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wily monarch , who pandered to the prejudices and superstitions of the vulgar ;) abrogated the Salique law under the prospective contingency that the Queen , who was about to become a mother , would present him with a daughter-. The provision was so fat wise ; his anticipation was realized . His brother , Don Carlos , who had hitherto been the heir presumptive to the throne , immediately repudiated the act , and transmitted a solemn declaration to all the courts of Europe that he felt satisfied that he had " a legitimate right to the crown of Spain , " and that he " would neither take an oath nor acknowledge any other right / ' This declaration , * accompanied by an expostulatory letter , he addressed to his brother previous to
his decease , but in vain . On the death of Ferdinand , the Queen Mother , who was by his will + appointed Regent under the title of the Reina Gobernadora , assumed the powers of regency during the minority of the Infanta Isabella II , who was now formally proclaimed Queen of Spain . Her first act was to confirm the Ministers of the late King in their respective departments , among whom was M . Zea Bermudez , who denounced Don Carlos as a rebel , banished him the court and
kingdom of Spain , and set a price upon his head should he cross the Spanish frontier . The flame of rebellion , which ha < i teen smouldering in the Northern provinces since the abolition of the Salique law in 1830 , now burst forth , and the standard of revolt in favour of Don Carlos was raised in the mountainous districts of Biscay , Alava , and Guipuscoa . The Spanish Government , which had at least 50 , 000 troops under
its command , viewed the dawn of the insurrection with singular apathy and indifference . The adherents to Don Cands were described to be a rabble of mendicant priests and deluded peasants , utterly insignificant and contemptible . The rebellion , however , soon assumed a more serious aspect , and , extending from province to province , spread through Catalonia , Arragon , and Valencia . Here , if we reflect on the early history of the civil war , even prior to the death of Ferdinand VIIth , ±
• Declaration of Don Carlos . — I , Carlos , Maria , Isidore , de B orb on , y Borbon , Infante of Spain , being satisfied that I have a legitimate right to the Crown of Spain in case your Majesty should not leave any male heir , do declare that my conscience and my honour will not permit me to take an oath or acknowledge other rights . ( Signed . ) Carlos , Maria , Isidore de Borbon , y Borbon . ' *
f By the Spanish Law III , Title 15 , partida 2 of the 7 Parti das , the King of Spain is empowered to establish , in whatever way he may think fit by his will , the Regency ; if , however , he leave no Testament , the Cortes forms a Council of Regency , which is presided over by the Queen when there is a Queen Dowager . The " will" referred to , was dated June 12 , 1830 .
, The character of Ferdinand VII is very much misinterpreted . He is constantly described as having been a man of the weakest understanding . This U a mistake ; like apostolical sovereign ^ in general , his spiritual butshpw was a mask under whlph lie wight temporal aggrandisement . If die life of thit ne » dJe-tfark
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130 Civil War in the North of Spain .
Monthly Repository (1806-1838) and Unitarian Chronicle (1832-1833), March 1, 1837, page 130, in the Nineteenth-Century Serials Edition (2008; 2018) ncse.ac.uk/periodicals/mruc/issues/vm2-ncseproduct1829/page/4/