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Manchester Presbyterian Quarterly Meeting ^ fyc . Sir , The last Quarterly Meeting- of Presbyterian Ministers in this town and neighbourhood , was held on the 6 th instant , at Doblane Chapel , near this town . The Her . John Sinethurst introduced the service , and the Rev . John Grundy preached the serinon , from 2 Tim . \ v . 3 , 4 . The attendance at the chapel was numerous , and . creditable to the Christian zeal both of the minister and the congregation . The ministers , to the number of fourteen ,
returned to Manchester in the afternoon , and with about an equal number of lay brethren , partook of an economical dinner at the Biidgwater Arms . The afternoon , as usual , was agreeably spent in the expression of sentiments congenial to the occasion , and to the views of our
denomination of Christians , and the company was frequently gratified with the remarks which they called forth from several gentlemen present . In one subject the meeting seemed to take particular interest — the proposed institution for the Protection of the Civil Rights of Unitarians ' ^ and it was Unanimously resolved , that a communication relative to it be transmitted to Mr . Fox .
before the proposed meeting- at the London Tavern , on the 13 th instant . T | iis d&y , the Annual Meeting of the Lancashire and Cheshire Unitarian Book l » d Tract Society was held . The Treasurers account was received with great
satisfaction ; from which it appeared that the institution is in a prosperous and progressive statte ; the number of subscribers having increased , and not much fewer than three thousand books and tracts having been distributed in the course of the last
year . The Rev . B . R . Davis preached the annual senurtm on behalf of the institution , yesterday in the evening , at the chape ) of the Rev . William Havvkes , in Moseley Street Owing to some reasons , the audience was but small , and the sum ctollectedj of cottrse , in proportion . The Quarterly Meeting , in kMMeclive capacity , having not deigned to take notice
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of the charge of duplicity urged against its members by an anonymous writer iri the Repository ^ I may be allowed to acid , in an extra-official capacity , that I do not intend , after this time , to take any farther
notice of the dispute . A dispute about names is seldom attended with good , frequently with mischief , and has attractions only for weak minds and meddling dispositions . If there was no other reason of
retaining , for the present , the denomination Presbyterian , the fact that some of the congregations composing the Quarterly Meeting are not Unitarian , and would not have joined it under the denomination Unitarian , is sufficient . But they have so great a degree of liberality , and are such strenuous advocates for Christian
liberty and free inquiry ^ that they have no repugnance to associate with their Unitarian brethren , who are , in this respect , like-minded with themselves . The resolution of the Quarterly Meeting- transmitted to Mr . Fox , relative to the Civil Rights of Unitarians , is a pretty satisfactory comment
on my text , and exhibits the subject in a clear light even to ordinary capacities . When the term Unitarian shall have become sufficiently definite in its application in general , and when the professors of Unitarianism shall * have constructed a system of union and discipline at once simple ,
comprehensive and effective , then probably there will be less difficulty in discontinuing the use of the denomination Presbyterian - —a denomination which custom and long usage so strongly sanction , though its meaning , like that of most words in all languages , must be necessarily altered and modified by the changes which times and circumstances unavoidably produce W . . J . Manchester , January 7 1819 .
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After the service , the ministers , with a few friends , ( amongst whom was Samuel Shore , Esq ., of Meersbrook , that veteran friend of truth and Christian liberty , ) dined together at the Tontine Inn .
The ministers piesent were ^ Mr . Williams , of Mansfield 5 Mr . Turner , of Nottingham ; Mr . Piper , of Norton ; Mr . Brettell , of Rotherham , Mr . Platts , of Doncasterj Mr , Wallace , of Chesterfield ; Mr . Wright , of Siannington ; and Dr . Nathaniel Philipps , of Sheffield . The next meeting will be held at MansfieUL
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Unitarian Fund . [ From the Report of 1818 , we extract the following passages , containing Mr . Wright s Journal of his Mission im Scotland , in 1817 . We shall hereafter
give monthly an article under this head . E » . ] Eight years have elapsed since I first visited Scotland as an Unitarian Missionary . At that time there were but fety avowed Unitarians north of the Tweed , iu comparison of what now openly profess the
Unitarian doctrine , unite in the worship of the one . God , the Father , and are connected together in an annual association for the promotion of the truth as it is in Jesus . As might naturally he expected , from a view of all the circumstances of the case , though much has been done , the UnitAtariuns in North Britain are still a ? littlte flock ifa ctifnjpmris&n of the disciples of John Calf in 5 their religions views ia re
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60 Intelligence — Unitarian Fund .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 60, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/60/