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f he publication of banns and the registrations of the marriages , as the wis ~ dom of the Legislature may suggest /* Your Committee cannot doafct that irach a £ ta $ e <^ notoriety to mi ^ t mtk | m > p er ^ Oitholic brethren as likely to become useful auxiliaries in the promotion of a common cause ; an ( J they can hardly conceive that the patience with which Protestant Disgenters have submitted to the arbitrary requirements of the law , will entitle
them to less favourable notice than those will receive , whose more tenacious adhereuce to their peculiar religious rites , have induced them to overlook to such an extent the policy of complying with the municipal regulations of the country . Finding that the Committee of the Lords , ( although they w ^ re understood to entertain no hostility to the views either of the Catholics or Dissenters ,
when presented in a separate form to their notice , ) were not disposed to make their case a branch of the general measure before them , or to adopt any other than the basis of the act of the 26 th George II ., your Committee were obliged to await the result of their labours , with the intention of embracing the earliest opportunity , which , a knowledge of what vva 3 likely to form the permanent code of the country would afford , for bringing forward their individual claims in a distinct shape . i
This period has not yet arrived , and the Committee has only within a few days seen with sojne degree of satisfaction , the Report of the Lords , in which their claims are noticed in the following terms : " The Committee think it not proper entirely to omit , that their attention has been called to many other topics connected with the general subject of marriage , and that they have been laboriously employed in considering them ,
particularly the cases of Roman Catholic marriages , and those of other Dissenters , especially Unitarians , which latter have been brought under their consideration in numerous petitions referred to them by the House ; but after inquiry and discussion , they have thought it more advisable , upon the whole , not to recommend that specific provisions respecting them should be included in the proposed bill ; the cases of the various denominations of Dissenters being extremely diversified in their various circumstances , and
appearing to require a diversity of provisions much inore proper to be suggested by communications of their own to the Legislature . "The Committee has therefore upon the whole thought that a more satisfactory discharge of their duty would be found to consist in . suggesting regulations for the domestic marriages of English subjects , according to the rites and ceremonies of the National Church . "
It may be fairly gathered from this that the noble Lords who framed this Report , see no objection in principle to the claims either of Protestant Dissenters or Catholics , and that they are likely to be received with attention when introduced in the form suggested . It may perhaps be not undeserving too of remark , that the Unitarians are in the Report ( probably for
the first time in any official or legislative document ) recognized by that name ; and apparently designedly , inasmuch as none of the petitions themselves so described the parties presenting them . It may be proper to recall to the meeting , that a ' t the last general meeting of this Society , the following resolutions were passed :
" That the Committee be instructed to convey to the Committee of the Deputies and-the Committee of the Protestant Society , the strong and decided feeling of this Association , that the present period imperiously calls upon Dissenters of all denominations to concur and persevere in applications to Parliament , for a repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts , and of every other restriction upon the
< this expression of opinion be accompanied by an earnest . request to these bodies to co-operate in agitating the question in Pariiaine » t during the ensuing Session , and that , if necessary , the Committee ; ca | l another general meeting of the Association , previous , to the Session , to jreport progress in pursuance of this resolution , aad adopt such measurSa fl & cir ~ cumstunces may then require . "
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1823, page 6, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1714/page/30/