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his appearance in another shape , by attempting to shevv that Christ tianity is a system of polytheism . This too is a hardy paradox , which probably will tempt many of your correspondents to brandish
their pens . They will peihaps tell Ctiariclo , that in the 104 th Psalin , winds are called angelsflames of fire , ministers ; and ask him , whether in such instancesj he pleads for any other worship than that the mind should look
through nature up to nature ' s God . If by calling up the remembrance of wise " arid good characters , moral or holy improvement be likely to be effected , many advantages may arise from
the mention of them , ; but itseeihs absurd to address them , especially in petition , unless there be an assured persuasion that they are present , that they can have , and that they have , the power or
privilege to grant such petitions . There may , indeed , be frequent instances in the scriptures , of worship , homage , or respect being paid to created beings ; but ih general they were not absent . ThXis
it is said , that the people worshipped God and the king . 1 . Chron * xxix . 20 . To the king they paid the customary homage , but the worship , properly called religious ,
jconsisting in the devotedness of the heart to the Supremte , was un * doubtedly presented to God alone . If Christianity were a systeim of polytheism , bow could this strange notion be reconciled with the
second commandment , or with the declaration of Jesijs Christ , " Thotf
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To the Editor of the-Mon ' thly Repository .
sir , Bolton , Nov . 10 , 1808 . Your attention to the various
paradoxical sentiments maintained of late by several of your corresp ondents , is a mark of your impartiality . That a Churchman , tor instance , should hazard the assertion , that Unitarians are not rational Christians ! or the most
rational of Christians , naturally excited some astonishment , and drew , f < vfh various replies . He , it seems , is friendly to
bush-fighting , and hath assigned borne reasons why arguments do not need the authority of names . There is one , I suspect , which he has omitted , that he is not a churchman , upon principle and
conviction ,, but merely from policy or custom . But though he should , as I imagine , be a Deist , I would be far from reproaching him on that' account . It m&y be his misfortune , not his crime . But
in that character Jt was consistent enough in him to maintain , that Unitarians are not rational Christians ; because he may conceive jhimself to be more rational , and in fact the whole question hinges upon this principle , which is the more so . His reply , however , is
of such a nature , that whilst it seems to me clearly to unveil him ^ srclf , it has involved many of his arguments in impenetrable obscurity , if so , he is gone from the pushes into the wood , where I ca nnot help thinking it would be bct ter to leave him unmolested and unnoticed , till Jtiftadopts a ^ j re r mode of warfare . Sn HC-ly he has not again made
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. vo .. IV . E
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 25, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/25/