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Ctod "hath cast into the world his beloved g » ^ ^ angi ^ and * ipon the hook hath put Christ ' s humanity ( as the worm ) ; then cometh * the w devil and snappeth at the man ( Christ ) and devoureth him , and therewithal he biteth the iron hook , that is , the Godhead of Christ , -which choketh him , and all his power is overthrown to the ground , ' This is called divine wisdom . —page 171 , 172 .
• It is , ' said Luther , * impossible that the Christian and true church should be supported without shedding of Wood , for her adversary , the devil , is a liar and a murderer ; but the church groweth and increaseth through blood ; she is sprinkled , with blood ; she is spoiled and bereaved of her blood . '
* Tertullian , the ancient teacher , saith exceeding well , Cruore sanctorum rigatur Ecclena , Therefore saith the psalm , " We are as sheep appointed to be stain ; " that is , who daily are slaughtered for Christ ' s sake .. " And truly , " said Luther , "it would grieve me if I should carry my blopd into the grav « . " '—p . 215 .
How to preach before a Prince . * As Dr . Erasmus Albert was called Mark of Brandenburg , he desired ILuther to set down a method of preaching before the Prince Elector . . Luther said , " Let all your preaching be in the most simple and plainest manner ; look not to the prince , but to the plain , simple , gross , unlearned people , of which cloth the prince also himself is made . If I , "
said L * uther , " in my preaching , should have regard to Philip Melancthon , and other learned doctors , then should I work but little goodness . I preach in the simplest manner to the unskilful , and that giveth content to all . Hebrew , Greek , and Latin , I spare , until we learned ones come together ; then we make it so curled and finical , that God himself wondereth at us . " — -pp . 233 , 234 .
* In ceremonies and ordinances , the kingdom of love must have the precedence and govern , and not tyranny . It must be a willing love , not a halter love ; it must be altogether directed and managed for the good and profit of one ' s neighbour ; and the greater he is that doth govern , said Luther , ' the more he ought to serve according to Jov £ , ' - —p . 256 . How necessary Patience is .
I , ' said Luther , * must be patient with the Pope , I must have patience with heretics and seducers ; I must have patience with the roaring courtiers ; I must have patience with my servants ; I must have patience with Kate , my wife : to conclude , the patiences are so many , that my whole life is nothing but patience . ' —p . 258 . * When one asked , where God was before Heaven was created ?
St . Austin replied , " He was in himself . " And as another asked him , said Luther , * the like question , he said , " He was building of hell for such idle , presumptuous , fluttering spirits and inquisitors as thou art . *' After . he had created all things , ' suid Luther , * He was everywhere , and yet He was nowhere ; for I cannot take hold of Him ( without the word ) by any cogitations of mine . But He will be found there , where He hath bound himself to be . The Jews found him at Jerusalem , by
the throne of grace ( Exod . xxv > 21 , 22 ) ; we find him in the word and / kith , in baptism and sucroments ; but in His majesty / said Luther , He is nowhere to be found / - —p . 272 .
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Critical Notices . —Miscellaneous . 6 &
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Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), Jan. 2, 1832, page 65, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1804/page/65/