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guilty of no conduct that violates "the law of Christian kindness , or disturbs the peace of society , to censure or re * groaeh ; to any injury to their feelings or reputation ; or to exclusion from the charity and fellowship of their Christian brethren . This is what we
mean by liberality in application to this subject ; and we consider those as liberal Christiana , by whatever name they may be known , who agree with us in this fundamental principle .
"' Six years since , there was but one periodical publication in the United States to which the above description could apply , and this one , though conducted with ability by its venerable Editor , had a very limited circulation . There are now titelve , at least , of this
character , and most of them well supported . From some of these we do indeed differ , and differ widely , on certain points of doctrine ; neither elm we altogether approve of the manner in which some of them are conducted ,
on the ground either of taste or principle . But they are alt , each in his way and manner , the strenuous advocates of religious freedom ; the fearless assailants of bigotry and spiritual domination : and on this wound we
hail them as fellow-labourers , and cordially bid them God-speed . The efforts of these publications are daily becoming more conspicuous and striking . There is , unquestionably , a growing attention to religious subjects
in almost every part of oir country ; and especially among that portion of the community whose influence and example , if engaged on the side of truth , will be likely to produce the most salutary effects ; wb mean person * of strong sense and cultivated minds . Men of this character have
been too often driven into the ranks of infidelity by the repulsive form which Christianity , in the hands of bigots and -sectarians , has been made to assume . The absurdities of the
vulgar system , wWch they were taught to consider * as the system of the gos * - pei , their minds instinctively , as it were , rejected . They were too busy ; too much engrossed with other
pursuits , to institute a laborious investigation for themselves , and the gospel In its native truth and beauty had never , perhaps , braa presented to their « $ SqM * . They we ^ e left , ' therefore , to a cold and conftfortfeea sceirticitoi , if
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not to downright disbelief , lacaleu labib is the injury which society t ^ in tbis way sustained . The influence of many of its brightest ornameette , in every other respect , has , with Jee ? gard to * this , its highest interest , ' been neutralized at least , if not -rendered positively hurtful . The progress of
liberal Cflbristianity is , we rejqice to think , effecting a remedy of this evil . This interesting portion of the com * ni unity are fast returning to their . natural allegiance . We say natural , and we speak advisedly ; for it is not , whatever our opponents say or think * it is not natural for well-informed
men to reject the gospel ^ when fairly presented to their minds . It approves itself at once to the judgment and the conscience ; and they tire guilty of a libel on human nature , or the gospel , or both , who affirm otherwise . There
is in the minds of all men an inherent love of truth . Error is never embraced for its own sake ; it is only admitted under * the disguise *> f truth . ** The cause of 4 ruth and righteousness has nothing to fear ? if they ean but fairly meet their adversaries in
open day . They are meeting them in every quarter with triumphant success , and they will go on f from conquering to conquer . ' On this state of things we heartily congratulate the friends of the goad cause throughout the world . " H . T .
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VotitrihuHon t * the VnHarmn * at Matirn * , \\
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Sir , January 6 , 1823 . fTHHOUGH I -have noticed with ^ a-JL tisfaction tike increase of Unitarian opinions in var ^ ons parts af the world , yet I Am krclkied to believe the accounts which have been received of
late from EasternIndia , hold up to trs appearances of a more glorious victory in favour of genuine Christianity than even those whiclx it has already obtained . The < conversion from idolatry of that wonderful man Raftimohun Roy , and the singular conversion of Mr . Adam , flie . Baptist
Missionary , eaanot ftril to make a strong sensation at Calcutta , an 4 the Unitarian doctrines will gradually work their way-without European aid . But the efforts of our tMnnbte ^ friends at M a dras call upon us , foy ^ sist « knce , and I hope they will < not ca | l Ui vain : approving , ^ hereft )!^ , of ; yoi ^ proposal ^^ conti 3 l > irUaGiD from th # a ^ JrieA . # tu
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1823, page 11, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1780/page/11/