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Liverpool Free Library , 1090 Literary Fund Dinner , 415 Liverpool against Church-rates , 392 Life in Australia , 395 "Lie Direct , " 228 Liberal Members in the Reform Bill , 173 Life Boats , 155 Lottery Swindling iif Salford , 1233 London Necropolis , 1059 London Dock Frauds , 1284 Louis Napoleon in Belgium , 1014 Lord Mayor's Day , 1064 London Attorney in Sydney , 753 Love and Suicide , 750 Love and Money , 681 Louis Napoleon and the Wizard of the
North , 679 London Training Institution , 276 Londonderry , death of the Marquis of , 225 London Mechanics * Institute , 10 Luders , General , at Silistria , 587 Lumley v . Gye , 178 Lytton , Sir E ., at St . Alban's , 392 Map of the Alma , 992 Marylebone , 1113 Marfborough House , 11 Marriages , illegal , 1015 Manchester on Maurice , 1061 Masson ' s , Professor , Inaugural Lecture , 993 Macgregor , Mr . J ., at Glas g ow , 944 Maxwell , Major , and the Little Vulgar Boy 871
Madman in a Railway Carriage , 847 Mad Bull . 705 Marriage Law , 702 May Meetings , 415 Mazzini on Slavery , 510 Martial Law in California , 996 Mann's , Mr ., Report on Education , 437 Marco Polo , 467 Mathews , Charles , Bankruptcy of , 397 Mansion-house Banquet , 295 Manchester Will Case , 319 Masons of Liverpool ^ 321 . Manslaughter of a Poacher , 154 Manin , death of Emilia , 82 Macfarlane ' s Poems , 81 " Mr . Bernal , Sir , " 822 Maurice , Professor , and the Ladies' College ,
Maurice , Testimonial to the Rev . F ., 392 Maurice ' s Lectures , 537 , 585 , 610 , 655 Maurice , Manchester on , 1061 Mendicant Clergyman , 870 % ' **** Metropolitan Joint Stock Brewery Company , 75 S Meetings—Eastern Question—Belfast , 10 ; Marylebone , 10 ; Chester , 35 ; the War—Oldham , 276 ; London , 294 ; Newcastle , 896 ; Sheffield , 915 : Compositors , 34 ; Ormskirk Library , 35 ; Humane Society , 85 ; Edinburgh , Educational , S 6 ; Juvenile Delinquency , 82 ; Derby , 178 ; Metropolitan Commission of Sewers , 202 , 276 Mexico , 1002 Meeting of the Generals at Varna , 511 Mesmeric Infirmary , Operation at the , 418
Metropolitan Churches , 411 Metropolitan Poultry Show , 10 , 35 Military Riot at Chatham , 1156 Missions to the Heathen , 679 Missing Official , 654 Minister of War , 654 Missionary , a , 1014 Montreal , fire at , 36 Molesworth , Sir W ., at Edinburgh , 942 Monboddo refuted , 921 Movements of Notabilities , 969 Mormons , the , 894 Models at Marlborough-house , 276 Model Protestant Member , 847 Mont Blanc Ascents , 823 Model Scoundrel , 10 Movement to " preserve" Sunday in
Scotland , 704 Montgomery , Death of James , 414 Mortality of Commerce , 892 Money- order Improvements , 251 M-P . ' s View of Parties in the Commons , 753 Movements in Italy , 729 Murders—East Acton , 34 , 58 ; Bristol , 203 ; Burnham , -227 , 250 ; Bedford , 251 ; Nor-¦ wich , 297 ; Bodmin , 297 ; Newcliff , 297 ; Begent' 8-park , 297 ; Old-street-road , 348 ; at Sea , 371 : Girvan , 397 ; Cornmeroialroad , 490 ; Torrington , 490 ; Manchester , 491 ; Esher , £ 62 , 612 , 750 , ; near Iieicester , 612 . 635 ; Newington , 635 ; Amsterdam , 705 ; Chipping Barnet , 778 ; Troy Town , Rochester , 799 ; Preston , 870 ; Bethtial-green , 1016 : Llanddaxog , 1038 ; Warren-street ,
1189 Murderous Assaults , 34 , 35 , 57 , 227 , 251 , 321 , 397 , 442 , 701 , 702 , 773 ; Beulah Spa , 799 ; Bristol , 1160 Murat , Marriage of Prince Joachim , 276 Muling in the Winchester , 10 Mutilation by Machinery , 890 Napier , Dinner to Sir Charles , 220 Napier ' s Address to the Fleet , 321 Napier still an active Commander , 1187 Napoleon-day , 77 $ Nasmyths v . Dukes of Newcastle , 1159 " Naval Actions in the Baltic , 509 National Party vlA the Coalition , 920 National Party , . 1034 Necrology—Mrs- Carlyle , 10 ; Pierre Didot , 10 ; Lord Plmikefc , 10 ; Dr . Collyer . 85 ; Tiscount Bcreaford , 35 ; Major-General Taylor , 35 ; Emilia Manin , 82 ; Dr . Richards , 202 ; Marquis of Londonderry , 225 ; Bishop of Salisbury , 225 ; Dr . Jenkyns , ' 280 ; Mr . Justice talfourd , 24 IS : Sir J . Wylio , 251 ; Haynau , 251 ; Rubini . 251 ; Duke of Parrna , 318 ; Professser Wilson , 318 ; Oolonol Gordon , 318 ; Mr . Holford , 371 ; Marquia of Anglesey , 4 , 14 ; James Montgomery , 414 , ; George Clint , ex-A . R . A ., 401 ; Cardinal Lambruscliini 491 ; Lord Jocolyn , 775 ; Princess Zonaido Bonaparto , WJ 1 ; Mr . Bornal , 82 ii ; Colonel Boylo , M . P ., 807 ; Walter "Watson of Kirkintillooh . 81 ) 7 ; Lord Donman , « 21 ; Mr . John Chapman , 922 ; Marshal Bt ' . Arnaud , 904 ; Dr . Samuel Phillips , UU 5 Earl of Ablngdon , U 06 ; Mr . Goech , M . P . !
1113 ; Lord D . C . Stuart , 1113 ; Mr . Lockhart , 1161 NewOcracy , 1061 Newcastle Reformatory School , 35 New York Fire , 31 - New Zealand , 993 Newman-street Affair , termination of the , 896 New York Crystal Palace , failure of the , 705 Nearest Way to Warsaw , 583 Newman , Inauguration of Dr ., 538 Night of Mistakes , 821 Nigger Tragedian , Prussian decoration of a , 705 North Australian Expedition , 77 Nottingham Disturbances , 1015 Norton-street , Marylebone , 1038 s Nottingham Riots , 844 North Western Engine Drivers , 777 Nova Scotian Loyalty , 344 Nude Statues and Bishops , 441 Oath Scruple , 197 , 897 Ocean Penny Postage , 86 Odessa , bombardment of , 419 Odd Proceedings , 1034 O'Donnell ? who is General , 656 Officers and Gentlemen , 871 Officers and Gentlemen again , 915 O'Flaherty Scandal 775 Officer Morality in India , 705 Officer Morale in Australia , 753 Oldham Industrial Exhibition , 679 Omnibus Trade , 1112 Omar Pacha , 679 One of our " Heroes , " 1064 One of the Highly-educated Classes , 777 One of the Governing Class , 704 Open-air Preaching , 657 Open-air Preaehing-7-with a Difference , 918 Opening of Japaiw 347 Operation at the Mesmeric Infirmary , 418 "Orthocracy , " 1061 Ordnance Tenders , 635 Orders in Council , 865 Ormskirk Public Library , 35 Osborne Festivities and Mr . Albert Smith ,
800 Our Civilisation , 654 , 678 , 701 , 726 , 749 , 771 , 843 , 870 , 896 , 920 , 941 , 969 , 992 , 1016 , 1037 , 1959 , 1089 , 1111 , 1137 , 1160 , 1186 , 1209 , 1232 Our Private Parliament , 675 Outrages on Female Emigrants , 702 - Outrage at Barnsbury-park , 34 Our Divided Church , 392 Over-legislation , 870 Owen , Eobert , 847 Owen's , Eobert , petition , 752 Owen , dinner to Professor , 6 Owen , Robert , and the Society of Arts , 155 Oxford and Cambridge , 1015 Oxford Reform , 918 Oxford Festivities , 823
Oxford Commemoration , 607 Paraguay , 1161 Patriotic Pund , 1011 , 1040 , 1059 , 1137 Pale Ale in India , 297 Parachute Accident , 657 Pacific , allied forces in the , 1110 Palmcrston , Lord , at Romsey , 1035 Papers Concerning Turkey , 293 Paris with Policemen , 922 Panizzi once more , 34 Parma , assassination of the Duke of , 318 Panopticon , opening of the ; 251 Philips , death of Dr ., 995 Persia , 1161 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company ,
116 ft Perry , Lieut ., 728 , 753 , 771 , 891 Perry , Lieut ., and the Testimonial Fund 1114 Petropaulowski , affair at , 1110 , 1155 Peto , Mr ., and the King of Denmark , 1037 Peace Society and Soldier's Baggage , 895 Peace Society Anniversary , 513 Peninsular and Oriental Company , 562 Pellico , Silvio , 81 Peace Deputation to St . Petersburg , 81 Pellew , Sir Fleetwood , 10 , 36 _ -1- ^ Pirates of the Riff , 632 ^ ^ Pictures of the War , 491 Pimlico Church Battles , 418 , 440 Pitcher's Case—Exculpation . 366
Piratical Expedition to California , 81 Pleasant Talk , 892 Plunket , death of Lord , 10 Polish Insurrection , Anniversary of , 1133 Post Offlco Reforms , 994 Poland , Resuscitation of , 995 Political Movements in Ireland , 919 Portugal , King of , at Vienna , 801 Policy of Sweden , 796 Police Spies in Families , 797 Portugal , visit of tho King of , to tho English Court , 531 ) Poland , Friends of , 415 Porter for the Troops , 227 Political Banquets , 103 Poaching Affray at Lincoln , 154 Political Gatherings , 74 Poor-law Reform , 153 Position and Pay of British Seamen , 125 Portsmouth Public Library , 10 Poultry Shows , 10 , 35 Poor Clergy , 1238 Private and Confidential , 298 , 822 , 848 , 397 , 412 , 468 Protestant Firmnoss , 1230 Prussian Chambers , 1160 Prussian Marriage , 1158 Protestant Loyalty and other things , at lJublin , 1157 Priests and Politics , 1112 Protection of Women and Sergeant Adams . 1012 Prime Minister at Abordeon , 901 Practical People , a , H 47 Priests and Nursery-maids , H 97 Prospect of a new Liberal Party , 822 Prejudice and Race , 81 N 5 Priijer in India , for tho War , 811 ) Project to Empty Europe , HH > Proposal to Wash tho Ouoon ' a Faco , 777 l ' riust and tho Lad y , H 07 Preservation of Life from Shipwreck , i 17
Protestant Association , 441 Prince Albert and the Constitution , 6 , 50 Proclamation of War , 173 Presidentship of Christ ' s Hospital , 276 Preston Labour-Battle , 154 , 176 , 200 , 203 , 225 , 249 , 270 , 296 , 319 , 346 , 367 , 371 , 393 , 415 , 440 ; 464 Promotion in the Army , 634 Prince Albert on Clerical Marriages , 439 Public Health , 202 , 226 , 909 , 996 , 1015 , 1039 Public Opinion in America , 1037 Public-house Closing on Sunday , 751 Purveyor Institution , 392 Public School Association , 50 Punjaub—Meeting at Umritsir , 50 Queen and tho Army Clothing , 679 Queen ' s Birthday at Scutari , 535 Queen at Sea , 798 Queen ' s Birthday , 490 Queen ' s Visit to the French Ambassador ' s , 462 Queen ' s College and Professor Maurice , 35 Queen and the Guards , 199 Railway Accidents—St . Helens , 10 ; Croydon , 10 ; ' rhetford , 36 ; Trent Junction , 36 ; Derry , 321 ; Mossley , 348 : Clarborough , 348 ; Halshan Moor , 442 ; Woodhouse , 442 ; Baltimore , 678 ; Islington , 800 ; Croydon . 800 ; Bramhope , 897 Railway-Break , new , 36 Railway Outrage at Londonderry , 919 Railway Capital and Loans , 897 Railways in India , 1186 Rape , 750 Raglan Castle , fire at , 36 Refusal to take an Oath , 57 Re-emigration from America , 1017 Reinforcements and Supplies , 1034 , 1040 Registration of Voters , 893 Religious Amenities in Ireland , 891 Religioils Row at Newtownlemavady , 844 Religious War in Pimlico , 681 Record of the Friends of Italy , 658 Revenue , 7 . 320 , 629 , 969 Refusing to be Sworn , 705 Registration of Voters , 914 Reginbal w . Marmaysee , 585 Record Office , New , 276 Real Railway King , 345 Reform Bill Demonstrations , 222 Reform Club Dinner to Sir C . Napier , 220 Reform Bill , 150
Snow Storm of 1814 , S 3 Spain , 654 , 678 , 703 , 728 , 751 , 775 , 823 , I 1088 , 1113 , 1132 , 1160 Spitalfields Difficulty , 776 Spital fields Silk Trade , 704 Speaker ' s First Dinner , 155 Spencer v . Clifford , 941 Spies in Families , 797 Sontag , 657 Society for Improving the Condition of Labouring Classes , 1062 Something about the Czar , 656 Society of Arts at 8 ydenham , 629 Social Influence in Kentucky , 466 Social Reform in Scotland , 27 Southampton Dock Accident , 9 St . Barnabas Rows , 681 Stuart , death ot Lord Dudley , 1113
St . Arnaud , funeral of Marshal , 994 Stamford and Warrington , Earl of , and Mayor of Ashton , 1158 Stanley , Lord , at Preston , 1113 Stabbing at Bristol , 1160 Staff for Old Age , 921 St . George ' s Hall , failure of the festival , i St . George ' s Hall , Liverpool , 894 \ St . Paul's , Knightsbridge , 466 Stanley , Lord , on church rates and newspaper stamp , 491 Stonor Committee , 465 Statue of Richard I ., 371 Stockport Magistrates , 894 St . Barnabas Egg-throwing , 418 , 440 Sturgeon Case , the , 277 , 297 St . Paul's , war of , 366 Sturge at St . Petersburg !! , 176
Strikes , 56 , 58 , 80 , 104 , 128 , 154 , 200 , 203 , i 249 , 272 , 296 Strikes and Wages , 9 , 33 St . Paul's Inquiry , 35 Sudden Death at Chesterton , 321 Suez Ship Canal , 1187 Superiority of Large Steamers , 1162 Sunday Drinking in Crieff , 1162 Suicide in the Serpentine , 1016 Suppression of Betting Houses , 1087 Suicide of a Young Lady , 870 Subject for a Poem , 847 Sunday Beer BUI , 751 , 774 , 799 , 823 , 846 , 6 12 . K 0
Suspended Boroughs , 752 Sunday in Scotland , 704 , 1161 Sunday in Paris , 635 v Swabey Defalcations , 657 Sweden , policy of , 796 Sweden , 1088 Sydenham Fete , 1039 Taxes on Knowledge , 200 Talfourd , death of Mr . Justice , 245 Taylor , death of Major-General , 35 Tea Duty , postponement of the reduct of , 1230 Temperance Palace ( proposed ) in the Sur Zoological Gardens , 656 Tenant Right in Ireland , 729 , 992 Thanksgiving , 914 Thornhill « . Thornhill , 1111 , 1157 Three or Four Wives , 1160 Theft by a Policeman at the Crystal Pala
635 Thompson , restoration of Colonel , 371 Theatricals at Windsor , 57 , 80 , 106 Thief and the Oath , 129 Tidman v . Ainslie , 1015 " Timid Counsels , " 1040 Ticket of Leave System , 635 Tiptree Hall , 705 Tipperary riot , 750 Trials without a Jury , 897 Trade with Russia , 796 Treaty of Adrianople , 606 Treatment of Cancer l » y an UnqualiJ Practitioner , 750 Trade with Russia , 245 Treatment of the Poor in Westminster , ! Turkish Reform , 897 Turkish Loan , 751 , 775 Turner , Rev - S ., on Reformatory Sehc
537 Two Young Ladies Drowned while Bath 635 Tyne and Wear Shipwrights , 1063 Ultra-Protestantism in Ireland , 920 Unco' Good , the , 1114 Unity of the French Catholics , 466 Unauthorised Negotiation , 341 University Reform , 8 Urquhart . Mr ., at Manchester , 364 Urquhart ' s Belief , 84 S Urquhart on Omar Pacha , 704 Urquhart , Mr ., at Newcastle , 1037 Van Diemen ' 8 Land , new Governor of , 7 Violation , 870
Voters , Registration of , 914 Vienna Protocol of 23 rd May , 511 Vladimir , Escape of the , 750 Vino Blight , 503 Victoria Bridge , 11 War , Preparations for , 125 , 150 , 199 , 220 , 271 , 21 ) 2 , 817 , 34-1 , 347 , 3 ( 53 , 870 ; Progres 395 , 511 , 560 , 030 ; Notes on the , 630 , 678 , 702 , 728 , 750 , 770 , 818 , 842 , 914 . 938 , Alma , 002 , 988 ; Killed and Wounded , Siego of Sobastopol , 1010 , 1017 ; Babik 1041 , 1058 , 1061 ; Inkornaan , 1091 , 1106 ,: Sorties , & c , 1114 ; 11 $ 8 , 1154 , 1162 , 1188 , 1205 , 1210 , 1220 , 1235 Working Man ' s Emigration Society , 1255 War Postage , 1101 «' , War to the Ministry , 015 War and Pestilence , 82 Ward , Mr . F . () . , Statement of , 1233 War and Commerce , 891 War Symptoms at llonrio , 104 Waterlcnv v . the Dean of Bangor , 441 Watson , Walker , deatli of , 897 W . 15-ati ' uHtlo Hedingham , 070 " W . H ., " tlio Innocent , 225 " W . K . V Defeneo , 441 Wear Shipwrights , 401 ) 0 Wellington Dock Bill , 418 Wells , Hennery of , 228 Westminster Courts , removal of , 56 Wellington College . ; t 5 " West lind ltefugo" Imposture , 34
Reformatory Schools , 11 , 102 , 107 , 129 Removal of City Churches , 8 Renegade Democrat , a , 80 Recal of Sir Fleetwood Pellew , 36 Retainer of the Great Sir "Walter , 1234 Riots at Exeter , 58 Riots at Preston , 203 , 225 , 249 , 272 Riots at T & adford , 844 Richard L , Statue of , 81 . 371 Rights of Women , 371-Richards , death of Dr ., 202 Roman Catholic Parliamentary Leader , 1137 Roman Catholic Suggestion , 1059 Roman Catholic Bequests , 397 Roebuck , Mr ., at Sheffield . 847 Romantic Story from a Soldier in the East , 658 Royal Academy Dinner , 415 Romance of the Old Bailey , 891 " Romping , " 870 Rochdale , fire at , 9 Russian Vessels of War , 57 Russia , trade with , 245 Russian Agents in America , 222 Russian Railways , 10 Russian Declaration of "War , 371 Russia v . Austria , 1063 Russian Squadron , 610 > Russian Army , 1110 Russian Prizes , 391 Russian-Dutch Loan , 418 Russian Intrigues in India , 511 Russian and Finnish Prisoners , 942 Russia painted by a Russian , 896 Russell against Secular Education , 439 Russell , Lord J ., at Bristol , 895 Russell , Lord J ., in Motion , 1012 Rubini , death of , 251 Ryo Perjury Case , 203 Sandwich Isles , 1160 Salcombe Outrage , 1033 Sanitary Movement at Varna , 821 Sabbatarianism on Fish , 730 Sabbath at Dover , 920 Sanctity of Domestic Intercourse , 610
Sailors * Home , 178 Salisbury , tho new Bishop , 371 Sailing of tho Fleet , 245 Salisbury , death of the Bishop of , 225 Sanitary Movement at Oxford , 100 Sadleir , resignation of Mr ., 35 Scarcity of Troops , 770 Scotch Spirit-selling Act , 799 Scotch Past , 390 Scottish National Museum , 202 Scotch Education , 28 Seizure of War Steamers , 318 , 345 Secular Kducation , Lord J . Russell against 43 U Sewers , now Metropolitan Commission , of 1207 Sevastopol to be Taken by Contract , 893 Seizure 1 , of Munitions , 371 Seymour , Sir 11 ., at tho Mansion House , 8 ( 52 Secret Russian Documents , 268 Solf-acLiiig Railway Break , 80 Shooting at a Mob , l ) li ) Shclllcld Cutlers' Feast , 847 Shaving Question in the Army , 750 Sheibonie Grammar School , 81 ) 1 $ Sidney , Alderman , and Lord Aberdeen , 115 ( 1 Six Children Murdered by their Mother 5 ( 5 : 2 Simla . accident , to the , 4 fl 7 Slave , trade in Turkey , KXil Sledging at Windsor , 10 Slade , Q .. C , and Shakspfare , 777 Slave-lnule , Will SiuitU , Alexander , 10 ( 5 Hnidko Act , 11 * 12 Smithlield Cluh Cat tie Show , llfiO Smith , Albert , at Osbomr , HOO , 823 Smith , Mr . Jeremiah , ZW \ Snow Storms , \\ , 1 L
Untitled Article
'y * - iv » I N D E X TO Y Q L . V .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1854, page iv, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct307/page/4/