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the civil foroasy to ieav * them ^ td perform their reaigiouA rita ia 1 & eit <^ vm wajr * Jt changed Nothing bti # $k£ < perso » afuf place of sotemms ^ Dg the r ^ i « . giounrite . He ccmld trot understand how * hey could hesit & te about-going into a Committee . No friend -to die Churdh <*> uid wish rth * t Diis ^ teifc ,
particularly Unifociam , should be compelled either to profess conformity ^ doctrines and worship ivbicb they disavowed , or be debarred from e & ggfiiig into ihe most imppctftilt relation of life . Admitting the principle , sir every one did and must , they had to choose between the two plans wMcii had feeefi suggested . He agreed that the details required much consideration , but he
was d # aiix > u 3 to sift tho ^ e details ; said , if they found the present plan impracticable , Sbey could resort to Lrqrd Liverpools ' suggestion $ * ut in that also be 3 ftw gmal difficulty If they were to alter the Liturgy , so as to banish every thing objected to by any sect ^ they must make H little moi ^ e than a civil cereeooqy arid to this he believed all would object . ( Hear !) If they altered ,
they must akar to meet a // , and he Mekhed to find a plan of relief withtmt & np such alteration . Their Lordship * should consider , thai any Dissenter tricing advantage of tiiis BiD , would fenbjeci himself to mucfe greater difficulty ahd eacpeose . Ne peraon , therefore , but a btm & r fide Dissenter would take * m himself such unnecessary trouble , especially on the day of hfe ^ life m ^ bl he
was least likely to take on himself more trouble than he could avoid . Cerrtainiy the apprehensions of civil irregularity were most ridiculotis . = W % y , in fftot > eU mftrriageB jao & r this BUI : would be invalid , gules * e *« ry one of tke forai » TeqoK « d of a Church marriage were gone through I Few thia # s wmiM gh ^ e iiim modCB pern ttau to see tiat right remerend t > ench arrayed in obpos !^
tion to Biick a . measure as tluB . Siseh conduct eooU do theoi no good . l¥ om ttem the Biil jtiook littte ^» - to the DisaenterB it gwie muoh . < fa fhe Coa ^ mlttae , they e & uld isirily ( weigh all the elates , with » view to th ^ security af ^ be 3 teDe / a | idl * bmr Church , but Jet them not ttow throw obatAclfift m the way df » M rdirf , . - . . ^ ::.- - ^ ^ ' - ¦
j ^ ord Q ^ K |*^ A vio ^ i 8 ibw otyfetttty ^ S fto * b ^ Billafi itnow stood , but ^ dmitl ^ d tfcWj ^^ iP ) fpm * m & w ** e ^^^ a ^ t ? tot ^ & btouldhardly ihinkAheir ^» rf « W ^ s c ^ uWvbe t > r ^ W ^ t ^ ^ v ^ lo ^ fc H > Tfcey wligtt JTaJtosre , if mat the wfcoUvfft fewti { j » i * vaf fke mib *; 3 ffe ^ f mgbt . ^ tbisk fa leKpAdkht do poe ^ joae alti ^ atfe tle ^ ipB ^* fu ^ uue s ^^ io ^ but tW wcmbl All mouafe i » the cansidemfticm ^ f jct tumd
ti ^ e spl ^ jeat * e mwdkmt lb & rmatkm ^ if the ^ eonsidertd it *& » ., BiW ** agftr ( iu ^| ilw «» tidehAt ^^ t | i ^ ^^ ii ^^ f ^ ^ t ^ fiw 4 ^ te ^ y i «^^ H ; aft 4 ri * bfc flJMWWJSWi * tili » CdtBiwittw t ^ H » - aooaftaB * d 4 dhwMfe ^ MKorttite i fe »^ M ^ ^ e ittigkt ?
gjiftr ^^ qd *»*> te * iow ^ bl « b itb « y »*?> toil ^ maiib ^ is ^^ to ^ Nf ^^ t ^» sPiHW 4 mmil » * tfl * M ^
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W .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1823, page 19, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1714/page/59/