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should remain so entirely silent ? When the author of that affecting composition which in strains so pathetic , on the banks of the Euphrates , describes the anguish of his own mind and that of his
companions in captivity , driven from their country , despoiled of their property , and bereft of every thing
they held most dear—m circumstances so afflicting , was it nothing to them , whether this fleeting life were the whole of their existence ?
How then shall we account for this extraordinary phenomenon ? In my own opinion , Mr . Editor , it admits but of one solution : these eminent persons , Isaiah , Jeremiah and others , of whom the world
Kas not worthy /* had such just conceptions of the Supreme Being , were so habituated to look up to Him in all circumstances , 6 i who alone liveth and reigneth * ' i € from everlasting to everlasting , " to put their whole trust in God ; whom
they knew to be a abundant in mercy and . truth ; ' * were so constantly in the habit of devoting themselves entirely and with such
filial confidence to his service , th ^ t even in respect to their future destiny , although no promise had been vouchsafed , " perfect love had cast out fear . ' * Does the
dutiful child , who has full and iatire confidence in the wisdom , the goodness , the affection of a beloved parent , fear to follow wherever he may lead ? Neither did they fear * ' thpugh they should walk through the valley of the shadow of death / ' Contrast with
this , the wretched state of mind of the forlorn . wanderer in polytheistic * darkness . Some faint traces indeed of the footsteps of infinite wisdom , goodness and power did occasionally break through thfcgloom , to
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irradiate the mind and cheer tile desponding heart of the philosophic sage ; but by what . doubts and difficulties was he not frequently assailed ? How ofteh would the
perplexing inquiry occur— 'Who is this great Being and what is his name ?' - c Does he indeed govern the world V 4 Are men , feeble , weak , imperfect , worthy of notice ?* 4 Does his power extend beyond the grave ? ' 'Has he given any intimation that it does , or entered
into any engagement how he will use it ? ' Well might solicitude and fear take possession of mens' hearts in such circumstances— - * They looked for help but there was no man , neither found they any to comfort them . "
I should be glad , Mr . Editor , if some of your numerous correspondents would favour us with their sentiments on this curious and interesting subject , which cannot fail , whatever may be the result , to shew in a very striking light
the unspeakable value of the pious and devout affections , and of those divine dispensations , the Jewish and the Christian , on which they principally rest for their support * I remain Sir , your constant Reader and wall-wisher , AN INQUIRER .
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Adult Baptism in connection with Church Discipline . Maidstone * Is it probable , that a more eligible mode can be devised , of distinguishing between the serious
professor of Christianity and the wavering and unthinking , than the use of that rite , which wa $ instituted by Christ himself , as the instrument of setting apart his disciples ?
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44 Adult Baptism connected with Church Discipline *
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1812, page 24, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1744/page/24/