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erminated the life of this excellent woliian appeared in August last , and soon deprived her friends of the least hope of her recovery . Of the fast four months every day witnessed the
gradual progress of her malady , and afforded proofs , from within and from without , that her dissolution was fa . st approaching . To her a scene of trial was a scene of glory * Sufferings unveiled the beauty of holiness which adorned the saint . Forbidden to
indulge the dearest hopes , which animate the breast of a parent , those of seeing her offspring rise up to be blessings to the world , expecting every moment to close for ever her eyes on the objects of
her fondest affection , amidst the pains and sorrows of a lingering illness . Though , •* Long at her couch Death took his patient stand , * And menaced eft and oft withheld
the blow , ' the days of her affliction passed away , and not a murmur escaped the lips of the dj ing Christian . With patience she ran the race that was set before her .
However dark and rugged the path which conducts to the valley of the shadow of death , she trod it with a jirm and unhesitating step . She has arrived at her destined goal and her reward is sure . This faint outline of
character is drawn by one who knew her well , who has had many opportunities of observing and admiring her various virtues , whose tears on the present mournful occasion have mingled with those of her sorrowing family , and
whose most earnest prayer is that his highly valued friend , to whose care so many helpless little ones are committed , may find strength and support equal to the arduous ness of his important charge .
h . r > . December 39 th , 1808 , died after a short illness , at Pwll y pant , near Caerphilly , Glamorganshire , Miss ELIZABETH PRICE , aged 45 , or thefts about *? . Of . this excellent Lady , we
hazard nothing in saying" that , in extent of religious knowledge , sincere piety , and amiableness of . disposition and manners , her equal has seldpm appeared in tfce Wclcfr . dissenting churches . She possessed na : irally a . strong mind ,. which
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was highly , cultivated by education , by close study , and extensive reading ; and receiving religious impressions at an early period , she joined herself to a
society of Particular Baptists assembling in the neighbourhood , at a place called Twyn Gwyn , but it could not'be expected that such " a well-tuned soul '* should long be able to bear the discordant doctrines and . the wild fanatrcal
practices * of that society . Accordingly , when the General Baptists began to spread in Wales , about ten years ago , she examined their 4 © ctrines { then almost every where sppken against ) aifd publicly avowed herself a convert . This chanefe brought her tinder niany disadvantages with regard to public worship , as there was no General Baptist church within many miles o £ her habitation .
She often attended the ministry of the Calvinists , but this she was at last constrained to decline , not merely on account of her esteeming their leading doctrines as unscriptural and irrational , but also because some of their preachers , when they knew she was present , would often make plain and pointed allush s to her in their discourses ! A
relief now and then offered when any of the General Baptist ministers , paiticularly the Unitarian missionaries ^ came her "way ; for them , she would procure
leave to preach , in some place of worship in the neighbourhood , but it was generally attended with difficulty , as the uncandid and bigoted never failed to report her and the ministers who visited her as enemies to Christ , free salvation , < Scc . . Latterly , the Wesley an Methodists have had preaching in her
neighbourhood ; their preaching t > he constantly attended , " from . a conviction , " as she once expressed herself to the writer of this , " that though some degree of fanaticism may attach to them , they may do gresit good , as they arp strenuous opf > osers , of the Qalvinistic decreed . "' In
Miss Price ' s dcatft $ &he cause of rational religion in Wales has sustained a great loss , and several eminent ministers in Wales and England have been deprived of a valuable correspondent .. She used to write on ajl interesting subjects , particularly politics and religion , and the style of . aer , 'letters would not disgrace the most celebrated female writers . TrtipAridge . XX J .
* Alluskc s here made to . jumping which the writer of thia article once saw at that place .
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2 Obituary *
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Mrs . Lloyd . - . Mist Elizabeth Price .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1809, page 2, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1732/page/52/