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What is to be done in Persia , 1161 Whittington Club burnt down , 1160 Whiston , the Bev . Mr ., 1034 What Austrian occupation Means , 822 White Sea Squadron , 587 Wife-beating 57 , 251 , 347 , 442 , 701 , 773 , 799 , 1016 Wife-selling , 896 Willoughby , Mr ., reminds a Counsel of Cardiff , 891 Winchester , loss of the , 514 Windsor Barracks Affair , 728 , 753 , 771 , 891 Wizard of the North and Emperor of the French , 679 Wilson , death of Professor , 318 Women , assaults on , 57 , 251 , 347 , 442 , 701773
,, 799 , 920 Working Men ' s College , 1037 Workpeople ' s Festival at the Crystal Palace , 657 Wrecks—East Coast , 36 ; the Tavleur , 79 , 106 ; the San Francisco , 79 ; the Ercolano , 417 ; the Winchester , 514 ; the Europa , 585 ; the Arctic , 1016 , 1035 , the New Era , 1137 ; the Forerunner , 1137 Wylie , death of Sir James , 251 Young Gentlemen at Cambridge , 1064 Zion Chapel , Southampton , singular scene in . 1035
Untitled Article
Sigmanngen , visit of Prince , 346 ; Imperial ! Guard , review of the ,. 1132 ; Jer 6 nre ' s Ball at the Palais Royal , 104 ; KisselefTs Return from Paris to Brussels , 126 ; Lamennais , funeral of , 198 ; Lakoman , Sir Stephen , in Paris , 103 ; Letter of theFrench Emperor to the Czar , 151 ; Les Cosaques at the Qirque , 152 ; Legislative Session of 1854 , opening of the , 198 ; Lievon , Princess , 152 , 175 ; Loan of 250 , 000 , 000 francs , 126 , 243 , 294 ; Louis Napoleon ' s Letter to the Czar , 151 ; Mathilde , Princess , and the Czar , 223 ; Marrast , Emperor ' s munificence to the family of , Contradicted , 1207 , 1228 ; Missionaries for Algeria , 1132 ; Montalembert to Dupin , 271 , 316 ; Montalembert ,
prosecution of , 316 ; Napoleon , Prince , depar-. ture of , 342 ; Narvaez at Orleans , 1113 ' New Year ' s Day , 5 ; Official Declaration of the Attitude of France to Austria , 175 ; Offensive and Defensive Treaty , 363 , 390 ; Orleanist and Bourbon Fusion , 54 ; Pau , reception of the Emperor at , 818 ; Palrnerston , Lord , iri Paris , 1113 ; Parseval-Deschftnes in the Baltic , 316 ; Persigny . resignation of , 609 , 653 ; Policed 1 'An . glaise , 940 ; Postal Treaty with England , 1229 j Portuguese Loan , 654 ; Raglan ' s , Lord , de" - parture from Marseilles , 390 ; Railways , new , 1156 ; Rejoinder to the Russian Reply , 223 ; Reinforcements , 1156 ; Report by M . de Persigny on the State of the Nation , 583 ; Return of the Emperor and to
tions of Admiral Plutnridg ' e ' s Squadron , 583 ; Bruuow in Retirement , 845 ; CasteL bajac ' s Recal , 81 ; Circular to Diplomatic Agents , 243 ; Constantino at Helsingfors , 363 ; Contracts for Food and Forage , 54 ; Czar's objections to being called " Czar , *' 224 ; Czar s reception of the news that the Fleets had entered the Black Sea , 78 ; Czar ' s Reply to Louis Napoleon , 223 ; Czar ' s Letter to Osten-Saeken on the Bombardment of Odessa , 463 ; English and French Vessels ordered to leave , 391 ; Sinope , 5 ; Finnish Sailors at Sevastopol , 54 ; Furious at Odessa , 891 , 412 ; Helsingfors , visit of the Czar to , 295 ; Illness of the Czar , 175 ; Irritation of the Czar , 583 , 6 SS , Levies of Seamen , 247 : Loan , 654 ; Manifesto of the Czar to his People , 223 , 413 ; Message of the Admirals to the Governor of Sebastopol , 54 ; Odessa , bombardment
of , 412 , 438 , 488 ; Paskiewitch appointed to Command on the Danube , 198 ; Paskiewitch summoned to St . Petersburg , 175 ; Population , 1088 ; Prayer Composed by the Russian Synod , 127 ; Proposals vid Prussia , 317 ; Religious Character of the War , 247 3 Seblx _ and Rejoinder , 223 ; Regulation as to Prisoners of War , 439 ; Release of the English Engineers , 54 ; Russian account of Citato , 127 ; Rustchuk , Russian force at , 204 ; Russian Flotilla on the Sea of Azof , 54 ; Russo-Polish Plot , 30 ; Seymour , departure from St . Petersburg of Sir H ., 198 ; Storm on the Neva , 1088 : St . Nicholas , feast of , 1207 ; Strengthening the Ports in the Crimea , 54 ; Tiger , the , at Odessa , 512 ; War Preparations , 5 , SO , 64 , 199 ; War Taxes , 413 ; Wallachian Regiment at Brailow trapped , into Joining the Russian Army ,.. 845 ; Woronzoffs Resignation , 54
TlmnrMQ f . o "P < hm « f \* nm ~ Ri-ml / % « rvm n . 4 i \ . ^ impr ess Fans rrom . Boulogne , 940 ; Revision de la Carte de VEurope , 271 ; Review in Paris , 1132 ; Roussin , funeral of Admiral , 198 ; Russian Minister at Brussels in Paris , 54 ; Saxe-Cobourg , visit of the Duke of , 223 , 247 ; Sailing of 20 , 000 men from Marseilles , 316 ; Sanford , farewell dinner to Mr ., 343 ; Saint-Aulaire , death of Count , 1088 ; Sobrier , death of . 1133 ; Soule forbidden to enter France , 1014 ; Staff of the Eastern Army , 246 ; St . Arnaud ' s Address to the Troops about to Sail , 316 ; St . Arnaud ' s Departuro for the East , 418 ; Tents for the French Army , 1156 ; Treaty Offensive and Defensive , with England 363 , 390 ; Veron , Dr ., and the Canstitutionnel , 223 ; Visconti , death of , 153 ; Vine Disease , 775 , 1061
Gr HEE C E Anglo-French Force iu the Piroeus , 489 , 583 ; Pela , capture of , 438 , 463 ; Piracy , 4 , 63 , 489 ; Purity of Ministers , 677 ; Rebellion , 175 , 198 , 225 , 247 , 271 , 343 , 438 ; Rupture with Turkey , 317 ; Eussian Ministry , recal of , from Athens , 583 HOLLA . KD . Despotical Ministry ; 1220 ; King of Portugal at Amsterdam , 750 ; Kingof Portugal and the Jews , 750 ; Religious Bow at Schiedam 890 ; States-General , servility of the , 1228 HTTNGUJ & Y . Austrian railways in , 1014 ; Austrian Illtreatment of an American Clergyman , 31 ; Batthyani , death of Count Casimir , 678 ; Examination of Vessels stopped at Pesth , 1014 ; Russian Agents , 1014
ITAXYAosta , disturbances at , 5 ; -Baggio , Mr ., in Naples , 31 ; Bread Riots at Perugia and Ravenna , 152 , 176 ; Brescia , release of prisoners at , 54 ; Canino Estates , 31 ; Consecration of an English Abbot , 5 ; Crystal Palace , projected , at Naples , 65-1 : Dragoons , French ., ordered back , 1088 ; Electric Telegraph in Italy , 1061 ; Englishman , murderous onslaught on an , by the Count del Gallo , 1088 ; Financial Crisis at Rome , 1228 ; French Garrison at Rome Reinforced , 702 , 1186 ; Florence Sympathises with Russia , 64 ; Gas at Rome , 31 ;
Insurrection in Sicily , 583 ; Jesuit Quarrel in Naples , 1229 ; Lucien Bonaparte and the Pope , 863 ; Mazzini , 1088 ; Miracle in the Church of Santa Maria Monticelli , 1061 ; Milan Police Tyranny , 54 ; Modena , insurrectionary movements at , 702 ; Papal Government and Austria , 343 ; Papal Gossip , 1113 ; Parma , murder of the Duke of , 294 , 317 ; Piedmont ' s Relations with Rome , 468 ; Poerio , ^ , 489 ; Press in Piedmont , 1207 ; Rossi's" Assassins , 344 ; Russian Loan Forbidden on the Neapolitan Exchange , 866 ; Silvio Pellino , 127 ; Telegraph from Spezzia to Corsica , 702 ; "United States Minister at Borne , 1113
CONTINENTAL NOTES . AUSTRIA . Cambridge , Duke of , departure from Vienna for Constantinople , 413 ; Counter Circulars of the German Governments , 800 ; Four Points , interpretation of the , 1229 ; Lottery Loan , 224 ; Loan , 702 , 751 ; Lloyd reprimanded , 247 ; Marriage of the Emperor , 413 ; Meeting at Tetschen of the Emperor and the King of Prussia , 536 , 560 ; Orloff at Vienna , 126 ; Railways in Hungary and Bohemia , 1014 ; Toms , recal of Major , 27 l ; Treaty with Prussia , 390 . BAVARIA . Dangerous Condition of the King ' s Health , 1229 ; General Representation , abolishment of , 1207 . BEXGITTM . Curious Arrest at Brussels , 1132 ; Departure of the King for Courbray , 866 ; Kisseleff ' s Departure from Brussels , 104 ; King Leo-E 3 ld incognito , 890 ; Letter of the King to ouis Napoleon , 31 ; Napoleon , Prince , at Brussels , 104 ; Neutrality , 1061 ; Portugal , King of , 677 ; Vely Pacha ' s Reception , DAKUBIAN PBUTCIPAXITIBS . Austrians at Bucharest , 1061 ; Bucharest , occupation , of , by the Austrians , 800 ; Cinperceni , affair at , 224 ; Desertion of Wallachiau . Militia , 30 ; Dobrudscha , proceedings in the , 294 , S 17 , 343 , 363 , 462 ; Entrance of the Austrians into Wallachia , 800 ; Evacuation of Moldavia by the Russians , 890 ; Isaktshi , 294 , 317 ; Kalafat , defeats of the Russians at , 54 , 294 , 842 , 391 ; Kostendje , 412 ; Lakeman , Sir Stephen ( Mussar Pacha ) at Bucharest , 1061 ; Matsehin , siege of , 294 , 317 ; Montenegrin Invasion of Gatzko , 561 ; Oltenitza , 294 , 317 ; Osten-Sacken in Wallachia , 30 ; Peasant Insurrection in Lesser Wallachia , 30 , 127 , 153 ; Retreat of the Russians on Moldavia , 609 ; Refusal , by the Hospodars , of Russian Pensions , 79 ; Russian Passage of the Danube , 317 , 343 ; Sulina Mouth of the Danube , 271 ; Schumla , 391 : Silistria , 413 , 536 , 583 , 609 .
DENMAUK . Arrest of an American Citizen at Copenhagen , 1132 ; Feast of the Constitution , 561 ; Harring , arrest of , 1182 ; Impeachment of the Ministry , 994 ; Law of Danish Monarchy , 890 ; Ministerial Differences on the Russian Question , 31 ; Opening of the Chambers , 970 ; Petitions from Jutland , against the Danish Constitution , 914 ; Politioal Crisis , 512 : Prorogation of the Chambers in April , 295 . EGTPT . Amnesty to Opponents of Said Pacha ' s Accession , 751 ; El-Hami Pacha ' s Departuro from Alexandria for Europe , 678 FINLANDGuards sent to Poland , 343 ; Junction of the English and French Fleets , 609 ; Rejoicings at Helsingfors for the Sinope affair , 31 ; Volunteers for the Coast Defences , 391 FRANCE . Agricultural Exhibition at Paris , 561 ; Arago ' s "Works , 247 ; Army of the East , complete list of its composition , 246 ; Armaments , 54 , 103 , 127 , 151 , 175 ; Artillery reorganisation of tho , 151 ; Austrian Congratulations on tho Success of the French Army in the Crimea , 940 ; Baltic Fleet , strength of , 890 ; Baltic Floet , sailing of the , 413 ; Barbes , roleasoof , 940 , 970 , 994 ; Bayonne , Emperor at , 818 ; Bourbon Fusion . 64 ; Bertin , death of Armand , 31 ; Black Sea Fleet , strength of , 890 ; Boulogne , return of tho Emperor and Empress to , 914 ; Bordeaux , Emperor at , 890 ; Brunow ' s Return , through Franco , 127 ; Bureau do VAgence Btranaero , 104 : Cambridge , Duke of , in Paris , 3-12 , 803 : Camp at Marseilles , 677 : Christina in France , 890 ; Circular to Diplomatic Representatives , 29 : Convention between Franco and England , 3 < W , 300 ; Crvstal Palace , deputation from , : s « 3 ; Czar ' s Reply to Louis Napoleon , 155 ; Dumpiorro ' H , ViKCount , marriage with Miss Carbiu , 077 ; " Death of tho Czar !" ( Paul ) , 818 ; Declaration of War , 21 ) 4 ; Earthquake at Hare ^ es , 702 ; Emporor and Etnpross at Hiaritz , Wl ; English Generals in Franco , 342 , 863 ; Etoilo du Nord , \& l , 175 ; Exhibition , progress of tho , 217 , 751 ; Fete JVapoMon , 702 ; Vorpod Shares on tho Bourse 914 ; French Opinion of Missionaries 1 K 12 ; Harvest at Bordeaux , 775 ; llamelln Promoted , 11 ( 30 ; llohouzolloru
NOEWAT . Storthing , oporring of the , 176 PERSIA . Departuro of Eussian Subjects , 561 ; Restoration of English Influence , 70 ; Russian tendencies of the Shah , 30 POLAND . Raising Troops for Russia , 78 ; Sympathy of the Pooplo with tho Western Nations , 1228 PORTUGAL . Abduction Case , 1014 ; Royal Reminiscences of England , 1081 ; Saldanha ' s Letter to the Journals , 1014
SAXONY . Death of the King , 751 SAHDINIA . Monaco affair , 344 ; Preparations for War like Eventualities , 127 .
SPAIN . Barcelona " Strike , " 344 ; Banishment of the Opposition Leaders , 79 ; Birth of a Princess , 81 ; Black Warrior , 344 , 363 ; Concordat , reform of , 1207 ; Concha and O'Donnell disgraced , 176 ; Cuban Questions , 344 , 363 , 465 ; Death of the Royal Infant . 79 ; Differences in the Cabinet , 1014 ; Elections , 970 ; Howden , Lord , on the Slave Trade , 994 ; Liberalism in tho Cortes , 1229 ; Madrid Press , residue of the , 776 ; Marriage of the King Consort ' s Father , 317 ; Miguel and the Press at Madrid , 800 ; Orense , disappearance of , 866 ; Prisoners of the Barricades , 860 ; Programme of the new Cabinet , 1229 ; Reply to the United States , 465 ; Russiau Agents , 363 ; Saragossa , revolt at , 199 , 863 ; Salamanca ' s house sacked by the Mob at Madrid , ^ 702 ; Soule at Madrid , 344 ; " Union , Liberal , " 890 .
SWEDEN . King , popularity of , 463 ; Liberty of the Press , 970 ; Navy , increase of , 176 ; Preparations against War , 31 , 225 ; Speech of the King on presenting Colours to the National Militia and the Smaland Grenadiers , 609 SWITZERLAND . Austrian Difficulties , 127 ; Belgium , King of , 890 , 994 ; Camps of Review , 127 ; Troops for the German Frontier , 54 ; Friburg , Bishop of , 677 .
TURKEY . Adrianople , cholera at , 800 ; American Minister at Constantinople , 224 ; Arrival of the Princes , 463 ; Bosquet , General , at Varna , 439 ; Breanski , Colonel , at Constantinople , 104 ; Cambridge , puke of , at Constantinople , 463 ; Caucasian Razzia , 800 ; Cholera , 800 ; Citato , 80 , 54 ; Circassian Coast , doings on the , 368 , 489 , 536 ; Cohn , Dr ., at Constantinople , 845 ; Cobden and Bright , speeches of , 247 ; Conference of the Ambassadors and Admirals at Therapia , 78 ; Convention with England and Trance , 343 ; Constantino , Duke , at Odessa , 30 ; Electric Telegraph from Constantinople to Schumla , 78 ; Firo at
Constantinople , 468 ; Fleets at Batoum , 104 ; Fortifications at Constantinople , 54 ; Free Jewish Corps , 175 ; Fraternisation of the Troops , 613 ; Fury , adventure of the , 391 ; Furious at Odessa , 391 ; Greek Traitors sentenced to Death , 152 : Greek Prayers for Turkey , 127 ; Greek Conspiracy , 126 , 271 : Greek im . ey . tes , 438 ; Guyon , General , proceedings of , in Asia , 152 ; Kara , Russian success at , 800 ; Misunderstandings between Lora Stratford do Rodcllffe and Admiral Dundas , 175 ; Modifications of the December Note , 54 : Napoleon , Prince , 463 ; Nicopolis . defeat of the Russians at , 463 ; Note of the 15 th December , 1853 , by tho l 1 our Powers to tho Divan , 29 ; OmarPaoha made Generalissimo , 223 ; O'Reilly , Lieutenant , before tho Sultan , 198 ; Ordors to
tho Admirals to enter the Black Sea , 30 ; Oaman Pacha , death of , 30 ; Prim , visit of General , to tho Sultan , 80 ; Return of tho Fleets to Beicos Bay , 126 , 127 ; Report of tlio Turkish Forco , 1 QH ; Relations with Groeco , 817 . 843 ; Review at Scutari , 560 ; Russo-Groek Insurrection , 175 , 198 , 225 , 247 , 271 , 843 ; Scutari , review at , 500 ; Softa Demonstration , 4 , 30 ; Stuart , Lord Dudley , at Constantinople , 30 , 104 ; Stratford , diplomatio dinner to Lord , 560 ; State Church in Turkey , 317 ; Sultan ' s Reply to tho Note of tho Four Powers , 78 ; Tripartite Troaty , 271 ; Terms on which tho l ' orto will resume Relations with Greece , 1229 ; Thunderstorm , 513 ; Turkish Army" in Ada , 583 ; Varna , tho troops at , 583
• PUBLIC AFFAIRS . Aberdeen St . George , 587 Abolition of Ihe Law of Settlement , 158 " Accident , " a Permanent Condition , 825 Adulteration of Society , 661 Admiral of the Baltic , 229 After Sebastopol—What % 898 , 923 Affairs at Preston , 299 Alexander Somerville ' s Charges against Mr . Cobden , 84 American Consul in London , 230 American Political Life Sketched by aa English Resident , 664 , 686 Anti-Moloch Movement , 781 Approaching Promotion of Cuba , 300 Arbitrary Government , 1211 Army made National , 997 Army , treatment of the , 159 Armand Bertin-, 59 Atmosphere of the House of Commons , 70 S Austria—For and Against , 757 Austria in the Principalities , 613 Austrian Treaty , " 1212 Ballot or National Franchise , 565 Beware 6 f the Russian Trade , 182 Beware of the Dog , 662 Bessarabian Campaign , 1140 Belgian Girl , Parliament House , and the-Clubs , 181 Black Guards , 779 Blade to be Forged at Sheffield , 541 Bit by Bit , 1019 Board of Health , 663 British Progress in India , 757 British Officer , 683 Bribery Bill , 659 Building Associations , 876 Budget , Supplemental , 443 Business for the " League "—or People , 374 Campaign in the Baltic , 997 Campaign in the Crimea— "What it Leads to ,, 945 Captain Nolan , 1093 Cardinal at Home and Abroad , 802 Cardens of Private Ltfe , 732 " Cambridge Row" at Inkermau , 1165 Church Conflicts , 1116 Church-rate Question , 493 Church proposing to moralise Trade , 567 Church of England , 374 Church-rates , 589 Church Legislation , 279 Church Charity and Catholio Charity , 636 Church Revival , 86 Chances of a National Party , 1018 Cholera , 709 China made useful , 1014
City from the Loom , 877 Civil Service as it is . to be , 179 Cleanliness v- Godliness , 876 Conduct of the War , 1114 Concentration of the National Party , 1163 Conditions of Russian Success , 898 Colman , 804 Counter-Blast for Soule , 493 Coup d'Etat at Preston , 228 Convocation , recent meeting of , 133 Coming "War , 59 Conference of Strikes and Lock-outs , 109 Cotton Trade and Emigration , 83 Common . Sense of the Albert Question , 60 Conspiracy for Peace , 1285 . Cuba , progress of , up the Mississippi , 543 Cuba , flaws in the Spanish right to , 324 Cuba , approaching promotion of , 300 Cuba and Cfonstadt , 1237 Cutting the Austrian Knot , 945 Day after To-morrow , 731 Development of the Army , 1092 Derby ' s , Lord , science , 900 Denmark Friend or Foe , 924 Derby ' s , Lord , Title deeds , 637 Divorce next Session , 661 Diggings for Mr . Gladstone , 420 Dissent in the Universities , 421 Doom of the Spanish Races , 1067 Domestic Moloch , 708
Domestic Moloch—his Wife , 806 Do this with your Blue-books , 255 Duty on Fire Insurance , 641 Emigrater emigrate , 824 Emigrate still , 924 EinigratioUjthe Means of going , 803 Employers ' Report upon the Preston Labour Battle , 782 Embodiment of the Militia , 468 England ' s little Bill , 1116 England in the Crimea , 971 Englishmen emigrate to the Suffrage , 999 England self-accusing , 422 End of tho Preston Strike , 443 European Commission de rege inquirendo . 849 Extend the Militia , 1190 Farewell to Mr . James Watson , 62 Ferrers ' , Lady , Case , 1118 First War Winter , 1092 First Attempts at Morality , 778 First Footstep of America in Europe , 972 Fiend in tho House , 493 Figs from Thistles , 519 » First War Loan , 898 Flaws in tho Spanish Right to Cuba , 824 Foreign Legion , 1190 Fragment of Royal Talk , 828 Francis Joseph ' s Wedding Favour , 400 ] German Powers—Alliance of England with a Constitutional Prussia , 88 , 118 Gentlemen , and Officers , 925 German Powers , 62 Government and tho Army , 1065 Good Stabling , 925 Govortimcnt Kcconstruction of tho "Universities , 278 Government and tho Universities , 13 Governing Classes—Lord Stanley , 15 ; Sli B . Hull , 89 ; H . R . H . Prince Albert , 89 Greeks and Mr . Bright , 1005 Groor and Perry Oaee , 848 Great Britain going to War , 12 Hartnmnn , 998 Hani soit qui nial y $ ense , 1018 How to Bribe under tho now Aot , 788 How to make the Crystal Palace succeed 085
ruussrA . Accident to the King after dinner , 295 ; Bon in , dismissal of General , 430 ; Brunow at Berlin , 1088 ; Chambers , composition of tho , 1228 ; Foreign'Enlistment Forbidden , 1228 ; "Great Powers , " the , 1207 ; King ' s Visit to Silosia , 014 ; Loan , 317 , 341 , 391 ; Mantcuffel ' s Explanations , 891 ; Mecklenburg-Stnilitz . Duko of , in Berlin , 316 ; Mormonito Mistake , 1132 ; Portugal , King of , 702 ; Princoand tho Kingr . TaJ ; Public Feeling nRainst Russia , 247 , 817 , 1 ) 40 ; Radowitz , funeral of , 31 ; " Silver Wedding , " Prince of l ' russia ' s , 500 ; Special Mission from Berlin , 1207 ; Treaty with Austria , 3 D 0 ; Uscduiu , M . von , 1207
KussrA . Abo , bombardment of , 4 H 0 ; Anglo-French Fleet oil' Croustudt , 054 ; Uotlmia—Opera-
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INDEX TO VOL . V . v * ^ — : — . _ . . —— - —¦ ¦— -.. — . .- . i ... _ — i „ , .
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1854, page v, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct307/page/5/