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ridges <* n jtf Burials , examiped as Documents of Evidence . By A Barrister 8 vo . Is . Set . - . . - Antichrist detected among Reputed Orthodox Christians . In a Series of Essays . By Richard Wright . 8 vo . 4 d *
Private Correspondence of the late W . Cowper , Esq ., with several of his most intimate Friends : From the Originals , in possession of the Editor , the Rev . Dr . Johnson , Rector of Yaxham with Welborne , Norfolk . 2 Vols . 8 vo . Portraits of Cowper and Mrs . Unwin .
Observations on the History and Doctrine of Christianity , and , as * historically connected , on tjhe Primeval Religion , on the Judaic and on the Heathen , Public , Mystical and Philosophical : the latter proposed as an Appendix to the Political and Military History of Greece . By W . M it ford , Esq . 9 . ? .
The Christian Philosopher ; or , the Connexion of Science with Religion . By Thomas Dick . 12 rno . 7 $ . Thoughts on Final Universal Restoration . By C . Baring , Esq . 12 mo . 2 s . Lives of Learned and Eminent Men , taken from Authentic Sources , adapted to the Use of Children of Four Years Old
and Upwards . Portraits . 2 Vols . 18 mo . 5 ^ . Memoirs of the Reign of George III . from the Treaty of Amiens , 1802 , to the Termination of the Regency , 1820 . By William Belsham . 2 Vols . 8 vo . ( forming the 9 th and 10 th Volumes of the Memoirs of George III ., and the 13 th and 14 th Volumes of the History of Great Britain . ) 1 / . 1 * .
Sacred Dissertations on the Apostles ' Creed . By Herman Witsius , D . D . Translated from the Latin , and followed with Notes , Critical and Explanatory . By Donald Frazer , Minister of the Gospel , Kennoway . 2 Vols . 8 vo . 1 / . 2 s . Sabaeau Researches , in a Series of Essays , addressed to distinguished
Antiquaries , and including the Substance of a Course . of . Lectures , delivered at the Royal Institution of Great Britain , on the Engraved Hieroglyphics of Chaldea , Egypt and Canaan . By John Landseer , F . S . A ., &c . Illustrated with Engravings of Babylonian Cylinders , and otjier inedited Monuments of Antiquity . 4 to . 21 . 12 * . Gd .
The Atlas of Nature , being a Collection of large and curious Engravings , representing every remarkable Object and Phenomenon iu the various Departments of Natural Knowledge ; designed to serve the sume purposes in the Study of Nature , H 3 lire served by an Atlas of Maps iu the Study of Geography . The whole consists of / pearly 100 Half-sheets of En-
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gravings , and includes about 1500 several Subjects , some of them of a large size and many of them accurately coloured after Nature ^ Copious Letter-press Descriptions are also introduced . 21 . lOs . hi Boards * or 21 . 12 s . 6 d . Half-bound
Elements of Experimental Chemist it By William Henry , M . D . F . R . S ., &c " . The Ninth Edition , enlarged and recomposed throughout . Illustrated with Ten PJates by Lowry , and numerous Woodcuts . 2 Vols . 8 ro . 1 / . 14 * .
The Art of Preserving the Sight unimpaired to extreme Old Age , and of re-establishing and strengthening it when it becomes weak : with . Observations on the Inconveniences and Dangers ; arising from the Use of Common Spectacles , &c . &c . By an Experienced Oculist . Fifth Edition , improved , 5 * . 6 d . A Treatise on the Culture and
Managemeirt of Fruit Trees . By Charles Harrison , F . H . S . London , Gardener to J . A , Stuart Wortley , Esq ., M . P . 8 vo . 12 * . Professor Sandford's Junior Greek Class Book : Extracts from various Greek Authors , with Notes and a Lexicon . 8 ro . 6 s . bound .
Philosophical Essays , selected from the Originals , printed iu the Philosophical Journals . To which are added Essays , not before printed . By Ezekiel Walker . 8 vo . Copper-plates . 10 « . " 6
A Letter to Lord Grenville , on the late Expulsion of Mr . Baillie from Christ Church , Oxford . 1 * . A Sketch of a proposed Universal System of Weights and Measures ; to which is added an Appendix , containing a Brief Sketch of a proposed Universal Calendar . 1 $ .
Travels through Part of the United States and Canada , in 1818 find 1819 . By John M . Duncan , A . B . 2 Vols . post 8 vo . 16 s . Travels through Sweden , Norway and Finniark , to tJbe North Cape , in the Summer of 1820 . By Arthur de Capell Brooke , Esq ., F . R . S . Thirty - three Plates . iL \ 0 s .
Northern Scenery : the most Remarkable and Striking Features of Sweden , Norway and Lapland : India Paper . 15 ^ . The Costume of Sweden , in imperial '4 to . illustrated by 22 beautifully coloured Plates . 31 . 3 s . Travels In the Interior of Southern Africa . By W . J . Burchell , Esq . 4 to . Vol . II . Map and \ 16 coloured amiblack Engravings . 41 . \ 4 s , § d .
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736 AVtp Publications .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Dec. 2, 1823, page 736, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1791/page/56/