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trete emlnerit for piety and worth : Mr hen they too shall be gathered to their fathers , may thbse who come after tfrehi , be able to bear testimony to their characters , in the same--spirit ' of ttfuth which has dictated this imperfect memorial !
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Original Letters of Dr * Priest . ley s on Baptism ; communi cated by the Re % > * R . Scott . Portsmouth ^ St tt , August 17 th 9 1811
I do not approve ^ the practice erf the posthumous publication of all the letters and fragments that may be met with , which have
been written by learned men * Ft is oftentimes nothing less than a Violation of trust . When , however ,- the writer himself did not wish his . communications to be
confined to the person t 6 whom they were addressed , but gave him permission to shew them to any of his friends , to whom he might think they would be useful , as in the present instance , it appears to
me we may , without any breach of that confidence which private correspondence-demands , give sucti communications to the public , and , particularly , when they are illustrative of the scriptures
-Under this impression , I send you two letteVs from Dr . Priestley to M * . Clement Sharp , of Romsey ^ in this county , aud ^ the answer of Vigilius to some queries proposed by M * . Shafp , in one of his
letters to Dn Priestley . As the Dr . does ndt disclose the name pf his friend Vigilius , I shall only $ dd that this excellent critic wrote , * lso , in * the Theological Re ^ Osi tpry , under the signature of Eugow bius . The oHgmais we in the
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possession of Mr . Sharp , of this town , sort of the fate Mr . Clement Sharp . Your insertion of these letters , in the Monthly Repository , as soon as your limits will permit , will oblige , You * faithful friend , kUSSELL SCOTT .
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¦ + I-BTTER I . Leeds , Feb . 4 , 1770 . Sir , As your letter seeips tp bear the marks of a sincere desire , of information , and not to have been
written for any captious purpose ,, my thoughts on the object of baptism are at yopr service , or that of any of your friends , to w ^ ora you may chuse to communicate them .
. It appears , to me , that fe \ jr persons in this western part of-the \ vorld , enter sufficiently iqf , o tbp ideas and notions of ~ tne Jews , and pther people of tl ^ e East ; and jfr ^ t your objections to infant * baptism , cannot be satisfactorily answere ^^ withourlaying a ^ ide fspn ^ e of ^ th p ideas peculiar to this part pf , Europe , and especially in mqaprp ,
times . . , r .. . ; . Nothing was , or indeed is , more common in the East , than to ex ^ press sentiments and ( purposes , by actions ; and so na ^ ral wsm it tQ the Jews , to denote puyity qt hqarf ; by outward washing , that \ ye fin 4 by the success of Johi ^ s . preaching ,
that ^ though he did pot pretend to teach a new religion , but . cmly insisted upon > repentance tvnd greater regularity and strictness of manner * tb ^ i % w ^ s qo / rj ni ca > ^ mong the ? Jew * ; y *\\ JWat iy *? q % them m ^ de any difficulty of bci ^ baptized i <^ msideiing , itr fl ^ t ^ f
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1812, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1744/page/11/