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[ Under the above head we gave in our ^ ast Number ( pp . 325 — 330 ) the Act of Parliament , the 1 st of William and Mary , so denominated ; as in our last volume , we published a complete
collection of the printed proceedings , in opposition to Lord Sid mouth ' s Bill . The subject is of such vita ] importance to the imprests of truth and freedom , that we shall
still continue to devote our pages to it ; persuaded that our readers will agree with us in the suitableness of matter like this for such a work as ours , and in the value which our volumes will hereafter derive from their being a complete register of documents and
discussions and measures , so momentous and eventful . Communications on the subject are eagerly solicited . Editor . ] " No man in this assembly more decidedly than myself- abhors the spirit
of religious intolerance in principle , or would more sensibly regret the least approximation to the practice of persecution . Whilst I lament the deviation in doc Tines amongst the various Dissenters from those of the Established Church , I cannot but look on them with that
chanty which h due to the opinions of welldisposed , and well-meaning men in search of truth , in a matter of such momentous importance to all . In this great work of enquiry and investigation , the contributions of each should be received * if not
with gra titude , at least with indulgence . As it concerns all , it should be a source of continued occupation and reflection . The sacred writings are the beneficent gift of God to man : the interpretation therefore of qcripture is the proper study and business of mankind . By all Protestants ,
Dissenters , prof the Establishment , the sacred writings are considered to be the great stand ard of religious doctrine , and to em braceall tbe articles of our faith on earth , and our hopes of futurity . It is not wonderful , therefore , when such universal interest is excited throughout the whole
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mass of Protestants , that their interpretation should be an object of the utmost anxiety . The interpretation of them , however , is unfortunately extremely liable to error , espec ally in speculative poinjs of doctrine i'niformity of religion , therefore , ¦ •> not . nor can iot be expected j the minds of men are too differently constructed , to enable them all to
see , even the same things , through the same medium . Coercion , therefore , can be of no avail in producing uniformity of opinion ; in matters of religion it must ever be considered unwise and impolitic , and by no means calculated to produce the end which it is sought to attain . Coercion ha ^ never been ihe practice of the reformed English Established Church , nor do I believe it ever will . "
The Archbishop of Canterbury * s Speech in the Mouse * f Lords , on discount Sidmouth * s BiU May 12 , I 8 it 2 ,
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The Five Mile Act , 17 Charles IT * Chap . 2 . intituled—An Act for restraining Non-conformists from inhabiting Corporations . Whereas , divers parsons , vicars , curates , lecturers and oiher persons in holy orders , have not
declared their unfeigned assent and consent to the use of all things contained and prescribed in the Book of Common Prayer , and administration of the sacraments , and other rites and ceremonies of
the church , according to the use of the Church of England , or have not subscribed the declaration or acknowledgment contained in a certain Act of Parliament , made in the fourteenth year of his ma « ji-styN reign , and * intituled , An
Act tor th@ uniformity of Pubhp Prayers , and administration of sacraments , mxd other rites and ceremonies , and for the establishing the form of making , ordaining , and consecrating of Bishops , priests and Deacons in the Church of
Toleration Act.
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C 379 )
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), June 2, 1812, page 379, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1749/page/35/