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ABO&fiSS TO Y < J ^ k 6 PERSO iV S ON" M ^ LlNOSEY ' s DEAYflU
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3 ^ the Editor of tfee Menthig Repository .
Mewport ^ Sir , Isfe t > j fVight . The following is a « address of tke ftaiuister of slu Unitarian congregation to some young people * o& the society with whosn ( to improve their friendly meetings )
tie happened to be reading Mr , Lradsey VAfAology , -about the time sv"foen th « news of that get ^ ileiftaxa ' s death arrived . If you think it may be of any use to your young readers in othercongregations , I will thank you to kirsert it in your useful publication ] * and am , Sir ,
Your ' s , &c . , J- T . My -dpar Friends , I fcevcr * n eet you with more pleasure thanvithefi we assemble ih the character <> f Christians . The religion which we
£ mbjrticg tctids to unite us together by the closest bonds 6 f charity , and teaches tis that this ' vrorld is the'infancy of our f » e £ ttg , aitd tfiat we have interests to pursue , which ^ extend to the remotest
futurity . As Christians we hope for eternal life , and look forward to scenes where we shall again know and esteem each other ; and the more in proportion to the increased growth of our noble s t faculties and best affections .
It is surely desirable that the religion which we so justly and so highly prize , should be transmitted to future generations free from all human additions and corruptions ; that we may throw , no
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stumbling-blocks in l 3 ie way ot" thiftsc , " who , if they could view it in its native paiity and « implicrty , wouik 2 thankfii } % r receive it , as the best gift of God $ t <* man . And when those are called o ££ this stage Who have diligently and successfully laboured to extend its infioeia r ^ ki the world s shall not We who survive them indulge reflections whitfe "will * titaililate ourselves and each other to
pursue "the track which they have . so honourably marked out . You will ea ^ ly conceive that I allude to the v *> neraiie coofessor ^ whose writings we art : now perusing , and who has just ck > scended to his grave full of years aii < i of virtues , leaving us a most cdifyina : example of zeal for truth united whfa tenderness for error , of rational and ar- *
dent piety , of strict integrity , of extete sive benevolence , of uncommon tnik \ ness united with uncommon nVm « ess * character , and of those virtues in ge » ( ral which become the followers of t > :. meek and lowly Jesus- When such . man returns to the dust from whence ii came , let us , my dear friends , improv the solemn occasion . Bat let us ho
view with terror his opening grave d for when a good man resigns -h . fi spirit into the hands of Him wJ ^> gave it , death has no terrors , tlw grave has no victory . Yet could wq catch his mantle as he departs from us , ¦ we should , I am persuaded , fulfil hi * ivishes far more effectual ; y than h $ the most heartfelt lamentations over hi . *
tomb . Could we imbibe , the disintcrested , the generous , the truly apostoirc spirit which attended him through the whole of his long and honourable life , we should offer a nobler iricsnse to « his
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<* &&& ^ $ * to it-ov mg Per «©«! 4 r ©* A / r . ! £ * & } & €$ ' $ Dtvti . ^ i
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mbeto& i the other to & fricod , en ^ . tided T&e Ait&t&my t $ ' ikt heretic cerl S $ x < xi . dt Saltern UnS . ^ a . •<_ % tlae Assembly of Disuettting Mi-?« h ^ : e « s that deterajified agai ^^ si s « fosorapfcio » to human Articles of fai th * Ti * ere are two plates in site fo&ok ., ikv fortiaer containing dase iiestd ^ s of tfee St-tiarts , th « iaU i
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ter a view - © € the Asseteibly im Saiter ' s Mali . A MSS noce i * tins capy in die gleaner ' s posso ^ . - ^ o « , States that Lewis botToux ? 4 several conceits from a psuper called i !* e Assembly Max ., k » tW , Harlelxiu Misc « Ilai ? y vot * V * p . S 3-
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 31, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/31/