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tftfre , be totally irrelevant , if referred to constant communications from heaven - but they are admirably descriptive of a mind habitually religious and devowt .
In modern compositions we find the same application of the phrase " with God . " The following lines are part of a hymn by the late Dr . Doddridge , on " living habitually in the fear of God : "
** different Scenes othte arise , Our grateful hearts would be With tbee amidst the social band . In solitude with thee . " I am , therefore , disposed to construe John i . 1 , £ , thus : " In the
beginning of the period respecting which I am now to treat , Jesus Christ existed ^ and Jesus was a pious and religious person , and Jesus was God ; as Moses was God to Pharaoh , and as those persons were called gods unto whom the word of God came . This
Jesus was in the beginning with God , i . e . he was from the first pious and religious . " Thus , it seems to me , that unifor--iriity is preserved in the interpretation
of the phrase which has now been considered ; that the Evangelist is made to speak with distinctness and precision both of the personal and official characters of Jesus Christ ; and that the second verse contains an
explanatory remark of considerable importance , instead of appearing to be merely a repetition of what had been asserted in the preceding verse . These observations are made with
diffidence , for I am not aware that they correspond with any explanation that has yet been given of the passage to which they relate . J . T .
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- Brief Notes on the Bible . No . II . FTHHERE is no safer rule , none JL more estimable , than that of interpretating Scripture by Scripture . " The word was God . " John i . 1 . Jei > us is taken to be implied by " the Word ; " the word of God * in all its " fulness / ' residing in , and being promulgated by , him . But , the question is unsettled whether < c God / ' in this sentence , be used ? For No . l see Vol . XUL p . 632 .
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in a subordinate , or in the primary , sense . I will assume ( without conceding ) that it is used in the primary sense , denoting the Almighty . What follows ? In my humble apprehension , that the version ought , for the sake of ordinary readers , to be " The word was as God . "
Pronounced by Him , through a medium , it was to be regarded , not merely as spoken by himself , but ( in scriptural phraseology ) as himself . Pretty bold , it may be said , and rather free with the original .
But , is such a latitude , to make sense of a passage , unexampled or unauthorized ? Take the answer in 2 Samuel xxiv * 23 .
" AH these things did Araunah , as a king , give unto the king . " The word " as" is in italics , supplied by the translators to make sense of the passage ; Araunah being no king , but a wealthy subject of David ' s .
It is possible , also , to make nonsense of a passage by a literal translation , unexplained . e . g . " The word was with God , and the word was God . " This occurs in the context , and a more eminent example it would not be very easy to cite .
So , ought not Matt . xii . 50 , to be rendered , " Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven , the same is as my brother and sister and mother" ? If 1 be told that this and a
multitude of similar passages are always understood and read in this sense , — be it so ! And does not consistency require the same principle of construction to elucidate John i . 1 ? BREVIS .
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V 42 Biblical Criticism . —Brief Notes on the Bible . No . II .
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— -. ^^¦——On the Contents of the Book of the Revelation . No . I . \ TOT WITHSTANDING the bfes-_ , J ^ l sings pronounced on th ose who attend to the words of this prophecy , and keep those things that are written therein , many sincere believers in Christianity think the time lost that is spent in the study of it , and that it would be much better employed in studying the precepts of morality * With them I think this last ought to
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 42, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/42/