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Extracts from Mr . Wright s Jour * nal of his Missionary Tour in Scotland ^ 1812 . This Journey employed Mr . Wright 103 days , being commenced June the 24 th , and terminated October the 4 th : during which ,
he travelled about 1200 miles , and preached 7-4 times , besides holding many , meetings for conference on theological subjects . In going down , he preached once at Peterborough , and two Sundays at Chester , Mr . Lyons being absent on his Mission in Wales : and in
returning , he preached once in York . He spent 8 O days in Scotland , and preached 68 times in that country . The following- is the account he gives of the places he visited .
Lanerkshire . In this county Unitarianism is making considerable progress ^ and there is good reason to hope that the endeavours of our friends to promote it , by the circulation of books and the
establishment of small libraries in different places , will be successful . I visited the following places in this county . \ l . * Glasgozv . In this city Unitarianism may be considered as firmly established . Its progress has been
rapid , its advocates are numerous , and well-informed * \ preached here , 19 times . Wo fa ^ d ; ptlways very good , ^ generally large and deeply attentive audiences . Our
largest congregations were estimated at 7 or 800 persons . I bad opportunity of bringing before them a considerable variety of subjects , and availed myself of **• I found not only our own
Untitled Article
friends , but other persons disposed to attend to the most free discussion of theological subjects * 1 was expected and desired to preach much on controversial points , as many strangers would come expecting to hear such points stated
and argued . Oti my arrival m Glasgow , I found two spekties , and two places open for Unitarian worship . The one is the Trades * Hall , which is very large and ele * gant . Our friends give 3 QL per annum tor the use of it on Lord ' s
Days only . In this I always preached on the Sunday . The oiher is Provan ' s Hall ; in this I preached on week day evenings ; it was not openqgl on the Lard ' s Day while I was there , nur has it been re-opened since 1 left . Both the congregations attended the
same place during my stay ; and I hope their re-union will become permanent , as they all think highly of , and are much attached to ' Mr . J . Yates and his ministry * Before I left this city this able and zealous young minister had commenced his labours with much
prospect of success . It gave me high pleasure to see so respectable a congregation formed at Glasgow 3 by the assistance of our missionaries , and so suitable a minister
placed , for one year at least , among them . From this circumstance much good to the cause may be anticipated ; and I Jiope Mr . Yatfs ' s success will be such as to fender hisTesi < tence in that populous city permanent . The last Stmday I spent in Glasgow , I shall deem one of the
Intelligence. I At
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1812, page 51, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1744/page/51/