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probably communicate iome further aceaimt hereafter . ) . Nov . 18 , at Jbrietol , a # ? & 64 , after a short iU&ess * the Bey . Samc £ L Lowkli ,, upwards of twenty-four years ijiinister of the Uwiepefideut Chapel ia fridge Street ,
of that city > He possessed respectable talents and enjoyed considerable reputatation as a preacher . He was generally supposed lo belong to that large class of Christians who are called Moderate Calvinista . He was formerly minister of a congregation of that faith ' at Woodbridge ,
in Suffolk . Whilst there he published * in 1794 :, " Two Sermons , " entitled , " The Mystery of Providence and Grace , and The Sins of Britain , " and , in 1795 , a Sermon against " Superstition , " < c Suggested hy the late Consecration of Colours in various Parts of this Kingdom . " The
free sentiments contained in the latter were far from pleasing to some of the author's religious connexions . About the time of his leaving Woodbridge for Bristol , Mr . Lowell published an 8 vo . volume of Sennoas , which have been pf&ised for their moderation , good sense , aud easy composition .
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29 , aged 26 years , Ann , wife of James Hill , Esq ., TVisbeach .
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DOMESTIC . tJmtarian Chapel in the Potteries . The above Chapel was opened for public worship ou Wednesday , November 19 * The introductory part of the moming service was conducted by the Re v * H . Hutton , of Birmingham , and the Rev . J . H . Bran&by , of Dudley , after which * the B&y * B . Aspiand preached an appropriate nenuou from Acts xxiv , \ 4—16 .
I fee discourse was , an Apology for the Professors oi UnitariamsHi ,, ( he topics of which were suggested by Che language aod conduct of the Apostle of the Ge » r tiJ&a , After the service * the migistcftj amfl TOtber friends * , who favoured us witfa their presence , sat down to ## e £ O £ K > aiic # l dinner , Mr . Asplaud m the Chair . When 4 he cjAth yrsi $ withdrawn ^ a succession of seotioients and uames were giv £ n frain tiws Oiajo coiiuected with the caviae of trutii , virtue and liberty , which called
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7 $ 4 IntfHjjgence . ~~ Unitarian Chapel in the Pot far i
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Dec . 19 , at fVisbeach , Mrs . Fardeli ., wife of Mr . Fardell , Leather Merchant . She was present at Mrs . HilFs Ftwreral Sermon apparently in good health , and on the secoud Sunday after , she was herself
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Dec . 7 , z \' tBri # pQrt Jqsepm Gunorv Esq ., aged fZi- Tl ? e sirf > j ^ of ifeis no tice passed through Bfij ip tl ^ e mo desc discharge of iU vjirious duties ^ aud experienced few ot those viclssity ^ s Which furnish matter for intcrestjng I ^ tography . In every relation of doioesilc aud commercial life , he secured tW affection and
esteem of those who knew Mm , by his unpretending excellence of tyharacter . As a member of religious society ^ his firm attachment to Unitarian principles , his readiness to aid in promoting their diffusion , and his exemplary regularity iu attending the worship of God , demand particular notice . Till within a fortnight of , his death , he ceased not to
occupy his place in the house " where prayer is wopt to be made , " although for many months the infirmities of age pressed so heavily upon him , that nothing but a deep conviction of tne importance of the service could have sustained him in the performance of it . His family
and friends treasure up the recollection of his various excellencies with pensive pleasure , and are encouraged to hope that he was in some good measure qualified , by humble piety arid sterling virtuefor admission to the society of the blessed in the life to come . W . B , G .
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consi g nee } po tiiq x ^^ fJHS / - % > use- Tlie occasiQM was J «^ oi || c ^ ' ' mf . ji ^ stNir s ^ from pur 1 Lpr 4 * $ wxf ^ tSj ^ rr * Therefore b $ ye also re ^ dy . "
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forth from individuals present a series of interesting speeches , some of which furwished the company wkh m (* 8 % f Pacifying iaformatioa as to the prog # e $ s of thai ; righteous cause i « this and in other parts of the world . The pervading spirit of the meeting , seemed to be one of satisfaction and delight , not upmhigted with wonder at the new and ipteasiwg bi ' tuacion iu vvA > ich they were placed , % h& > b ^ i » g the first meeting of the kin 4 qver held in this important aud populou * 4 i » tci ^ t . tn the red
eveniag , $ he Bev , J . Yat ^ s deli ve a discourse ^> n th < e Su ^ rior Obligations to Virtuous Conduct Hilling ivom the Superior Purity of Unitarian Piinciples . On the foXUmm q IBYW ) a Bcreaon w # s preached at N ^ wcaaU ^ , di * taiu from Hawfey about two ml < W » fey the J ^ - J . H . iBrw ^> f 9 Qk , tb& AdjR 0 » t&ge » of Public W ^ rpb ^; iMad * e * . ffaf fo llwiog Swu 4 ay , Mr . Aspiao 4 |) ite » ched agam at H ^ iU ^ y fM ? i « HV , TTJ ^ , § emc& wer e well atteiutecL mdtlw mAle ^ riau ti ^ itff
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1823, page 734, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1791/page/54/