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of any one justice of the peace or chief magistrate , of his particular infoimation or knowledge of srch unlawful meeting or conventicle , held or to be held in their respective counties or places , and that he , with such assistance as he can
get together , is not able to suppress and dissolve the same , snail arid may and are hereby required and enjoined to repair unto the place where they are so h ^ id , or to be held , and by the best means
they can , to dissolve , dissipate or prevent all such unlawful meetings , and take into their custody such end so many of the ^ aid persons so unlawfully assembled , as they shall think tit , to the intent they may be proceeded against accord * ing to this act .
X . Provided always , That no dwelling-house of any peer of this realm where he or his wife shall then be resident , shall be . searched by virtue or this act , but by immediate warrant from his majesty ,
under his sign manual , or in the presence of the lieutenant , or one deputy-lieutenant , or two justices erf the peace , whereof one to be of the quorum , of the same county or riding .
XI . And a be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid ^ That if any constable ,, headborough , tithingman , church-warden or overseer of the poor , wlio , shall know , or be credibly informed of
any such meetings or conventicles , held witkiqhjsprecincts , parishes , or limits ^ and shall not give information thereof to some justice of the peace , or the chief magistrate , and endeavour the conviction of
thfe parties , according to hl 3 duty ; but such constable , headborough , tithmgipai ^ ^ hurch-wardcrh , &ver-^ eeis k ) f / the poor , or any ^ pfelrson
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lawfully called in aid of th- » con * stable , headborough ox tithmgmar > , shall wilfully and swittin ^ ly omit the performance of his duly , in the execution of this act ^ and be thereof convicti d in manner afore **
s « id , be shall toi feu for evVry such off * nee , the sum of five pounds , to be levied upon hit * goods and chat * tels , and disposed uimanner afore * said : and that if any justice q £
the peace , or chief magistrate , shall wilfully and wittingly omit the performance of his duty in the execution : of this act , he shall fox * feit . the siim of one hundred
pounds ; the one moiety to th $ use of rbe-informer , to be ltcovered by action , suit , bill or plaint * in any of i > is majesty ' s Courts at Westminster , wherein no essoin ^ protection , or wager of law shall lie .
XIF- An-d be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid , Tha £ if any person be at any time sued tor putting in execution any of the powers contained in this ac % otherwise than upon appeal allow * - ed by this act , such person shall and may plead the general issue ,
and give the special matter . in < evi * dence and if the plan tiff be nonsuit , or a verdict pass for the defendant , or if the plaintiff discontinue hi . ** action ^ or if upon demurrer , judgment btf given ^ for the defendant , every such defendant shall have his full - treble costs .
XIII . And'be it further enacted , by the authority aforesaid ^ That this act * and Mil € lames therein contained \ shall be c-omstrued most largely atid > > benefieiaiHy far the
suppressing \ of conventiclesy and for the hju&tfyidatton ) and encouragement * < £# allspersotis ta he > etit * played in thwexecution thereof ! and that no jr&eartiL warrant *?
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The Conventicle Act . 38 $
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vox ., vii . 3 »
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), June 2, 1812, page 385, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1749/page/41/