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sons forming" the procession . Their leader , Sibley , a street watchman , talked in high language before the Xord Mayor , but a night ' s rest in prison brought an order we suppose from Joanna , that the
proclamation should not be persisted in . By this intervention of the prophetess , the poor creatures were discharged . The watchman and his followers would , no doubt , mightily abuse any who should suggest lo them the need of reason in religion .
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amongst them , that of Dublin , is considered insolvent . And it is no longer a secret that an effort will be made to place the local taxation of the city in other hands . At all events , the conduct of this body will
be submitted to the investigation of Parliament , and good will be done by an official exposure of the S 3 siem , to which the city of Dublin , and it ¦ would not be toa imich to say , the people of Ireland , are indebled for so much vexation .
A better spirit is prevailing" in Ireland . The government has shewn a commendable regard to the feeling's of the majority of the Irish people , who in the proportion of four-fifths are Roman Catholics , by the appointment of Mr . Grant , a well-known advocate of the Catholic claims , as Secretary of State , in the room of Mr . Peel , who , by taking a contrary course , had rendered himself obnoxious to the
Irish . All parties , except the Tones , who whimsically enough march under the banners of William III ., and hoist the Orange colour , hav « united in complimenting' Mr . Giant upon his appointment .
The Lord Mayor and Sheriff of . Dublin { the latter is , we understand , brother to Mr . Alderman Wood , of London ) have set a good example of charity by excluding irritating toasts from their public dinners , though for so doing they have been insulted at their own tables . A still more
decided proof of the growth of liberal sentiments is exhibited in the fact that the Protestants of Ireland are meeting to petition the legislature to grant relief to their Catholic brethren . This is the true way to put down Popery , which in a bad sense is only bigotry armed with power or striving for it .
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FOREIGN . France . Population . —A new census has lately been taken throughout the several departments of the French monarchy , whereby
it appears that the total population amounts to 29 , 327 , 388 souls . Of the departments , that of the Seine , comprising the capital , is of course the most populous , Paris containing * 713 , 765 sonls .
A complete change of ministers has been made by Louis XVIJI . The new ministry appear to bo attached to liberal principles , and to devote tlieinselves to patriotic measures . One of them , Baron
Poital , the Minister of the Marine , is a Protestant : he was formerly a merchant . of Bom dean x . The ministry of police is abolished , and with it , we hop *^ , is done away that # y « tem of espionage ) which , o » account of its ccmYefli « eaee to * v e , TJ * e Jftini&fer of Fwinnce- Barou
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64 Intelligence . —Foreign .
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The most interesting feature of the month is the disposition shewn by the Juries in London , to lessen capital punishments , especially in the case of Bank-of-England forgeries . Questions , remarks , addresses in Court and publications in the newspapers , have all been resorted to by
these respectable bodies of citizens to excite public attention , and to awaken the inercy of courts of justice and of the government . A deep impression in favour of humanity is evidently made on the public mind , and an amelioration of the penal code can no longer be effectually resisted : thanks to the two peculiarly British
institutions , Trial by Jury and a Free Press The conduct of the Bank of England in its prosecutions for forgery is now severely scrutinized , and the Directors have encountered no little odium , on account of the slovenly make of their notes , which admits so easily of counterfeits , of the witnesses whom their agents have employed .
of whom some have been proved to be not only accomplices , but also seducers , and of the power which they have recently assumed of selecting- from their victims objects of mercy . In a cross-examination at the Old Bailey , on Monday the 18 ih , Lees , one of the Inspectors at the Bank , stated , that il sixty or seventy forged notes were taken at the Bank zvithin three years . *
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On the 16 th , an indictment was presented to the Grand Jury , at the Old Bailey , against John Carlisle , for publishing Paine ^ s Age of Reason ; and a true bill was found . The trial has been moved into
the King ' s Bench . Christianity wants not the assistance of crown lawyers ; but no one can sympathize with a fool-hardy publisher , who , probably , on a calculation of ultimate profit , provokes the vengeance of the civil power , and thus strengthens the" * hands of the administration for the time
being-, who take advantage of an example of licentiousness to invade the boundaries of constitutional liberty *
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The Ifi $ h Corporations ( says the WreemmCs Weekly Journal , of DnWi » , ) are vejrgMflff fas * to dissolution . The chief
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1819, page 64, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1768/page/64/