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C-ryst-fil Palace. —- >jationnl HOLLYHOCK SHG\V.—TIi« FIRST ANNUAL other
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Untitled Ad
SHOW of HOLLYHOCKS ana otiier yii r ^ y *"'" will beheld on Satbiiray ami Monday , August ISth and 20 t . li . Six Silver Cups and several ... iloney Prizes will he Biven . —Admissions Saturday , Hitlf-a-erown ; . Children , One Shilling . Monday , One Shilling ; Children , Sixpence . Notice . —Ttso Summer Poultry Show will be held on the 23 th to the 29 th August . ; ~
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PARIS GBAND PETES . CH E AP EXCU RS IO N S FROM LONDON TO B O-UL 0 G ^ ST E AND PAR IS Kespecti'vely , by the SOUTU EASTERN RAILWAY . FARES : — 3 rd Class ( O > v'd Carr ' s ) . 2 nd Class . ToFnrls and Back ... .... - ' " p . Od . a" » s . Oil . To Boulogne and Back 12 s . 6 d . .... l (! s . Od . Children for Boulogne ' , Half Fares . Leaving London Bridge on Tuesday , the 14 th inst ., at ¦ 1 . 0 p . m ., and Admiralty l'ier , Dover , at 4 p . m ., for both destinations ; tho Excursionists for Paris proceeding forward from Boulogne the same evening , at 10 . 0 p . m . Jteturningon Friday , the 17 th , from Paris .. at J 070 p . m . - „ Saturday , 18 tli , ,, Boulogne 12 . 30 „ . „ , Do . „ „ Folkestone 3 HO , Arriving in London at . > . 4 '> p . m . on Saturday the 18 th . 28 lbs . weight of l . antfaita will lie allowed each l'asseiiBer , which must be taken In their own charge . The u ? ual Foreign Office Passport , with the French Visd , win bo required forParis ; but the Excursionists for Boulogne ro (| ii ! r (! a Permit Ticket only , which will bo issued gratis with the Hallway Ticket . . Tickets can be obtained on mill after tho 10 th instant ,-nt tho Company's OHIccs , 4 !) , lU-tfont Circus ; 147 , Clicnpfiidc ; and nt Ujo Booking Onice , nt this Terminus . C . W . EBOKAI-L , Uenernl Manage * . London Terminus , AuKust * 1 SG 0 .
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Bank of . Deposit . -. Established ad . 1811 . 3 . rail Mull East , London . Capital Stock , £ 100 , 000 . Tnrtles desirous of Investing Money nro requested to pxnmino tho plan of tho Hank of Deposit , by which a high rate of Interest may tie obtained with ample security . Deposits made l > y Special Agreement inny bo withdrawn without notice . Tho Interest in pnyablo In . Tnnunry and July . 1 MCT 1 SK MOHKISOX . Managing Director . Fonnp for opening accounts pout irco on npplicntlon .
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Loan , Discount , mid Deposit BANK . Kstnbllshed 1841 ) . DEPOSITS received , bearing Intercut nt from . " 5 to 10 per cent ., withdrawable an poriiRreoment . LOANS granted . , , Prospectuses , nnd ovory Informntlon , may be obtained by letter or personal ni ) i > llcntion . KOWArtO LKWIP , Mnnnurc . 145 , lllackfrlnrH-rond , 8 .
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''plie Rent Gufli'fliitee Society . X 3 , CUAKLOTT 12 itOAV , MANSION IIOUSK , KstnbilchPd 1850 .
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FIFTH YKAK OV , l'LULICATlO ^ . The Man of Koss . " — Every Thursday—Ono Penny . An Independent Family Papec , liuvlug ( with oihi cxuuptltin only ) tliQ lurxcKt drculatlon In I ho couuly ul' Ucnifonl , Within u mdliig of ten iiiIIch of Kohh it exceed * that of all tho other local papers put . together . Ordorx , Advortiftomontfl , nnd IUjoKh for Jtovlow , to bo aont . to tho Pul >) l » Jior , J . ~ \ Y . F . Counbkll , Mnrkot-pl « 90 ,-Kom ,
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MAFPINS ' ELEQTRO-SILVER FliATE MA WIN ¦ JJKOTHKKS' only London Rhow-rooinn « ro nt Loii ( lon-I ) ridgo ; Manufactory , Queen ' s Cutlery Works , Kholllehl . Alnpiiln Drothors guarantee on alt their manufacturos in cloctro-allvor plate a strong deposit of real sliver , according to prico charged . Flddlo Double King ' s Lily Pntteriw Thread . Pattern . Pattern .- € h . d . £ p . d . £ . s . d . £ ,. n . d . 12 Table Forks 1 10 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 ' A Vi 0 Vi Table Hpv ' oim 1 1 ( 1 0 2 14 0 3 0 0 8 12 0 12 Dessert Forks 1 70 2 00 2 40 2 14 0 12 Dtmsort HpooiiH 1 70 2 00 240 2 14 0 12 TeuHpoontr 0 10 0 1401701 1 ( 5 0 2 Saueo Lndlca 0 8 0 0 10 0 0 11 0 0 13 0 1 Gravy Spoon ( I 70 010 ( 1 0 U 0 1 ) 130 4 Suit do . ( gilt howla ) 0 0 8 0 10 0 0 12 0 0 14 0 1 MiiRturd Spoon .... 0 1 8 0 2 fl 0 . 1 0 0 a « 1 Pnlr Sugar ToiiRd .. O 8 0 0 60 0 0 0 0 70 1 Pair Fish Carvers .. 1 00 110 0 114 0 118 0 1 Duller Knlfo <> 3 0 0 B 0 0 00 0 70 1 -Houii-LimIIo- ^ .......... —CU 2 .-Q _ . Q .. ia-0 . _ . C _ X 7 _< L .. l _ * Lg . ^ 6 KtfRSpnoiiH (« llt ) .. O 10 0 0 \! i 0 0 18 0 1 1 ( L - ^ T It f . . ; 7 ~~" Complete Service .-C 101810 in 13 6 17 IB 0 21 ' 4 . fy , "' -. ¦ , ' ' ^ . < Anv nrtlelo can bo hnd fiopnratoly nt tho HnmeprlcwM Ona-. ¦[ . , / ,.., . .. , " r Hotof four cormir dishes , lormlng eight dishes , X 8 j * jW cjftij •; ¦ ¦ * ( / " ;' a ¦; . , » etof four dish covora , viz ., ono 20-Inch , ouo lH-hWjn iwOT 7 . ,. / ' \ ' . two li-lnoli , .- £ 10 1 Oh . ; cruet frame , four-glaus , JHflL'P ^ ' l *> , j ' ' '• \ ¦> slzo tea aiul coffoo nurvlco , X . M 10 s . A eowtly boolTOTjw ^ jf ySW' ' . ; "r graving , with price altaelieil , twill per piwt frou "W 8 IJJ" * : /'< , A 1 - '' ' \— ¦ . cation . buntvoiiH lltlod for liidln . EmlnmtOH WW :. y ; ii ' ,. >' . ' v C tor Horvlcos of plato , for hotel « , HtonmnhlpH , mid « g" # | W ? i , -- " ' \ b ly' ^ A ~ moHBOH . —Mappln Hrothor-, Nob . 07 and OH , Mn » r WUjf ^ v . . / f .,. „ . < $ <> \ ^ Htrect , Londort . brtdgoj Manufactory , < i « con'fl «*^ ervy . / \^ 1 ^ Works , S hofflold , ' ^ Ny / < ¦*
Untitled Ad
London and County Banking COMPANY . Subscribed Ciipital ; £ l , 2 . " . 6 , O 0 O ; Paid up Capital , .- £ 500 , 000 ; Keservc Fund , ^ 110 , 000 . Head Ofllce ¦( TemporaryJ South Sea House . PiuECTdus . Philip Patton Blytii , Esq . Edward Huggins , Esq . Thomas Tyringham Ber- William Uliauipion Jones , nard ; Ksq . * , M . fc . 1- *< 1-John William liurmester , James Laming , Esq . Ksq . ' John Henry Lance , Esq . William Corj' , Esq , William Lee , Esfv , JI . p ; James Andrew Durham , Esq William Xicol , Esq ., M . P , John Fleming , Esq . Geserai . Managzu—William M'Kewan , Esq . At the Half-yearly Meeting of Proprietors , held on Thursdar , the 2 nd August , I 860 , at tlie _ London Tavern , nishops ^ ate-strect , the following Report , for the halfyear ending 00 th June , 18 C 0 , > vas read by the Secretary . WILLIAM . CHAMPION' JONES , Esq ., in the Chair . HEPORT . The Dii'cctors have the ' . satisfaction to submit to the Proprietors the Accounts of the Uank for the half-year terminated on the 30 th June lust . It will be found that after making full provision for bad and doubtful debts , the payment of current expenses , interest to customers , income tax , and rebate on bills not , due and providing the usual Midsummer dividend of H per cent , for the half-year , there remains a surplus of £$ "OS 19 s . 7 d . to be curried forward to l ' roflt and Loss ~ Ko \ v ~ Vcconrttr ^— ' ¦— -. ¦ : _ - ; : i 1 - . 1 " ; ¦ The Dividend will be payable on nnd after Monday , the 13 th instant . . ¦ BALANCE SHEET , Of the London ani > Coijntv Hanking Co 5 trANY . UOth June , 1860 . To capital paid up *™> - ™» « J To reserve fund . MU i vW » O To amount duo by-tho bank for custo- ^ lners * -bnlaiicca , &c ; 0 , 000 , 127 7 11 To profit- and loss balanco brought from . ¦ last account ,... * £ G , OC > r > 7 11 To gross 'profit for the half-year , after making provision for bad . nnd doubtful debts .. 112 , 277 10 10 . .- .. i ¦ — . hi . - ¦ ¦ x lo ^ SlJt Xa if . £ « , O 94 , 47 O i ) 8 - * "' I ' ¦ I" ¦¦¦! II ¦! Cn . , By cash onhrmd at bead „« , „ , „ ? ofllco and branches ... £ M 4 , 2 f > 0 IS 10 By cash placed atcall and „ , „ ,..,, "t not . ee 8 » : ' fl 4 S 4 ll £ Ml 7 , iao 0 0 TnvoBtmqittH , viz .: DyOoverinnent . and gun- _ , ., „ ., _ . nntot ' d mocks 514 , 12117 0 By other HtimkHimd seen-* rifjea lOO . fif !) 12 7 mlUJ — * , < 023 , 811 0 7 Discounted Bills , Notcn , nnd temporary nd « vancps to ctiKt <» morn in town aixl countryl ) , 480 , 4 H 0 11 4 AdvancoH tooimtonier « on ^" ^^ ' « " --J J : J li 8 , 97 * 45 . 8 7 0 Freehold rromlHOS liF loihb " iVrd-i < trc ( 't " ' " ' and Jsli-liiMaH-luno , Fruehnlil and Leasehold I ' ropcrty at tho Vninchcs , with < l . \ Uuefi and / IttliitfN 70 , n 08 ' 2 11 Intovost paid to ouHtomerrt 2 ( 1 , 171 H 2 RalarlcH and all othnr exptuiHOH at Head OIHco and BrunchiiH , Ineliidlnu hicomo tux on prollta and salaries . w , 2 fli H 11 £ 0 , 0 Ut , 47 O U 8 Dn . Piiopit and Loss Account . To I » torci ) tpnl « l tot'HHt «» iii « r « .. ,- { . 2 ( 1 , 171 H 2 To expunwH , iih above 4 K , ' . » 84 14 11 To robat 0 on 11 II Is not duo , enniod t o N ow
Untitled Ad
London and County Banking COMPANY . —NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN , that a Dividend on the Capital Stock of the Company of ' R per Cent ., for the liaU-ycar ending the 30 th Juno , 18 G 0 , will be Paid to the Proprietors either at tho chief ( temporary ) Oflico , South Sen . Uousc , Thrcadneedle-stroctor at any of tho Company's Branch Banks on and after MONDAY , the 13 th Instant . By order of tho Board , . . . W . M'KEWAN , General Mivnogor . South Sea House , Throadneedlc-Btrect . August 2 , 1860 .
Untitled Article
. '" .. ¦ ¦ - " ¦ , ' ' ¦ . ¦ ¦ ' - _ ! ^^^^^^ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦' ' ' . "¦¦¦¦ ¦¦ * ¦ ¦ THE SATURDAY ANALYST ¦ ¦•¦• ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ••¦ . ¦ AND ¦ ' ' ' LEADER ; % fcbMu raid gwJr of ffllitid , fte ^ r , % tMk , aft BoM Ms .
C-Ryst-Fil Palace. —- ≫Jationnl Hollyhock Shg\V.—Tii« First Annual Other
C-ryst-fil Palace . — - > jational HOLLYHOCK" SHOW . —Tim FIRST ANNUAL i *
Untitled Article
J ? cw Series Xo . B 2 . \ AUGUST 11 , I 860 , SPrice SA . 2 ? o . 542 . J . . ¦
Untitled Article
The Headless Liberals and Memoirs of Bishop Hurd . Health Resorts of Great Foreign Correspondence : their Recent -Victory . j Vicissitudes of Families . Britain . Hanover . The Syrian Protocols . j The Brownrigg Papers . Notes of Health . Serials . The Devils of London . ! Collier , Coleridge , and Miscellaneous Books . Entertainments , Self Education . Shakespeare . Record of the Week . Parliament . The Eighth Commandment . Real Life Novels . .. . ' . ' ..
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 11, 1860, page unpag., in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2360/page/1/