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a Whig ? Reformist , and writes against both the Anarchists and the Corruptionists- He has been addressing letters to the Right Hon . Lord John Russell , M . P ., on the Rise , Progress and Principles of the Party of the Radical Reformers / ' From the last
of these , dated Dec . 24 , 1818 , is taken the following * extract , which Mr . The ! wall asserts , is in the \ erv terms of his usual discourse , twenty-three years ago- : —¦—66 Westminster has proved , that even among the poorest , the most uninformed and
unaccommodated of her population , Anarchy has no party . Its red flag has been displayed , and its red bonnet has been mounted , and they and their mountebank
apostles have been despised . Westminster will not forget—the nation will not forget —that The English Cap of Liberty was always B ^ ue —p u re ethereal blue , the colour of that heaven , from which the tvoifies was first derived ! and
blessing it blessing * it
with your Lordship , and with all the house of Russell , with every true Whig , and every-true Reformer , with every real friend of liberty and of man , the congregated realm will be prepared to echo—Foul BEFALL THE RUFFIAN WHO WOULD DIE IT RED . "
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the consideration of the speeeli from the Throne .
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MlSCELLANEO US . A very laudable society has just been formed for the protection and relief of virtuous female servants out of place , denominated The Provisional Protection Society , under the exclusive management of a committee of ladies .
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¦ *» Intelligence . —Literary . 63
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A distressing- scene was exhibited at Edinburgh , last month , at the executioiv of Robert Johnston for robbery . From carelessness or inexpertness on the part of the executioner , the rope with which the criminal was hanged proved too long * , arid
his toes rested upon the platform , Persons were instantly employed to cut the platform away , but the spectators were outraged by the spectacle , and shouts of murder arose , and presently the officers of justice w ere driven oil * by stones . A person , genteelly dressed , sprung * upon the
platform and cut the rope . Johnston was still alive , and the populace seized his body and carried him off in triumph : meantime the coffin was broken up , and the fragments were used to demolish the neighbouring windows . The mob being without guide or direction , were presently
discomfited , and the body recovered by the magistrates . It was carried to the Potiee-ofBce , where the surgeon of the establishment bled the malefactor in both arms and in the temporal vein and the half-suspended animation was restored . The unhappy creature was carried back to
the gallows , under an escort of soldiery , and a second time hanged , though in so awkward a manner as again to provoke the indig-nant cries , of the agonized multitude . The parents of the malefactor are said to be respectable people , who keep a shop at Edinburgh . His mother was
nearly in a state of distraction , and no words can describe their feelings during * the above proceedings , the report of the rescue 'heing * instantly carried to them . The Magistrates and High Court of Justiciary have instituted inquiries into this melancholy and disgraceful affair . All are eager to disavow the bleeding-. It
was still thought necessary to offer a reward of d £ 5 O for the discovery of the person who cut dovrn the body , and , it is said , that Mr . J elf ray , the barrister , and celebrated Editor of the Edinburgh Review , has laid an information against the young gentleman who committed the deed , in order to bring * the cause to trial , and to make his defence . But this is denied . The time is surely at hand when the brutal spectacle of hanging a human beang will be less frequent .
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The disciples of Joanna Southcott are not yet quite out of heart . A company of them , to the number of thirty , paraded the streets of London with banners , on the 13 th instant , to proclaim the Messiah . They were set upon by the mob , and a fray ensued , which ended in the appreliension , by the police officers , of the per-
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In a pamphlet lately published ( say the newspapers ) by the Kev . Prebendary I > ennis of Exeter , it is stated , that u as fate as the summer of last year , the Prince Regent avowed to the Clerk of the Closet , and authorized him to make known , his determination to refuse the Royal Assent , e * en should both Houses of Parliament pass a bill in favour of the Roman Catholic claims . ' This is scarcely credible . It appears to us to be , if true , an attack upon the independence of Parliament Some member of the House of Commons will , we apprehend , bring it forward as a matter of privilege * In better times , at least , & discussion upon it would have preceded
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The public are under great obligations to a society which has existed some time , whose object is the Suppression of Mendicity . ( We see not why they should have adopted so uncouth a word . They would have been better understood if thev had
denned their purpose to be the lessening of the number of beggars . ) A number of individuals have recently formed a society auxiliary to this , with a view to the ernployment of the industrious poor .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 63, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/63/