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his origin-from the rest of the human species , it might have been concluded ^ without any great wonderment , that the apparent absurdity was owing to some peculiar obscurity in the
manner of writing , or to some gross blunder in the printer , as also to an unlucky oversight in the corrector of the press Those who know any thing of printing will not think it very ** strange and unaccountable" that a gross error should sometimes pass unobserved , especially in a work like this , consist * ing of three large octavo volumes , small print , published in weekly numbers , and the proofs often sent so late as to require the greatest possible haste in correcting , and that by candle- *
light s without time for a revise . I could mention several ways by which this " strange" error might be < accounted for / ' and one which was the real cause of it ; but I will not give you the
trouble ^ I will only observe to your sarcastical correspondent , that an error corrected is in fact no error . Now , Sir , if your readers , who have the book , will have the goodness to turn to my list of ewata , which stands conspicuous in the beginning
of the yolume , they will find that in the first article , p . 496 , they are desired , instead of the word father to read " grandfather . " And thus the mystery is explained , and 3 > r . Evans appears like other men . If your correspondent had vouchsafed to have examined the errata ( which it is " strange and unaccountable" that he should not have done before he penned Ixis witticism ) he would have saved you and me this trouble , and prevented the momentary laugh of your readers at the ex *>
pence of Hackney , Your obedient servant , Jan . 5 y 1806 . S . Palmer , P . S . I have observed a few errors in the figures and dates , by which your correspondent might greatly divert himself and his readers ; particularly one , by a 6 being turned upside down ,
which becomes a 9 , and consequently makes a gross anacrontsm , the son to be almost as old as his father . This would &eem almost as ludicrous as making a man to have two fathers -
Untitled Article
14 Reflection of Dr . Jortin ' s .
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DIALOGUE ON A REFLECTION OF DR . JORTIN \ s . [ We are indebted for the following very valuable communication to a corres - pondent , of whose name we are sorry that we are not permitted to give more than the initials—the Rev . R . B . It was originally read before an eminent literary society , and is retained , for the sake of perspicuity , in the form of a personal address . We are happy to announce to our readers that we have in our possession , and shaH bring out in the progress of our work , another disquisition by tlac same hand . . Editchc J
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1806, page 14, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1720/page/14/