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Mary Barton , 163 Macready ' s Readings in Manchester and Birmingham , 1095 Hassey , Gerald , 233 Memolres of Alexandra Dumas , 163 MormoniBm , development of , 10 G 9 Month in the Camp , 1239 Moredun , 1238 Murray ' s British Classics , 65 Mythology of the World to Come , 115 National Miscellany , 665 New York Quarterly—English Universities 474 ; Morale of the Eastern War , 759 ' Abolitionism , in America , 1069 ' New Quarterly Review—Authors and Publishers , 18 North British Review—Sbakspearian Texts 188 ; Plurality of Worlds , an-, Art of Education , 417 ; Comte and Positivism 447 ; Hugh Miller , 735 ; Insoluble Problem ,
1045 North American Review—Literary Impos tures , 448 ; Use and Abuse of W & rds , 759 Catholicism , 1047 Northern Tribune , 18 Opinions of the Press , 90 S Orleans , Bislop of , 1095 Our Friend , 853 , 1069 Owen , Robert , at St . Martin ' s Hall . 123 * Owen . Robert , and the Persecuted€ < Parties ' of Antiquity , 1070 Palmerston , Lord , and the Presbytery , 18 Peerage and Population , 806 Penny-alinismin Magazin * Literature . 424
Wilson and Edinburgh , 403 Wilson ' s Monument , 785 Williams , Dr ., on the Blood , 65 Wolff Nurses in India ,, 424 Wording Man ' s College , 496 , 1023 , 1046 Zoological Gardens , 282 BEVIEW" OP BOOKS . Ajmes Valmar , 356 Allingham , William , 211 American Impressions of Europe . 1075 American in England , 65 Amazon and Rio Negro , Travels in , 18 Amazon , Exploration of the Valley of 448 Angel in the House , 104 ( 8 Angclo-, 478 Annual of Scientific Discovery , 331 Aral ) Merchant in Soudan , 1071
Aristocratic Traveller , 234 BalMraie on the Witter Cure , 688 Baltic , Black Sea , and Crimea , 907 Bal < ler , 91 Barnum . 1217 Bla « kwell , Anna , 25 d Burjf > alow and the T * ent , 1071 Bombardment of Kussian Finance , 1215 Bota-tiical Letters , "Ginger ' s , 92 Brape-Beaker with the Swedes , 498 Cardan , Morley ' s Life of , Carlisle , Lord , in Tuu-key , 1023 Casfcellamonte , 43 Catholic Union , 714 Castilian , Talfourd ' s , 475 Caucasus , 41 Cersus , the , 953 Characters from lord Holland ' s Memoirs
Fnilnps , Dr . Samuel , death of , 1001 Pickering , death of Mr ., 474 Pleuronectes— -Are they born flat ? 496 Ylurality of Worlds , 382 , 417 , 691 Portraits Biographiques « t Critiques des Hommes de la Ouerre , 1214 Prospective Review—Its Title , Motto , and Tendencies , 736 ; Scheme for Enlarging its Scope , 1045 Prize Essay System , 976 Punch ' s Pocket-book , 1046 Quarterly Beview—HouBeof Cotn-mons , 687 Modern Drama , 687 ; Electric Telegraph . aqw - ¦ u X" *—3
116 Charles Stanly , 66 Crumcer , Bell ' s , 1216 Chartist Movement , 953 Chorley's Modern German Music , 40 S Christian Records , 741 Chajles I .. Guizofs , 665 Cbevreul ' s Harmony and Contrast of Colours , 931 , 1025 Cbaxles Random , 1239 Cbicora , 1125 City of the Sultan , 737 Civil Law , manual of , 1216 Clinton , literary Remains of Henry Fynes
Quintana , the people ' s laureate * at Madrid 949 ' Beading and Readers , Liverpool statistics of , 377 Retrospective Periods in Literature , 65 Reade , " Out Loud , " 665 Revue des Deux Moudes on Matthew Arnold and Alexander Smith , 926 Rewards ol Literature , 90 Revolution in Spain , and-Revival of Journalism , 1070 Right of reading Trash , 808 Routledge and Co ., Sir E . B . lytton , and the Publisher's Circular , 1001 Royal Institution Lectures on Educatidn
1145 . Comte ' s Remarks on Prison Discipline , 544 Countess of St . AJban , 953 Coalition Guide , 882 Critical Miscellanies , 1241 Cromwell , Guizot ' s , 617 Criminal Legislation , 544 Custine , Marquis de , 306 D > ante , Pollock ' s , 186 D'Arblay , Diary of Madame , 765 Dangers to England , 712 Da , ys and Hours , S 79 Definitions of Life , 210 De Quincey , 140 , 642 , 1122 Dirt and Pictures separated , 952 Doyle ' s Foreign lour , 42 Doine , 379 Doubleday ' s True Law of Population , 138 Dream , Epic , 91
, 617 Russell , Lnrd J ., on Education , 1022 Russian ^ Church , 209 4 Rubini , death of , 258 Ruskin , the Crystal Palace , FLrmilian , and Opinions of the Press , 785 Saccharine Secretions in Animals , 258 Sand , George , M . de Mffecourt ' s Biography of , 186 ; liefown story , 808 , 1022 ; her style and her father , 1046 Satan present in Spirit-rapping , 186 Schoelcher ; Victor , on alliance of England with the French Empire , 688 Schelling , death of 829 Scottish Beview—Chloroform , 90 Sermons on the Fast Day , 40 S
Dress as a Fine Art , 404 Dryden , Bell ' s , 41 Early Education , lectures on , 498 Education , Reid's Principles of 7 498 Englishman Abroad , 1001 Ermemoser ' s History of Magic , 905 Ethel , 1051 Hvenings in my Pent , 330 Hye in Health and Disease , 258 Taith and NeRation , 788 fashion and Paiaine , 787 Tenn ' s Compendium , 953 finances de la Guerre , 1215 Tish Fancier ' s Own Book , 1243 Tifty Years in both Hemispheres , 763 Toreign Policy , 1192 Toreign Tour of Brown , Jones , and Robin son , 42 Trench Protestant Refugees , history of , 355
Larpent's Turkey , 977 Latest School of Poetry :, 521 Lamartiae ' s Memoirs of Celebrated Characters , 618 Lewell Pastures , 739 Letters of an American , 691 Life of a Plant , 92 Lights and Shadows of Australian Life , S 30 Life and Landscapes from Egypt , 903 London Shadows , 355 London Pulpit , 428 Louis XVIII . and Charles X ., 713 Massey , Gerald , 211 Macintosh ' s Military Tour , 880 Macfarlan ' 8 Poems , 761 Mayfair to Marathon , 18 MacCulloch ' s Russia and Turkey , 737 Metcalfe , Life and Correspondence of Lord , 927 Mediterranean , Admiral Smyth ' s , 449 Memoires d ' un Seigneur Russe , 855 Memoirs of the Princess Palatine , 67 Merchant Shipping Act , 1172 Miracle * and Science , 789 Microscope , 92 Modern Education , 498 Month in England , 65 Modern Poets , 211 , 259 Moderti German Music , 403 Morley ' s Life of Cardan , 381 Morbida , 259 Mooncalf among the Authors , 1099 Nanette and her Lovers , 427 New Zealand , 1096 New Traveller in Africa , 903 Night and the Soul , 531 Nioholas I ., Mayne ' s Life of , 1241 Nicoliai , 830 Nugue , 359 Oakfteld , 522 Odessa and its Inhabitants , 11 95 Oldmixon ' s Gleanings from PiccadiEy to Pera , 1001 Oldham , Bell ' s , 940 OurCatnpin Turkey , 1167 Paris Life , 282 Pentateuch , Rev . T . Wilson ' s , 307 Physiology , Text Book of , 210 Philip Rollo , 570 Phrenology , Psychology , andPnoumatoLogy
857 Piccadilly to Pera , 1001 Pictures and Dirt , 953 Population , Doubleday ' s True Law of , 138 Poetical Romances by Mr , Sankey , 110 ft Pollock ' s Dante , 186 Portugal and Madeira , visit to , 234 Poetry , latest school of , 521 Princess Palatine of Bohemia , 66 Prose Halieutics , 1242 Purple Tints of Paris , 282 Reponse 5 . M . Tegobarski , 1215 Religious Worship , census report on , B 07 Religion in England , 307 Remarkable Sieges , 1195 Revelations of a Slave Trader , 1003 Recollections of Literary Characters , by
Mrs . Thomson , 1089 Ressources Financieres de la Russie , 1215 Rose and the Rinfr , 1193 Rovisg Englishman , 666 Russia and Turkey , 737 , 760 Russians of the South , 139 Russia , by W . K . Kelly , 737 Russia and the War , 737 Russia and Siberia , $ 06 Russian Pamphlet , 785 , 810 , 833 , 858 Ruskin ' s Lectures , 645 Satire and Satirists , 666 Scholar ' s Life , 1145 Scientific Discovery , annual of , 381 Schacht ' s Microscope , 92 Scottish Metaphysics , 1070 Schoelcher , 712 School Experiences , 951 Scott * a Baltic , Black Sea , and Crimea , 906 Selden , table talk of , 1097 Seat of War , 880 Serf and the Cossack , 787 Sherwood , Life of , 475 Siberia , travels in , 307 Simon ' s Reports on the Sanitary Condition of London , 640 Single Vision with Two Eyes , 258 Slave Son , 187 Smee ' s Treatise on the Eye , 258 Soudan , travels of an Arab merchant in , 1071 . . Sound and its Phenomena , 811 Spinoza , Refutation In 6 dite de , paj Leibnitz , 200 Stewart , Dugald , 1070 Stowe , Mrs ., on her travels , 689 Stoiies of the War , 1167 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands , 6 ^ 9 Summer Sketches , 259 Sydney Smith , 569 Sydlennam Papers , 691 , 811 , 885 Sza ^ sul's Hungary , 283 TaLkor worth Listening to , 1097 ¦ TaLfourd ' s Castilian , 475 Talfourd ' s Last Vacation Rambles , 427 Taylor , Bayard , on Egypt and the Negro Kingdoms of tho White Nile , 903 Tafclo Traits , 738 Tent Book of Physiology , 210 Tennyson , Frederick , 378 TlrirLy Years of . Foreign Policy , 1102 Tory Journalism , 8 K 2 Trcmenhoro ' s Constitution of tho United SUUvs , 425 Traditions and Superstitions of Lu . 0 Now ' / ealaudors , 101 MI TrsniHcaucania , 570 Tricolor on tho A tlas , 1120 Traivol , two hooktsof , IK Tiickennan ' s Month in England , ( i (> Turkey , by Sir ( Joorge Larpoiit , W 7 Turkey 1 ' h . hI ami I ' resont , 737 ( Jl lima Tluilo , fi » . 'l " lin Habitant do l'Kui'opo Coutiuentale , " " 7 W 5 , UK ) , H ' M , H 5 H Utilled Stales , constitution of tho , 420 linker ' s Hotanieul Letters , 02 VaU ' . ntin ' s Physiology , 1210 Vacation Rambles , -127
Seven Poor Travellers , 1214 Secular Education , 163 Shakspearian Literature from America—Mr . White ou Shakspeare's Cetnmentators , 711 Silvio Pellico , 138 Smith , Alexander , 210 Smith ' s , Alexander , Lecture on Burns , 1167 Smith , Alexander , the Stars , and the Edinburgh ( fyardian , 1069 Stuart , Lord Dudley , 1120 Songs of the British Dramatists , 665 Souvestre , Emile , death of , C 65 Sontag , death of , 665 Southern Quarterly Review— Caffres and Opium , 687 ; Unity of tho Human Race ,
377 Trench Literature in the Eighteenth Century , 789 Trench in Algeria , 929 Tlora Lindsay , 356 . < jrammage ' s History of tho Chartist Movement , 953 0-erman Letters on English Education , 498 G-entlemen in tlie Indian Army , 522 Gribbon , with notes by Milman and Guizot , 234 GJerman Music , modern ^ 403 Qleanings from . Piccadilly to Pora , 1001 Qiustinian , tho Venetian Ambassador , 1170 Qolovin ' s Caucasus , 41 Glolovin ' s Nations of Russia and Turkey , 761
1142 - Stowe , Mrs ., and her Poets , 829 Stewart Dugald , edited hy Sir William Hamilton , 1167 Statist , 976 Suvern ' s Essay on tho Birds of Aristophanes Refuted , 233 Sunny Memories , 829 Talfourd , 258 Teaj ) hvsiological uses of , 18 Teaching—Suggestions of tho What and the How , 711 Theories of Cholera and Epidemics in General , 785 Thackeray ' s Fatal Omission of a" Nigger in " Esmond , " 880 Times on Cheap Literature , 1 S 8 , 103 Times among the Poets , 808 Timbs' Curiosities of London , 1017 Tobacco Defended . 85 . ' 5
Godwin ' s London Shadows , 355 Greenwood , Grace , 1075 Guerre d'Orient , 785 Guizot ' s Charles I ., 005 Guizot ' s Cromwell , 017 Habits and Men , 1048 Haps and Mislmps of a Tour in Europe 1075 Hannay ' a SaLiro and Satirists , (! S ( i Haxthausen ' s Trans-Caucasia , 570 Heiress of Sonncrton , 35 ( i Horndon ' s Exploration of tho Amazon , 448 Heine , Hoinricli , 250 , 1017 , 1143 Ilewtor and Elinor , 00 Hill ' s Travels in Siberia , " 507 Hide and Seek , 501 Holland ' s Memoirs of tho While Party , 110
Turkish History , 115 Types of Mankind , 471 Unacknowledged Quotation from the Leader , 1 IJH Voron ' s Memoirs , 808 " Venerated Monsieur Cabot , " 0 ' 2
Homes of tho Wretched , 355 Homo Life in lLussia , 1121 House of Rjun ; , 11-t-t Huiignry , l ') ist : ii > d Present , ' 2 X \ llilipoliius und his Age , KVi Hungarian Sketches , N 5 t Hungary and ICossuth , 701 Institutes of Rletaphysic , K ' 70 Ida May , HHI Idaline , 1051 Ivvihi ^' h HioKi'Jipby , 1010 Irving and Mormon , ft ? 1 Janioson , Mrs ., on 'I'lii / igs in Uencnil , 132 L Julian , 4 IS JiiiKles , 11 O 0 J uhe . -177
Venetian Embassy to England , 1170 Virginia Comedians , 1051 Voltaire and his Times , 497 Wallace ' s Travels , 18 Warren ' s Miscellanies , 1241 Weiss's History of the French Protestant Refugees , 355 , 877 What is Truth ? 788 Winslow , Dr . Forbes , oti Insanity , 1604 Wild Flowers and Green Leaves , 1100 Working . Women of the Last HalfXJentttry 404 Wortley , Lady Emmeline Stuart , 284 Zohrab , and other Poems , by Thomiton , 259 .
SHORT NOTICES OP BOOKS . Addison ' s Works ( BohiO . 164 Alone , 1124 Alice , 8 S 3 American Statesmen , sketches of , 1050 " America , Things as they are in , 1 Q 51 American Handbook , 809 Ambrose the Sculptor , 594 Ancient History , children's stories ia , UM Animal Life , sketches and anecdotes of , 648 Angling , and where to go , 809 Anne Boleyn ; 1171 Apuleius , 164 Arvon , 1076 Athens » nd the Pelopotmcse , 981 Autocracy in Poland and Russia , 809
Australia as & Field for Capital , SldJljVand Labour , 643 Burke , with Life by Prior , 883 BulweT , cheap edition of , 164 Butler , Poetical Works of , with Life by Q 3-fillan , 809 . w- «—Baltic , Travels on the" Shores of the . 8 & 3 Balfour ' a Outlines of Botany , 932 Blakefa ' s Books for the Country . 8 C 9 Bohn's British Classics , 164 British Mosses , 1171 British Commonwealth , 1147 Bribery , 1146 Byzantine and Greek Umpires , 860 Caleb Stukoly , reprint of , JL 051 Cambridge tmiversity - Transactions . HBO
Central America , Incidents of Travfel ia . sas Christianity , Rise and Progressof : H 7 J Church and ner Destinies , 1171 Chronicle of Matthew Paris ( Bohn ) , 809 Christmas ' , Rev , H ., Life of the Sultan , 694 Chronology of Creation , 168 Chatnbers ' s Repository , 809 Chronology , Turner ' s Handbooks of , 16 * Chalybaus of Kiel , 163 Clara Morison , 643 Classical Library , 164 Convent and the Manse , 883 Companions of my Solitude , 523 Constantinople of To-day , 593 Cousin , Victor , Lectures ' by , 163 Crystal Palace , Routleige's Guide to the , 344
Defence of Religion , 9 X 2 Defoe , Bohn's Edition of , 594 Devy ' s Logic , 594 Diprose ' s Funny Bool , 932 Dream of Pythagoras ., 1024 Earnest Student , 8 S 1 Edersheim ' s Translation of Chalybaus , 163 England under Victoria , 1146 Extnouth , Life of Lori , 883 Fasti . Ovid ' s , 164 Familiar History of Birds , 523 Fern Leaves , 883 Five Dramas by an Englishman , 762 Five Years in the land of Refuge , 647 Firfniliau , 762 Flirtation , 980 Fortunes of Colonel Torlogh O'Brien , 1051 Fruits , and Farinacea . the proper Food of
Man , 809 Fraser's Turkey , 809 > Gay's Fables , Owen ' s , 932 Gallops aud Gossips in the Bush , 6 & Geology , Introductory Text Book of , 1171 Geography and Scripture reconciled , 168 Gilflllan ' s Life of Butler , 809 Gibbon , Bohn ' s Edition of , 523 Goethe's Novels and Tales , 164 Governing Classes of Great Britain , 623 Grajnmav School Classics , Whittaker's , 164 Gold , 809 Great Highway , 809 Happy Colony , 1148 Hero of our own Times , 594 Herbert ' s Works , edited by the Hev . R . A Wilmot , 104
Historical Developnaen tof Speculative Philosophy , 163 House of Commons , Inner Life of the , 1124 Houses with tho Fronts off , 980 Homebook of Household Economy , 1051 Hochelaga , 809 Hutton ' s Chronology of Croation , lflik . locland , Yacht Voynge to , 643 t Idyls and Songs , Palgrave ' s , 1024 .- — Indications of Instinct , 163 Incidents of TraveL in Contral America , 528 India , History of , ttl > 3 Inner Life of the House of Commons , 1124 luce's Outlines of English History , 809 Ireland and the Irish , Tales of the , 648 Jordan ' s Autobiography , 1 C 4 Jerningham , 643 Joliri Howard , 1124 Joe Miller , William Hogarth ' s own , 1076 Julius Cu 3 sar . Willium ' s Life of , 982 Kathcrino Ashton , 01 ) 4 Kemp ' s Illustrations of Instinct , 168 Lamb ' s English Dramatic Poets , 883 Last of tho Uarous , 800 Last of tho Old Squires , 643 Litornry Addresses , 1171 Lily and the lieo . 1 L 24 Liiig , tho Swedish Poet , Biograpliy of , l 809 Lil'iVs Lesson , 980 Matrimonial Speculations , 107 ( 1 Man aud Money , &()« Maofarlan's Pooni ! L , 7 ( 51 Matthew Paria's Clironiclo , 800 Maoaulay's ISssiiysi , 023 Macintosh , Sir James , 694 M- 'DermoU ' a History of Rome , 851 Mexico , Conquest 01 , 032 Mental ExerciseH of a Working Man , 809
Untitled Article
— A INDEX TO VOL . V . yft
Leader (1850-1860), Jan. 1, 1854, page vii, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/l/issues/vm2-ncseproduct307/page/7/