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person attending any place of worship , or officiating as a minister , preacher , or teacher at the same , or on account of such persons , >
neglecting to attend divine service ( according to the Church of England , ) or for keeping or having in his or her house any servant or other person who shali neglect or refuse to attend such divine
service , or who shall be of any religion different from that of the Church of England , or for or on account of sUch persons defending the principles of his or her religion , either by printing or by writing , or by word of aiouth ,
any statutes or laws" to the contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding . " Provided always and be it further enacted / that nothing in this present act contained shall extend , or be '
construed to extend " , to allow oV to authorise any person to disturb , " or by printing , ' writing or * speaking , or by any means * whatsoever * to excite any other person or
persons to disturb ' the peace arid good order of civil society , but that every person so offending shall be liable to be punished according to the Jaws tberi enforced fqr the preservation of the peace . And be
it further enacted , by the authority aforesaid , that every person who either shall be Ihe minister , preacher or teacher of any separa < te and distinct congregati&ri of Dissenters or of Mon-corifcMrmists
( so to -be certified , acknowledged and declared under the hancte of any or more © f the pewons belonging to strch separate afttf distinct congregation Respectively ) or shrill be a minister , preachy or te ^ oh ^ r b « Planters oir of ? N ^ iv- conformists , and wjh 1 eh twrsin ^ bu « iiot have or fellow
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any other profession or calling ^ save only and except that of a lecturer , schoolmaster and instructor , shall ( in iike manner as s the ministers oi the established
church ) be exempted irorn serving upon ahy jury , or from holding any county , city , district or parochial officv , or from serving in the regular rriilitm , in the local militia or in any other miiifcary corps whatsoever ,
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Annual Meeting of the Protestant Soiietyfor ttie Protection of Religious I liberty . At this rrieeting , which was held on ^ Saturday , May 16 , at the New London Tavern , Cheapside ,
S . Mirfls , Esq . was unanimously invited fo preside . The plan of the Society having been read , Mr : T . Pellatt , one of the 'Secretaries ^ stated , in a perspicuous and * interesting speech , the
various measures which had been adopted by the Society , during the preceding year , and read the correspondence which had taken place between the Society ' s Secretaries , and Mr . Secretary Ryder , and
Mr . Perceval , on various subjects intimatel y connected with the rights and welfare of Protestant Dissenters , and of all persons who are desirous to hear or to
promulgate religious truth . Several dofcu-Hfients were also read by Mr . Pellatt explanatory of the proceedings which had heen adopted by the society , in the Court of King ' s Bench , to resist the enoroaobnvenf s
attempted to be made € m tine- long existing practice under the Aot&of Toleration ; and he also i cortwxiunicated the ve ^ 0 ) t > of two inte rvSewi , wb * eh tod been granted by Mir , Perceval to a deputation from the Commkteej and ^ ooe of / which
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392 Annual Meeting of the Protestant Society .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), June 2, 1812, page 392, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1749/page/48/