-Upper Box Stalls , 2 s ., Dress Circle , 2 s ., Pit ,. Is .. Gallery , fid . Private Boxes , £ 2 2 s . and , £ 1 Is . Farhily Boxes , £ 3 3 s . The Box Office open daily , from 11 till 5 o ' clock , under the direction of Mr . O'lteilly . Doors open at 7 . Commence at lialf-past 7 . Half-price as near Nine o'clock as is consistent with the ' Non-interruption of ^ -the Performance .
Untitled Ad
THEATRES AND AMUSEMENTS . THEATRE ROYAI ,, HAYMARKET . Monday , July 30 th , and during the week , to commence at 7 , with the OVERLAND ROUTE . Mr . C . Ma thews , Mr . Buckstone , Mr . Compton , Mr * Chippendale ; Mrs . C . Mathews , Mrs . Wilkins , &c . After which , HI * S EXCELLENCY . Mr . and Mrs . C . Mathews . Concluding with A HUSBAND AT SIGHT .
Untitled Ad
FURNISH YOUR HOUSE WITH THE BEST AUT 1 CLES AT DEAIME'S IRONMONGERY AND FURNISHING WAKEIIOUSES . A J ' rice . Furnishing List . tent Post , /•'/•<¦* . DEANE 86 , CO ., LONDON BRIDGE . Established A . D . 1700 . © KANE'S—CELEBRATED TABLE CUTLERY , Table Dessert Knives . Knives . Carvers . Finest \\ oty Handles , 33 si 28 s . ll . s . Medium ; , 23 s . 18 s . 7 s . 6 d . Good „ 16 s . 12 s . 5 s . 6 il . DE . VNK'S— Electro Plated Spoons and Forks'fable . Dessert . Tea . Spoons—best platingr 40 s . 30 s . 18 s . Forks „ :: Ss . ' . ' !) s . — Spoons—2 nd quality : 53 s . 24 s . 14 s . Ctl . Forks ,, : il 5 . 23 s . — DEAXE'S— Electro Plate Tea and Coffee Sets , Liqueur Stands , Cruets , Cake liaskets , &c . CEANE'S—Dish I- ' overs and lSritanuia Metul Goods . Prices of Tin Dish Covers in sets of six and seven , li « s .,-30 s ,, 40 s ., ( j : ) s ., 78 s . DEANE'S— Papier Mache Tea Trays in set :, from 21 s ., now ' and elegant patterns con $ tatUly iutroilucpd . i ) EAXE'S—Bronze ' , Copper , nnd Brass Goods . DEASE'S-Bronzetl Ten Urns , COs ., ( i 3 s ., S 4 s . DEANE'S—ModeViitor Lamps , from 7 s . to . £ 6 ( is . DEANE'S—Druwiiig ^ roojh . Stovt's , ijangcis , &c . PEAXE'S—Fenders and Fire irons . DEANE'S — Irou Bedsteads with Bedding . Prii » a I ' a ' iuphkit with Drawings , po « t free . DEAXE'S—JJoniestio BaAhs . See lllitsiratcd Priced Pamphlet . ' DKAXE"S—Tin , Japan and Irou Ocmls . DEAXE'S—Cornices and Cornice Pules . DEAN . E'St- Horticultural Tools . ' UEAXE'S—Chantlcliers and Gas Fittings . . ¦
Untitled Ad
-Bri tish College of Healtli , EUSTON KOAO , LOXDOX : FOK V . - ' ION < i ENEK'AL AGENTS . Bl ' Ll' AITOIMED l' («; TliX ! , 'AI . ! i Of MOIUSQX'ri A'KGICTAnLK IXIVKKSAL MKOI-¦¦ " ' ¦ _ . CINICrf :-- - Austnilia .. .. Mr . ciiartwoo I . Bavaria .. . * .. .. . » ... - > lr Gayrhos . Baltimore .. .. .... -.. J- •(' . French ami . Son . ' Bnrb ' adocs . ; - - ^ ~ . ' . ... Cnliymore and Gill . Bacc loha . .. .... .... ' . Mii . et ami Cuyas . P . rody .... .. .. ,.. ¦ ... . Mr . KonificUl , . Catha ' g ' ena ...... .. .. .. Mr . Canto . Calcutta .. .. .. .. .. .. } Jv . K . child . Cape Breton .. .. .... Mr . Ward . Coiistantinoplc .. .. ' . . .. M . ; Stampa . Copeiihafreii ... .. .. . v Miohafl .-ni and Ho'm . Crncow *" .. .. .. .+ ¦ . " . .. Mr . Muldn . cr . Elsinore . .. ..... .. .. " Mr . Stceiiberg . France ¦ .. .. .. .. ... .. Mr . Motiliii . Germany and . Austria , ' . ... Mr . Beick . > Gihraltor .. .. ' ,.- ' Mr . Kobi-rts . Guernsuy .. .. .... .. ~ S \ r . ( . ' ooliiane . . Halifax ( X . S . ) . - . .. .. .. Mr . M'Klrihiy . " ilaiubiir ^ " . ¦ . " . 7 TT . —n JiTrncrmtstropf : ——Honduras ....... .. .. .. Mr . 'Henderson . Jamaica ¦' . .... .. .. Miss Kinh'ton . Madras .. .. .. .. .. .. II . L . Percira , Ksq . Mojcleo ... .. .. ¦ .. .. .. Mr . Togno . ' Montreal .. Mr . Trudeau . Now Zealand .... .... Mr . Panis . New York .. ... Firth . I ' ond . mid Co . Odessa .. ... .. .. ' .. .. Win . Wawncr , K * l .
Untitled Ad
IIAHVEY'S . Flrill SAUCK . Not ice of lujiiiK'tion . — The adinlrors of this celebrated Fifh Same « r « particularly requested to observe that none i « genuine imi that * which bears the back label with the name of Wh . uam Lazenbv , an well as tho front label signed " UlixuMi ! ' ¦« - scnVi / , " nnd that for further security , on the . neck of every bottle of tha Genuine SaHco will henceforth appear mi additional label , printed In Kreun mid red , as follow * i" Thls 4 iotlco will bo alllxed to Ltizenby ' s Harvey s banci-. prepared at tho original warehouse , In mldltloi ) i » no woll-knowji labels , which uni iirotcctcd a / rrtliwt hnllaMoa by a pcrpotunl injunction in Chancery of llth July , 1 p- >» . —0 , Kdward-street , Portmuii-. sqitart ! , Lonilon .
Untitled Article
>¦ ¦ - .. ¦ . > s * '¦ ¦ . •¦• , ¦ ' - v ' '* ' - * 4 ^ - " x ^ * T ; V " ' ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ; e 9 Sl . * ' ' ^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ * ¦ " * ^ h ^ BG ^^_ Asti ^[^ i ^ aOwy \ >¦ ^ * t * u < £ % * V&X ' - " - ' *¦ ¦¦ » * ¦ - - ' . > 4 ¦ ' . . . ' . . ¦ ¦ ¦ " - " - - . — - _ ¦
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 4, 1860, page 698, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2359/page/2/