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But not a year had Atheline Been fondiy to Sir Ethred wed , When at a feast , where loveliness Was starrily outspread , .
Dark-eyed Calymna meteord o ' er The constellated beauty there ; And stole Sir Ethred ' s fickle heart From Atheline the fair !
And conscious the Plant Sensitive Is of the lightest finger-kiss , Less instantly than Atheline Felt shadows o ' er her bliss .
At every glance Calymna sent Deep thro' Sir Etjired ' s answering eyes , Fast fled the peace of Atheline— . As calm from tempest flies .
And when Calymna ' s perfect hand Lay in Sir Ethred ' s loitering , The gentle Atheline grew pale , And press'd her wedding-ring .
And when Sir Ethred s arm enzoned Calymna ' s font * in whirling dance , Down sank the widow'd Atheline In a death-silent trance .
And from that hour Sir Ethred ne ' er Look'd kindly on sweet Atheline ; And left her oft * in splitude To weep and sigh and pine .
And one black night of wind and rain , Sir Ethred to her chamber flew ; From her true finger forced the ring , And , without speech , withdrew .
" The ring th y wedded lady wears , That ring thy hand shall zone on mine , Ere I will trust Sir Ethred ' s love , Or yeild one charm of mine I "
And ere one hour fled jto tjie Past , After those words of cruel ait , The ring was on Calymna ' s hand , Sir Ethred on her heart !