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mianus Marcellinus , a pagan writer , calls a Ch-nstian Church at Cologne , a ' Conventicle ( conventiculum rirus Christiani ) . Protestant Dissenters need not therefore to refuse this vulgar reproach ; their enemies may , if they please , enj ° y the reputation of a Heathen spint .
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No . CVII . Cl Mahumetan Story . ' € i The Mahumetans , " says Bolde , ( Prof , to Meditations concerningDeath , ) "have at tury which Christians may make a good use
of , viz . That in the days ol Jesus , three men in a Journey happened to find a treasure , but being very hungry , sent one of the number to buy provision ; he consulted
how to get the treasure to himself , and determined to poison the meat : the other two agreed to share the treasure between them , and to kill the third man as soon
as he returned : this they did , and presently after they died of the poisoned meat . Jesus , passing by with his disciples , said , This is the condition of this world- — See what the love of it hath brought these men to ! Wo be to him that looks for a-ny other usage from it /'
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No . CVIII . " Common Sense ' and eC Plain Truth . Thomas Paine , who in his " Age of Reason / ' has ridiculed the description of the IJibh as the Word
of Gpd , appears to have had other sentiments , twenty years . before * jiti his * . * Common Sense / ' published at Philadelphia in 1776 , and which greatly contributed to the declaration of American inde-
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pendence , he thus answers an ob ~ jector to his scheme of democratic government . " But where , say some , is the King ot America ? I'll tell you , Friend , he reigns above * - Yet that we may not appear to be defective even in earthly honours , let a day be solemnly set apart for proclaiming the charter ; let it be brought forth placed on the divine law , the word of God ; let a crown be placed thereon , by which
the world may know that so far we approve ot monarchy , that in . America the law is king . For as in absolute governments the king is law , so in free countries the
law ought to be king ; —But lest ahy ill juse should afterwards arise , let the crown , at the conclusion of the ceremony , be demolish ed and scattered among the people whose right it is / ' 4 * Com ^ Sense /' Lond . 177 ft . p . 2 S . 4 ' Common Sense , '' was answjered in Ainerica by ** Plain Truth /' whicK was it published vvith it jbere ^ and contains the strength of the
arguments against Independence ^ 6 k Plain Truth / ' concludes wick ihe following political prediction , which an age of freedom and national improvement has happily falsified .
4 < Volumes were insufficient t ® describe the horror , misery and desolation awaiting the people at large , in the syren form of American Independence . In short * I affirm that it would be the most excellent policy in those who wish for true liberty , to submit , by an advantageous reconciliation , to ihe authority of Great Britain . — Independence and slavery are synonymous terras . " fc Plain Truth /' p . 36 .
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44 Gleanings . — Common Sense" and cc Plain Truth .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1812, page 44, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1744/page/44/