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Untitled Article
Gloucester , Sir , December 9 , 1818 . IF the following articles be deemed worthyof a place in your intelligent
Miscellany , have the goodness to insert them in your next Number . Prior to their perusal , it is right that the reader should be informed , that the Unitarian Christian Church in this
city has a Sunday school , consisting of nearly seventy children , boys and girls . To defray the expense of it , recourse has been had , of late years , to the celebration of an anniversary about this time of the year , notice of which is given to the public by bills
announcing the same , and containing select hymns , to be sung on the occasion , with an intimation , or at least under an understood expectation , of a collection at the door of the chapel . These steps being taken as usual , and due preparations made for the purpose , the Editor of the Gloucester Herald
thought proper to insert the letter , signed " A Christian , " in his paper , bearing date the 5 th instant , the day hefore the anniversary , but published the preceding night . The Handbill annexed to the Letter was circulated
as speedily as could well be before Sunday , and on Sunday evening the observations were made upon it , which I have added to the other papers . N , B . The title and motto before the letter , are usually placed at the head of one of the columns in the
Gloucester Herald . " The Christian Herald . tc Fear God , honour the King * . ' * " To the Editor .
Sir , —I feel it my duty to caution your readers not to attend the anniversary of the Unitarian Sunday schools , as they have been invited by public handbills * I conceive that those
schools cannot be conscientiously supported , ( excejft by the members of that peculiar society , ) for the following simple reasons : —¦ ** 1 . Because if a Churchman , or a Methodist , or a Trinitarian Dissenter ,
be correct in his interpretation of the Bible , every person who may contribute to support the Unitarian schools , -will contribute to the support and diffusion of great , fundamental and destructive errors , € l & Because ( in addition to the
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national and other weekly schools ) there are now in this city * four Sunday schools belonging to the Church of England , and four t others which agree with us in teaching the essential doctrines of Redemption through the
blood of Christ , and sanctification by the Holy Spirit . These schools are able and willing to receive all the poor children of Gloucester , and have a sacred right to every shilling which a believer in the holy Trinity may be asked to contribute to an Unitarian
school . " It is not my disposition to make illiberal reflections . If the frequenters of the chapel in Barton-street , be indeed persuaded that they can find
their way to the * love of God' without * the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost , ' let them bring up their children in the nurture and admonition
of—Sochi us ; but let it not be expected that we should join them in teaching the children of our neighbours to * tread under foot the Son
of God , count the blood of the covenant an unholy thing , and do despite to the spirit of grace . ' " I am , Sir , &c . " A CHRISTIAN "
The public are respectfully assured that the letter to the Editor of the Gloucester Herald , in the paper .-of to-day , respecting the Unitarian Sunday school , is replete with inaccurate statements , erroneous representations .
and unfounded insinuations . The minister of the Unitarian chapel pledges himself to prove this to be the case to any who will have the goodness to hear him from his own pulpit . A
slight notice only can be taken of the letter to-morrow evening , but opportunity will be offered to discuss the subject more fully on the following Sunday evening , and during the winter months .
The Unitarians do not teach their children any controverted doctrrnes whatever , and on the evening of their anniversary nothing will be said that "V
? " Attached to the Churches of St . Mary de Crypt , St . John ' s , St . Michael ' s and St . Nicholas . " f " In connexion with the Independent , the Methodist , Lady HuntarigTlonV and Baptist Chapels . "
Untitled Article
! $ Instance iff Bigotry at Gloucester .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 18, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/18/