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46 Poeiry *
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111 understood by Albion ' s sons , th $ strain . Oh may my breast so rude , and heart so slovy , A fertile soil on Heaven ' s fair flower bestow . With w-onder let Deodatns betold , That I so stern , t who rie ' er love ' s power confess'd ,. To whom his wiles and weapons were but' jest , Now fall the victim , of the urchin bold : "JTwas not the vermil cheek , or locks of gold
My heart enthrall'd , and tamed my stubborn breast ; But some new goddess , who , for ever blest , In foreign beauty chose her form t * unfold : Her port niajestic , and her sparkling eyes iDarkly serene ; persuasion from her tongue In various language flows ; and with surprize The moon might stop , and listen to her song " . ¦ So warm the flashes which her eyes impart , They melt their passage to the coldest % heart »
IV . Yes , dearest maid ! those eyes soheav ' nly bright , Must be my sjin : just as he sheds his ray * . On the lorn traveller , that haps to stray . O ' er Barca ' s sands , they shed on me their light : Meanwhile a vapour bland , too pure for sight , ( Which I not know toname , but lovers say y It is a sigh' *} where ' er thy eyebeams play , Springs upwards , but alas ! too dank for
flight , Parts sinks abortive on thy lover ' s heart , . And chills and freezes all within his breast , Whilst to his eyes ascends the lighter part , And oft , full oft , at the still hour of rest « Drops thence in showers of tears , till thou , my fair , Com'st crown'd with roses , to dispel his care .
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SONNET TO THE MEMOR 7 OF TBt REV . THEOPHILUS LlNDSfeY , A . M . Lindsey ! the grave that bears thy honour'd name , I deem not , erring , thy eternal home : Frorr ^ heav ' n I hear a gladsome voice proclaim , That man shall rise immortal from the tomb . What , though thou sleep till earth ' s predicted doom , Virtue and truth shall guard thy spotless fame ;
Still shall thy page some wilder d mind illume , Still prompt the pious hope , the generous aim . May I like thee , the Saviour ' s steps pur-, sue , And trace the paths © f peace thou well hast trod , Thy friendship then in climes of bliss
renew v Where , pure in heart , thou s halt ^ behold thy God : Now onward press , by thy example fir * d ; They mourn the dead , who live as they cUsirM . J * T \ R *
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J V . A gentle youth , a fond and simple lover * : Opprest with doubts , unknowing where to fly , This present mates with deep humility , —His heart—ra truer , jrou will ne ' er discover , : More brave , or good , from her it loves no rover ; " Playful in thought , yet prudent ; can defy
The world ' s rode buffets ; Heaven ' s harsh minstrelsy Hear unappal'd , with virtue arm'd aH over . Far from the boisterous and the envi * - *^ ous crew ^ ^ The hopes and fea ' rs that witch the vulgar brain ; ' But deeply smitten with the tuneful art ,
Friend of sweet song , and of the muses train ; » One only spot but little strength can shew , 'Tis that where Love hath fixed his cure * less daTt ,
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 46, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/46/