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wMi ^ BV * « . Hoetiwood , October 1 % 1818 . " f \ N Sunday the 1 st instant , being % J" the festival of AH Saints , a solemn
high mass tvas celebrated in the new Roman Catholic Chapel in Edinburgh , with great magnificence . The Right B&V . Bishop , Dr . Pattersoii , officiated iftp&iitifivtolibus , sptettdMly clothed in pafpte and gold , with a golden * mitre aafr < J crosier . H ^ Was Assisted by se veral
piieSt ** in sacerdotal habits . After the epidffcf atnd gospel had been ehaunted , tti 6 'vetterHabl £ and learned metropolitan Bishop , Dr . Carrieroii , delivered an appropr iate discourse . The sacred orator dt ^ elt with eoittpiafcency upon that true eV&ngelicaf spirit which at present difc fuses itself throughout the Christian
wbrldy especially the British empire . Me aptly observed , that * the firebrand of discord , persecution and fanaticism , among the followers of Christ , \ vas for ever extinguished ; that it was no linger a matter of acrimonious contenffion between Christians , whether
they belong to the Church of England or of Rome , Lutheran or Calvinistic , but that all true believers in the inef fdble fHysterieS of th £ ever-glorious and adbrfcbre iTrinity unite themselves under tftie triumphant banners of the cross , in oWfer to combat inanfully the obnoxious dhd baneful tenets of Socini ^
ahijfii and infidelity , which are so industrfanisfy disseminated by the pseudophilosophers of this degenerate age . The learned pYelate concluded by exhorting his flock * to be guided by the torch of faith , ^ vvhose resplendent rays alone illufane the celestial path to the heavenly Jerusalem . '
44 The music for the mass was very grand , being the celebrated composition of Mt > zart for the Imperial Cjbapel in Vienria . The chttir ttfas conducted by Mt . Corr y , of Lotidbft , aftd tfhe whole
ivas perfbrvtte& with grfcat jtldgttMint knd effect . The ch ^ ptel ^ as ^ ro \ v d « d tb excess bv people df the Ar ^ t t ^ ni k aHiif fSrtshibn , of evety r £% tous den c ^ iSiftkiitftrii , eV ^ ft few * ahd «<« ik ^ rt ;
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every one seemed anxious to assist at the first solemra mass that hay ^ Kdeii celebrated in Edinburgh sin ^ e tlie days of the unfortunate Mary , Qufeen of Scotland .
The above account is extracted from a St . James ' s Chronicle of the present week , and I think describes one of the finest displays of the spieridbrtrs or fopperies of Roman Catholic worship that has been witnessed in this country since the Reformation . As the
ceremonies attendant upon high mass , in all its ancient grandeur , with tfrfeir various attractions for the eye am ! ettrf have appeared once again amongst us , it may well be expected that processions of saints and relics will soon fte
seen in our streets ' , and I see no reason to object to this : let them come , vtfith aH their tinsel and their gauds ; in ' the 19 th century we may surely venture to predict , from such ridicuibus displays , a more speedy downfal of the super *
stttion which brings them forward . Gross absurdities cannot long bear the increasing light of these days ! To { prolong thfeir existence , they should be exhibited within the gloomy walfe of convents , and in those seats of enforced
ignorance , where the precious fruit of the tree of knowledge still remains a forbidden thing . Unitarians may , I think , be proud to find how dangerous and alarming their
doctrines appear to the infallible successors of Peter ; to see their metropolitan call not only upon those ttfhom he esteems the true believers , but upon the Church of England , the Lutherans andtheCalvinists , all lesser heretics , to
unite themselves in one band against them 1 He tells us that we are formidable , when he exhorts the thousands and tens of thousands who profess the varying and anathematizing crfceds of discordant sects to come forward With
him , and combat manfully" with Socinidnism and infidelity , for With Dr . Cameron , as with many othefs , ttiese terms are represented as nearly syn 6-Wymous ; and we will hail their Coining . Free and fair disctisaion is what we earnestly desii ^ ; and while soukd
rea-J&M , and clear Scriptural authdrity again jind again plainly repeated in fcvfcry book of the sacred writings , is oti ' « ter side , tvefeAr not thejr ^ mbattfed phulrtux , of wh ^ tt ^ tet number it IWay ednsi ^ . ythiU i hty ktH dfaWik up , as now , against our tenets , and not . d £ in
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fya % t&ose ^ efebrat ^ d tneti / departed fmnt % tfie sftmda ^ d of modfe ^ afe drtho-« tei ^;^ which i ** % ht < ei $ ily be done , first , by cdMtecting the evidence to this ^ p ^ itit to be obtained fro iw their own writings ; and , secondly , the external evidence . BREVIS .
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W High Ma ^ dnWd&itse 6 f Saciniaits" di Edinburgh .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 20, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/20/