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bity of a knowledge of the original languages of the scriptures to the teacher of religion , and on the disgrace of bein <>; constrained to take the sense of these writings wholly upon the authority of others , were impressed in indelible characters on the mind of
every Christian preacher and of every student for the ministry . The Professor ' s remarks on the Hebrew and Greek tongues , as objects and implements of biblical critifeism , are also well deserving of attention , pp . 25—58 . '' ¦ Some . /' - says the learned
writer , ( No . 90 " have ascribed the invention of language wholly to the natural powers of men ;" and he refers us to Lactant . de
cuJtu . % y 10 . Our readers , however , must not suppose it to have been the opinion of this father that language had only a human
origin , for , in the passage before us , he details and exposes the sentiments of others concerning the rise and progress of society ., and his words should be compared with those of Horace in Sat . L . i .
3 . II . $ 9- &c . To the list of learned men ( p . 53 . ) who have successfully applied their classical knowledge to an elucidation of the
phraseology of the New Testament , the name of VVakefield might With propriety have been added- ; and some assistance may be obtained
from his valuable Directions for the Study of Divinity . Under JSTo . 167 a reference might have been given ^ for the meani ng of £ i $ viko ; , 1 Cor . xv . 54 . ) to JVIarsh ' s Michaelis , pp . 126 , 1 ? 7 . 393 , 394 , of vol . J . We agree with our author as we acconj p ^ y him in his observations on the kindred lan-
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guages , that the Rabbinical Hebrew ought not to be altogether despised : indeed , we are of opinion that its phrases will be found more useful in interpreting some parts of PauFs epistles than the bulk of commentators seem to be
aware , ( p . 61 . ) Dr . G ' s suggestion respecting a careful collation of the editions of the LXX with the MSS occurred to the late Dean Holmes
and was acted upon by him ; but his lamented death interrupted the undertaking and delayed the publication . To the value of this version we are by no means
insensible ; yet we view its most important use as consisting in the light which it occasionally throws on the language of the Christian scriptures . The Professor scorns
to have good reason for thinking favourably of the Vulgate ( Nos . 242 , 270 . ) ; and we have the satisfaction of perceiving that he is decidedly a friend to attempts to . * wards a new translation of the
sacred writings . ( No . 355 . ) We meet with much valuable infoVmation and with many judicious hints , in the chapter on the circumstances relating to the books of scripture- fn page 117 , however , a typographical error
occurs , which quite destroys the propriety of an illustration , and for looks we shbuld undoubtedly substitute locks . Dr . G ., in page 118 , considers all the authors of scripture as inspired ; a doctrine which surely cannot be admitted
without some deductions and restrictions . What evidence , for example , is there of the inspira- * tiop . of the , unknown writer of Ruth , or of that of the book of Canticles ? We admire the good sense with wbichj as an illustra ~
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42 Review . —Gerard ' s Institutes of Biblical Criticism *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 42, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/42/