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have the * pleasure of knowing this worthy gentleman , all snch testimony will appeal quite superfluous . The credit of his naaie and character being sufficient to secure the public from imposition , in
re-1 A It \ ' » ¦ */• »" gard to any publication , in wnich he rnay be concernea , "— The schema and conduct of the Novel , " is thus described by the sanie 44
Journalist . A young Chinese man of quality , of great virtue and uncommon bravery , has an attachment to a lady every way worthy of so accomplished n hero . Circumstances , however , are
adverse . A powerful rival , with other great obstacles , intervene , and interesting ad venues and vicissitudes- follow . B « . ^ t love and virtue at length triumph over all opposition . "
Describing the value of this publication , as presenting ie a faithful picture of Chinese man * ners , wherein the domestic . and political economy of that vast people is displayed , " the editor ' adds the following happy illustration . — There is not a \ greater ^ difference between the man who is
sitting for his portrait , stiffened into a studied composure , with every feature and liroh under constraint , and the same person unreserved , acting in his common sphere of life , with every passion in play , apd every part of him in
motion , than there is between a people methodically described iri & formal account , and painted out in the lively narrative of some
domestic history . " Avoiding unqualified praise of his adopted work , he acknowledges , that , * examined by tte laws of Euro - pean criticism , he believes it liable to many objections / . * The
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faults he proceeds to ascribe to an ** abjectness of genifts ii } the Chinese , -accounted for from that servile submission and dread of novehy , which enslaves their minds , and while it promotes the peace and quiet of their empire , dulls their spirit and cramps their imagination /'
The Chinese Play is said to have been w * acfed at Canton , in 1719 > found among the papers of the gentleman who /? r * l translate d the Cbinese Novel , and the second specimen , in any European language , of the talents of the Chinese for dramatic composition ; the
Orphan of the House of ChaO ) published by Dii Flalde , being the first . * ' It might have been added , that the latter p iece was critical - ly analized by the late Bishop Hurd , in his Discourse on Poeticat Composition , annexed to his Horace , 17 ^ 3 ; [ voh 2 d . p . 180 . ] though , for what reason ^ does not appear , omitted in the lateif editions of that Discourse . A translation from Du Halde , was , however , in the following year , pub ~ lished in a publication attributed to Mr . Percy . From the Collection of Chinese
Proverbs ^ the following will shew , as the reviewer expresses it , ' * that good sense is the same in all countries . ^ " Do not entertain a man whof has just received a disappointment with an account qf your own sue
cess . » 44 If one doth not pl <* Ck off tbe bran < rhi ^ of ft tree , while th «* y are yet tender , thVy cannot afterwards be cuX p without thV axt » . 4 company , set a # uafvl upoaO your tongue ; in < eoiuttd *^ « # 4 J ^ y your heart *
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Literary Memoir of Dr . Percy \ late Bishop of Dromote . 3
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1812, page 3, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1744/page/3/