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amenable to critical justice , and they will gladly avail themselves of every judicious animadversion , whether irom friend or foe , whether offered with a candid or ufu
candid temper , whether it may appear in an Evangelical Magazine or in a Monthly Repository . The field is still open for those who are not satisfied with the simplicity of Archbishop Newcome , or the correctness of Mr .
Wakefield ; and th « thanks of the Christian world will be due to any person who may produce a version more nearly approximating to verbal accuracy than any which now exists . But I must be permitted to observe that no version
how immaculate soever , can be rescued from such kind of criticisms as those of your correspondent . W-. H . observes that he thinks the word wilderness better
than its substitute desert , and that the phrase is at hand , is quite as good as that of draws near . Now though my ear , like that of your correspondent , is rather disposed
to prefer the old mumpsimus to the new sumpsimus , yet if we were to publish a new and professedly correct translation , in which we should retain our favourite
antiquated words , and phrases might not another critic of equal learning and taste rem « rk that the modern word desert , would be better than wilderness , and that the * phrase draws near , is less colloquial than is at hand ? And who is to judge between us ? The same
observation may be applied to the criticism which would retain generalion in lieu of offspring , wrath instead oianger , and hewn down instead of cut dovon . But of such kind of criticism , depending solely upon arbitrary taste , and acci-
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dental association , there appears to me to be little use , and do end . Your correspondent seems to have formed a great antipathy to the pronoun that , and is disposed in ail cases to make it give way to its rival who . I do not know that
I disagree with him in this pointy which is however a nicety in which eminent grammarians have differed * Rutat . any rate I would not introduce the alteration into the Primate ' s text * becausehe has
expressed his approbation of the Cc relative that before a vowxl , instead of who , though some have professed to restrain the former to things without life . " Historical View of Bible Translations , page
289 . Upon the whole , therefore , it appears that the greater part of your correspondent ' s observations are irrelevant to the subject , and in allusion to the just remonstrance of affronted that , in reply
to the unreasonable petition and complaint of the Sieurs who and 'which , it is evident , that that , that that gentleman has advanced is not that , that the nature of the case required .
To your ingenious correspondent , c ' Thcologus , " I would whisper in the ear that the true reading in 1 Tim . i . 4 . is QiKovoftiav dispensation , and not OLK 0 $ oy * ux , Vy edifu \ atiwu and consequently , that
the translation in the Improved Version is correct , and that his own is inadmissible . With respect to thp strictures of this learned writer upon other passages , the same . reply i % applicable us to those of W . II . The editors of
the Improved Version do not hold themselves accountable for anything in the work but their own variation * and notes . . Their design .
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Design of the Improved Version explained , in reply to Objectors . ST
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 37, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/37/