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DEDICATED TO HER MA JEST V . Now ready , with 83 Illustrations , and Map , £ 2 2 s . Travels in the Regions of the V 3 rOOR and tlie'Russian Acquisitions on the Confines of ' India ami China . By T . W . ATKINSON , F . K . G . S ., Author ' of " Oriental and "Western Siberia /' Also now ready , in 2 vols ., with Illustrations , 30 s . A Residence at . the Court of MEER ALI MOOR AD , with Wild Sports in the Valley of the Indus . By Captain LAXGLEY , late Madras Cavalry . * . Hurst and Blackett , 13 , Great Marlborough-strcet .
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THEATEES AND AMUSEMENTS . FLORAL HALL , COVENT GARDEN . Mr . Alfred Mellon has the honor to ' announce that a Series of Vocal and Instrumental CONVERTS % yill take place in the Floral Halt , Coyent Garden , commencing-on Monday , August 13 ; to continue for One Month only . Conductors , Prince Galitziu arid Alfred Mellon . Promenade , Is . ; Reserved Seats , 2 s . Gd . ; Orchestra Stalls , as . Tlie Concerts * " \ vi [ I commence at S , and terminate before 11 .
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GARIBALDI'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY . Price 2 s . boards ; cr in cloth , 2 s . tid ., the Fourteenth , Thousand of Garib aldi ' s Memoirs . Written bv Himself , and Edited by Alexander "Dcmas . " Garibaldi ' s Autobiography will be universally read and will take its place by tlie side « f ' Uobinsou . Crusoe , ' for universal attractiveness , while its subject will command recognition hereafter amontr the Classics of litstorv . » —Sunday Times , July 15 , IStiO . London : Koctusdc-e , Wai . xe , & Uoitledge , Farrlns < lon Street .
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RECE 5 TT P-UULICATIO ^ S . ; | Seamanship and Xaval Duties , k-J -with-a Practical . Treatise on "Nautical Survey- s . d . ing . BvA . H . Alston , Lieut . R . N . With ' - ' 00 Practical Illustrations . Post 8 vo , cl . extra * -.. 0 0 The "Navies of the World , their Present State ami Future Capabilities . By Hans Busk . With ¦ Numerous Illustrations . Post 8 vo . cloth 1 6 My Diary in India . By W . H . Russell . Revised edition ; 7 th Thousand . With Plates . 2 yols ., ^ post Svo , cloth . ....... . - -1 v Stonclicnge ' s Shot Gun and Sporting Rifle . -With Illustrations . Post Svo , half-bound 10 <> - London : ROUTLEDGE , WARNE , and ROUTLEDGE , ; Farrin gdon- street .
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I Hachette and Co . 's Popular J « SCHOOL BOOKS . Teleniamie , Is . 3 d . ; Charles XII ., Is . 6 d . ; La Fontaine , Is . 6 d . ; Montesquieu Grandeur et Decadence de Uomains , Is . 3 d . ; Roche ' s French Exercises , Is . 3 d . ; "Noel and Cliapsal ' s French Grammar and Exercises , Is . 6 d . each ; Louis XIV ., 2 s . 6 d . ; Chapsal ' s Models of French Litera- ; tare , " Prose , 3 s . ; Poetry , 3 s . ; Cajsar " , with Latin Notes , Is . 6 d . ; Horace , with Latin Notes , Is . 6 d . ; Virgil , with Latin Notes , 2 s . ; Homer ' s Iliad , 3 s ., &c , &c . All 12 mo size , and strongly bound in boards . L . HAGHETTE & CO ., PuT 51 ishers , 18 , King Williamstreet Strand . .- ¦ " :.. ... - -.
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NOW READY , PRICE 5 s . Instructions for the formation of VOLUNTEER 1 UFLE CORPS' EQUIPMENT CLUBS , iiisliiSinf , ' Rules for their Organization and Conduct . By J . H . JAMES , of the Middle Temple , Barrister-at-Law .
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Pianofortes . —Orainer , Beale , and CO .-SEW MODEL . OBLIQUE GKAND PIANO , and every description warranted . List of Prices and Terms for Hire post-free . ' ———•— 201 , REffEXTHSTKliET . " "' ' ~
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H armoniums . —Cramer , Beale , and Co . Description and List of Prices , post-free . Also , Second-hand HARMONIUMS in preat variety . 201 , RECENT STRKET .
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Cramer , Beale , and Co . ' s List of NEW AND POPULAR MUSIC . LURLINE . WALLACE'S New Grand Opera * Tho Vocal Music coiupleto . Also Arrangements of Airs in LUULINE aa Solos and Ducts for the Pianoforte , by Cullcott , Osbomo , Brlnloy Richards . FavurKcr , Rhuo , and Benedict . LURLINE , by WALLACE , s . d . D'Albert ' s Polka ^ from Lurllno ... a 0 Quadrilles from Lurlino ... 4 0 „ Waltzes from "LurHno ... 4 0 Cooto ' a Troubadour Waits : ...... from Lurllno ... 4 <» Quadrilles from Lurllno ... 4 0 1 WALTZES . " WOODL < VND wniSPEHS WALTZES . By Gerald Stanley . First and Second Sets , 8 s , each . IL BACIO . Valse Brillunto . Dedicated to Mdllo . P-iccolominlby Ij . Ardltl . 3 a . Soloa or Duets . PIANOPOHTK DUKTS . VERDI'S Now Opera , " Un Bnllo Mnschern . " ,, " Macbeth . " „ "II Trovjitoro . " „ " La Travlata . " FLOTOW'S "Murtha . " ROSSINI'S " Stnlmt Mator . " „ "IlBm-blere . " ~ „ " Mosdln Egltto . " ,, "Somlramldo . " WEBER'S " Obcron . " MOZART'S " Don Giovanni . " " Figaro . " _ MEYERBEER'S ' ' . h 9 Prpnlibto . " W . V . WALLACE'S "Liirllno . ' . " ~ T " ~ Tho whole of the above an Ducts , By W . H . CALLCOTT , fis . and 0 « . each . THE BEATING OF MY OWN HEART . Sunff by aidllo . Clnni Novcllo . Composed by Mncfarrcu . THE OPKN WINDOW . Sung by Mian Poolo . Coinnoped bv " \ V " . Maynard , UNDfen THE GREENWOOD TUBE . Sung by Mr . Slrnn Reeves . Composed by J . L . Ilnttou . THEY flAY THAT ALL TH 1 NOS CHANGE . Sung by Mr . SliiiH Roovos . Composed by W . V . Wiillnoo . ~ THE COMING OF TUK FLOWK 1 I 8 . Huntf Uy Aladama Lotnuieiu Wiorrliitfton . Composod by W . V . "Wnllnco , 2 h . oueli . JJ 01 , REQENT BXKEET .
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When you ask for Glenfield PATKNT STAltUH , hco tlmt you Kot It , m Inferior kludii tiro oilou nubHtttutcd . Sold by nil ( mndlura , Grocers , &i \ , ^ o . WOTJ 1 L 3 KMPOON and Co ., Glasgow imd London .
Untitled Ad
Greenhall , maker of the SIXTEBX SHILLING TROUSERS , f ) 2 . "S , Oxford street , London , W , ( T > vo < loor » we « t of tho Circus . ) Overcoats , JZ'i'ia .: l- 'rock Conta , . £ 2 10 n . t Drews Cout » , £ ¦ 2 10 b . 1 Mornlii ( jContM , £ ' 2 2 h . ; WalstuontH , 12 s . 5 UlncK Dross Trousers , XI Is . S ' -Ti , Oxford-stroet . AV ,
Untitled Ad
TIIK BEST AND CHKAl'EST Teas atid CoflPecs in England are toboobtalnedof PIIILLIP . S & Co ., Tea Merchants , 8 , King WIHUun Street , City . Good Riroiig useful Tea , 2 « . 8 d ., 2 fl . 10 d ., 3 s . imd -Is . ; rich Souchong , ! Ih . 8 d ., ! Js . 10 d ., andlfl . Pure CoITcch , Is ., In . ' - ' ( I ., 1 h . ild ., 1 h . 4 d ., In . ficl ., uud Is . Hil , Tea itnd CofTca to tho vnluo of-lOd , Bont ci » rrii » RO-froo to any railway station or market town In KitKlnnd . A price cnvront freo . Sujrai'H at nuirkot prlccH . All kooiIh cnrrlagc-froo within 8 miles of the City ,
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Economy in' Provisions . — l'Ickled Tonsues , 7 d . per lb . ; good Hainn , for family use , 74 d . per 11 > . —GKUKCiK O . SHQKNK taken this ojiiiorttmlty of introduoliiK t ) io « c eornoinlcal ami useful articles of consuniption to the riotico of his klml patrons , oh throuKh tho'KCuernl « IeuriicHH < if provlnlons 11 trreat savins i * eltocted by tho purchusgr , and b' 0 t « l quality is also ( rudrautocil . OfliioitSK ' s Ciieesk Waheiiouse , Ohbohne House , SO , IyUilyutc—1 » 111 , noar t > t . l ' liul's E . C ,
Untitled Ad
THE SATUKDAY ANALYST ' . , AND . ' . ' ' ¦ LEADER , A . REVIEW AND "RECORD . OF POLITICAL , LITERARV , ARTIST 1 C , AND SOCIAL EVENTS , Price 3 d . CONTENTS of No . S 41 ( New Series , No . 01 . ) ~~~ " ' iJ" ^— "A VGVST 4 ~ tSti ( r . " ———— " ~ Tho" Lazy-hones Parliament . The Govorninerit ofliulia . U'ho Emperor ' s Lcttcn Free and Slave Labour . Bribery . Literary Pension List , Italy in Transition . M . Dumas' Garibaldi . CiiriitsitluH of Natural History . Sir Arthur II . Elton ' s New Novel . Parliamentary Egccntrlclty . "Miscellaneous Books . Tho Mntrnzfiics . Foreign Corroiponilcnco : Hanover . ' State Document . " Record ortho \>' cck . Kntcvtrvimncnts . , 1 ' iu'lIumcMit . LONDON ; PUBLrSIIKD AT 18 , . CATHERINE- ' STRKKT , BTHAND . W . C .
Untitled Ad
To Literary and Mechanics ' INSTITUTIONS . —Mr . COLMAX BUIJROUGIIS is open to Engagements for the delivery of his nuw Lecture on . "ART AND ARTISTS . "—Address , SpTi-uro-street , Havcrstocfc-hillj London , N . W . ' ¦ '
Untitled Ad
| BOYAL OLYMPIG THEATRE , WYCH STREET , STRAND . On Monday , and during the week , will be performed the Furcu of THE SCAPEOOAT . To bo followed bv the'Comedietta of " SOMEBODY ELSE ! In which Miss Louisa Kcclcy and "Mr . . Frederick Robinson will perform . to" conclude with SHYLOCK . Shylock * Mr . F . Robsoii , supported ] jy Messrs . F . Vinin ? , Franks , « . t ' ookc , H . Wigan , F . Charles , 11 . Cooper , II . Rivers . Mesdawes Herbert , Cottn-l ! , Seymour , Hushes , and Mrs . W , S , Emdcn . - Stage Miinajror , Mr . AV . S . Emden . Stusre Director , Mr . Horace AVigari , The Si'enlc Departmeiit under the Superintendence of Mr . William Telljin , assisted by Mr . II . Saundcrs , ' &c . First Price : —Stalls , !> s .. Upper Box Stall ? . 4 s ., Dress Circle , 4 s ., "P ' , 2 s ., ¦ ( Nailery , Is . -Second Price : — Upper Box Stalls , 2 s :, Dress Circle , 2 s ., Pit , Is ., Galleiy , Cd . Private Boxes , £ 2 2 s =. and £ 1 Is . ¦ -Family Boxes , £ H 3 s . The Box Office open daily , from 11 till-5 o ' clock , under the direction of Mr . O'lJeUly . Doors open at 7 . Commence at half-past 7 . Half-price as near Nine p'Clbck as is consistent with •' :. — * the Non-iriterruptionof the ¦ Performance . "
Untitled Ad
THEATBE KOYAL , HAYMARKET . Monday , August 13 th . and ( luring the week , to commence at 7 , with the oallet of ¦ JACK'S RETURN FROM CANTON , by the Leclercus ' . After which , at a quarter toeif . 'hti . recisclv , THE OVKRLAND ROUTE . Mr . and Mrs . C . aiathcws , Mr . Buckstone , Mr . Compton , Mr . Chippenda'le , Mrs . VVilkins . With HIS EXCELLENCY .. Mr . and Mrs . C . Mathews . Concluding with-THE CHRISTENING . Mr . Clark ; Mr . Rogers , and Mrs . Wilkins .
Untitled Ad
BENSON'S WATCHES . " Perfection of Mechanism . "—MorningPost . Gold Watches .. .. .. 4 to 100 'Guinea . ? . Silver Watches .. .. .. 2 to 50 Guineas . Send Two Stamps forIJoiwon's Illustrated' Watch Pamphlet . , Watches sent to . anv part of the Ciiitfid Kingdom 0 * receipt of Post-pflicc Orders . Si and 34 , ' Ludgate-Iiill , London , E . C . Estiiblished 1740 .
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Lynn and Go ' ugh , Printers , 310 , . Strand , W . C ., invite gentlemen prejinrinj , ' works for the press to send'to them for an estimate prior to engaging with a Printer .
Untitled Ad
The Forty - Seven Shilling SUITS are made to order from Scotch Cheviot , Tweed , and Angolas , all wool and thoroughly shrunk , by B . BENJAMIN , merchant and family tailor . 74 , Regent-street , W . The Two Cuihea Dress and Frr-n ^ k , Coats , the Ciuinea Dress Trcmst-rs , and" the Half-Guinea Waitcoats . N . B . —A perfect fit KUiirantccd .
Untitled Ad
KEEP YOUR ' PREMISES FREE FROM MICE AND SPARROWS . Barber ' s Poisoned "Wheat kills Mice , and Sparrows on tlie spot . In I «| ., 2 d ., 4 d ., and Sd . packets , with directions and tustini'mials . N » risk or daiimjre in laying this ' Wheat uliout . From .. a single packet hundreds of mice and ssparrows are fuiiml dead . ¦ Barclay and Sons , W . Sutton and Co ., W . Edwards , F . New . bery and Sons , B . Yatos and Co ., London Agents . Sold retail by all Medicine Vendors , Drusrsists ,. Croci-r . s &o ., tlircKl ^ hoii . t the world . — -JJow .-m ; i > f ( i .-tujrornus . 1111 ) frauduU-ut iinitatinns , offered for tho sake of obuiiiiiuj . 7 larger prolits ; Observe the Xanic—^ I 5 iirber \ s Poisoned Wheat Works , Insu'ich . . ¦ .
Untitled Ad
TRADE / o /\ . MAKK . "'¦ ¦'"¦ ¦ ¦ / 4 s \ * * 3 JROWN AND PQLSON'S _ P AT E N T 0 OR X F L O T H . The Lancet states : — iiT / i i . t is superior to ' anythiihj of tin'kind knoioir . " - . The most wholesome part of the best fndian Corn , pro- - pared by a process P-iiteutcd for the Tliroe Kingdoms and France , and ¦ . -wherever- ' it becomes kmnvn ohtuiu ' s . trrent favour for Piidtlings , Ciiflanlx , MI < tnciHaii < je-: all the u > is . of tlie finest arrow root , and especially suited to the dclicuc . v of . Children and Jiiralid * . ' . ' : . B ! tov . v . iindPpi . soN , "Maifufacfurers to Her Jlajcsty the Queen --Paisley , Manchester , . Dublin , and London .
Untitled Ad
HARVEY'S FISH SAUCE . IVTotice of Injunction . — - ^ - ^ The admirers of this celebrated Fish Sauce an * particularly rcfiut'sted to observe tinit none is genuine but . tlmt which " bears the back label with thenainoof -William : Lazemiy , as well as the front label . signed " JCIUiibttU f . n' scnli ' i / i" and that for . fur ' tlier security , on the neck of every bottle ( if the Ucnuinu jdiiHcc . will ' ., hcnci-furtli . , 'iippi-ar : in additional label , printed in ' grceii and rod , as ' follows ; — " iliis' ii ' 6 tIcV ^ v 1 l 1 ^ WnitnScrtnTX-l 7 azCTTbj- s-l-lrrrvM s-H ? iiirr;—prepared at- the original warehouse , in addition to the well-known labels , which uro protL-cted against iinita ' l"ii liy a ' perpetual Injunction in Chancery of j'th July , l-s . "> . s . " —( i , Kdward-strcct , Portinun-siiiuirc , LuiuUin . ,
Untitled Ad
RUPTURES . —BY ROYAL ' LETTERS PATENT . White '« Moc-Maiii Lever Truss i » allowed by upwards of 200 Medical ( icntlcineii to be the most ; elVcctive invention jn tlie cunitlv * ' treninn'iit of HcrniA . 'I'ho use of asteel spring ( so hurt ful lnlisclVirts ) is hero avoided , a soft bandage lieln « worn round tho body , whlhi tho requisite resisting powor Is 8 ii |> pli <' . il' I v the ' Moo-Mnln and Patent Lever , rlttinj . ' with so 11 i * n * 11 case niid clo ^ oncsi that It cannot be detected , unil inay lm worn ( lnrlnp sleep . A descriptive circular may be had , nud the Truss ( which cannot fall to fit J forwarded-by |'" "lon tho clreuinforenco of the body , two Inches bolow tho hip , belntj sent to tho inimufncturer , JO 1 IX WHl'l'i :, 228 , PICCADILLY , LONDON . Price of a single truss , i ( . " s ., 21 s ., 2 ( is . fid , ami . ' ( Is . < i < l . — Posti «| , 'o ' lH . Double Truss , 31 s . < fd ., 42 s . and . i - 's . M . PostiiKO In . 8 d . Umbilical Truss , -r . ' s . and . i 2 s . ( M . — Pof-tagu lH . 10 d . Post-olllt'P orders to bo mndo payable to . 1 OH X WlMl K , Post-oHlco , Piccadilly . Elastic Stockings , Knee Caps , &c , for VAUICOSB VEINS and nil eases of "• Vi : ak-Mw » and HtviiLtiNa <» f tho Lkos , Sprains , &i \ 'I'liey him pciroii !< , li ^ lit in texture , nud inexpciirilve , mul nre drawn on like an ordinary stocking . Prioo 4 h , Od ., 7 s . Od . 10 , " . and Kl . i . each . Poslnpro fid , JOHN WHITE , Manufnoturer , 228 , Pleemlllly , London .
Untitled Ad
Elastic Stockings and KnoeCjips —fof ~ TAltTr : OSl ! r' \ "Mf-NS-and -WM-AK -NKSK ,- « t- ~ 4 ivery Buporior imnlity , yielding an unvarvlai , ' Hiipi'urt Tvltbout the trrtublo of bnudnKliiR . ¦ IiiHtruciloim for McaHiironicnt and Prices on npplli'ntlon , nnd the nrtlelo pent 1 by ) toft . from ( ho MHinifwtiirorH , - —¦ POPE and PLANTE , , Watorloo-pl'H'e , London , S . W .
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K eating ' s PciVsian Inseet-Dc' - htroyliiK Powder , unrivalled In Destroying Kloa ^ , Buffs , Fllod , Beotlou , Molhs , and every Hjiei'les nt' Iu * ivtr > nud harmless to animal life . Hold In Packets , Is . mikI ! in . Od . each ( Is . PnekutH went , free by pout fur Fourteen Hlamprt ) , by Thomas Kimtimi , Chenilfi , 70 , St . 1 ' nul ' H Churchyard , " fcj . c .
Untitled Article
Leader (1850-1860), Aug. 11, 1860, page 714, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct2360/page/2/