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will the Dissenters act ? Will those of them that open their
places of worship honest ! 3 ' conic ss our national sins , ami seriously
inquire into the moral reasons and probable ends of the divine
judgments that are abroad in the earth ? Or . will they extol the
present government as the wisest , most virtuous , most efficient , and most trust-wortby that ever existed ; and flatter the national pride ; and carry on the delusion of our being the favourites of heaven , and the saviours of the world ?
Let sycophants beware . I mean , with the help of God , to lay myself out the next month for examining all the discourses which the Dissenting clergy may publish on the occasion : and , with
your leave I will occupy a few of yaur pages in exposing any
instances of servility null hypocrisy that may appear . If my name carry no terror with it , my arguments probably will . I therefore advise all pastors of congregations , and especially such as pronounced panegyrics on the piety of Lord Nelson , cither to forbear from
war-stirring harantrues , or to resist any importunities from such of their members as belong to Lloyd ' s , or the Stock Exchange , to make them public . After this warning , I shall hold myself obliged to keep no terms with offenders .
The more consistent Dissenters will not probably obey the mandate of the civil government , in meeting ? to invoke the God of
armies , but will implore the God of love , in secret , to send peace upon rarth . But if any who possess the benevolent spirit of the gospel , $ vd who have never bowed the
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knee to the Baal of national feel - ing , should assemble for public worship , from motives of prudence , let them seize the opportunity of proclaiming the wickedness of
war , and the guilt of belligerent Europe , Let them spare neither the tyrants of the land , nor the tyrants of the-sea ; neither the demolishers of Copenhagen , nor the ? invaders of Spain ; neither the
disturbers of the Eastern , nor the de » stroyers of the Western hemisphere . A general abhorrence of Avar should be excited , to whomsoever the sentiment may be unfavourable . And the occasion
should not be lost , of endeavouring to raise a hatred of persecution , the twin sister of war ; and of conciliating men ' s minds to the mild , tolerant and benevolent system of the gospel . The observance of the fast-day , if it bo thus employed , will be honourable to the Dissenters and
serviceable to religion . This , it is true , is not the fast that government has chosen ; but it is one which the Universal Governor might pos * ibly deign to accept . The good could not be calculated
of having one day in a year , call it by what name you will , consecrated to the service of peace and charity . But alas , I preach in vain : good as the gospel is , men ' s worldly i n- *
terests , which are complicated with the present system of universal and eternal warfare , seem better ; and the age is yet to come , when reason shall conquer prejudice , truth contfoul pas ion , and religion subdue the love of gain .
I an * , Sir , Xput ' s in all honest service-, GOGMAGOG .
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Gogmagog ^ on tJte apprdaching Fast-Day . fj&
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VOL . IV . ^
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 33, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/33/