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The NoNCo-NPOHMrsT. No. XXVI. Mahometan Influence $n Christian Uteratttre and Opinions.
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ACCIDENTAL circumstances have of late occasioned roc * tq devote considerable attention to the literature , customs and opinions of the inhabitants of the Sotith of France , among- whom arose the first blossoms
of the modern European , as opposed to the classic school of poetry , and on whom the Arabian spirit of lite * - rary enterprise is generally considered to have exerted so much Influence .
In these inquiries it has often struck me as , at any rate , rather a curious coincidence , that the same people who took the earliest strides in the progress of literary and political civilization , should also be the most prominently fixed with the stigma of heresy for opinions little understood ,
but certainly in many respects bearing " the marks of a very peculiar origin . The result has been an endeavour to draw up a few remarks on the influence which the various connexions of Europe with the Arabian schools of manners and science can at this difc- *
tance of time be discovered to have exercised ; and though the following observations are only put together hastily to meet the present occasion , they may , perhaps , at least , suggest some points of inquiry , and sup p ly a sort of sequel to the remarks winch I submitted on a former occasion .
I then briefly noticed the brilliant progress , particularly in Spain , of the Arabian poets , philosophers and metaphysicians , &t a period when al } Christian Europe was sunk in the lowest depths of ignorant sloth j and it remains for me to call your atten ^
tion to the influence which they exercised during the early ages on the theological opinions and divisions of their contemporaries and immediate successors , a ^ id to the circ umstance ^
which : seemed to mark that influence vvith ^ e ^ ftai'acter of toleratiou , a * well * £$ f 'fioNwlfi ^^ file ptfrt <> rl ; h ^ professors or CuTf ^ ian-
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lty , than tfie inveterate hostility Jtfhich was subsequently the result of the Crusading wars , would , at first sight , \ a ~ duce us : to suppose capable of having ever existed between the rival followers Of such widely different faiths .
In the earliest period of Mahometan pro 9 elytism we may , I thipk , very safely conceive it possible and prob a * hle ^ tl ^ atieven among many who refused to acknowledge the miraculous mis * - sioa of the Prophet , the corruptions pf the church , and the corrective
tendency ql , the new opinions , would neutralize > . opposition if they did not conciliate inclination in favour of the Tlejormev , a character on which it appears that he long rested his claims Oil , public consideration . On the other hand , policy , as well as a congenial
feeling of opposition to the vices of the Christian establishmejat , would dispose the triumphant Mahometan to protect and ; encourage those sects whicii it foiled most widely opposed to the prpv ^ piDg corruptio ^ . ; , v 3 ert $ iu it is , th&t tney tolerated , eii € GUjr&ged , and even'zealously fought for sectarian ^
who ( wwe in open rebellion to the < 3 reek Church , and-particularly those who were stigmatized as favour ^ s of Gnostic and Manichaean heresies , and who , under the later jetnjthet of
Paulicians , every where signalized themselves by the purity ^ f ^ th ^ ir practice , if not by the simplicity of their creed . The orientalism of the peculiar dogmas of these sectarianswouj < l doubts
less tend greatly to soften the distinction between them 9 , nd their protect tors , and it would be very easy to point out several obvious coincidences in the results which each deduced from the topics of their most favourite speculations . ] ^ itU Jlje Jews 4 he same feelings seem tp have e ^ rly operated to gro-4 me ampnff th ^ . l ^ roed professors of
mw 0 m 0 § m ^ m ^ m 3 n th ^ mu tivation of common pursuits , and an
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^ No . CCV . ] JANUARY , 1828 . [ Vol . XVIII . 1 , 1 •> -. . . t . ¦ ¦ '
The Nonco-Npohmrst. No. Xxvi. Mahometan Influence $N Christian Uteratttre And Opinions.
The NoNCo-NPOHMrsT . No . XXVI . Mahometan Influence $ n Christian Uteratttre and Opinions .
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vowxvui . b
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1823, page unpag, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1780/page/1/