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^ KWO ^^ ^^ V ¦ J ^^ BS ^ '' ^^^ ' ^^ Wf ^^ i 1 'tPt *?^' ^*^' how ] MJ ( f a time their militant zeal met i ^ iti jqM ^ W * te t 5 ^ % d 7 J . EVANS .
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tJ *» &- * W ' u' % ' - /•!¦ ^ ¦ * &' '& ^ * ££ & £% &dk * LJ& ^ iM&i ¦ * $ K $$ f > . . m * ilAQ . ; - I ^ I ^ ' J 5 wQ ^ F ^ I ^ wI ^^|^| if flpwn # cf& / L cxcd ^ li ' tfclMS J&lir ™*" jmBmL ' Thou shalt not covet /* for , "Tfaou shalt not covet * was a prohibition of the mar «/ law , and not of the
the abolition of the ceremonial \ wt onl y ? If the moral law still remained in force , they would have been left under the curse , and in a state of condemnation ; for it is not the ceremonial , but the moral law , the breach of which is threatened with n curse .
Such was the severity of the law , that it made ho provision for the pardon of the guilty , but pronounced a curse for every transgression , But , says the apostle , * " Christ hath rev deemed us ( qr . bought us o from the curse of the law , being made a curse for us ; for it is written , Cursed is every
one that hangeth on a tree / ' ** Bat how are we qelivered from the law by Christ being made a curse , ' or dying an accursed death ? Why plainly thus : as he hereby put an end to the obligation of the Jewish fate , which , pronounced a curse on every ope who
did not in all things continue to observe it , by introducing and establishing a better covenant into the world , even that covenant which God made with Abraham , of which this was the
principal article , that faith should be imputed to him for righteousness : " -f the introducing of that new covenant superseding the old covenant , ftljfr' taw of Moses , and doing away its condemnmg power . Were the benefits
and blessings of this redemption , then , to be confined to those who were under the law ? Were they redeemed merely fo ^| h ^ yr o wtt sakes ? Far otherwise . The ^ law was the barrier that prevented the iqtroduetioa of the Geatiles into the kingdom of God ; for
their sakes , therefore , it was . nec <^ sary that it should be jfemQvm * «« Christ ,- - mM ; .. # » . iH ^ . ? Jp .. redeemed us ftjtai tfce ^^ LgEK ^ fcw . that the . m ^^^ JeSus Christ , that Vm ^ Wm ^^ m ^
t . ' y . UK ; ., t .,, « - '; iA * h MiV ^ mm ^ f' j ? i' ^" f V tf ii- ^' - ¦ "" " """ . ' .: ¦ " / . '" . Y" ' '*^ " ^';"" r . ' - , v .. t ' T . > * Jfc * vClol- -Sll- -131 < " - —• -- —1 » - — - — - - - t Dr , Chandler , citetf la . Bcleham
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ji # ;^^^ ^ W
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Mr * Marsorn on the Efficacy ef the Death of Christ . [ Concluded from p . 643 . ] f ^ pHE apofitle contrasting % he two JL covenants , the law an 4 the gospel , styles the one , i . e . the law , " the letter which tellethf * of which , he says , they were not made the ministers , but of the other , the new
covenant , " the spirit / ' L e . the gospel , that spiritual dispensation " which giveth life . " The « me he calls €€ the ministration of death , written and engraven in stones , "; referring to the * two tables of the covenant , on which
the ten commandments were written , which he says teas to be done away The other he calls "the ministration of the spirit . " The one , " the ministration of condemnation , " the other , " the ministration of righteousness ;" and he shews that the glory of the
gospel , the ministration of the spirit and of righteousness , was far superior to that of the law , the ministration of death and condemnation . The latter , he says , was done away 9 was abolished ,
but the former , i . e . the gospel , remaineth . * The apostle , in this passage , explicitly and expressly affirms that the law , the old covenant , $ s abo ~ Uihed and done away ; and this he affirms not merely and exclusively of the ceremonial law , but he affirms it
of the decalogue , the mw written and engraven in stones * which was the ministration of death and condemnation ; but as the ceremonial law was not written and engraven in stones , nor was it the law of death , what be here says cannot apply to it , but only
to the two tables containing th ^ - ten ^ mruandments , which were the covenant made with Israel at Mount Sinai , and deposited in the ark , which-is called the ark of the covenant . Again , 4 f
when Paul am * , that ? tfee law , of ^ e 8 pirit of Ufe in Christ Jecushftd " ^ ade , him free tom * > e rtfm- qfi *§** T » rf deatk ^ ifoV what law , $ ofcyim > * ktl li ^^ j ^ . iM ^^ bttt ty t ^\^ : ^^^ -1 . ' * r •* ¦ § ' ; ,-. . L ., J ' . >> . ' ' j ,. ' . Z ' i . v ¦ W \ h ' ** H * ± ih ' ¦ ^ t >' - * 1 ¦ ' mtiii ^ ii w Hi ii * wi ii iiuiai , M ** m i *\ » * m * »»>» m
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1823, page 691, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1791/page/11/