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surely all the promises of Christ are so , that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against his Church , which is founded on the confession of Peter , that Jesus is * the Christy the Son of the Living God , ' not God ; ( Matt . xvi . i 6 ») if this promise can be relied on , the followers of Christ , instructed by by this disciple , whom he loved , will leave a succession of those . who will bear testimony to the truth till the consummation of all tkingft . < c Let this event awaken in us a zeal for the cause of God . Let it raise in us
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It would not be difficult to prove that the primate has consulted euphony and correctness in most of the instances , on wkich W . H . has animadverted , ( M . R . Vol . iii . pp . 675—77 . ) I shall confine myself , however , to two
passages : Matt . vii . 27 . The streams came . " Why not / ' asks W . 1 L € i the rivers or thejtoods ? * Now , without accumulating authorities
on this point , 1 answer , in the words of Mr . Wakefield , i a flood , or torrent , occasioned merely by excessive rains , is not called ( worxl ^ ogf but ^ si ^ ol ^ osP Notes in Com . on Matthew , p . 114 . ) Add to which that the scenery in this
comparison , is probably , borrow * ed from Judaea , where strictly speaking , there was but one river , the Jordaa ; so that there is a particular propriety in the use of the term streams , which here denotes mountain-streams , swollen by the rain . * Ijn this sense too , the word frequently occuts in Homer ; as
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may be seen by any one who will take the trouble of consulting Seber ' s Index . . Matt . viii . 14 . —lying on a bed . — " There is no mention , ' says W . H . " of a bed in the text . "
With due submission to him , th i * idea is included jn the expression . I request the biblical student to consult Schleusncr , ( in verb . No . 14 ) who observes concerning the term used by Matthew , " sp ^ ciatim de cegrotis usurpatur qui lecto
sunt qfflxi . " Let me also refer to Stutter ' s Translation of the gospels into Hebrew , the Italian translation by Diodati , WakefielcPs translation , ( both editions ) Pearce * * Commentary and Kenrick's Ex * position , { in loc . ) And , if I mis . * take not . Mr . Wakefield has some *
where made a very apposite reference to true following line in Horace : c Trans Tiberim longe cnbaf 1 % prope Claris hortos " . Sat . i . £ 1 * lft «
Biblical Criticism.
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Archbishop JSTetccome ' s rendering &f Matt . vii . 27 , viii . 15 . 35
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a desire to be instructed in the Seripture by the writings of this venerable father , of which his Apclogy and Sequel , his Con " tfersatiotis on Christian Idolatry , his Vindicia Przestleiana and his Letters to the Students in Divinity , at our Universities , may be ranked « s the principal . £ et it excite in us a curiosity to know his character and history , who -was a burning and shining light . In him met together the good man , the mild Christian , jhe zealous and enlightened instructor , the holy and faithful theologian and reformer . "
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 35, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/35/