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/ further < eaacted , That in all jcases of this act , where the penalty or sum charged upon any offender exceeds the sum of ten shillings , and such offender shall find himself
aggrieved , it shall and may be law * fulibr him , within one week , after the said penalty or money charged shall be paid or levied , to appeal in writing from the person or persans convicting , lo the judgment iQf the justices of the peace , in their next Quarter Sessions ; to
whom the justice or justices of the peace , chief magistrate . oralder man , that first convicted such offender , shall return the money levied upon the appellant , . and shall , codify , underliis and theirhand&and seals ,
the evidence upon which the cpn « viction past ^ with the whole " record , thereof , , and the said appeal -2 whereupon suck offender may plead and . make defence , and have his ( trial by a jury thereupon ; and in case-such appellant shall not ;
prosecute wjtii < effect , or if upon such trial , he shall not be acquitted " , or judgment pass not for him upon his . said appeal , the said justices at the sessions , shall . give treble costs ^ agai nst such offender for his unjust appeal : and no other court whatsoever shall intermeddle with
any cause or causes of appeal upon this act , but . they shall be finally determined in the Quarter Sessions only . VII 4 Provided always , * and be it further enacted , That upon the
delivery of such appeal as / afore * vsaid , the person or persons appeK ; lant , . shall enter before the . person or persons convicting , into a recognizance to prosecute Jhe said iAppeal will * ( effect : < whi <; ii said recognizance , the person or persons € unvi » tiog i& hereby , impowered to
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take , and . required to certify . the sarue to the next Quarter Sessions : and iin case no recognizance be entered into , the said appeal to be null and void .
VIII ~ Provided always , That every . such . appeal shjall , be left with the person or persons so convicting , as aforesaid , at the time of the . making thereof .
: IX . And be it further enacted , by the authority aforesaid , That the justice , justices of the peace and chief ^ magistrate respectively , or the respective constables ^ head , borough and tithiogmen , by
warrant from , the said justice , justices or chief .. magistrate respectively , shall and JDay , with what ^ id , force . and .. . assistance they sl ^ ali ^ lii nk fit * for the-better execution tif this Act , after refusal or denial
to enter * , break Qpen aud enter into ai > y house or other plja . ee , wUere they shall be informed any such conventicle , as aforesaid , is or shall beheld , as well within liberties as without :: and t ^ ke inU ) their
custody the persons there unlawfully assembled , to . the intent they may be proceeded against acQQrding to . this act ; and . that the lieu . tenants or deputy-Ue . ujenanls , or any cocamissiouated o / ficer of the
militia ,, or othet * of his majesty ' s forces , with ; such troops or companies of horse and foot ; and al ^ o the sheriffs , and . other imigistr . ates and ministers of justice , or any them , jointly or sevtrrall y ^ within any the counties or places within
this kingdom of England , dominion of ^ V ^ les ^ oc town of Berwick upon Tweed , with such other assistance as they shall think meet , or can get in r ^ eaf liness with the soonest ^ on certificate xoade to them respectively under the haad and seal
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JJB 4 . Tht Canvmtiole Adt .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), June 2, 1812, page 384, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1749/page/40/