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America , yacht , 276 American Plots , 1088 Amsterdam Murder , 705 Amusements of San Francisco , 753 Anglesey , Marquis of , 414 Anglesey , funeral of Marquis of , 419 Anglo-Polish Legion , 366 Anglo-Gallic Alliance , 440 Anglo-French Alliance , 608 Annoying a Clergyman , 1158 " Another Arctic Expedition , 1039 Antiquarian Discovery , Anti-Slavery Conference , 729 , 1068 Appleby Abduction Case , 749 Arctic Expedition , 341 , 914 , 995 Arctic , loss of the , 1016 , 1035 Are Louis Napoleon and the Sultan of American Descent ? 894 Aristocracy and the Army , 1156 Arming the People , 1230 Army , treatment of the * 151 Arrogant and Heela in Hango Bay , 509 , 516 Arthur , birthday of Prince , 418 Artists' General Benevolent Institution , 277 Ascent of Mont Blanc by a Lady , 846 As Good as a Play , 1158 Ashton , Mayor of , and the Earl of Stamford , 1158 Australia , 36 , 126 , 128 , 17 * 7 , 371 , S 95 , 464 , 514 , 678 , 702 , 799 , 893 , 943 , 993 , 1132 Australian Expedition , 128 Australian Postage , 1160 Australian , loss of the , 491 Augsburg Railway , 467 Austrian Persecution , 821 Austrian Outrage on an American , 28 Austrian Troop£ ra . t Bucharest , 892 Autographs , sale of , 276 Austro-Turkish Treaty , 633 Aristocratic Insolvent , 1187 Aylesbury Disturbances , 844-Baden , opening of the Diet , 36 Barking , Churchmen and Dissenters at , 35 Barth , Dr ., at Timbuctoo , 296 Baltic Fleet , sailing of , 245 Baltic , naval actions in the , 509 Baltic , correspondence from the , 487 Baltic Despatches — Admiral Plumridfce's Squadron , 612 - ^ Baltic Politics , 1063 Baltic , letters from the , 609 Bampton Marriage Case , 1015 Baby-Shows , 1014 Baker-street Cattle Show 1160 Bateman , Lord , ' and his Promises 1015 Beard Movement—Ipswich Police , 11 ; in the Pulpit , 156 ; Dublin Police , 178 Beresf ord , death of Marshal Viscount , 35 Bertin , Armand , and the Journal dea D 6-
bats , 55 Beresford , interment of Lord , 57 . Belgian Girl ' s Case , 227 , 321 Belgian Gossip , 996 Benevolent Expedition to the Baltic , 750 Bernal , death of Mr ., 822 Bedford Bell , 897 Betting Houses , suppression of , 1087 Birch v . Forster , 1209 Bill System , 418 * Birkbeck Building Society , 441 Bishop , the , and the Banal Board , 113 > 7 Bigamy , 896 Bible in a Theatre , 897 Bill robberies at Newcastle , 1063 ' Blackburn Meeting of Labour Delegates , 276 Blessings of Absurd Literature , 846 Black Swan , the , 441 Boulogne Camp , 657 ' Bourbon Meeting denied , 57 Bowring , Dr ., at Manchester , 32 Bowring , Dr ., at the London Mechanics' Institute , 57 Boiler explosion at Smethwick , 586 Bomarsund , fall of , 79 * Bourbons , the , 80 Boyle , death of Colonel , 897 Bonaparte , death of the Princess Zenaide , 801 Boulogne , the camp and festivities at , 842 Bristol Lunatic Asylum , 35 Bright , Mr ., and the War , 1206 Britons in Boulogne , 922 British Association , 890 Bright , Mr ., and the Reform Bill , 197 Bread-riots , 918 Bread-riots at Nottingham , 844 Brutality of a Cotton Lord , 1207 Bremer ' s , Frederika , peace proposition , 820 Bribery Bill , absurdities of the , 771 Brothels , aristocratic , 773 British Association at Liverpool , 685 British Democrats , 1089 Brevet . 586 Brutality of a Governess , 635 Bread , French invention for making , 297 British army in Turkey , 413 British Morals , 176 , 202 Britain prepares for War , 55 Brunow , departure of Baron , 129 British Fleet in thoTn « us , 9 British Navy , the , 2 Burning a Child , 1016 Burmah Disturbances , 441 Bush-ranging in Australia , 177 Buoharcst , Russian evacuation of , 731 Burning a Wife , 587 Bunsen , resignation of the Chevalier , 396 Cardwell , Mr ., at Oxford , 6 Canada , 678 , 703 , 780 , 775 , 914 , 1037 Cardigan , Lord , at Balaklava , 1188 Oab-ocracy and tho Parks , 1230 Cattle Show , 1160 Catholic University and Dr . Newman , 657 Cambridge , young gentlemen at , 1064 Gaso , a . 1158 Catholics in Municipalities , 1038 Camp at Boulogne 657 Canroboit , General , and tho Charmed Medal 1 ) 04 , Oarador Case , 897 Oambridgo Asylum , 1016 Garden ' s Mr ., wooing , 679 Cat skinning , 321 " Canards" Bolgea , 81 ) 0 Cairo , railway at , 35 Oanino , prioo of tho Prince ' s title , 35
Carlyle , death of Mrs ., 10 Save Canem , 898 ape News , 7 , 200 , 371 Castor-oil Treatment of Cholera , 896 Camberwell Fair , 799 Campbell ' s Monument , 730 , 753 Canvas-town , last of , 514 Cantwell , v . Cormack , 155 Central Association , 1037 Certificates for Art , 800 Central American troubles , 55 Cecil . Lord , insolvent , 155 Cholera , 130 , 201 , 251 , 276 , 353 , 368 , 703 , 728 , 751 , 775 , 801 , 822 , 846 , 870 , 895 , 919 ; in the Crimea , 962 Character that cannot afford to be libelled , 1208 Chatham military riot , 1156 Chiswick , 656 Church militant , 992 Chapman , death of Mr . J ., 922 Chipping Barnet , poisoning at , 773 Chadwick , Mr . Edwin , 776 Child , Captain , commission of lunacy on , 680 Children of the Poor , 656 Church Rates , imprisonment for , 585 Church Penitentiary Association , Churches , removal of City , 8 Child Murder , 490 Chapter of Accidents , 9 China , 32 , 126 , 200 , 245 , 344 , 396 , 489 , 563 , 703 , 938 , 1088 , 1136 Christmas Weather , 3 Circassian Coast , doings on the , 561 Circulation of the Czar , 894 City Churches , 538 City'Election , 557 City Commission , 56 Circumstantial Evidence , 370 Cleveland , Duke of , and Colonel Garrett , 942 Clothing Colonels , 531 Clint , death of , 491 Clerical Marriages , Prince Albert on , 439 Convent Inquisition , 297 ; Lace-makers , 776 Compositors , meeting of , 34 Cosmos Institute , 81 Convocation , 10 , 35 , 102 Colliery Accidents—South Wales , 36 ; near Wigan , 177 , 227 Corporation Defence , 26 Concealing a Birth—Attempt at Extortion , 1016 Cowell ' s Prosecution , 657 , 1089 Colliery Strikes , 996 > ' Cobden , Mr ., and the Crumpling-up of Russia , 940 Courts-martial in India , 846 Conveyance of Troops by Railway , 821 Cornet Brown at a Ball , 821 Commercial Morality , 704 Court-martial on Lieutenant Leigh , 680 Colney Hatch Asylum , fete at , 701 Continental Loans , 678 Comprehensive Jubilee , 821 Commission of Lunacy on Captain Child , 68 C
Correspondence from the Baltic , 487 Cologne Choir , 467 Counterfeit Coin , 442 Corporation Reform , 437 Convent Inquisition , 292 , 297 Comet , 297 Contracts for the Army , 277 Combe , Delafield , and Co ., v . the Corpora tion of London , 251 Conference at the Society of Arts , 58 Collyer , Death of Dr ., 35 Colney Hatch Asylum , 35 Conference at Ostend , 1112 Crimea Expedition , 847 Oruvelli . 996 UIUVUll-l * 7 i 7 U
, Crystal Palace Company July Meeting , 681 Crystal Palace Company , 202 , 681 ; Soldiers ' Families , 227 ; East India Company , 276 ; Preston Operatives , 294 , 319 , 346 , 867 , 393 , 416 , 440 , 464 Crystal Palace Opening , 490 , 557 Cuba , 10 , 295 Oubitt ' s , fire at , 776 Cuban Difficulty , another , 295 Czartoryski , Prince A ., 1158 Danish Struggle , 1039 Dauntless Affair , 917 , 941 , 970 Day of Humiliation , 370 Darion Expedition , 845 Darjjan , bust of , 80 Denison , Archdeacon , 1112 Denison , protest of Archdeacon , 914 Dear Bread , 891 , 918 Delicate Search , 996 Donman , death of Lord , 921 Departure of the Irish Exiles from Aus tralia , 994 Denmark , court and press in , 1087 Demonstrations against the Ministry , 897 Democrats , British , 1089 Delicate Quostion , 1068 Death of two Ladies while Bathing , 635 Decimal Coinage , 584 Department of Science and Art , 538 Denis , Madame , 346 Department of Practical Art , 227 Declaration of War , 292 Denison , death of Dr . E ., 225 Deaths from Cold , 11 Derbyito Movement , 35 Derby , accuracy of Lord , in quotation , 120 G Distinction no Favour , 1232 Divorce for tho Poor . 702 Disfranchisement of Freehold Land Voten 1034 . Disnteli's Political Capital , 970 Disraeli and Irish Protestants , 898 Disraoli , theft at tho house of Mr ., 1038 Dirty Minds and Nude Statues , 441 Disfranchisoment Bills , 871 Diving Apparatus , Payerne's , 321 Discoveries in Central Africa , 128 Didot , death of M . I'iorre 10 Dickons , Mr ., at Birmingham , 6 Dock Frauds 1234 Domestic Moloch in Marylebone , 870 Domosth ; l ' olico Spies , 707 Druid ' s Hall , 7 () 2 Drunkon Coachman , 1 ( 57
Dramatic Performances at "Windsor , 35 Ducal Tenantry , 894 Derby , Lord , at Doncaster , 894 Dulwich College , 612 Earl and the Mayor , 1158 Ease in Elegance , 847 Early Closing , 893 Eastern Question , 797 Eagle Insurance Company , 776 East Acton Mystery , 34 Education , Mr . Mann ' s report on , 437 Edinburgh Educational Meeting , 50 Education and Strikes , 52 Egypt , 703 , 751 , 775 , 996 , 1113 Eggs at St . Br ^ nabas , 418 , 440 El-Hami Pacha , 730 Elphinstone , Lord , 106 Electric TelegTaph Company , 35 Electing a Bishop , 584 Emigration , 1063 Embarkation of the Allied Army for the Crimea , 847 Emperor of the French and his Stud , 867 Emigration Report , 798 Emperor's Reply to the "Friends , " 199 Embarkation of Troops , 173 English Prisoners iu Russia , 943 English News from Russia , 921 Enniskillen Railway Outrage , 919 Engine-drivers' Dispute , 777 Epsom Races , 515 Ericsson Caloric Failure , 897 Ercolano , wreck of the , 417 Essex Rifles , 515 Europa , loss of the , 585 European Democracy and American Slavery , 611 J Executions—William Cunning , 81 ; Tapner , 155 ; Quin , Grant , and Coomey , 347 ; Thompson , 348 ; Holman , 348 Expensive Smoking , 1162 Election Matters—Staffordshire , 10 ; East Gloucestershire , 10 ; Qxford , 57 , 80 ; Sheffield , 57 ; Ludlow , 106 ; South Shropshire , 106 ; West Sussex , 106 , 155 ; South Devon , 106 ; Cambridge , 129 , 771 ; Cardigan , 155 ; Leitb , 178 ; Antrim , 202 ; North Durham , 251 , 320 ; Tynemouth , 297 : Liskcard , 297 ; Westmoreland , 297 ; Dungarvon , 320 ; Flintshire , S 20 , 441 ; Carlow , 321 ; Southampton , 348 ; Lichfleld , 441 ; Devonport , 441 ; Hertfordshire , 491 ; City of London , 557 ; Canterbury , 629 , 771 ; Hull , 629 , 771 ; Beverley , 752 ; Marylebone , 770 ; Maldon , 771 ; Aberd « enshire , 800 ; King ' s Lynn , 894 ; Farfarehtre , 894 ; From ' e , 920 , 944 ; Wigan , 944 ; Limerick , 944 ; Coventry , 1160 ; Bedford , 1160 ; Limerick , 1160 ; Abingdon , 1160 ; Fermanagh , 1160 ; East Gloucestershire , 1160 ; Marylebone ,
1160 Fall of a Railway Tunnel , 887 Father Thames elevated to the Peerage , 777 Falling Houses , 635 Faucher , Leon , on Russian Finance , 871 Falkland Islands , 514 Fettered Press , 1229 Felony , charge of , against a Merchant , 1187 Festival at Malta , 657 Feminine M . D ., 919 Fete by Capitalists to Miners and Colliers , 775 Fete at a Lunatic Asylum , 701 Female Troops in the East , 704 Fitzclarence , deatn of Lord Frederick , 1187 Finnish Prisoners , 942 Fight in a Churchyard , 46 V Firework Explosion , 227 Flooding a Coal Mine , 1160 Flax Cultivation in Cork , 921 Flax , Cultivation of , 897 Fleet and the Army , 220 Fleet , British , in the Tagua , 9 Forty-sixth , on their March , 970 Forty-sixth Regiment and the Windsor Street Boys , 871 Forbes Mackenzie ' s Act in Scotland , 799 Forged Bank-notes , 441 Fires—Bread-street , 9 ; Bennet-street , 9 ; Rochdale , 9 , 36 ; Bradford , 9 ; New York , 81 ; Raglan Castle , 86 ; Montreal , 36 : Westbury , 86 ; Laffarge HoteL 81 ; WeUingtonstreet , 227 ; West India Docks , 297 ; Blackfriars-road , 321 ; Hoxton , 321 ; Whitechapel , 418 ; St . George's in the East , 587 ; Cubitt ' s , 776 ; Whitfcington Club , 1160 ; Bishopsgate-street , 1160 Fox , insolvency of Mr . 8 . W . Lane , 418 Fox , Mr ., and tho Strikes , 176 Forgery by a Clergyman , 106 French Legislative Session , opening of , 1226 Frozen to Death , 36 Freaks of Fortune , 1137 Franklin ' s Fate . 1012 France under the Empire , 891
Going ahead in Australia , 1112 Gortschakoff ' s Quarrel with General Adler * berg , 750 Goodwood Meeting , 704 Goderich , lecture by Viscount , on Tennyson , 587 Gordon ; death of Colonel . 818 Gretna-green Marriage , 1187 Greece , 1088 Greeks , the , 1059 Graham , Sir James , not " aCoward " 994 Great Railway Accident , 678 * Greek Subscription in aid of Russia 371 Greenwich Fair , 369 ' Guildhall Ball for the Patriotic Fund . 1111 " Guides , " Lea , 1041 ^ ELealth of London , 10 , 56 . , 153 , 202 , 226 250 , 275 , 347 , 370 , 895 , 538 , 634 , 658 , 798 , 84 »! 870 , 895 , 919 , 940 , 1059 , 1090 , 1112 , 1232 Half-pay Officers serving in the Militia
1232 ^ Haines , Captain , embezzlement case , 89 » Hango Forts , bombardment of , 509 , 516 Harris , dinner to Lord , 271 Hay-contractors , the , 297 Hay wood , fatal accident to Mr ., 227 Haynau , death of , 251 Hat to's Confession , 250 " Health of the Czar , and may the War last seven years , " 467 Hibernian Irreverence , 1338 Higgin , Roman Catholic address to Dr ., 10 Hint and Hypothesis , 6 Hope v . Aguado , 1282 Hood Monument , 657 , 680 Honourable Stoker , an , 897 Horrors of Peace , 969 How our Trade Stands , 1061 Holland , opening of the States General of ,
893 How to Deal with Necessary Evils , 704 H 6 lford , death of Mr ., 371 Horse Guards Rumours , 10 Hume , Mr ., at Aberdeen , 940 Humane Society , 55 Hume , testimonial to Mr ., 749 , 776 Hudson Era in New York , 704 Hudson , Mr ., 178 Hurstpierpoint School , 441 Hugo , Victor , on executions , 155 Huntingtower , Lady , 228 Huhslet Mystery , 35 Iguanodou , dinner to Professor Owen in
Illegal Marriages , 1015 Illustrations of the War , 967 Illegal Marriage by a Catholic priest , 778 DJegaUy entering Seamen , 846 Immaculate Conception , 1234 Imprisonment for Church Rates , 585 Imprisonment at Edinburgh , for Refusal to take an Oath , 57 India , 32 , 106 , 126 , 200 , 245 , 344 , 390 , 441 , 489 , 511 , 563 , 610 , 893 , 938 , 1186 $ 1280 Indian Civil Service Reforms , 1280 Insurance for the People , 1090 Intended Marriage in High Life , 11 U , 116 ?* Inauguration of St . George ' s Hall Liverpool
894 Inundation of the Lords , 777 Insurrection at Madrid , 681 , 703 Infamous behaviour to Children , 701 Inhuman Nature , 441 Industrial Museum at Edinburgh , 849 Injured Angel , 1207 Incendiary Fires at Manchester , 418 Inglis , retirement " of Sir R . H ., 57 Industrial Schools for Middlesex , 63 Irish Educational Movement , 398 Irish Committee , 275 Irish Corruption , 197 , 224 , 245 Irish Tenant League , 944 Irish Militia , 994 Irish Land Tontine , 970 Irvingite Cathedral , 8 Iron Masters and their Men , 731 Italy , 751 , 795 Jacob , Dr ., and Christ ' s Hospital , 1114 Japan , 510 Jasper ,, blowing up of the , 467 Jamaica Government Bill , 418 Japan , opening of , 347 Jewish Emigration from Europe , 1089 Jewel Robbery at Birmingham , 418 Jenkyns , death of Dr ., 225 Jones v . Singleton , 896 Jocelyn , death of Lord , 775 Jung Bahadur , 1233 Juvenile Thieves , 799 Kay v . Smith , 1157 Kars , Turkish Army at , 750 Kalafat , Russian defeat at , 36 Kentucky Murder , 466 Kidderminster Turn-out , 844 Know-Nothing Convention , 1037 Know-Nothings of England , 921 Know-Nothings , the , 868 Knightsbrid « e War , 468 Knotty Points , 376 Kossuth at Hanley , 799 Kossuth at Glasgow , 635 , 705 Kossuth on tho British Constitution , 665 Kossuth and American Slavery , « H Kossuth at Sheffield , 531 Kossuth at Nottingham , 561 Kossuth at the Crystal Palace , 251 Lancaster , Duchy of , 1161 Large Steamers , superiority of , 1162 Labour Movement in October , 1010 Law Reforms in Action , 919 Law and Order , 860 Law of Partnership , 518 Lawloy , Mr ., 800 Lacemakers , meeting of , 776 Layard and tho Hungarians , 775 Lambruschini , death of Cardinal , 491 Launch of the Royal Albert , 462 , 467 Lo Tour ' , fatal Accident to , 657 Loigh , court-martial on Lieut ., 080 Letters from the Baltic , 609 Lefroy v . Cridland , 610 Letter Stealing , 251 Letters from the Baltic , 464 Leroy , Alice , 227 , 821 Letters from Paris , 4 , 20 , 63 , 78 . 103 Limited Liability , 1209
French , Emperor of tho , in Belgium , 1014 French Army , 867 French Prostitutes and their Keepers , 701 French v . Rolt , 633 French Manners and Morals , 867 French Journalism , 891 Fronch Ambassador ' s Dinner , 276 Free Hospital Case , 580 , 811 , 635 , 679 Frome , doings at , 514 Friends of Poland , 415 Friends of Italy , 658 Ganges Canal , 518 Garrett , Colonel , and the Duko of Cleveland
942 Garter the vacant , 251 Garibaidi in London , 155 Gavazzi , 155 GarottinK , 155 Gallant Seamon , 81 Germany and Russia , 1 C 39 Geach , M . P ., Mr ., 1037 General Board of Health , 707 Gilbert Case at Bristol , 1187 Giving OIovcb to Judges , 1234 Giving Way to Passion , 1160 GifTard , ( hung a pistol at Mr ., in the Court of tho Old Bailoy , 891 Glimpses of the Seat of War , 705 Gloucester House Fete , 054 Gladstone ' s Loan Circular , 394 Glasgow and Architecture , 897
Untitled Article
, INDEX TO VOX ,. V . lit
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1854, page iii, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct307/page/3/